272 research outputs found

    The Epstein-Barr Virus Episome Maneuvers between Nuclear Chromatin Compartments during Reactivation.

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    The human genome is structurally organized in three-dimensional space to facilitate functional partitioning of transcription. We learned that the latent episome of the human Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) preferentially associates with gene-poor chromosomes and avoids gene-rich chromosomes. Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus behaves similarly, but human papillomavirus does not. Contacts on the EBV side localize to OriP, the latent origin of replication. This genetic element and the EBNA1 protein that binds there are sufficient to reconstitute chromosome association preferences of the entire episome. Contacts on the human side localize to gene-poor and AT-rich regions of chromatin distant from transcription start sites. Upon reactivation from latency, however, the episome moves away from repressive heterochromatin and toward active euchromatin. Our work adds three-dimensional relocalization to the molecular events that occur during reactivation. Involvement of myriad interchromosomal associations also suggests a role for this type of long-range association in gene regulation.IMPORTANCE The human genome is structurally organized in three-dimensional space, and this structure functionally affects transcriptional activity. We set out to investigate whether a double-stranded DNA virus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), uses mechanisms similar to those of the human genome to regulate transcription. We found that the EBV genome associates with repressive compartments of the nucleus during latency and with active compartments during reactivation. This study advances our knowledge of the EBV life cycle, adding three-dimensional relocalization as a novel component to the molecular events that occur during reactivation. Furthermore, the data add to our understanding of nuclear compartments, showing that disperse interchromosomal interactions may be important for regulating transcription

    “Just because a doctor says something, doesn’t mean that [it] will happen”: Self-perception as having a Fertility Problem among Infertility Patients

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    Only some individuals who have the medically defined condition ‘infertility’ adopt a self-definition as having a fertility problem, which has implications for social and behavioral responses, yet there is no clear consensus on why some people and not others adopt a medical label. We use interview data from 28 women and men who sought medical infertility treatment to understand variations in self-identification. Results highlight the importance of identity disruption for understanding the dialectical relationship between medical contact and self-identification, as well as how diagnosis acts both as a category and a process. Simultaneously integrating new medical knowledge from testing and treatment with previous fertility self-perceptions created difficulty for settling on an infertility self-perception. Four response categories emerged for adopting a self-perception of having a fertility problem: (i) the non-adopters – never adopting the self-perception pre- or post-medical contact; (ii) uncertain – not being fully committed to the self-perception pre- or post-medical contact; (iii) assuming the label – not having prior fertility concerns but adopting the self-perception post-medical contact; and (iv) solidifying a tentative identity – not being fully committed to a self-perception pre-medical contact, but fully committed post-medical contact

    Commercial Implementation of Ultrasonic Velocity Imaging Methods via Cooperative Agreement Between NASA Lewis Research Center and Sonix, Inc.

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    This article describes the commercial implementation of ultrasonic velocity imaging methods developed and refined at NASA Lewis Research Center on the Sonix c-scan inspection system. Two velocity imaging methods were implemented: thickness-based and non-thickness-based reflector plate methods. The article demonstrates capabilities of the commercial implementation and gives the detailed operating procedures required for Sonix customers to achieve optimum velocity imaging results. This commercial implementation of velocity imaging provides a 100x speed increase in scanning and processing over the lab-based methods developed at LeRC. The significance of this cooperative effort is that the aerospace and other materials development-intensive industries which use extensive ultrasonic inspection for process control and failure analysis will now have an alternative, highly accurate imaging method commercially available

    Determination of circulating Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains and transmission patterns among pulmonary TB patients in Kawempe municipality, Uganda, using MIRU-VNTR

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units - variable number of tandem repeats (MIRU-VNTR) genotyping is a powerful tool for unraveling clonally complex <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </it>(MTB) strains and detection of transmission patterns. Using MIRU-VNTR, MTB genotypes and their transmission patterns among patients with new and active pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) in Kawempe municipality in Kampala, Uganda was determined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MIRU-VNTR genotyping was performed by PCR-amplification of 15 MTB-MIRU loci from 113 cultured specimens from 113 PTB patients (one culture sample per patient). To determine lineages, the genotypes were entered into the MIRU-VNTR<it>plus </it>database [<url>http://www.miru-vntrplus.org/</url>] as numerical codes corresponding to the number of alleles at each locus. Ten different lineages were obtained: Uganda II (40% of specimens), Uganda I (14%), LAM (6%), Delhi/CAS (3%), Haarlem (3%), Beijing (3%), Cameroon (3%), EAI (2%), TUR (2%) and S (1%). Uganda I and Uganda II were the most predominant genotypes. Genotypes for 29 isolates (26%) did not match any strain in the database and were considered unique. There was high diversity of MIRU-VNTR genotypes, with a total of 94 distinct patterns. Thirty four isolates grouped into 15 distinct clusters each with two to four isolates. Eight households had similar MTB strains for both index and contact cases, indicating possible transmission.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>MIRU-VNTR genotyping revealed high MTB strain diversity with low clustering in Kawempe municipality. The technique has a high discriminatory power for genotyping MTB strains in Uganda.</p

    A Single Intradermal Injection of IFN-γ Induces an Inflammatory State in Both Non-Lesional Psoriatic and Healthy Skin

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    Psoriasis is a chronic, debilitating, immune-mediated inflammatory skin disease. As IFN-γ is involved in many cellular processes, including activation of dendritic cells (DCs), antigen processing and presentation, cell adhesion and trafficking, and cytokine and chemokine production, IFN-γ–producing Th1 cells were proposed to be integral to the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Recently, IFN-γ was shown to enhance IL-23 and IL-1 production by DCs and subsequently induce Th17 cells, which are important contributors to the inflammatory cascade in psoriatic lesions. To determine whether IFN-γ indeed induces the pathways expressed in psoriatic lesions, a single intradermal injection of IFN-γ was administered to an area of clinically normal, non-lesional (NL) skin of psoriasis patients and biopsies were collected 24 hours later. Although there were no visible changes in the skin, IFN-γ induced many molecular and histological features characteristic of psoriatic lesions. IFN-γ increased a number of differentially expressed genes in the skin, including many chemokines concomitant with an influx of T cells and inflammatory DCs. Furthermore, inflammatory DC products tumor necrosis factor (TNF), inducible nitric oxide synthase, IL-23, and TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand were present in IFN-γ–treated skin. Thus, IFN-γ, which is significantly elevated in NL skin compared with healthy skin, appears to be a key pathogenic cytokine that can induce many features of the inflammatory cascade of psoriasis

    Post-Therapeutic Relapse of Psoriasis after CD11a Blockade Is Associated with T Cells and Inflammatory Myeloid DCs

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    To understand the development of new psoriasis lesions, we studied a group of moderate-to-severe psoriasis patients who experienced a relapse after ceasing efalizumab (anti-CD11a, Raptiva, Genentech). There were increased CD3+ T cells, neutrophils, CD11c+ and CD83+ myeloid dendritic cells (DCs), but no increase in CD1c+ resident myeloid DCs. In relapsed lesions, there were many CD11c+CD1c−, inflammatory myeloid DCs identified by TNFSF10/TRAIL, TNF, and iNOS. CD11c+ cells in relapsed lesions co-expressed CD14 and CD16 in situ. Efalizumab induced an improvement in many psoriasis genes, and during relapse, the majority of these genes reversed back to a lesional state. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) of the transcriptome of relapsed tissue showed that many of the gene sets known to be present in psoriasis were also highly enriched in relapse. Hence, on ceasing efalizumab, T cells and myeloid cells rapidly enter the skin to cause classic psoriasis

    Detection of multiple strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using MIRU-VNTR in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in Kampala, Uganda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many studies using DNA fingerprinting to differentiate <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </it>(MTB) strains reveal single strains in cultures, suggesting that most disease is caused by infection with a single strain. However, recent studies using molecular epidemiological tools that amplify multiple targets have demonstrated simultaneous infection with multiple strains of MTB. We aimed to determine the prevalence of MTB multiple strain infections in Kampala, and the impact of these infections on clinical presentation of tuberculosis (TB) and response to treatment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 113 consecutive smear and culture positive patients who previously enrolled in a house-hold contact study were included in this study. To determine whether infection with multiple MTB strains has a clinical impact on the initial presentation of patients, retrospective patient data (baseline clinical, radiological and drug susceptibility profiles) was obtained. To determine presence of infections with multiple MTB strains, MIRU-VNTR (Mycobacterial Interspersed Repetitive Unit-Variable-Number Tandem Repeats) -PCR was performed on genomic DNA extracted from MTB cultures of smear positive sputum samples at baseline, second and fifth months.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 113 patients, eight (7.1%) had infection with multiple MTB strains, coupled with a high rate of HIV infection (37.5% versus 12.6%, <it>p </it>= 0.049). The remaining patients (105) were infected with single MTB strains. The proportions of patients with MTB smear positive cultures after two and five months of treatment were similar. There was no difference between the two groups for other variables.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Infection with multiple MTB strains occurs among patients with first episode of pulmonary tuberculosis in Kampala, in a setting with high TB incidence. Infection with multiple MTB strains had little impact on the clinical course for individual patients. This is the first MIRU-VNTR-based study from in an East African country.</p

    Extracellular vimentin is sufficient to promote cell attachment, spreading, and motility by a mechanism involving N-acetyl glucosamine-containing structures

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    Vimentin intermediate !laments form part of the cytoskeleton of mesenchymal cells, but under pathological conditions often associatedwith in ammation, vimentin !laments depolymerize as the result of phosphorylation or citrullination, and vimentin oligomers are secreted or released into the extracellular environment. In the extracellular space, vimentin can bind surfaces of cells and the extracellular matrix, and the interaction between extracellular vimentin and cells can trigger changes in cellular functions, such as activation of !broblasts to a !brotic phenotype. The mechanism by which extracellular vimentin binds external cell membranes and whether vimentin alone can act as an adhesive anchor for cells is largely uncharacterized. Here, we show that various cell types (normal and vimentin null !broblasts, mesenchymal stem cells, and A549 lung carcinoma cells) attach to and spread on polyacrylamide hydrogel substrates covalently linked to vimentin. Using traction force microscopy and spheroid expansion assays, we characterize how different cell types respond to extracellular vimentin. Cell attachment to and spreading on vimentin-coated surfaces is inhibited by hyaluronic acid degrading enzymes, hyaluronic acid synthase inhibitors, soluble heparin or N-acetyl glucosamine, all of which are treatments that have little or no effect on the same cell types binding to collagen-coated hydrogels. These studies highlight the effectiveness of substratebound vimentin as a ligand for cells and suggest that carbohydrate structures, including the glycocalyx and glycosylated cell surface proteins that contain N-acetyl glucosamine, form a novel class of adhesion receptors for extracellular vimentin that can either directly support cell adhesion to a substrate or !ne-tune the glycocalyx adhesive properties

    Environmental and vegetation controls on the spatial variability of CH4 emission from wet-sedge and tussock tundra ecosystems in the Arctic

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    Aims Despite multiple studies investigating the environmental controls on CH4 fluxes from arctic tundra ecosystems, the high spatial variability of CH4 emissions is not fully understood. This makes the upscaling of CH4 fluxes from plot to regional scale, particularly challenging. The goal of this study is to refine our knowledge of the spatial variability and controls on CH4 emission from tundra ecosystems. Methods CH4 fluxes were measured in four sites across a variety of wet-sedge and tussock tundra ecosystems in Alaska using chambers and a Los Gatos CO2 and CH4 gas analyser. Results All sites were found to be sources of CH4, with northern sites (in Barrow) showing similar CH4 emission rates to the southernmost site (ca. 300 km south, Ivotuk). Gross primary productivity (GPP), water level and soil temperature were the most important environmental controls on CH4 emission. Greater vascular plant cover was linked with higher CH4 emission, but this increased emission with increased vascular plant cover was much higher (86 %) in the drier sites, than the wettest sites (30 %), suggesting that transport and/or substrate availability were crucial limiting factors for CH4 emission in these tundra ecosystems. Conclusions Overall, this study provides an increased understanding of the fine scale spatial controls on CH4 flux, in particular the key role that plant cover and GPP play in enhancing CH4 emissions from tundra soils

    Life and death in the Chicxulub impact crater: a record of the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum

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    latitudes, with sea surface temperatures at some localities exceeding the 35 ∘C at which marine organisms experience heat stress. Relatively few equivalent terrestrial sections have been identified, and the response of land plants to this extreme heat is still poorly understood. Here, we present a new record of the PETM from the peak ring of the Chicxulub impact crater that has been identified based on nannofossil biostratigraphy, an acme of the dinoflagellate genus Apectodinium, and a negative carbon isotope excursion. Geochemical and microfossil proxies show that the PETM is marked by elevated TEXH86-based sea surface temperatures (SSTs) averaging ∼37.8 ∘C, an increase in terrestrial input and surface productivity, salinity stratification, and bottom water anoxia, with biomarkers for green and purple sulfur bacteria indicative of photic zone euxinia in the early part of the event. Pollen and plants spores in this core provide the first PETM floral assemblage described from Mexico, Central America, and the northern Caribbean. The source area was a diverse coastal shrubby tropical forest with a remarkably high abundance of fungal spores, indicating humid conditions. Thus, while seafloor anoxia devastated the benthic marine biota and dinoflagellate assemblages were heat-stressed, the terrestrial plant ecosystem thrived