518 research outputs found

    Las nuevas formas de creación y sus problemas

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    Mi especialidad -que procuro, no obstante, tratar desde la más amplia perspectiva de que soy capaz y que incluye la historia rica, la filosófica (ética y estética), etc.- es el arte. Concretamente, el arte contemporáneo. Mi valoración de la necesidad de la Norma es, por tanto, diferente de la de sus especialistas. Es por esto que siento una profunda estima por aquellos profesionales que, juzgándola necesaria para una convivencia justa y pacífica, no la prodigan innecesariamente, no deseando hacer de ella ni un rígido corsé ni una críptica maraña de reglamentaciones apresuradas y contradictorias, río revuelto de difícil navegación y favorable a toda costa de especuladores que dicen conocer las leyes tratando de aplicarlas en su particular beneficio

    Structural modification of nanohydroxyapatite Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 related to Eu3+ and Sr2+ ions doping and its spectroscopic and antimicrobial properties

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    The Eu3+ and Sr2+ ions co-doped hydroxyapatite nanopowders (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) were synthesized via a precipitation method and post heat-treated at 500 °C. The concentration of Eu3+ ions was established in the range of 0.5–5 mol% to investigate the site occupancy preference. The concentration of Sr2+ ions was set at 5 mol%. The structural and morphological properties of the obtained materials were studied by an X-ray powder diffraction, a transmission electron microscopy techniques and infrared spectroscopy. As synthesized nanoparticles were in the range of 11–17 nm and annealed particles were in the range of 20–26 nm. The luminescence properties in dependence of the dopant concentration and applied temperature were investigated. The 5D0 → 7F0 transition shown the abnormally strong intensity for annealed materials connected with the increase of covalency character of Eu3+–O2− bond, which arise as an effect of charge compensation mechanism. The Eu3+ ions occupied three possible crystallographic sites in these materials revealed in emission spectra: one Ca(1) site with C3 symmetry and two Ca(2) sites with Cs symmetry arranged as cis and trans symmetry. The antibacterial properties of Eu3+ and Sr2+ ions doped and co-doped hydroxyapatite nanopowders were also determined against Gram-negative pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli. Obtained results suggest that both europium and strontium ions may implement antibacterial properties for hydroxyapatites. In the most cases, better antibacterial effect we noticed for dopants at 5 mol% ratio. However, the effect is strongly species- and strain-dependent feature

    The Ability of GeoCarb to Constrain the Interannual Variability of Carbon Gases over the Amazon

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    We perform a number of idealized assimilation experiments with the GEOS constituent data assimilation system to test the ability of GeoCarb retrievals of CO, CO2, and CH4 to constrain the interannual variability of these gases over the Amazon. Retrievals for instruments on other satellites which observe in similar channels (e.g. MOPITT, GOSAT, and OCO-2) are limited due to persistent cloud coverage. Given its ability to sample the same location multiple times in one day, the expectation is that GeoCarb retrievals will return more soundings than those from previous missions. The goal of the assimilation experiments is to understand which scanning strategies lead to the best sounding densities and thus have the best chance of constraining interannual variability in the carbon species. The experiments each begin by picking a given year at random from a nature run (i.e., a model simulation meant to represent the truth). The model fields are sampled according to a given strategy and then screened to account for cloud coverage. Next, we pick another year at random and assimilate the synthetic GeoCarb samples into the GEOS model for that year. The output of the assimilation, 6-hourly, 3D fields of each constituent, is then directly comparable to the nature run. This comparison allows us to evaluate the ability of GeoCarb measurements to constrain the interannual variability of each gas

    Sensitivity of CO2 Simulation in a GCM to the Convective Transport Algorithms

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    Convection plays an important role in the transport of heat, moisture and trace gases. In this study, we simulated CO2 concentrations with an atmospheric general circulation model (GCM). Three different convective transport algorithms were used. One is a modified Arakawa-Shubert scheme that was native to the GCM; two others used in two off-line chemical transport models (CTMs) were added to the GCM here for comparison purposes. Advanced CO2 surfaced fluxes were used for the simulations. The results were compared to a large quantity of CO2 observation data. We find that the simulation results are sensitive to the convective transport algorithms. Overall, the three simulations are quite realistic and similar to each other in the remote marine regions, but are significantly different in some land regions with strong fluxes such as Amazon and Siberia during the convection seasons. Large biases against CO2 measurements are found in these regions in the control run, which uses the original GCM. The simulation with the simple diffusive algorithm is better. The difference of the two simulations is related to the very different convective transport speed

    Finding the Missing Stratospheric Br(sub y): A Global Modeling Study of CHBr3 and CH2Br2

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    Recent in situ and satellite measurements suggest a contribution of ~5 pptv to stratospheric inorganic bromine from short-lived bromocarbons. We conduct a modeling study of the two most important short-lived bromocarbons, bromoform (CHBr3) and dibromomethane (CH2Br2), with the Goddard Earth Observing System Chemistry Climate Model (GEOS CCM) to account for this missing stratospheric bromine. We derive a "top-down" emission estimate of CHBr3 and CH2Br2 using airborne measurements in the Pacific and North American troposphere and lower stratosphere obtained during previous NASA aircraft campaigns. Our emission estimate suggests that to reproduce the observed concentrations in the free troposphere, a global oceanic emission of 425 Gg Br yr(exp -1) for CHBr3 and 57 Gg Br yr(exp -l) for CH2Br2 is needed, with 60% of emissions from open ocean and 40% from coastal regions. Although our simple emission scheme assumes no seasonal variations, the model reproduces the observed seasonal variations of the short-lived bromocarbons with high concentrations in winter and low concentrations in summer. This indicates that the seasonality of short-lived bromocarbons is largely due to seasonality in their chemical loss and transport. The inclusion of CHBr3 and CH2Br2 contributes ~5 pptv bromine throughout the stratosphere. Both the source gases and inorganic bromine produced from source gas degradation (Br~SLS) in the troposphere are transported into the stratosphere, and are equally important. Inorganic bromine accounts for half (2.5 pptv) of the bromine from the inclusion of CHBr3 and CHzBr2 near the tropical tropopause and its contribution rapidly increases to ~ 100% as altitude increases. More than 85% of the wet scavenging of Br(sub y)(sup VSLS) occurs in large-scale precipitation below 500 hPa. Our sensitivity study with wet scavenging in convective updrafts switched off suggests that Br(sub y)(sup SLS) in the stratosphere is not sensitive to convection. Convective scavenging only accounts for ~0.2 pptv (4%) difference in inorganic bromine delivered to the stratosphere

    The temperate Burkholderia phage AP3 of the Peduovirinae shows efficient antimicrobial activity against B. cenocepacia of the IIIA lineage

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    Burkholderia phage AP3 (vB_BceM_AP3) is a temperate virus of the Myoviridae and the Peduovirinae subfamily (P2likevirus genus). This phage specifically infects multidrug-resistant clinical Burkholderia cenocepacia lineage IIIA strains commonly isolated from cystic fibrosis patients. AP3 exhibits high pairwise nucleotide identity (61.7 %) to Burkholderia phage KS5, specific to the same B. cenocepacia host, and has 46.7–49.5 % identity to phages infecting other species of Burkholderia. The lysis cassette of these related phages has a similar organization (putative antiholin, putative holin, endolysin, and spanins) and shows 29–98 % homology between specific lysis genes, in contrast to Enterobacteria phage P2, the hallmark phage of this genus. The AP3 and KS5 lysis genes have conserved locations and high amino acid sequence similarity. The AP3 bacteriophage particles remain infective up to 5 h at pH 4–10 and are stable at 60 °C for 30 min, but are sensitive to chloroform, with no remaining infective particles after 24 h of treatment. AP3 lysogeny can occur by stable genomic integration and by pseudo-lysogeny. The lysogenic bacterial mutants did not exhibit any significant changes in virulence compared to wild-type host strain when tested in the Galleria mellonella moth wax model. Moreover, AP3 treatment of larvae infected with B. cenocepacia revealed a significant increase (P < 0.0001) in larvae survival in comparison to AP3-untreated infected larvae. AP3 showed robust lytic activity, as evidenced by its broad host range, the absence of increased virulence in lysogenic isolates, the lack of bacterial gene disruption conditioned by bacterial tRNA downstream integration site, and the absence of detected toxin sequences. These data suggest that the AP3 phage is a promising potent agent against bacteria belonging to the most common B. cenocepacia IIIA lineage strains

    Transport and superconducting properties of Fe-based superconductors: SmFeAs(O1-x Fx) versus Fe1+y (Te1-x, Sex)

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    We present transport and superconducting properties - namely resistivity, magnetoresistivity, Hall effect, Seebeck effect, thermal conductivity, upper critical field - of two different families of Fe-based superconductors, which can be viewed in many respects as end members: SmFeAs(O1-xFx) with the largest Tc and the largest anisotropy and Fe1+y(Te1-x,Sex), with the largest Hc2, the lowest Tc and the lowest anisotropy. In the case of the SmFeAs(O1-xFx) series, we find that a single band description allows to extract an approximated estimation of band parameters such as carrier density and mobility from experimental data, although the behaviour of Seebeck effect as a function of doping demonstrates that a multiband description would be more appropriate. On the contrary, experimental data of the Fe1+y(Te1-x,Sex) series exhibit a strongly compensated behaviour, which can be described only within a multiband model. In the Fe1+y(Te1-x,Sex) series, the role of the excess Fe, tuned by Se stoichiometry, is found to be twofold: it dopes electrons in the system and it introduces localized magnetic moments, responsible for Kondo like scattering and likely pair-breaking of Cooper pairs. Hence, excess Fe plays a crucial role also in determining superconducting properties such as the Tc and the upper critical field Bc2. The huge Bc2 values of the Fe1+y(Te1-x,Sex) samples are described by a dirty limit law, opposed to the clean limit behaviour of the SmFeAs(O1-xFx) samples. Hence, magnetic scattering by excess Fe seems to drive the system in the dirty regime, but its detrimental pairbreaking role seems not to be as severe as predicted by theory. This issue has yet to be clarified, addressing the more fundamental issue of the interplay between magnetism and superconductivity

    Prospects for Precision Measurement of CO2 Column from Space

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    In order to address the problem of sources and sinks of CO2 measurements are needed on a global scale. Clearly a satellite is a promising approach to meeting this requirement. Unfortunately, most methods for making a CO2 measurement from space involve the whole column. Since sources and sinks at the surface represent a small perturbation to the total column one is faced with the need to measure the column with a precision better than 1%. No species has ever been measured from space at this level. We have developed over the last 3 years a small instrument based upon a Fabry-Perot interferometer that is very sensitive to atmospheric CO2 and has a high signal to noise ratio. We have tested this instrument in a ground based configuration and from aircraft platforms simulating operation from a satellite. We will present results from these tests and discuss ways that this promising new instrument could be used to improve our understanding of the global carbon budget
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