9 research outputs found

    Eigenvalue Spectra of Functional Networks in fMRI Data and Artificial Models

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    Full paper available at Springerlink: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-38658-9_19In this work we provide a spectral comparison of functional networks in fMRI data of brain activity and artificial energy-based neural model. The spectra (set of eigenvalues of the graph adjacency matrix) of both networks turn out to obey similar decay rate and characteristic power-law scaling in their middle parts. This extends the set of statistics, which are already confirmed to be similar for both neural models and medical data, by the graph spectrum

    The development of language skills and theory of mind of four years old children

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    Teoria umys艂u to konstrukt, kt贸ry s艂u偶y do opisywania tego, w jaki spos贸b dzieci my艣l膮 o cudzych stanach mentalnych (m.in. o pragnieniach i przekonaniach). W wieku oko艂o 4-ech lat obserwowany jest u dzieci istotna, jako艣ciowa zmiana osi膮gni臋膰 w testach fa艂szywych przekona艅, s艂u偶膮cych do weryfikacji poziomu teorii umys艂u. Lepsze wyniki w tych testach uzasadnia膰 mo偶e r贸wnoleg艂y rozw贸j zdolno艣ci j臋zykowych, np. rozumienie coraz bardziej z艂o偶onych struktur gramatycznych. Aby sprawdzi膰 powy偶sze za艂o偶enie, zbadano 49 dzieci w wieku czterech lat technikami mierz膮cymi r贸偶ne zdolno艣ci j臋zykowe (syntaktyk臋, rozumienie s艂贸w oraz rekurencj臋 j臋zykow膮), teori臋 umys艂u (Skala Rozumienia Umys艂u) oraz, kontrolnie, pami臋膰 robocz膮. Analiza zebranych danych wykaza艂a zwi膮zek pomi臋dzy skokiem w udzielaniu przez dzieci poprawnych odpowiedzi w te艣cie teorii umys艂u a rozumieniem przez nie struktur syntaktycznych, jednak nie uda艂o si臋 wykluczy膰 ca艂kowicie mo偶liwego wp艂ywu posiadanego zasobu s艂ownictwa. Ustalenie powy偶szych kwestii stanowi kontynuacj臋 bada艅 nad mechanizmami rozwoju teorii umys艂u na gruncie polskim.Theory of mind is a construct that serves the purpose of describing how children think of other people鈥檚 mental states (e.g. desires and beliefs). The researchers observed a qualitative change in children鈥檚 performance in false belief tasks around the age of 4. Better performance might occur due to the development of language skills, such as understanding more complex gramatic structures. To test the assumption above, 49 children (aged 4 years old) were tested with a battery of methods measuring language skills (syntactics, vocabulary understanding and language reccurence), theory of mind (Mind Understanding Scale) and working memory (Spin the Pot task). The analysis of gathered data implied that the connection between theory of mind and understanding syntactic structures does exsist, however the influence of the lexicon be excluded. Determining the above issues is a continuation of research on the theory of mind development mechanisms on Polish ground

    Industrial Verification and Research Development of Lime鈥揋ypsum Fertilizer Granulation Method

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    This work concerns non-pressure granulation of mineral materials used for the production of agricultural fertilizers for soil deacidification. In order to expand the product range of Nordkalk Poland sp. z o. o. located in Poland, the granulation conditions of the gypsum–lime mix were examined with the use of various granulation methods. The processed mixture was Jurassic lime flour mined in the S艂awno mine (Poland) and waste gypsum (sulfogypsum) obtained from the largest coal-fired power plant in the EU, Be艂chatów Power Plant (Poland). This paper presents the results of the optimization of the gypsum–lime fertilizer granulation process. The results of the study of granulation of gypsum–lime mixture realized in one-stage technology in a disc granulator were compared with the effects of two-stage agglomeration. During the research, a mixture (in a 1:1 ratio) of waste sulfogypsum and lime flour was used. Such a weight ratio provides maximum use of the sulfogypsum waste while maintaining good mechanical properties of the granulate. The granulated bed was moistened with a lignosulfonate solution. The process was carried out periodically. After the experiment, the grain composition of the granulate obtained was determined and tests were performed to determine the strength of the product. The test results were compared with analogous ones obtained during granulation with the use of molasses (waste from sugar production). The results obtained were verified during a trial carried out on an industrial scale

    Comprehensive Biological Evaluation of Biomaterials Used in Spinal and Orthopedic Surgery

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    Biological acceptance is one of the most important aspects of a biomaterial and forms the basis for its clinical use. The aim of this study was a comprehensive biological evaluation (cytotoxicity test, bacterial colonization test, blood platelets adhesion test and transcriptome and proteome analysis of Saos-2 cells after contact with surface of the biomaterial) of biomaterials used in spinal and orthopedic surgery, namely, Ti6Al4V ELI (Extra Low Interstitials), its modified version obtained as a result of melting by electron beam technology (Ti6Al4V ELI-EBT), polyether ether ketone (PEEK) and polished medical steel American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 316L (the reference material). Biological tests were carried out using the osteoblasts-like cells (Saos-2, ATCC HTB-85) and bacteria Escherichia coli (DH5伪). Results showed lack of cytotoxicity of all materials and the surfaces of both Ti6Al4V ELI and PEEK exhibit a significantly higher resistance to colonization with E. coli cells, while the more porous surface of the same titanium alloy produced by electron beam technology (EBT) is more susceptible to microbial colonization than the control surface of polished medical steel. None of the tested materials showed high toxicity in relation to E. coli cells. Susceptibility to platelet adhesion was very high for polished medical steel AISI 316L, whilst much lower for the other biomaterials and can be ranked from the lowest to the highest as follows: PEEK < Ti6Al4V ELI < Ti6Al4V ELI-EBT. The number of expressed genes in Saos-2 cells exposed to contact with the examined biomaterials reached 9463 genes in total (ranging from 8455 genes expressed in cells exposed to ELI to 9160 genes in cells exposed to PEEK). Whereas the number of differentially expressed proteins detected on two-dimensional electrophoresis gels in Saos-2 cells after contact with the examined biomaterials was 141 for PEEK, 223 for Ti6Al4V ELI and 133 for Ti6Al4V ELI-EBT. Finally, 14 proteins with altered expression were identified by mass spectrometry. In conclusion, none of the tested biomaterials showed unsatisfactory levels of cytotoxicity. The gene and protein expression analysis, that represents a completely new approach towards characterization of these biomaterials, showed that the polymer PEEK causes much more intense changes in gene and protein expression and thus influences cell metabolism