127 research outputs found


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    This paper is about the high impact jolt, the Banking sector faced during the Demonetization drive initiated by our hon’ble PM Narendra Modi on the 8th November,2016. Banking sector is one of the most leading sectors in India-Urban,Rural or Punjab. To control parallel economy, the drive was initiated as a result there was a ban on notes of Rs500& Rs1000 denomination as a legal tender. The Indian Economy faced a huge cash crunch. Going cashless, the population did not have money to buy their daily need goods. The stores had stopped accepting the banned currency and the new currency was hardly in circulation. There were massive ques in front of banks with waiting period for each customer was somewhere around 1-2 hours. This paper shows the high-level dependency of the population on Mobile Banking/ E Banking during this phase. The supplies were affected, the suppliers were affected, the consumers were affected and even the transporters were affected. There was hardly any possibility to make purchases with Rs500 and Rs1000

    Ethanopharmacology Study of Achyranthes aspera

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    Achyranthes aspera, a species of the Amaranthaceae family, holds significant therapeutic value and is widely distributed as a weed over the Indian subcontinent. The utilization of seeds, roots, and shoots in traditional medical systems is widespread, as these particular plant components are considered to be of utmost significance. This article provides an overview of the current knowledge regarding the phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of the subject matter. The review demonstrates that a diverse range of phytochemical compounds have been extracted from the plant, exhibiting numerous therapeutic capabilities such as antiperiodic, diuretic, purgative, laxative, antiasthmatic, hepatoprotective, anti-allergic, and other significant medicinal effects. The pulverized botanical specimen is employed in the treatment of pneumonia, while the infusion derived from the root is utilized as a gentle astringent for addressing bowel-related ailments. The utilization of a concoction consisting of powdered leaves combined with honey or sugar candy has been found to be beneficial in the initial phases of both diarrhoea and dysentery. Over the past few decades, a significant amount of research has been conducted to substantiate the biological activities and pharmacological properties of its extracts. Various chemical ingredients, including as saponins, oleonolic acid, dihydroxy ketones, alkaloids, and long chain compounds, have been successfully identified

    Antidiabetic and antioxidant potential of Zanthoxylum armatum DC. leaves (Rutaceae): An endangered medicinal plant

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    The present study was designed to evaluate the antidiabetic and antioxidant potential of methanolic extract of Zanthoxylum armatum leaves using in vitro approaches. The concentration of plant extract that inhibited 50% (IC50) of alpha amylase was found to be 89.37±4.68 ?g/ml which is higher than standard. Results of this study shows that 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl scavenging test show high radical scavenging activity as compared to hydrogen peroxide scanvenging method with IC50 Value of 57.83 ?g/ml and 79.13 ?g/ml, respectively. Plant extract found to exhibit enormous amount of phenols and flavonoid content i.e., 140.71 mg GAE/g and 88.53 mg of Quercetin/g of extract respectively. Further phytochemical analysis revealed that plant exhibit glycosides, alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, saponin and tannin that are frequently implicated as having antidiabetic effects. Elemental analysis revealed the presence of essential elements ‘Mg’, ‘Mn’, ‘Zn’, ‘Fe’, ‘K’, ‘P’, ‘Ca’, ‘Cu’, ‘Mo’ and ‘Ni’ known to play role in regulating blood glucose. It could be speculated that the observed antidiabetic activity of Z. armatum might be related to the presence of these phytochemicals, phenolic compounds as well as mineral elements which found to be the important constituent of Z. armatum. These results indicate that Z. armatum could be an excellent source of natural antioxidants and exhibited antidiabetic activity

    Evaluation of Ganoderma lucidum strains for the production of bioactive components and their potential use as antimicrobial agents

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    In the present study, mycelial biomass of Ganoderma lucidum strains was produced in mushroom complete media under optimized culture conditions of temperature, pH, agitation and the fruiting bodies were raised on wheat straw supplemented with 5 per cent rice bran. Maximum biomass (16.39 mg ml-1) was recorded in strain GL-3 and minimum (10.99 mg ml-1) was observed in strain GL-1 after 28 days of incubation period. Maximum biological efficiency of 13.1 per cent was obtained in 57 days in GL-2 strain. Moreover, weight of fruiting bodies was highest (91 g bag-1) in 5 per cent wheat bran supplemented bags in strain GL-2. Polysaccharides were extracted, characterized and analysed. The maximum yield of polysaccharides was obtained from fruiting bodies (30.06- 63.70%), followed by mycelial biomass (7.61- 21.32%) and culture filtrates (0.86- 2.86%). Non-reducing sugars were the main fraction of sugars which constituted 69.82- 70.39 per cent in fruiting body extracted polysaccharides, 62.08- 83.39 per cent in biomass and 59.75- 77.54 per cent in crude extracts. The extracts from fruiting bodies and biomass of G. lucidum strains also exhibited antibacterial effect against some pathogenic bacteria, Staphylococcus sp. and Enterobacter sp. The present study clearly indicated that variations existed among G. lucidum strains with respect to the production of bioactive molecules, yield and antimicrobial activity. Bioactive components from G. lucidum strains are promising antimicrobial agents that can be harnessed as potent antimicrobial toxicant

    Potential benefits of phytochemicals for treatment of hyperpigmentation

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    UV radiation (UV) is considered as a complete carcinogen as it is both a mutagen and a non-specific damaging agent. It is the most important risk factor for skin cancer and many other skin disorders like Hyperpigmentation. There is a need of long-term topical skin care treatments (both cosmetic and cosmeceutical) to address problems associated with hyperpigmentation. Synthetic depigmenting agents, such as hydroquinone, mequinol, although highly effective, can raise several safety concerns (for example, ochronosis, cataract, impaired wound healing, desquamation, and other local or systemic side effects) with long-term exposure. The benefits of phytochemicals and natural extracts offer opportunities to develop new formulations to treat pigmentation problems. Cosmeceuticals are topical cosmetic-pharmaceutical preparations containing active ingredients which improve the appearance of skin. Among cosmeceuticals, the phytochemicals have been known to have a multitude of cellular actions for various dermatological diseases. Plant-derived compounds and their effectiveness in the treatment of hyperpigmentation disorders (Melasma) are discussed. Keywords: UV radiation, Hyperpigmentation, Phytochemicals, Cosmeceutical

    Enthralling the impact of engineered nanoparticles on soil microbiome: A concentric approach towards environmental risks and cogitation.

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    Nanotechnology is an avant-garde field of scientific research that revolutionizes technological advancements in the present world. It is a cutting-edge scientific approach that has undoubtedly a plethora of functions in controlling environmental pollutants for the welfare of the ecosystem. However, their unprecedented utilization and hysterical release led to a huge threat to the soil microbiome. Nanoparticles(NPs) hamper physicochemical properties of soil along with microbial metabolic activities within rhizospheric soils.Here in this review shed light on concentric aspects of NP-biosynthesis, types, toxicity mechanisms, accumulation within the ecosystem. However, the accrual of tiny NPs into the soil system has dramatically influenced rhizospheric activities in terms of soil properties and biogeochemical cycles. We have focussed on mechanistic pathways engrossed by microbes to deal with NPs.Also, we have elaborated the fate and behavior of NPs within soils. Besides, a piece of very scarce information on NPs-toxicity towards environment and rhizosphere communities is available. Therefore, the present review highlights ecological perspectives of nanotechnology and solutions to such implications. We have comprehend certain strategies such as avant-garde engineering methods, sustainable procedures for NP synthesis along with vatious regulatory actions to manage NP within environment. Moreover, we have devised risk management sustainable and novel strategies to utilize it in a rationalized and integrated manner. With this background, we can develop a comprehensive plan about NPs with novel insights to understand the resistance and toxicity mechanisms of NPs towards microbes. Henceforth, the orientation towards these issues would enhance the understanding of researchers for proper recommendation and promotion of nanotechnology in an optimized and sustainable manner

    Comparative evaluation of anti microbial effects of triple antibiotic paste and amox and its derivatives against E. Faecalis : an in vitro study

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    Enterococcus faecalis is a microorganism commonly detected in asymptomatic, persistent endodontic infections. Triple antibiotic paste has stood the test of time as a proven antibiotic combination against E. Faecalis. However, problems with this include staining of teeth and standardization of the preparation. Thus, the search for better alternatives and better preparation techniques is still on. To observe the potential of combinations [(Amoxicillin+ Metronidazole, Amoxicillin Clavulanic Acid + Metronidazole; Amoxicillin and Cloxacillin + Metronidazole)] over Triple Antibiotic Paste. Fifty single rooted teeth free from dental caries were selected for the study. Teeth were cut at equal distance from root apex (13mm from apex) with sterile diamond disk and straight hand piece for standardization of root length. The opening of root canal was enlarged with engine driven pro-taper files. To remove the organic and inorganic debris, canal was cleaned with 17% EDTA followed by 2.5% NaOCl for 5min. Distilled water irrigation was done for 5 min to remove any traces of used chemical and then sterilized in autoclave at 1200c for 15 min. at 15 lbs pressure. Bacteria cultured on blood agar plate and at the same time fresh antibiotic combinations were made and placed in the root canals, then incubated in the incubator, under sterile conditions and observed at 24hrs, 48hr and 72hrs. The largest inhibition zones were observed for the Triple Antibiotic Paste, followed by Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid + Metronidazole group however, the clearest zones were achieved with Amoxicillin and Clavlunic acid + Metronidazole group and the smallest for Amoxicillin and Metronidazole group. The results suggest that though Triple antibiotic showed the maximum inhibition, Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid combination along with Metronidazole gave the most reliable results. Further studies using the different combinations and different concentrations along with different methods of increasing the shelf life of such medications can be undertaken
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