110 research outputs found

    On the existence of a finite-temperature transition in the two-dimensional gauge glass

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    Results from Monte Carlo simulations of the two-dimensional gauge glass supporting a zero-temperature transition are presented. A finite-size scaling analysis of the correlation length shows that the system does not exhibit spin-glass order at finite temperatures. These results are compared to earlier claims of a finite-temperature transition.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Monte Carlo simulations of the four-dimensional XY spin glass at low temperatures

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    We report results for simulations of the four-dimensional XY spin glass using the parallel tempering Monte Carlo method at low temperatures for moderate sizes. Our results are qualitatively consistent with earlier work on the three-dimensional gauge glass as well as three- and four-dimensional Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glass. An extrapolation of our results would indicate that large-scale excitations cost only a finite amount of energy in the thermodynamic limit. The surface of these excitations may be fractal, although we cannot rule out a scenario compatible with replica symmetry breaking in which the surface of low-energy large-scale excitations is space filling.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Spin glasses and algorithm benchmarks: A one-dimensional view

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    Spin glasses are paradigmatic models that deliver concepts relevant for a variety of systems. However, rigorous analytical results are difficult to obtain for spin-glass models, in particular for realistic short-range models. Therefore large-scale numerical simulations are the tool of choice. Concepts and algorithms derived from the study of spin glasses have been applied to diverse fields in computer science and physics. In this work a one-dimensional long-range spin-glass model with power-law interactions is discussed. The model has the advantage over conventional systems in that by tuning the power-law exponent of the interactions the effective space dimension can be changed thus effectively allowing the study of large high-dimensional spin-glass systems to address questions as diverse as the existence of an Almeida-Thouless line, ultrametricity and chaos in short range spin glasses. Furthermore, because the range of interactions can be changed, the model is a formidable test-bed for optimization algorithms.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures (two in crappy quality due to archive restrictions). Proceedings of the International Workshop on Statistical-Mechanical Informatics 2007, Kyoto (Japan) September 16-19, 200

    Engineering exotic phases for topologically-protected quantum computation by emulating quantum dimer models

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    We use a nonperturbative extended contractor renormalization (ENCORE) method for engineering quantum devices for the implementation of topologically protected quantum bits described by an effective quantum dimer model on the triangular lattice. By tuning the couplings of the device, topological protection might be achieved if the ratio between effective two-dimer interactions and flip amplitudes lies in the liquid phase of the phase diagram of the quantum dimer model. For a proposal based on a quantum Josephson junction array [L. B. Ioffe {\it et al.}, Nature (London) {\bf 415}, 503 (2002)] our results show that optimal operational temperatures below 1 mK can only be obtained if extra interactions and dimer flips, which are not present in the standard quantum dimer model and involve three or four dimers, are included. It is unclear if these extra terms in the quantum dimer Hamiltonian destroy the liquid phase needed for quantum computation. Minimizing the effects of multi-dimer terms would require energy scales in the nano-Kelvin regime. An alternative implementation based on cold atomic or molecular gases loaded into optical lattices is also discussed, and it is shown that the small energy scales involved--implying long operational times--make such a device impractical. Given the many orders of magnitude between bare couplings in devices, and the topological gap, the realization of topological phases in quantum devices requires careful engineering and large bare interaction scales.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Evolutionary Approaches to Optimization Problems in Chimera Topologies

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    Chimera graphs define the topology of one of the first commercially available quantum computers. A variety of optimization problems have been mapped to this topology to evaluate the behavior of quantum enhanced optimization heuristics in relation to other optimizers, being able to efficiently solve problems classically to use them as benchmarks for quantum machines. In this paper we investigate for the first time the use of Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) on Ising spin glass instances defined on the Chimera topology. Three genetic algorithms (GAs) and three estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) are evaluated over 10001000 hard instances of the Ising spin glass constructed from Sidon sets. We focus on determining whether the information about the topology of the graph can be used to improve the results of EAs and on identifying the characteristics of the Ising instances that influence the success rate of GAs and EDAs.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    The ground state energy of the Edwards-Anderson spin glass model with a parallel tempering Monte Carlo algorithm

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    We study the efficiency of parallel tempering Monte Carlo technique for calculating true ground states of the Edwards-Anderson spin glass model. Bimodal and Gaussian bond distributions were considered in two and three-dimensional lattices. By a systematic analysis we find a simple formula to estimate the values of the parameters needed in the algorithm to find the GS with a fixed average probability. We also study the performance of the algorithm for single samples, quantifying the difference between samples where the GS is hard, or easy, to find. The GS energies we obtain are in good agreement with the values found in the literature. Our results show that the performance of the parallel tempering technique is comparable to more powerful heuristics developed to find the ground state of Ising spin glass systems.Comment: 30 pages, 17 figures. A new section added. Accepted for publication in Physica

    Reversal-field memory in magnetic hysteresis

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    We report results demonstrating a singularity in the hysteresis of magnetic materials, the reversal-field memory effect. This effect creates a nonanalyticity in the magnetization curves at a particular point related to the history of the sample. The microscopic origin of the effect is associated with a local spin-reversal symmetry of the underlying Hamiltonian. We show that the presence or absence of reversal-field memory distinguishes two widely studied models of spin glasses (random magnets).Comment: 3 pages, 5 figures. Proceedings of "2002 MMM Conferece", Tampa, F

    Reversal-Field Memory in the Hysteresis of Spin Glasses

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    We report a novel singularity in the hysteresis of spin glasses, the reversal-field memory effect, which creates a non-analyticity in the magnetization curves at a particular point related to the history of the sample. The origin of the effect is due to the existence of a macroscopic number of "symmetric clusters" of spins associated with a local spin-reversal symmetry of the Hamiltonian. We use First Order Reversal Curve (FORC) diagrams to characterize the effect and compare to experimental results on thin magnetic films. We contrast our results on spin glasses to random magnets and show that the FORC technique is an effective "magnetic fingerprinting" tool.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Ordering of the Heisenberg Spin Glass in High Dimensions

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    Ordering of the Heisenberg spin glass with the nearest-neighbor Gaussian coupling is investigated by equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations in four and five dimensions. Ordering of the mean-field Heisenberg spin-glass is also studied for comparison. Particular attention is paid to the nature of the spin-glass and the chiral-glass orderings. Our numerical data suggest that, in five dimensions, the model exhibits a single spin-glass transition at a finite temperature, where the spin-glass order accompanying the simultaneous chiral-glass order sets in. In four dimensions, by contrast, the model exhibits a chiral-glass transition at a finite temperature, not accompanying the standard spin-glass order. The critical region associated with the chiral-glass transition, however, is very narrow, suggesting that dimension four is close to the marginal dimensionality.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Feedback-optimized parallel tempering Monte Carlo

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    We introduce an algorithm to systematically improve the efficiency of parallel tempering Monte Carlo simulations by optimizing the simulated temperature set. Our approach is closely related to a recently introduced adaptive algorithm that optimizes the simulated statistical ensemble in generalized broad-histogram Monte Carlo simulations. Conventionally, a temperature set is chosen in such a way that the acceptance rates for replica swaps between adjacent temperatures are independent of the temperature and large enough to ensure frequent swaps. In this paper, we show that by choosing the temperatures with a modified version of the optimized ensemble feedback method we can minimize the round-trip times between the lowest and highest temperatures which effectively increases the efficiency of the parallel tempering algorithm. In particular, the density of temperatures in the optimized temperature set increases at the "bottlenecks'' of the simulation, such as phase transitions. In turn, the acceptance rates are now temperature dependent in the optimized temperature ensemble. We illustrate the feedback-optimized parallel tempering algorithm by studying the two-dimensional Ising ferromagnet and the two-dimensional fully-frustrated Ising model, and briefly discuss possible feedback schemes for systems that require configurational averages, such as spin glasses.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure