18 research outputs found

    Association of angiogenic factors with prognosis in esophageal cancer

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    Background: Despite multimodal therapy esophageal cancer often presents with poor prognosis. To improve outcome, tumor angiogenesis and anti-angiogenic therapeutic agents have recently gained importance. However, patient subgroups who benefit from anti-angiogenic therapy are not yet defined. In this retrospective exploratory study we investigated 9 angiogenic factors in patients’ serum and tissue samples with regard to their association with clinicopathological parameters, prognosis and response in patients with locally advanced preoperatively treated esophageal cancer. Methods: From 2007 to 2012 preoperative serum and corresponding tumor tissue (n = 54), only serum (n = 20) or only tumor tissue (n = 4) were collected from esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) (n = 34) and adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction (AEG) (n = 44) staged cT3/4NanyM0/x after preoperative chemo(radio)therapy. Angiogenic cytokine levels in both tissue and serum were measured by multiplex immunoassay. Results: Median survival in all patients was 28.49 months. No significant difference was found in survival between SCC and AEG (p = 0.90). 26 patients were histopathological responders. Histopathological response was associated with prognosis (p = 0.05). Angiogenic factors were associated with the following clinicopathological factors: tumor tissue expression of Angiopoietin-2 and Follistatin was higher in SCC compared to AEG (p = 0.022 and p = 0.001). High HGF and Follistatin expression in the tumor tissue was associated with poor prognosis in all patients (p = 0.037 and p = 0.036). No association with prognosis was found in the patients’ serum. Neither patients’ serum nor tumor tissue showed an association between angiogenic factors and response to neoadjuvant therapy. Conclusion: Two angiogenic factors (HGF and Follistatin) in posttherapeutic tumor tissue are associated with prognosis in esophageal cancer patients. Biological differences of AEG and SCC with respect to angiogenesis were evident by the different expression of 2 angiogenic factors. Results are promising and should be pursued prospectively, optimally sequentially pre- and posttherapeutically

    Makrofossilanalys av sediment från det tidig-holocena undervattenslandskapet vid Haväng, östra Skåne

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    Under havsytan i Hanöbukten vid Haväng på Skånes östkust finns lämningar från ett tidigholocent landskap bevarade. Lämningarna består bl.a. av gyttjor som har avsatts vid lågvattenperioder efter yoldia- respektive ancylusregressionen (11 700-8 000 cal BP). I gyttjorna finns stammar och stubbar bevarade som är daterade till havsnivåsänkningen vid yoldiaregressionen. Flera undersökningar har tidigare gjorts i området, och denna studie ingår i ett pågående doktorandprojekt på Geologiska institutionen vid Lunds universitet. En makrofossilstudie av gyttjorna har utförts för att rekonstruera vegetationen och miljön vid avsättningsperioderna, där bland annat växtfossil som frukter, fröer, bark och barr samt djurfossil av insekter, fisk och mossdjur har identifierats. Resultaten visar på ett landskap täckt av en gles skog dominerad av tall med inslag av björk, och gyttjorna har avsatts i grunda laguner som har saknat eller enbart haft begränsad saltvattenspåverkan. Spår efter de mesolitiska människor som har levt i området har inte påträffats i denna studie, men flera arkeologiska fynd har gjorts i samband med doktorandprojektet. De visar på att de människor som har levt i området åtminstone delvis har livnärt sig på fiske i de grunda lagunerna

    Interim endoscopy results during neoadjuvant therapy for gastric cancer correlate with histopathological response and prognosis

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    BACKGROUND Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced gastric cancer leads to major histopathological response in less than 30 % of patients. Data on interim endoscopic response assessment do not exist. This exploratory prospective study evaluates early endoscopy after 50 % of the chemotherapy as predictor for later response and prognosis. METHODS Forty-seven consecutive patients were included (45 resected; 33 R0 resections). All patients received baseline endoscopy and CT scans, after 50 % of their chemotherapy (EGD-1, CT-1) and after completion of chemotherapy (EGD-2, CT-2). Interim endoscopic response (EGD-1) was assessed after having received 50 % (6 weeks) of the planned 12 weeks of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Post-chemotherapy response was clinically assessed by a combination of CT scan (CT-2) and endoscopy (EGD-2). Histopathological response was determined by a standardized scoring system (Becker criteria). Endoscopic response was defined as a reduction of >75 % of the tumor mass. RESULTS Twelve patients were responders at EGD-1 and 13 at EGD-2. Nine patients (19.1 %) were clinical responders and 7 patients (15.6 %) were histopathological responders after chemotherapy. Specificity, accuracy, and negative predictive value of the interim EGD-1 for subsequent histopathological response were 31/38 (82 %), 36/47 (76 %), and 31/33 (93 %); and for recurrence or death, 28/30 (93.3 %), 38/47 (80.9 %), and 28/35 (80.0 %). Response at EGD-1 was significantly associated with histopathological response (p = 0.010), survival (p < 0.001), and recurrence-free survival (p = 0.009). CONCLUSIONS Interim endoscopy after 6 weeks predicts response and prognosis. Therefore, tailoring treatment according to interim endoscopic assessment could be feasible, but the findings of this study should be validated in a larger patient cohort

    Is preoperative chemotherapy followed by surgery the appropriate treatment for signet ring cell containing adenocarcinomas of the esophagogastric junction and stomach?

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    BACKGROUND Recent data suggest primary resection as the preferable approach in patients with signet ring cell gastric cancer (SRC). The aim of our retrospective exploratory study was to evaluate the influence of SRC on prognosis and response in esophagogastric adenocarcinoma treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. METHODS A total of 723 locally advanced esophagogastric adenocarcinomas (cT3/4 N any) documented in a prospective database from two academic centers were classified according to the WHO definition for SRC (more than 50 % SRC) and analyzed for their association with response and prognosis after neoadjuvant treatment. RESULTS A total of 235 tumors (32.5 %) contained SRC. Median survival of SRC was 26.3 compared with 46.6 months (p < 0.001) for non-SRC. SRC were significantly associated with female gender, gastric localization, advanced ypT and R1/2 categories, and lower risk of surgical complications and anastomotic leakage (each p < 0.001). Clinical (21.1 vs. 33.7 %, p = 0.001) and histopathological response (less than 10 % residual tumor: 16.3 vs. 28.9 %, p < 0.001) were significantly less frequent in SRC. Clinical response (p = 0.003) and complete histopathological response (pCR) (3.4 %) (p = 0.003) were associated with improved prognosis in SRC. Clinical response, surgical complications, ypTN categories, but not SRC were independent prognostic factors in forward Cox regression analysis in R0 resected patients. Risk of peritoneal carcinomatosis was increased (p < 0.001), while local (p = 0.015) and distant metastases (p = 0.02) were less frequent than in non-SRC. CONCLUSIONS Prognosis of SRC is unfavorable. Although response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy is rare in SRC, it is associated with improved outcome. Thus, chemotherapy might not generally be abandoned in SRC. A stratification based on SRC should be included in clinical trials