21 research outputs found

    Rozhovory v Komenském

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    Title in English: Interviews in the Comenius Journal: A Dozen Reflections on Education The book includes twelve interviews about pedagogical, curricular and didactic topics conducted with leading experts and important personalities in contemporary Czech pedagogy. It captures the ways of thinking about these issues in the second decade of the 21st century. It is intended for the wide professional public – academics, teachers and students

    Jewellery in time of princess Emma and early medieval jewellery

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    Summary of early medieval jewellery in Bohemia in the end of 9th - 12th century

    Disciplinary liability of health care professionals, relationship to criminal lability

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    The aim of this thesis called "Disciplinary liability of health care professionals, relationship to criminal liability" is to analyse and compare criminal and disciplinary liability in medicine and outline their relationship. Considering its topicality and interdisciplinary character, I found this matter to be very inspiring. Although the medical liability issue seems to be very popular and frequently discussed subject, there are some aspects and problems that need to be sorted out in order to provide the doctors with a minimal standard of legal certainity. The thesis is composed of five chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of any kind of liability rising out of medical profession. First chapter is subdivided into four parts briefly describing civil, labour, administrative and contractual liability relating to medicine. Chapter two focuses on criminal liability of doctors and composes of eight parts. First two parts reffer to the risk of fault, that any doctor can cause, and the ultima ratio principle. Part three illustrates the conditions of criminal liability. Part four adressess the issue of circumstances excluding illegality in medicine. Part five and six present the nature of medical intervention and define the term of health care professionals. Part seven and eight deals..

    Levý Hradec's Position in the Process of the Formation of the Early Medieval Pemyslid Domain

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    The subject of this work is the study of the position of Levý Hradec in the process of the formation of the development of the early medieval Přemyslid domain. The description of the current state of the art of the study of written and archaeological sources leads to a new specification of the settlement area of Levý Hradec. The core of this thesis critically evaluates the cemeteries of Žalov-Na Panenské, Žalov-cihelna A and Žalov-cihelna B, Žalov-Levý Hradec and Levý Hradec-St Clement's Church with regard to other burials in the cadastre of Žalov. The analysis of the burial rite and the material culture aims to specify the cultural and chronological frames, which it will be possible to utilise in the study of early medieval burial grounds not only in Bohemia but in Central Europe in general. The study of the social aspects of burying allows to track the differences in the dating and social setting of various communities, to deal with correspondences and differences between the inhabitants of Levý Hradec, of the Prague agglomeration and of the Mělník District, as well as the differences between individual hillforts. This way it is possible to prove that the cemeteries turn out to be a valuable source for the study of the development of the Central Bohemian Přemyslid domain. The introductory part..

    Does the Economic Performance since 2000 in the Czech Republic and other European States depends on the System of Financial Supervision?

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    The objective of this diploma thesis is to process an analysis of financial supervision in the Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and Italy with special attention to banking industry which is the most influent part of the financial market in all countries. Besides this major analysis, the economic growth analysis for years 2000 to 2014 (2015) is made in every country. The very last step is a comparison of supervision systems and their connection to economic performance of countries. Conclusions bring the answer for my question: whether the economic condition (since 2000 until now) depends on the system of financial supervision in European countries. The theoretical part consists of chapters about the theory of national economy, financial markets, where there are basic theoretical concepts explained, market functions and market division. Last but not least, the theory of financial supervision is analyzed: what is the essence, legal framework, what is the supervision purpose and what are the goals of supervisors. Firstly, there should also be the theory of central banking but it does not make any sense to explain this theory here since central banks are not the main supervisor authorities of financial markets (except the Czech Republic, but also here the policies are separated). The practical part involves six subchapters, everyone is devoted to one state (the Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Italy), the very last subchapter is about the comparison and analysis of results. In every state the history of financial market is processed together with institutional areas after 2000, legal framework and the analysis of supervision activity with special attention to capital, liquidity and resilience to shocks. European growth is analyzed according to GDP, inflation rate, unemployment, wage growth and GDP per capita in comparison with EU (28) and EA (19). The research brings the results that there is a connection between financial supervision and economic growth


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    Objective of my bachelor thesis is an analysis of causes and consequences of state bankrupcies in Argentina and in Island and also answering the question if the bankrupcy is a good solution of debt crisis in some European states. This topic is actual in view of the development of debt crisis in some states as Greece, Spain, Portugal etc. Theoretical part focuses on causes of bankrupcy (indebtedness, regime change, state disintegration...), financial, ekonomical and debt crisis will be explained. State bankrupcy will be characterised from theoretic view, what is the cause of its origin and how can we solve this situation. Practical part will analyse the development, causes and consequences of state bancrupcies in Argentina and Island too. Then current situation in some European states (some who are faced with bankrupcy and are under financial rehabilitation by other states) will be analysed. In this part there is also a consideration if the Czech Republic is threatened by similar situation. Conclusion should tell us if state bankrupcy is a better solution for some states (more than subsidizing their state budgets) or not

    Realizace české předložky "na" v němčině

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    The limits of life, the limits of leaving. Graves of important clergymen at Prague Castle in the Přemyslid's and Luxembourgs's Period

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    Contribution speaks about the limits of life, the limits of leaving and about the graves of important clergymen at Prague Castle in the Přemyslid's and Luxembourgs's Period

    Czech-Egyptian business cooperation with respect to cultural differences

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    Cílem práce je specifikovat vzájemnou obchodní spolupráci mezi Českou republikou a Egyptem, charakterizovat egyptskou kulturu a následně ji porovnat s kulturou českou. Práce je rozdělena do čtyř kapitol. První kapitola představuje Egypt z hlediska geografie a demografie, dále je zde popsán politicko-právní systém, ekonomická situace a zahraniční obchod. Druhá kapitola je zaměřena na česko-egyptské obchodní vztahy, jejich vývoj a analýzu obchodní výměny jak z hlediska objemu, tak komoditní struktury. Třetí kapitola je věnována kulturním odlišnostem mezi Českou republikou a Egyptem. Rysy obou kultur jsou zde mimo jiné shrnuty pomocí teorie Geerta Hofstedeho. Poslední kapitola je založena na rozhovorech se dvěma odborníky, kteří mají v oblasti česko-egyptské obchodní spolupráce bohaté zkušenosti.The aim of this thesis is to specify the mutual business cooperation between the Czech Republic and Egypt, to characterize Egyptian culture and to compare it with the Czech culture. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter introduces Egypt in terms of geography and demography, furthermore it describes political and legal system, economic situation and foreign trade. The second chapter focuses on the Czech-Egyptian business relations and their development, and on the analysis of the mutual trade both in terms of volume and commodity structure. The third chapter is devoted to cultural differences between the Czech Republic and Egypt. The features of both cultures are, among other things, summarized by the theory of Geert Hofstede. The last chapter is based on the interviews with two experts who have an extensive experience in the area of Czech-Egyptian business cooperation