391 research outputs found

    Unstaggered-staggered solitons in two-component discrete nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger lattices

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    We present stable bright solitons built of coupled unstaggered and staggered components in a symmetric system of two discrete nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger (DNLS) equations with the attractive self-phase-modulation (SPM) nonlinearity, coupled by the repulsive cross-phase-modulation (XPM) interaction. These mixed modes are of a "symbiotic" type, as each component in isolation may only carry ordinary unstaggered solitons. The results are obtained in an analytical form, using the variational and Thomas-Fermi approximations (VA and TFA), and the generalized Vakhitov-Kolokolov (VK) criterion for the evaluation of the stability. The analytical predictions are verified against numerical results. Almost all the symbiotic solitons are predicted by the VA quite accurately, and are stable. Close to a boundary of the existence region of the solitons (which may feature several connected branches), there are broad solitons which are not well approximated by the VA, and are unstable

    A model of a dual-core matter-wave soliton laser

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    We propose a system which can generate a periodic array of solitary-wave pulses from a finite reservoir of coherent Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). The system is built as a set of two parallel quasi-one-dimensional traps (the reservoir proper and a pulse-generating cavity), which are linearly coupled by the tunneling of atoms. The scattering length is tuned to be negative and small in the absolute value in the cavity, and still smaller but positive in the reservoir. Additionally, a parabolic potential profile is created around the center of the cavity. Both edges of the reservoir and one edge of the cavity are impenetrable. Solitons are released through the other cavity's edge, which is semi-transparent. Two different regimes of the intrinsic operation of the laser are identified: circulations of a narrow wave-function pulse in the cavity, and oscillations of a broad standing pulse. The latter regime is stable, readily providing for the generation of an array containing up to 10,000 permanent-shape pulses. The circulation regime provides for no more than 40 cycles, and then it transforms into the oscillation mode. The dependence of the dynamical regime on parameters of the system is investigated in detail.Comment: Journal of Physics B, in pres

    Helical vs. fundamental solitons in optical fibers

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    We consider solitons in a nonlinear optical fiber with a single polarization in a region of parameters where it carries exactly two distinct modes, the fundamental one and the first-order helical mode. From the viewpoint of applications to dense-WDM communication systems, this opens way to double the number of channels carried by the fiber. Aside from that, experimental observation of helical (spinning) solitons and collisions between them and with fundamental solitons are issues of fundamental interest. We introduce a system of coupled nonlinear Schroedinger equations for fundamental and helical modes, which have nonstandard values of the cross-phase-modulation coupling constants, and investigate, analytically and numerically, results of "complete" and "incomplete" collisions between solitons carried by the two modes. We conclude that the collision-induced crosstalk is partly attenuated in comparison with the usual WDM system, which sometimes may be crucially important, preventing merger of the colliding solitons into a breather. The interaction between the two modes is found to be additionally strongly suppressed in comparison with that in the WDM system in the case when a dispersion-shifted or dispersion-compensated fiber is used.Comment: a plain latex file with the text and two ps files with figures. Physica Scripta, in pres

    Optical Bistability in Nonlinear Optical Coupler with Negative Index Channel

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    We discuss a novel kind of nonlinear coupler with one channel filled with a negative index material (NIM). The opposite directionality of the phase velocity and the energy flow in the NIM channel facilitates an effective feedback mechanism that leads to optical bistability and gap soliton formation

    Renormalization Group Theory for a Perturbed KdV Equation

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    We show that renormalization group(RG) theory can be used to give an analytic description of the evolution of a perturbed KdV equation. The equations describing the deformation of its shape as the effect of perturbation are RG equations. The RG approach may be simpler than inverse scattering theory(IST) and another approaches, because it dose not rely on any knowledge of IST and it is very concise and easy to understand. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that RG has been used in this way for the perturbed soliton dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, no figure, revte

    On the (Non)-Integrability of KdV Hierarchy with Self-consistent Sources

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    Non-holonomic deformations of integrable equations of the KdV hierarchy are studied by using the expansions over the so-called "squared solutions" (squared eigenfunctions). Such deformations are equivalent to perturbed models with external (self-consistent) sources. In this regard, the KdV6 equation is viewed as a special perturbation of KdV equation. Applying expansions over the symplectic basis of squared eigenfunctions, the integrability properties of the KdV hierarchy with generic self-consistent sources are analyzed. This allows one to formulate a set of conditions on the perturbation terms that preserve the integrability. The perturbation corrections to the scattering data and to the corresponding action-angle variables are studied. The analysis shows that although many nontrivial solutions of KdV equations with generic self-consistent sources can be obtained by the Inverse Scattering Transform (IST), there are solutions that, in principle, can not be obtained via IST. Examples are considered showing the complete integrability of KdV6 with perturbations that preserve the eigenvalues time-independent. In another type of examples the soliton solutions of the perturbed equations are presented where the perturbed eigenvalue depends explicitly on time. Such equations, however in general, are not completely integrable.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, LaTe

    Squared Eigenfunctions for the Sasa-Satsuma Equation

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    Squared eigenfunctions are quadratic combinations of Jost functions and adjoint Jost functions which satisfy the linearized equation of an integrable equation. In this article, squared eigenfunctions are derived for the Sasa-Satsuma equation whose spectral operator is a 3×33\times 3 system, while its linearized operator is a 2×22\times 2 system. It is shown that these squared eigenfunctions are sums of two terms, where each term is a product of a Jost function and an adjoint Jost function. The procedure of this derivation consists of two steps: first is to calculate the variations of the potentials via variations of the scattering data by the Riemann-Hilbert method. The second one is to calculate the variations of the scattering data via the variations of the potentials through elementary calculations. While this procedure has been used before on other integrable equations, it is shown here, for the first time, that for a general integrable equation, the functions appearing in these variation relations are precisely the squared eigenfunctions and adjoint squared eigenfunctions satisfying respectively the linearized equation and the adjoint linearized equation of the integrable system. This proof clarifies this procedure and provides a unified explanation for previous results of squared eigenfunctions on individual integrable equations. This procedure uses primarily the spectral operator of the Lax pair. Thus two equations in the same integrable hierarchy will share the same squared eigenfunctions (except for a time-dependent factor). In the Appendix, the squared eigenfunctions are presented for the Manakov equations whose spectral operator is closely related to that of the Sasa-Satsuma equation.Comment: 18 page

    Affine T-varieties of complexity one and locally nilpotent derivations

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    Let X=spec A be a normal affine variety over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic 0 endowed with an effective action of a torus T of dimension n. Let also D be a homogeneous locally nilpotent derivation on the normal affine Z^n-graded domain A, so that D generates a k_+-action on X that is normalized by the T-action. We provide a complete classification of pairs (X,D) in two cases: for toric varieties (n=\dim X) and in the case where n=\dim X-1. This generalizes previously known results for surfaces due to Flenner and Zaidenberg. As an application we compute the homogeneous Makar-Limanov invariant of such varieties. In particular we exhibit a family of non-rational varieties with trivial Makar-Limanov invariant.Comment: 31 pages. Minor changes in the structure. Fixed some typo

    A Riemann-Hilbert Problem for an Energy Dependent Schr\"odinger Operator

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    \We consider an inverse scattering problem for Schr\"odinger operators with energy dependent potentials. The inverse problem is formulated as a Riemann-Hilbert problem on a Riemann surface. A vanishing lemma is proved for two distinct symmetry classes. As an application we prove global existence theorems for the two distinct systems of partial differential equations ut+(u2/2+w)x=0,wt±uxxx+(uw)x=0u_t+(u^2/2+w)_x=0, w_t\pm u_{xxx}+(uw)_x=0 for suitably restricted, complementary classes of initial data
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