432 research outputs found

    Augmenter la performance des fonds de pensions suisses par une nouvelle stratégie de gestion et en particulier l'introduction de la gestion alternative

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    L’objectif du présent travail est d’analyser de quelle manière les caisses de pension suisses peuvent faire face aux pronostics d’avenir sinistres. Qu’est-ce qu’elles peuvent faire par rapport à l’évolution de l’espérance de vie et l’économie stagnante ? Comme la population des institutions de prévoyance est difficilement influençable, l’analyse se concentre davantage sur l’aspect économique. Le but est de trouver une stratégie d’investissement qui permet de générer des rendements suffisants malgré les taux d’intérêt très faibles. Dans cette finalité, le rapport analyse les profils de risque et de rendement des différentes classes d’actifs ainsi que l’allocation des fonds. En dernière partie, le travail étudie le fond de Yale qui a attiré l’attention de la presse et des autres investisseurs avec ses résultats exceptionnels. Il s’agit de comprendre quelles sont les forces de son modèle d’investissement et si celui-ci est applicable par analogie aux fonds de pension suisses. Il découle de ces analyses qu’il est essentiel de s’orienter davantage aux actions et aux actifs alternatifs pour compenser les pertes de rendement des obligations. Cependant, donné le risque supérieur de ces actifs, il faut respecter certaines conditions et apporter beaucoup de prudence lors de l’application de cette stratégie. En ce qui concerne le modèle de Yale, il n’est pas applicable tel qu’il est en raison des limitations de la loi suisse. Néanmoins, il peut être avantageux de s’inspirer des fondements du modèle et de la philosophie d’investissement de Yale

    Exchange rate dynamics and monetary policy - Evidence from a non-linear DSGE-VAR approach

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    In this paper, we reconsider the question how monetary policy influences exchange rate dynamics. To this end, a vector autoregressive (VAR) model is combined with a two-country dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model. Instead of focusing exclusively on how monetary policy shocks affect the level of exchange rates, we also analyze how they impact exchange rate volatility. Since exchange rate volatility is not observed, we estimate it alongside the remaining quantities in the model. Our findings can be summarized as follows. Contractionary monetary policy shocks lead to an appreciation of the home currency, with exchange rate responses in the short-run typically undershooting their long-run level of appreciation. They also lead to an increase in exchange rate volatility. Historical and forecast error variance decompositions indicate that monetary policy shocks explain an appreciable amount of exchange rate movements and the corresponding volatility.Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Serie

    The role of Phox2B in chromaffin cell development

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    AbstractPhox2B, a homeodomain transcription factor closely related to Phox2A, is expressed in peripheral and central noradrenergic neurons. In neural crest (NC) derivatives Phox2B is restricted to sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia, enteric neurons, and adrenal and extraadrenal chromaffin cells. Similar to MASH-1, Phox2B has been implicated in synchronizing pan-neuronal and catecholaminergic phenotype-specific aspects of neurogenesis. The role of Phox2B for the differentiation of the neuroendocrine NC derivatives, the adrenal medullary chromaffin cells, has not been explored. We have previously reported that in MASH-1-deficient mice most chromaffin cells are arrested at the early neuroblast stage and lack catecholaminergic differentiation. We show now that in Phox2B knockout/lacZ knockin mice the maturation of presumptive chromaffin cells is arrested at an even earlier stage of development. The cells lack the catecholaminergic marker enzyme TH and fail to form a centrally located medulla. In contrast to MASH-1 (−/−) mice they do not express dHand, Phox2A, c-ret, neurofilament, neuron-specific tubulin, and NCAM and appear ultrastructurally more immature. Many of these cells die by apoptosis. Despite the complete lack of differentiation, few lacZ-positive adrenal cells can still be found at E16.5. We conclude that Phox2B regulates very early events in the differentiation of adrenal chromaffin cells distinct to steps, which essentially require MASH-1

    Expression pattern of delta-like 1 homolog in developing sympathetic neurons and chromaffin cells

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    Delta-like 1 homolog (DLK1) is a member of the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like family and an atypical notch ligand that is widely expressed during early mammalian development with putative functions in the regulation of cell differentiation and proliferation. During later stages of development, DLK1 is downregulated and becomes increasingly restricted to specific cell types, including several types of endocrine cells. DLK1 has been linked to various tumors and associated with tumor stem cell features. Sympathoadrenal precursors are neural crest derived cells that give rise to either sympathetic neurons of the autonomic nervous system or the endocrine chromaffin cells located in the adrenal medulla or extraadrenal positions. As these cells are the putative cellular origin of neuroblastoma, one of the most common malignant tumors in early childhood, their molecular characterization is of high clinical importance. In this study we have examined the precise spatiotemporal expression of DLK1 in developing sympathoadrenal cells. We show that DLK1 mRNA is highly expressed in early sympathetic neuron progenitors and that its expression depends on the presence of Phox2B. DLK1 expression becomes quickly restricted to a small subpopulation of cells in sympathetic ganglia, while virtually all chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla and the Organ of Zuckerkandl still express high levels of DLK1 at late gestational stages

    Identification of a novel SERPINA-1 mutation causing alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency in a patient with severe bronchiectasis and pulmonary embolism

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    Deficiency in the serine protease inhibitor, alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT), is known to cause emphysema and liver disease. Other manifestations, including airway disease or skin disorders, have also been described. A 44-year-old woman presented to our emergency department with dyspnea and respiratory insufficiency. She had never smoked, and had been diagnosed with COPD 9 years earlier. Three months previously, she had suffered a pulmonary embolism. Chest computed tomography scan revealed severe cystic bronchiectasis with destruction of the lung parenchyma. The sweat test was normal and there was no evidence of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) mutation. Capillary zone electrophoresis showed a decrease of alpha-1 globin band and AAT levels were below the quantification limit (<25 mg/dL). No S or Z mutation was identified, but sequencing analysis found a homozygous cytosine and adenine (CA) insertion in exon 2 of the SERPINA-1 gene, probably leading to a dysfunctional protein (PI Null/Null). This mutation has not been previously identified. The atypical presentation of the patient, with severe cystic bronchiectasis, highlights AAT deficiency as a differential diagnosis in bronchiectasis. Further, awareness should be raised regarding a possible increased risk of thromboembolism associated with AAT deficiency

    Safety climate and its association with office type and team involvement in primary care

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    Objective To assess differences in safety climate perceptions between occupational groups and types of office organization in primary care. Methods Primary care physicians and nurses working in outpatient offices were surveyed about safety climate. Explorative factor analysis was performed to determine the factorial structure. Differences in mean climate scores between staff groups and types of office were tested. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine predictors for a ‘favorable' safety climate. Results 630 individuals returned the survey (response rate, 50%). Differences between occupational groups were observed in the means of the ‘team-based error prevention'-scale (physician 4.0 vs. nurse 3.8, P < 0.001). Medical centers scored higher compared with single-handed offices and joint practices on the ‘team-based error prevention'-scale (4.3 vs. 3.8 vs. 3.9, P < 0.001) but less favorable on the ‘rules and risks'-scale (3.5 vs. 3.9 vs. 3.7, P < 0.001). Characteristics on the individual and office level predicted favorable ‘team-based error prevention'-scores. Physicians (OR = 0.4, P = 0.01) and less experienced staff (OR 0.52, P = 0.04) were less likely to provide favorable scores. Individuals working at medical centers were more likely to provide positive scores compared with single-handed offices (OR 3.33, P = 0.001). The largest positive effect was associated with at least monthly team meetings (OR 6.2, P < 0.001) and participation in quality circles (OR 4.49, P < 0.001). Conclusions Results indicate that frequent quality circle participation and team meetings involving all team members are effective ways to strengthen safety climate in terms of team-based strategies and activities in error preventio

    Towards an improved legislative framework for organic farming – Overall conclusions and recommendations

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    Towards an improved legislative framework for organic farming – Overall conclusions and recommendations

    MiR-124 is differentially expressed in derivatives of the sympathoadrenal cell lineage and promotes neurite elongation in chromaffin cells

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    The neural-crest-derived sympathoadrenal cell lineage gives rise to sympathetic neurons and to endocrine chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla. Both cell types express a largely overlapping set of genes, including those coding for the molecular machinery related to the synthesis and exocytotic release of catecholamines. During their early development, sympathetic neurons and chromaffin cells rely on a shared transcription factor network that controls the establishment of these common features. Despite many similarities, mature sympathetic neurons and chromaffin cells significantly differ regarding their morphology and function. Most prominently, sympathetic neurons possess axons that are absent in mammalian adrenal chromaffin cells. The molecular mechanism underlying the divergent development of sympathoadrenal cells into neuronal and endocrine cells remains elusive. Mutational inactivation of the ribonuclease dicer hints at the importance of microRNAs in this diversification. We show here that miR-124 is detectable in developing sympathetic neurons but absent in chromaffin cell precursors. We further demonstrate that miR- 124 promotes neurite elongation when transfected into cultured chromaffin cells indicating its capability to support the establishment of a neuronal morphology in non- neuronal sympathoadrenal cells. Our results also show that treatment of PC12 cells with the neurotrophin nerve growth factor leads to an upregulation of miR-124 expression and that inhibition of miR-124 reduces nerve-growth-factor-induced neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells. Thus, our data indicate that miR-124 contributes to the establishment of specific neuronal features in developing sympathoadrenal cells
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