373 research outputs found

    The Preservative Treatment of Aspen

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    Aspen is one of our least durable woods and is known to deteriorate or rot rapidly under conditions favoring decay. Records on aspen used under moist and severe decay conditions have shown that serious decay and failure of the product may develop in three to four years. Some present and potential uses for aspen involving conditions favorable to decay and in which this lack of natural durability is a factor are: (1) fence posts, (2) railroad cross ties, (3) mine timbers, (4) planking for secondary bridges, (5) sills and other construction members in buildings, (6) the lower logs of log cabins, and (7) small items as pickets, stakes, etc

    Accreditation and SWST

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    Heart rot of balsam fir in the lake states, with special reference to forest management

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    The biology of pleurotus corticatus fries

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    To see or not to see: a qualitative interview study of patients' views on their own diagnostic images

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    Objectives To ascertain what meaning individuals attach to perceiving images of their own interior body and how the images and their meanings affect the clinical consultation. Design Face-to-face semistructured interviews. Participants 25 adult patients in southern England who, within the preceding 12 months, had been referred for diagnostic imaging. Setting Community. Results For patients, being shown their own X-rays, MRIs or CT images creates a variety of effects: (1) a sense of better understanding of the diagnosis; (2) validation of their sensory and emotional response to the illness or injury and (3) an alteration to the tenor and nature of the clinical encounter between patient and physician. In addition to meanings attached to these images, patients also impute meaning to the physician's decision not to share an image with them. The desire to see their image was greater in those patients with a skeletal injury; patients are less keen on viewing abdominal or other soft tissue images. Conclusions Viewing images of one's interior, invisible body is powerful and resonant in a number of ways. The experience of not seeing, whether through the patient's or the physician's choice, is also fraught with meaning

    Pesquisa de opinião sobre adoção homoafetiva no Brasil / Opinion survey on homoaffective adoption in Brazil

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    Essa pesquisa buscou analisar representações sociais que cercam a Adoção Homoparental no Brasil realizando, inicialmente, uma revisão bibliográfica afim de criar o embasamento cientifico necessário para a posterior analise dos dados coletados. Subsequentemente, fora realizada uma pesquisa de opinião quantitativa mediada por uma escala social tipo Likert contendo 12 afirmativas, tanto positivas quanto negativas, abrangendo o âmbito social, religioso e jurídico. Diante dessas afirmativas os participantes tinham opções de respostas variando entre "concordo totalmente" e “discordo totalmente". Os dados foram coletados através de uma pesquisa estruturada, disponibilizada on-line pela plataforma Google Forms, buscando apontar numericamente a frequência das atitudes com relação a adoção por famílias homoafetivas; 215 pessoas foram entrevistadas, sendo que dentre elas, 67% eram do sexo feminino, 80% praticava alguma religião relacionada o cristianismo e 82% possuíam escolaridade de nível superior. Predominantemente a população pesquisada tinha entre 15 e 40 anos a época da pesquisa. A pesquisa de atitude realizada revelou uma opinião majoritariamente favorável à adoção homoafetiva, perfazendo um total de 63%. Este resultado revelou-se surpreendente uma vez que 80% da população entrevistada praticava o cristianismo e, diante do que é popularmente conhecido sobre a religião, poderia mostrar-se desfavorável à famílias homoafetivas. Nesse sentido, as pesquisadoras levantaram a hipótese de que a escolarização da população pesquisada (majoritariamente de nível superior) pode ter revelado um impacto positivo na ausência de preconceitos com relação à capacidade de famílias homoafetivas fornecerem um ambiente adequado ao desenvolvimento físico, mental e emocional das crianças adotadas. Ainda com relação aos resultados apresentados, 14,2% das respostas demonstraram uma atitude neutra com relação ao fenômeno pesquisado e 22,8% demonstraram uma atitude desfavorável em relação a adoção por famílias homoafetivas. Os resultados apresentados acabam sugerindo que o preconceito com relação a essa estrutura familiar esteja se mostrando cada vez menos presente em nossa sociedade. 

    The Role of Depressive Symptomatology in Peri- and Post-Menopause

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    Objectives: There is evidence that menopausal symptoms manifested at peri-menopause occur less fre- quently when compared to the symptoms experienced at post-menopause. The aim of this study was to investigate this and to test the hypothesis that depressive symptomatology mediates the relationship between menopausal stage and symptom frequency. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 213 women (M age = 52 years), of whom 125 were peri- and 88 post-menopausal. Measures comprised the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression scale (CES-D) and the Women’s Health Questionnaire (WHQ) vasomotor symptoms and somatic symptoms subscales. Results: Multiple mediated regression analyses provided evidence that somatic symptoms and vasomotor symptoms were less frequent at post- compared to peri-menopause, and that these differences were mediated by depressive symptomatology. Multivariate effect sizes ranged from small to moderate, and univariate effect sizes were uniformly small with wide confidence intervals. Conclusions: The frequency of vasomotor and somatic symptoms appears to increase with depressed affect. The management of symptoms could include interventions of a psychotherapeutic nature, which may offset this effect, particularly in women for whom depressive symptoms are a feature of the climac- teric syndrome. The extent to which depression and the climacteric syndrome may be causally related to one another remains unclear and longitudinal research should further examine the mechanisms of this association