8 research outputs found

    Investigating the Effective Factors of Farmers' Trust in Trainers (Case Study: Agricultural Center of Ilam Province)

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    The main objective of the current paper is to investigate the effective factors on the farmers' trust in trainers using structural equation modeling. the current paper is an applied one and it is also a descriptive-survey research regarding the data gathering methods. It is a correlative study and particularly it is based on structural equation modeling. the statistical population of the study includes all the farmers, gardeners, and poultry and livestock farmers (traditional and industrial) residing in Ilam Province which adds up to 58858 people. The sampling method is multi-step random sampling method and in order to calculate the size of the sample, the maximum variance and Morgan's table were used and determined the size to be 384 participants. in order to evaluate the validity of the questionnaire, context validity method was used and the questionnaire was confirmed by ten experts. In order to evaluate the stability the Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient was calculated to be 0.8824. the results of the study show that there is a positive significant relationship among the characteristics of the trusting party (farmers), the characteristics of the trusted party (trainers) and the environmental characteristics with the farmers' trust in trainers and all the three hypotheses of the study were confirmed. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Evaluation Methods of the Academic Achievement of Students Ilam University of Medical Sciences

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    Aims: Academic achievement exams have long played an important role in education and so have been always judged, reviewed and restudied. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of different types of academic achievement exams (evaluation methods) by faculty of Ilam University of Medical Sciences. Instrument & Methods: In this descriptive and cross-sectional study, faculty members of Ilam University of Medical Sciences in the second semester of 2013-14 academic year (N=90) were studied by total counting. Data were gathered by a researcher made questionnaire by 29 questions that was assessing the application level of educational progress evaluation methods by faculty members. For data analysis, SPSS 16 software was used and descriptive and inferential statistics (Student T test and one-way ANOVA) were performed. Findings: 76 of participants (93.8%) placed a greater emphasis on the final exam. The most widely used methods for students' progress evaluation was multiple-choice questions (93.8% n=76), and low used assessment method was 360 degree evaluation (4.9% n=4). Comparing of mean scores of participants based on gender and academic degree, were not showed a significant differences, but comparison of the mean scores of participants based on faculty showed a significant difference (p<0.05). Conclusion: With respect to faculty member's emphasis on use and application of the final evaluation results and preferably less effort and common procedures, as well as less variety of evaluation methods of students' progress, paying attention to the new methods of educational achievement evaluation and implementation training courses for teachers is essential

    Simulação 3D de movimento ortodôntico 3D simulation of orthodontic tooth movement

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    OBJETIVO: desenvolver e validar, através do Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF), um modelo numérico tridimensional (3D) de um incisivo central superior para simular o movimento dentário. MÉTODOS: esse modelo contempla a unidade dentária, o osso alveolar e o ligamento periodontal. Permite a simulação dos diferentes movimentos dentários e a determinação dos centros de rotação e de resistência. Limita o movimento ao espaço periodontal, registrando a direção, quantificando o deslocamento dentário e as tensões iniciais no ligamento periodontal. RESULTADOS: a análise dos deslocamentos dentários e das áreas que recebem tensões iniciais possibilita determinar os tipos de movimentos dentários. Com base nas forças ortodônticas, é possível quantificar a intensidade das tensões em cada região do dente, do ligamento periodontal ou do osso alveolar. Com base nas tensões axiais ao longo do ligamento periodontal e da tensão capilar, é possível predizer, teoricamente, as regiões em que deve ocorrer a remodelação óssea. CONCLUSÃO: o modelo foi validado pela determinação do módulo de elasticidade do ligamento periodontal de forma compatível com dados experimentais existentes na literatura. Os métodos utilizados na construção do modelo permitiram a criação de um modelo completo para uma arcada dentária, o qual possibilita realizar variadas simulações que envolvem a mecânica ortodôntica.<br>OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a three-dimensional (3D) numerical model of a maxillary central incisor to simulate tooth movement using the Finite Element Method (FEM). METHODS: This model encompasses the tooth, alveolar bone and periodontal ligament. It allows the simulation of different tooth movements and the establishment of centers of rotation and resistance. It limits the movement into the periodontal space, recording the direction, quantifying tooth displacement and initial stress in the periodontal ligament. RESULTS: By assessing tooth displacements and the areas that receive initial stress it is possible to determine the different types of tooth movement. Orthodontic forces make it possible to quantify stress magnitude in each tooth area, in the periodontal ligament and in the alveolar bone. Based on the axial stress along the periodontal ligament and the stress in the capillary blood vessel (capillary blood stress) it is theoretically possible to predict the areas where bone remodeling is likely to occur. CONCLUSIONS: The model was validated by determining the modulus of elasticity of the periodontal ligament in a manner consistent with experimental data in the literature. The methods used in building the model enabled the creation of a complete model for a dental arch, which allows a number of simulations involving orthodontic mechanics

    Bone regeneration during distraction osteogenesis

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    Bone has the capacity to regenerate in response to injury. During distraction osteogenesis, the renewal of bone is enhanced by gradual stretching of the soft connec- tive tissues in the gap area between two separated bone segments. This procedure has received much clinical atten- tion as a way to correct congenital growth retardation of bone tissue or to generate bone to fill skeletal defects. The process of bone regeneration involves a complex system of biological changes whereby mechanical stress is converted into a cascade of signals that activate cellular behavior resulting in (enhanced) formation of bone. Over the last decade, significant progress has been made in understand- ing the bone regeneration process during distraction osteo- genesis. The mechanical and biological factors that are important for the success of the distraction treatment have been partially characterized and are discussed in this review