61 research outputs found

    The specificity and the development of social-emotional competence in a multi-ethnic-classroom

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ethnic diversity in schools increases due to globalization. Thus, the children's social-emotional competence development must be considered in the context of a multi-ethnic classroom.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study, the social-emotional competence of 65 Asian-American and Latin-American children was observed at the beginning and the end of their kindergarten year.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Initially, significant differences existed among these ethnic groups in respect to moral reasoning. Furthermore, the male children showed more dysregulated aggression but the female children implemented more moral reasoning than their male counterparts. These ethnic specificities did not disappear over the course of the year. In addition, a significant change in avoidance strategies as well as expressed emotions in the narrative took place over the course of one year.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Ethnic specificity in social-emotional competence does exist independent of gender at the beginning as well as at the end of the kindergarten year in a multi-ethnic kindergarten classroom.</p

    Development of aggression subtypes from childhood to adolescence:a group-based multi-trajectory modelling perspective

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    The persistence of elevated subtypes of aggression beginning in childhood have been associated with long-term maladaptive outcomes. Yet it remains unclear to what extent there are clusters of individuals following similar developmental trajectories across forms (i.e., physical and indirect) and functions (i.e., proactive and reactive) of aggression. We aimed to identify groups of children with distinct profiles of the joint development of forms and functions of aggression and to identify risk factors for group membership. A sample of 787 children was followed from birth to adolescence. Parent and teacher reports, and standardised assessments were used to measure two forms and two functions of aggressive behaviour, between six and 13 years of age along with preceding child, maternal, and family-level risk-factors. Analyses were conducted using a group-based multi-trajectory modelling approach. Five trajectory groups emerged: non-aggressors, low-stable, moderate-engagers, high-desisting, and high-chronic. Coercive parenting increased membership risk in the moderate-engagers and high-chronic groups. Lower maternal IQ increased membership risk in both high-desisting and high-chronic groups, whereas maternal depression increased membership risk in the high-desisting group only. Never being breastfed increased membership risk in the moderate-engagers group. Boys were at greater risk for belonging to groups displaying elevated aggression. Individuals with chronic aggression problems use all subtypes of aggression. Risk factors suggest that prevention programs should start early in life and target mothers with lower IQ. Strategies to deal with maternal depression and enhance positive parenting while replacing coercive parenting tactics should be highlighted in programming efforts

    Targeting the group as a whole: The Finnish anti-bullying intervention

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    New Equipment to Lighten the Work Load of Construction Workers

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    The objective of this study was to determine whether the 4 pieces of equipment for cutting moulding, cutting reinforcement rods, carrying carpet rolls, and fitting drain pipes can lighten the work load of construction work. The results indicate that the effect of using the new ergonomically designed equipment was positive. The cutter for reinforcement rods proved to be useful, bent back postures decreased by 11%. The carrying of carpet rolls became less loading on the lower and upper extremities. According to the men the work load was lower in fitting drain pipes, especially on the lower extremities and in the neck and shoulder region. The conclusion was reached that work load can be decreased with well-planned equipment, but more attention should be given to personal work methods and habits

    The questionnaire for diagnosing mobbing in employees’ relationships

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    The purpose of this article is to form the original questionnaire to identify intensity of the expression of mobbing in employees’ relationships. Mobbing in the context of the paper is the bullying of an individual by a group at the work place. The article presents only the statistical analysis of psychometric features of the formed questionnaire without elaborating on the results of the empirical research on the intensity of mobbing expression in employees’ relationships in Lithuanian organisations. The advantage of the questionnaire is that it is relatively short; however, it covers all features which are characteristic of the mobbing phenomenon and provides the opportunity to analyse the attack that does not fall under the definition of mobbing. It can be used both for mass and local research at the level of single organisations. Economic losses are also revealed by the questionnaire through the assessment of damage experienced by employees, generated expenses and lost revenues

    Utjecaj izloženosti mješavini organskih otapala na krvni tlak nepušačica koje rade u farmaceutskoj tvrtki

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    Some studies suggest that exposure to industrial solvents can affect blood pressure. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of a mixture of organic solvents on blood pressure in women working in a pharmaceutical company in Iran. Four hundred and thirty-three women were included in the study. Women working in packing units (group 1) were not exposed to the mixture of organic solvents, women in new laboratory units (group 2) were exposed to the mixture within the permitted range and women working in old laboratory units (group 3) were exposed to the mixture above the permitted limit. We compared systolic and diastolic blood pressures (SBP & DBP) and prevalence of hypertension and prehypertension among groups. The results revealed a signifi cant difference in SBP and pre-hypertension (p<0.001) and hypertension (p<0.05) prevalence between the exposed and the control group, but DBP did not differ signifi cantly. Logistic regression analysis showed a signifi cant association between hypertension and exposure to mixed solvents. Odds ratio for hypertension in the group 2 and group 3 (exposed) workers was 2.36 and 3, respectively, compared to controls. Our results suggest that exposure to a mixture of organic solvents may increase SBP and hypertension and pre-hypertension prevalence in drug manufacture workers. Therefore, more attention should be paid to workers that work in such settings by periodically measuring blood pressure and implementing accurate and comprehensive programs to reduce exposure to organic solvents.smo istraživanju nastojali ispitati utjecaj mješavine organskih otapala na krvni tlak žena koje rade u farmaceutskoj tvrtki u Iranu. Četiristo trideset i tri žene bile su uključene u istraživanje. Žene koje rade u pakirnicama (G1) nisu bile izložene mješavini organskih otapala, žene koje rade u novim laboratorijskim jedinicima (G2) bile su izložene dozvoljenoj granici mješavine, a žene u starim laboratorijskim jedinicama (G3) bile su izložene količini mješavine koja je viša od dozvoljene granične vrijednosti. Usporedili smo sistolički i dijastolički krvni tlak (eng. systolic blood pressure, krat. SBP i eng. diastolic blood pressure, krat. DBP) i prevalenciju hipertenzije i prehipertenzije između navedenih skupina. Otkrili smo značajnu razliku u vrijednostima SBP-a i prevalencije prehipertenzije (p<0,001) i (p<0,05) hipertenzije između skupina G2 i G3, te kontrolne skupine (G1), ali se vrijednosti za DBP nisu značajno razlikovale. Logistička regresijska analiza pokazala je značajnu poveznicu između hipertenzije i izlaganja mješavini otapala. U usporedbi s radnicama koje nisu bile izložene mješavini, omjer izgleda za nastanak hipertenzije u skupini G2 iznosio je 2,36, a u skupini G3 3. Naši rezultati pokazuju da izlaganje mješavini organskih otapala može povisiti vrijednost SBP-a i prevalencije hipertenzije i prehipertenzije kod radnika koji rade u proizvodnji lijekova. Stoga je potrebno posvetiti veću pozornost osobama koje rade u takvim okruženjima, a mjere koje bi valjalo poduzimati uključuju redovito mjerenje krvnog tlaka i provedbu preciznih i sveobuhvatnih programa za smanjenje izlaganja organskim otapalima