64 research outputs found

    Reproductive cycle in the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) from Belgrade

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    We studied male and female one-year reproductive, fat body and liver cycle of the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis muralis) from the urban and suburban localities of Belgrade. The minimum size at which females attain sexual maturity was between 49.78 and 51.25 mm of the snout-vent length. Vitellogenesis started at the end of March. The size and number of vitellogenic follicles varied considerably during the season. Increase in the female size leads to a significant increase in number but not in size of vitellogenic follicles. Females with oviductal eggs were found from late May to late July. Two clutches with mean size of 3.5 Ā± 0.31 were laid in 1994. We found a significant positive correlation between female size and oviductal clutch size, while partial correlation between SVL and mean egg volume, as well as between clutch size and mean egg volume was insignificant. Relative oviductal clutch mass had the mean value of 0.17 Ā± 0.01, and was not correlated with female size. Testicles and epididymides exhibited maximal weight during April-June, and minimum in late July. The increase in male SVL lead to a significant increase in testicular and epididymal mass. Viable spermatozoa were produced from March to July. Fat bodies and liver of males were the smallest during the mating period while female fat bodies and liver decreased in weight during vitellogenesis. Mass of fat bodies and liver were significantly positively correlated with SVL in both sexes.U ovom radu je praćen jednogodiÅ”nji reproduktivni ciklus zidnog guÅ”tera (Podarcis muralis) na teritoriji grada Beograda. Minimalna veličina tela na kojoj ženke postaju polno zrele je bila između 49.78 i 51.25 mm. Vitelogeneza počinje krajem marta, dok broj i veličina vitelusnih folikula značajno varira tokom reproduktivne sezone. Veličina ženki je pozitivno korelisana sa brojem, ali ne i sa veličinom vitelusnih folikula. Ženke s oviduktalnim jajima su nalažene od kraja maja do kraja jula. Tokom ispitivane sezone 1994. godine postojala su dva legla, sa prosečnom veličinom od 3.50 Ā± 0.31 jaja. Ustanovljena je značajna pozitivna korelacija između veličine ženki i veličine legla, dok parcijalna korelacija između veličine ženki i prosečne zapremine jaja, kao i između veličine legla i prosečne zapremine jaja nije bila značajna. Prosečna relativna masa oviduktalnog legla je bila 0.17 Ā± 0.01 i nije bila u korelaciji sa veličinom tela ženki. Kod analiziranih mužjaka testisi i epididimisi su imali najveću masu u periodu april-juni, a najmanju krajem jula. Porast mase testisa i epididimisa je u direktnoj vezi sa veličinom tela mužjaka. Vijabilni spermatozoidi su nalaženi od marta do jula. Masa masnih tela i jetre kod mužjaka je bila najmanja u vreme parenja, dok se masa masnih tela kod ženki smanjivala tokom vitelogeneze. Značajna pozitivna korelacija između veličine tela i mase masnih tela i jetre je uočena kod oba pola.nul

    Sexual differences in size and shape of the Mosor rock lizard [Dinarolacerta mosorensis (Kolombatović, 1886)] (squamata: lacertidae): A case study of the Lovćen mountain population (Montenegro)

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    Sexual differences in size and shape of the Mosor rock lizard, Dinarolacerta mosorensis (Kolombatović, 1886), from Lovćen Mountain (Montenegro) were examined on the basis of the intersex variation pattern of nine morphometric, eight pholidotic, and four qualitative traits. Sexual dimorphism was apparent for all morphometric characters except snout-vent length, while scalation and dorsal pattern exhibited small differences between sexes. The value of the sexual size difference (SSD) index based on snout-vent length was 1.028. The sex-specific allometric slopes for head dimensions and interlimb distance significantly diverged. Head dimensions, especially head height, showed strong positive allometry in males, while interlimb distance was the only character which showed positive allometry in females. Generally, males had significantly greater body size than females. This was true of all body measurements except interlimb distance. The influence of sexual and natural selection on the examined traits is discussed

    Morphological differentiation of the common toad Bufo bufo (Linnaeus, 1758) in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula

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    This study analyzes the degree of morphological differentiation among populations of the common toad Bufo bufo in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula. Variations in a number of morphometric and qualitative characters in 14 population samples were analyzed using univariate and multivariate statistics. We found a high degree of female-biased sexual size dimorphism. Morphological variation among the samples was more expressed in morphometric than in qualitative characters. The significant size differences that exist between northern and southern population groups could be the result of phenotypic plasticity. Our results do not support a clear split between northern and southern populations, contrary to the current taxonomic treatment of these groups as B. b. bufo and B. b. spinosus, respectively. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173043

    Female reproductive characteristics of the Horvath's rock lizard (Iberolacerta horvathi) from Slovenia

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    In this paper, we present data on the female reproductive traits of the Horvathā€™s rock lizard from Slovenia. The clutch, egg and hatchling characteristics were investigated based on clutches laid in laboratory conditions by pregnant females collected from a natural population. A female lays one clutch of eggs annually with an average number of three (range 1-5) eggs. We found a significant positive correlation between female size and egg width and volume. The mean egg length and volume in a clutch decreased significantly with clutch size independently of female size. The incubation period averaged 44 days. Significant positive correlations were found between the hatchling total length and mass, and egg mass. There was a significant negative relationship between the egg mass and incubation duration. The life-history strategy of the Horvathā€™s rock lizard appeared to be shaped by several factors, such as the constraints of a high-altitude environment, flattened body morphology and possibly phylogenetic background.Projekat ministarstva br. 17304

    Reproductive cycle in the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) from Belgrade

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    We studied male and female one-year reproductive, fat body and liver cycle of the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis muralis) from the urban and suburban localities of Belgrade. The minimum size at which females attain sexual maturity was between 49.78 and 51.25 mm of the snout-vent length. Vitellogenesis started at the end of March. The size and number of vitellogenic follicles varied considerably during the season. Increase in the female size leads to a significant increase in number but not in size of vitellogenic follicles. Females with oviductal eggs were found from late May to late July. Two clutches with mean size of 3.5 Ā± 0.31 were laid in 1994. We found a significant positive correlation between female size and oviductal clutch size, while partial correlation between SVL and mean egg volume, as well as between clutch size and mean egg volume was insignificant. Relative oviductal clutch mass had the mean value of 0.17 Ā± 0.01, and was not correlated with female size. Testicles and epididymides exhibited maximal weight during April-June, and minimum in late July. The increase in male SVL lead to a significant increase in testicular and epididymal mass. Viable spermatozoa were produced from March to July. Fat bodies and liver of males were the smallest during the mating period while female fat bodies and liver decreased in weight during vitellogenesis. Mass of fat bodies and liver were significantly positively correlated with SVL in both sexes.U ovom radu je praćen jednogodiÅ”nji reproduktivni ciklus zidnog guÅ”tera (Podarcis muralis) na teritoriji grada Beograda. Minimalna veličina tela na kojoj ženke postaju polno zrele je bila između 49.78 i 51.25 mm. Vitelogeneza počinje krajem marta, dok broj i veličina vitelusnih folikula značajno varira tokom reproduktivne sezone. Veličina ženki je pozitivno korelisana sa brojem, ali ne i sa veličinom vitelusnih folikula. Ženke s oviduktalnim jajima su nalažene od kraja maja do kraja jula. Tokom ispitivane sezone 1994. godine postojala su dva legla, sa prosečnom veličinom od 3.50 Ā± 0.31 jaja. Ustanovljena je značajna pozitivna korelacija između veličine ženki i veličine legla, dok parcijalna korelacija između veličine ženki i prosečne zapremine jaja, kao i između veličine legla i prosečne zapremine jaja nije bila značajna. Prosečna relativna masa oviduktalnog legla je bila 0.17 Ā± 0.01 i nije bila u korelaciji sa veličinom tela ženki. Kod analiziranih mužjaka testisi i epididimisi su imali najveću masu u periodu april-juni, a najmanju krajem jula. Porast mase testisa i epididimisa je u direktnoj vezi sa veličinom tela mužjaka. Vijabilni spermatozoidi su nalaženi od marta do jula. Masa masnih tela i jetre kod mužjaka je bila najmanja u vreme parenja, dok se masa masnih tela kod ženki smanjivala tokom vitelogeneze. Značajna pozitivna korelacija između veličine tela i mase masnih tela i jetre je uočena kod oba pola.nul

    Morphological variation of the Common Lizard (Zootoca vivipara Jacquin, 1787) in the Central Balkans

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    The variation in some of the morphometric, meristic and qualitative characters of the Common Lizard (Zootoca vivipara) in five population samples from mountains of the Central Balkans was analyzed using univariate and multivariate statistics. The morphological differentiation was greater in males than in females and is more expressed in the morphometric than in the pholidosis and qualitative characters. The largest differences in morphometric traits appeared between the populations from the Å ara and Stara Planina mountains. The 'median' pileus pattern generally prevailed, with the appearance of other states in a certain proportion in some of the populations. Further analyses of the possible morphological and ecological distinctions of the population from Mt Tara are proposed.U ovom radu analizirana je morfoloÅ”ka varijabilnost populacija planinskog guÅ”tera (Zootoca vivipara) iz centralnog dela Balkanskog poluostrva u pogledu većeg broja morfometrijskih, merističkih i kvalitativnih karaktera pomoću univarijantih i multivarijantnih statističkih metoda. MorfoloÅ”ka diferencijacija populacija je viÅ”e izražena kod mužjaka nego kod ženki i to znatno viÅ”e u morfometrijskim karakterima nego u folidozi i kvalitativnim karakterima. Najveće razlike u pogledu morfometrijskih karaktera su utvrđene između populacija sa Å ar-planine i Stare planine. Dominira konstelacija pileusa 'median' tipa, sa pojavom manjeg procenta ostalih stanja u pojedinim populacijama. Predlažu se dalje analize moguće morfoloÅ”ke i ekoloÅ”ke različitosti populacije sa planine Tare.Projekat ministarstva br. 143052: Patterns of amphibian and reptile diversity on the Balkan Peninsul

    Morphological differentiation of the common toad Bufo bufo (Linnaeus, 1758) in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula

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    This study analyzes the degree of morphological differentiation among populations of the common toad Bufo bufo in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula. Variations in a number of morphometric and qualitative characters in 14 population samples were analyzed using univariate and multivariate statistics. We found a high degree of female-biased sexual size dimorphism. Morphological variation among the samples was more expressed in morphometric than in qualitative characters. The significant size differences that exist between northern and southern population groups could be the result of phenotypic plasticity. Our results do not support a clear split between northern and southern populations, contrary to the current taxonomic treatment of these groups as B. b. bufo and B. b. spinosus, respectively.Projekat ministarstva br. 17304

    Female reproductive characteristics of the Horvath's rock lizard (Iberolacerta horvathi) from Slovenia

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    In this paper, we present data on the female reproductive traits of the Horvathā€™s rock lizard from Slovenia. The clutch, egg and hatchling characteristics were investigated based on clutches laid in laboratory conditions by pregnant females collected from a natural population. A female lays one clutch of eggs annually with an average number of three (range 1-5) eggs. We found a significant positive correlation between female size and egg width and volume. The mean egg length and volume in a clutch decreased significantly with clutch size independently of female size. The incubation period averaged 44 days. Significant positive correlations were found between the hatchling total length and mass, and egg mass. There was a significant negative relationship between the egg mass and incubation duration. The life-history strategy of the Horvathā€™s rock lizard appeared to be shaped by several factors, such as the constraints of a high-altitude environment, flattened body morphology and possibly phylogenetic background.Projekat ministarstva br. 17304

    Contrasting evolutionary histories of the legless lizards slow worms (Anguis) shaped by the topography of the Balkan Peninsula

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    Background: Genetic architecture of a species is a result of historical changes in population size and extent of distribution related to climatic and environmental factors and contemporary processes of dispersal and gene flow. Population-size and range contractions, expansions and shifts have a substantial effect on genetic diversity and intraspecific divergence, which is further shaped by gene-flow limiting barriers. The Balkans, as one of the most important sources of European biodiversity, is a region where many temperate species persisted during the Pleistocene glaciations and where high topographic heterogeneity offers suitable conditions for local adaptations of populations. In this study, we investigated the phylogeographical patterns and demographic histories of four species of semifossorial slow-worm lizards (genus Anguis) present in the Balkan Peninsula, and tested the relationship between genetic diversity and topographic heterogeneity of the inhabited ranges. Results: We inferred phylogenetic relationships, compared genetic structure and historical demography of slow worms using nucleotide sequence variation of mitochondrial DNA. Four Anguis species with mostly parapatric distributions occur in the Balkan Peninsula. They show different levels of genetic diversity. A signature of population growth was detected in all four species but with various courses in particular populations. We found a strong correlation between genetic diversity of slow-worm populations and topographic ruggedness of the ranges (mountain systems) they inhabit. Areas with more rugged terrain harbour higher genetic diversity. Conclusions: Phylogeographical pattern of the genus Anguis in the Balkans is concordant with the refugiawithin- refugia model previously proposed for both several other taxa in the region and other main European Peninsulas. While slow-worm populations from the southern refugia mostly have restricted distributions and have not dispersed much from their refugial areas, populations from the extra-Mediterranean refugia in northern parts of the Balkans have colonized vast areas of eastern, central, and western Europe. Besides climatic historical events, the heterogeneous topography of the Balkans has also played an important role in shaping genetic diversity of slow worms.BMC Evolutionary Biology (2016), 16(1): 9

    Species diversity and distribution of lizards in Montenegro

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    The southern part of Montenegro has been identified as an area with high diversity of herpetofauna. However, comprehensive studies of distribution and diversity patterns of reptiles on the country level are still missing. Such studies are essential in designating areas of special conservation importance and nature protection planning in a milieu of increased habitat loss and degradation due to rapid urbanization and tourism development in this small Mediterranean country. To make progress on this problem, we analyzed distribution and diversity patterns of the lizards in Montenegro using a large database consisting of literature data and our unpublished records. We found that fifteen lizard species inhabit Montenegro, and two additional species may be present. The lizards were most diverse in the Maritime biogeographic region of Montenegro, while low diversity was found predominantly along the state borders in the Mountain-valley region. The identified pattern of lizard diversity is at least partly influenced by sampling bias. The eastern mountainous subregion had a distinct species composition compared to all other parts of the country. The East-Mediterranean chorotype was the most dominant, represented by seven species. The great diversity of the lizard fauna of Montenegro can be attributed to its specific topographic position with great influence of Mediterranean climate, heterogeneity of biomes, complex geological history and diverse physiogeographic features. High lizard species richness in the Maritime region and a unique species composition in the eastern subregion of Montenegro indicate that these areas are of high conservation interest
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