19 research outputs found

    A Novel Postsynaptic Mechanism for Heterosynaptic Sharing of Short-Term Plasticity

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    Postsynaptic release of Ca(2+) from intracellular stores is an important means of cellular signaling which mediates numerous forms of synaptic plasticity. Previous studies have identified a postsynaptic intracellular Ca(2+) requirement for a form of short-term plasticity, post-tetanic potentiation (PTP) at sensory-motor neuron (SN-MN) synapses in Aplysia. Here we show that postsynaptic IP(3)-mediated Ca(2+) release in response to a presynaptic tetanus in a SN that induces PTP can confer transient plasticity onto a neighboring SN synapse receiving subthreshold activation. This heterosynaptic sharing of plasticity represents a dynamic, short-term synaptic enhancement of synaptic inputs onto a common postsynaptic target. Heterosynaptic sharing is blocked by postsynaptic disruption of Ca(2+) and IP(3)-mediated signaling, and conversely, it is mimicked by postsynaptic injection of non-hydrolysable IP(3), and by photolysis of caged IP(3) in the MN. The molecular mechanism for heterosynaptic sharing involves mGluR and Homer-dependent interactions, indicating that Homer can facilitate the integration of Ca(2+)-dependent plasticity at neighboring postsynaptic sites and provides a postsynaptic mechanism for spread of plasticity induced by presynaptic activation. Our results support a model in which postsynaptic summation of IP(3) signals from suprathreshold and subthreshold inputs results in molecular coincidence detection that gives rise to a novel form of heterosynaptic plasticity

    Glutamate transporter GLT-1 mediates N-acetylcysteine inhibition of cocaine reinstatement

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    Both pre-clinical and clinical studies indicate that N-acetylcysteine (NAC) may be useful in treating relapse to addictive drug use. Cocaine self-administration in rats reduces both cystine-glutamate exchange and glutamate transport via GLT-1 in the nucleus accumbens, and NAC treatment normalizes these two glial processes critical for maintaining glutamate homeostasis. However, it is not known if one or both of these actions by NAC is needed to inhibit relapse to cocaine seeking. To determine whether the restoration of GLT-1 and/or cystine-glutamate exchange is required for NAC to inhibit cue-induced reinstatement of cocaine seeking, we utilized the rat self-administration/extinction/reinstatement model of cocaine relapse. Rats were pre-treated in the nucleus accumbens with vivo-morpholino anti-sense oligomers targeting either GLT-1 or xCT (catalytic subunit of the cystine-glutamate exchanger) overlapping with daily NAC administration during extinction (100 mg/kg, i.p. for the last 5 days). Rats then underwent cue-induced reinstatement of active lever pressing in the absence of NAC, to determine if preventing NAC-induced restoration of one or the other protein was sufficient to block the capacity of chronic NAC to inhibit reinstatement. The vivo-morpholino suppression of xCT reduced cystine-glutamate exchange but did not affect NAC-induced reduction of reinstated cocaine seeking. In contrast, suppressing NAC-induced restoration of GLT-1 not only prevented NAC from inhibiting reinstatement, but augmented the capacity of cues to reinstate cocaine seeking. We hypothesized that the increased reinstatement after inhibiting NAC induction of GLT-1 resulted from increased extracellular glutamate, and show that augmented reinstatement is prevented by blocking mGluR5. Restoring GLT-1, not cystine-glutamate exchange, is a key mechanism whereby daily NAC reduces cue-induced cocaine reinstatement

    Cocaine Self-Administration and Extinction Leads to Reduced Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Expression and Morphometric Features of Astrocytes in the Nucleus Accumbens Core

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    As a more detailed picture of nervous system function emerges, diversity of astrocyte function becomes more widely appreciated. While it has been shown that cocaine experience impairs astroglial glutamate uptake and release in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), few studies have explored effects of self-administration on the structure and physiology of astrocytes. We investigated the effects of extinction from daily cocaine self-administration on astrocyte characteristics including GFAP expression, surface area, volume, and colocalization with a synaptic marker

    The cystine/glutamate antiporter: when too much of a good thing goes bad

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    A novel postsynaptic mechanism for heterosynaptic sharing of short-term plasticity.

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    Postsynaptic release of Ca(2+) from intracellular stores is an important means of cellular signaling that mediates numerous forms of synaptic plasticity. Previous studies have identified a postsynaptic intracellular Ca(2+) requirement for a form of short-term plasticity, post-tetanic potentiation (PTP) at sensory neuron (SN)-motor neuron synapses in Aplysia. Here, we show that postsynaptic IP(3)-mediated Ca(2+) release in response to a presynaptic tetanus in an SN that induces PTP can confer transient plasticity onto a neighboring SN synapse receiving subthreshold activation. This heterosynaptic sharing of plasticity represents a dynamic, short-term synaptic enhancement of synaptic inputs onto a common postsynaptic target. Heterosynaptic sharing is blocked by postsynaptic disruption of Ca(2+)- and IP(3)-mediated signaling, and, conversely, it is mimicked by postsynaptic injection of nonhydrolyzable IP(3), and by photolysis of caged IP(3) in the MN. The molecular mechanism for heterosynaptic sharing involves metabotropic glutamate receptors and Homer-dependent interactions, indicating that Homer can facilitate the integration of Ca(2+)-dependent plasticity at neighboring postsynaptic sites and provides a postsynaptic mechanism for the spread of plasticity induced by presynaptic activation. Our results support a model in which postsynaptic summation of IP(3) signals from suprathreshold and subthreshold inputs results in molecular coincidence detection that gives rise to a novel form of heterosynaptic plasticity

    Use of vivo-morpholinos for control of protein expression in the adult rat brain

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    ► Here we test use of vivo-morpholinos for protein suppression in the rat brain. ► We show effective suppression of GLT-1, xCT, and orexin proteins. ► We provide evidence that vivo-morpholinos can be used without evidence of toxicity. ► However, high dose vivo-morpholinos are neurotoxic. Vivo-morpholinos are commercially available morpholino oligomers with a terminal octa-guanidinium dendrimer for enhanced cell-permeability. Existing evidence from systemically delivered vivo-morpholinos indicate that genetic suppression can last from days to weeks without evidence of cellular toxicity. However, intravenously delivered vivo-morpholinos are ineffective at protein suppression in the brain, and no evidence is available regarding whether intracranially delivered vivo-morpholinos effectively reduce target protein levels, or do so without inducing neurotoxicity. Here we report examples in which in vivo microinjection of antisense vivo-morpholinos directed against three different targets (xCT, GLT1, orexin) in two different brain regions resulted in significant suppression of protein expression without neurotoxicity. Expression was significantly suppressed at six to seven days post-administration, but returned to baseline levels within fourteen days. These results indicate that direct intracranial administration of vivo-morpholinos provides an effective means by which to suppress protein expression in the brain for one to two weeks