446 research outputs found

    Gynoecium size and ovule number are interconnected traits that impact seed yield

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    Angiosperms form the biggest group of land plants and display an astonishing diversity of floral structures. The development of the flowers greatly contributed to the evolutionary success of the angiosperms as they guarantee efficient reproduction with the help of either biotic or abiotic vectors. The female reproductive part of the flower is the gynoecium (also called pistil). Ovules arise from meristematic tissue within the gynoecium. Upon fertilization, these ovules develop into seeds while the gynoecium turns into a fruit. Gene regulatory networks involving transcription factors and hormonal communication regulate ovule primordium initiation, their spacing on the placenta, and ovule development. Ovule number and gynoecium size are usually correlated and several genetic factors that impact these traits have been identified. Understanding and fine-tuning the gene regulatory networks influencing ovule number and pistil length opens up strategies for crop yield improvement, which is pivotal in light of a rapidly growing world population. In this review, we present an overview of the current knowledge of the genes and hormones involved in determining ovule number and gynoecium size. We propose a model for the gene regulatory network that guides the developmental processes that determine seed yield

    Early-life stress and amyloidosis in mice share pathogenic pathways involving synaptic mitochondria and lipid metabolism

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    Introduction: Early-life stress (ES) increases the risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD). We and others have shown that ES aggravates amyloid-beta (Aβ) pathology and promotes cognitive dysfunction in APP/PS1 mice, but underlying mechanisms remain unclear.Methods: We studied how ES affects the hippocampal synaptic proteome in wild-type (WT) and APP/PS1 mice at early and late pathological stages, and validated hits using electron microscopy and immunofluorescence.Results: The hippocampal synaptosomes of both ES-exposed WT and early-stage APP/PS1 mice showed a relative decrease in actin dynamics-related proteins and a relative increase in mitochondrial proteins. ES had minimal effects on older WT mice, while strongly affecting the synaptic proteome of advanced stage APP/PS1 mice, particularly the expression of astrocytic and mitochondrial proteins.Discussion: Our data show that ES and amyloidosis share pathogenic pathways involving synaptic mitochondrial dysfunction and lipid metabolism, which may underlie the observed impact of ES on the trajectory of AD

    Resistance of subarctic soil fungal and invertebrate communities to disruption of below-ground carbon supply

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    The supply of recent photosynthate from plants to soils is thought to be a critical mechanism regulating the activity and diversity of soil biota. In the Arctic, large-scale vegetation transitions are underway in response to warming, and there is an urgent need to understand how these changes affect soil biodiversity and function. We investigated how abundance and diversity of soil fungi and invertebrates responded to a reduction in fresh below-ground photosynthate supply in treeline birch and willow, achieved using stem girdling. We hypothesised that birch forest would support greater abundance of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal species and fauna than willow shrubs, and that girdling would result in a rapid switch from ECM fungi to saprotrophs as canopy supply of C was cut, with a concomitant decline in soil fauna. Birch forest had greater fungal and faunal abundance with a large contribution of root-associated ascomycetes (ericoid mycorrhizal fungi and root endophytes) compared to willow shrub plots, which had a higher proportion of saprotrophs and, contrary to our expectations, ECM fungi. Broad-scale soil fungal and faunal functional group composition was not significantly changed by girdling, even in the third year of treatment. Within the ECM community, there were some changes, with genera that are believed to be particularly C-demanding declining in girdled plots. However, it was notable how most ECM fungi remained present after 3 years of isolation of the below-ground compartment from contemporary photosynthate supply. Synthesis. In a treeline/tundra ecosystem, distinct soil communities existed in contrasting vegetation patches within the landscape, but the structure of these communities was resistant to canopy disturbance and concomitant reduction of autotrophic C inputs

    The simulation of the activity dependent neural network growth

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    It is currently accepted that cortical maps are dynamic constructions that are altered in response to external input. Experience-dependent structural changes in cortical microcurcuts lead to changes of activity, i.e. to changes in information encoded. Specific patterns of external stimulation can lead to creation of new synaptic connections between neurons. The calcium influxes controlled by neuronal activity regulate the processes of neurotrophic factors released by neurons, growth cones movement and synapse differentiation in developing neural systems. We propose a model for description and investigation of the activity dependent development of neural networks. The dynamics of the network parameters (activity, diffusion of axon guidance chemicals, growth cone position) is described by a closed set of differential equations. The model presented here describes the development of neural networks under the assumption of activity dependent axon guidance molecules. Numerical simulation shows that morpholess neurons compromise the development of cortical connectivity.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Drinking water temperature around the globe: Understanding, policies, challenges and opportunities

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    Water temperature is often monitored at water sources and treatment works; however, there is limited monitoring of the water temperature in the drinking water distribution system (DWDS), despite a known impact on physical, chemical and microbial reactions which impact water quality. A key parameter influencing drinking water temperature is soil temperature, which is influenced by the urban heat island effects. This paper provides critique and comprehensive summary of the current knowledge, policies and challenges regarding drinking water temperature research and presents the findings from a survey of international stakeholders. Knowledge gaps as well as challenges and opportunities for monitoring and research are identified. The conclusion of the study is that temperature in the DWDS is an emerging concern in various countries regardless of the water source and treatment, climate conditions, or network characteristics such as topology, pipe material or diameter. More research is needed, especially to determine (i) the effect of higher temperatures, (ii) a legislative limit on temperature and (iii) measures to comply with this limit

    Drinking water temperature around the globe : understanding, policies, challenges and opportunities

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    Water temperature is often monitored at water sources and treatment works; however, there is limited monitoring of the water temperature in the drinking water distribution system (DWDS), despite a known impact on physical, chemical and microbial reactions which impact water quality. A key parameter influencing drinking water temperature is soil temperature, which is influenced by the urban heat island effects. This paper provides critique and comprehensive summary of the current knowledge, policies and challenges regarding drinking water temperature research and presents the findings from a survey of international stakeholders. Knowledge gaps as well as challenges and opportunities for monitoring and research are identified. The conclusion of the study is that temperature in the DWDS is an emerging concern in various countries regardless of the water source and treatment, climate conditions, or network characteristics such as topology, pipe material or diameter. More research is needed, especially to determine (i) the effect of higher temperatures, (ii) a legislative limit on temperature and (iii) measures to comply with this limit

    The Influence of Scale Preferences on the Design of a Water Innovation: A Case in Dutch River Management

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    The debate on scale use in river management focuses primarily on the (lack of) fit between the bio-geophysical and institutional systems. However, in this article we focus on the ‘subjective’ aspect of scale preferences in water governance. We apply an adapted version of the Integrated Scale Hierarchy for Rivers to determine the degree of fit between the scale preferences of the actors involved in a Dutch case study and the scale requirements of the innovative river management concept. This allows us to understand which riverine processes and characteristics are regarded as important by the different actors and to identify mismatches in scale perspectives as they manifest themselves in water management practice. We discover that inflexibility in scale use on the part of the involved actors places bounds on the design and quality of interventions and demonstrate that a more flexible use of scales in the design phase of a river management intervention has the potential to lead to more effective solutions

    Psychiatry during the Nazi era: ethical lessons for the modern professional

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    For the first time in history, psychiatrists during the Nazi era sought to systematically exterminate their patients. However, little has been published from this dark period analyzing what may be learned for clinical and research psychiatry. At each stage in the murderous process lay a series of unethical and heinous practices, with many psychiatrists demonstrating a profound commitment to the atrocities, playing central, pivotal roles critical to the success of Nazi policy. Several misconceptions led to this misconduct, including allowing philosophical constructs to define clinical practice, focusing exclusively on preventative medicine, allowing political pressures to influence practice, blurring the roles of clinicians and researchers, and falsely believing that good science and good ethics always co-exist. Psychiatry during this period provides a most horrifying example of how science may be perverted by external forces. It thus becomes crucial to include the Nazi era psychiatry experience in ethics training as an example of proper practice gone awry