1,162 research outputs found

    Four-Dimensional Painlev\'e-Type Equations Associated with Ramified Linear Equations III: Garnier Systems and Fuji-Suzuki Systems

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    This is the last part of a series of three papers entitled "Four-dimensional Painlev\'e-type equations associated with ramified linear equations". In this series of papers we aim to construct the complete degeneration scheme of four-dimensional Painlev\'e-type equations. In the present paper, we consider the degeneration of the Garnier system in two variables and the Fuji-Suzuki system

    The Systematic Method for Constructing the IDEA BANK Based on the EBL

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    This paper describes a method to construct IDEA BANK automatically. IDEA BANK is the data base of the "function-structure module" which is utilized in systematic conceptual design from Value Engineering perspectives. The method based on the Machine Learning EBL technique was evaluated and implemented for the IDEA BANK using SUN workstation. The practical implementation of the IDEA BANK acquisition was discussed after elucidating the problem and solution of the EBL technique in engineering design. In the IDEA BANK system, the structural features of an existing article are analyzed by hierarchically organized domain specific knowledge to yield a systematic explanation of how they function and attain their design goals. The explanation resulted in a generalized version of the Functional Diagram used in Value Engineering from which "function-structure module" can be extracted systematically

    Bending angles of a broken line causing bifurcations and chaos

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    We replace the cubic characteristics in the Duffing equation by two line segments connected at a point and investigate how an angle of that broken line conducts bifurcations to periodic orbits. Firstly we discuss differences in periodic orbits between the Duffing equation and a forced planar system including the broken line. In the latter system, a grazing bifurcation split the parameter space into the linear and nonlinear response domains. Also, we show that bifurcations of non-resonant periodic orbits appeared in the former system are suppressed in the latter system. Secondly, we obtain bifurcation diagrams by changing a slant parameter of the broken line. We also find the parameter set that a homoclinic bifurcation arises and the corresponding horseshoe map. It is clarified that a grazing bifurcation and tangent bifurcations form boundaries between linear and nonlinear responses. Finally, we explore the piecewise linear functions that show the minimum bending angles exhibiting bifurcation and chaos

    Nonlinear resonance and devil’s staircase in a forced planer system containing a piecewise linear hysteresis

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    The Duffing equation describes a periodically forced oscillator model with a nonlinear elasticity. In its circuitry, a saturable-iron core often exhibits a hysteresis, however, a few studies about the Duffing equation has discussed the effects of the hysteresis because of difficulties in their mathematical treatment. In this paper, we investigate a forced planer system obtained by replacing a cubic term in the Duffing equation with a hysteresis function. For simplicity, we approximate the hysteresis to a piecewise linear function. Since the solutions are expressed by combinations of some dynamical systems and switching conditions, a finite-state machine is derived from the hybrid system approach, and then bifurcation theory can be applied to it. We topologically classify periodic solutions and compute local and grazing bifurcation sets accurately. In comparison with the Duffing equation, we discuss the effects caused by the hysteresis, such as the devil’s staircase in resonant solutions

    Transient Responses to Relaxation Oscillations in Multivibrators

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    The multivibrator is an electronic circuit that has three oscillation states: astable, monostable, and bistable; these circuits typically contain opamps. These states are often modeled using hybrid systems, which contain characteristics of both continuous and discrete time. While an ideal opamp possesses both continuous and discrete characteristics, actual opamps exhibit continuous properties, which necessitate in-depth modeling. The relaxation oscillations produced by the multivibrator, characterized by periodic, rapid state changes, are typically modeled by considering slow–fast dynamical systems. In these systems, the phenomenon whereby the amplitude of the signal changes rapidly is referred to as a “canard explosion”. By considering this phenomenon, it is possible to understand the process of relaxation oscillations in the multivibrator. In this work, we model the multivibrator by considering a slow-fast dynamical system and observe canard explosions through numerical experiments. This study indicates that the oscillatory changes in the multivibrator are continuous, which explains the onset of relaxation oscillations. Additionally, circuit experiments are conducted using affordable opamps; in this experimental work, canard explosions are observed

    Clinical application of sialic acid (II) Sialic acid contents in cerebro-spinal fluid of patients suffering from the disease of the central nervous system

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    It is well known that human serum contains some sialic acid and its contents increase markedly in the blood serum of the patients bearing malignant tumors. Recently YAMAKAWA2, BHOM3, SAITO4 and YUI5 observed the sialic acid contents in the blood sera from the patients of various diseases and clarified that its contents increase not only in the sera from the cases bearing malignant tumors but also in those of rheumatic or tuberculous diseases. BOHM6 et al. measured the sialic acid contents in the cerebrospinal fluid of several diseases and ascertained that its contents increase in the cerebrospinal fuid from the cases of inflammatory diseases. In connection with these works we have observed the sialic acid contents in the cerebrospinal fluid of the patients suffering from the diseases of central nervous system, prior to the surgical operation, and revealed the markedly increased contents in the sialic acid in the patients bearing tumors of the nervous system. In this paper the data are reported in detail.</p

    Locating and Stabilizing Unstable Periodic Orbits

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    Based on the theory of symbolic dynamical systems, we propose a novel computation method to locate and stabilize the unstable periodic points (UPPs) in a two-dimensional dynamical system with a Smale horseshoe. This method directly implies a new framework for controlling chaos. By introducing the subset based correspondence between a planar dynamical system and a symbolic dynamical system, we locate regions sectioned by stable and unstable manifolds comprehensively and identify the specified region containing a UPP with the particular period. Then Newton’s method compensates the accurate location of the UPP with the regional information as an initial estimation. On the other hand, the external force control (EFC) is known as an effective method to stabilize the UPPs. By applying the EFC to the located UPPs, robust controlling chaos is realized. In this framework, we never use ad hoc approaches to find target UPPs in the given chaotic set. Moreover, the method can stabilize UPPs with the specified period regardless of the situation where the targeted chaotic set is attractive. As illustrative numerical experiments, we locate and stabilize UPPs and the corresponding unstable periodic orbits in a horseshoe structure of the Duffing equation. In spite of the strong instability of UPPs, the controlled orbit is robust and the control input retains being tiny in magnitude