17 research outputs found

    A kutatásalapú tanulás alkalmazása a tehetséggondozásban

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    A fizika tantárgy általános elutasítottsága, a megtanulandó tananyag érthetetlensége, a fejleszteni kívánt gondolkodás háttérbe szorulása hosszú évek óta ismert tények (Papp és Józsa, 2000; Csapó, 2002, 2004, 147–174. o.; Radnóti, 2002). Az régóta nem kérdés, hogy meg kell újítani a tantárgy tanítását, arról azonban megoszlanak a vélemények, hogy hogyan. Ezt az állítást támasztják alá a megszületett kerettantervek is. Holott a probléma gyökere talán nem is az, hogy mit tanítunk fizikából, hanem az, hogy hogyan, mekkora csoportlétszámmal dolgozva és mennyi idő alatt mekkora mennyiségű tananyagot szeretnénk a diákok fejébe tömni. A fizikatanítás megújulásának egyik lehetősége a kutatásalapú tanulás (IBL) alkalmazása. Ez jelenthet olyan tanítási technikát, amely megengedi a tanulóknak, hogy maguk fedezzék fel a tudományos ismereteket (Nagy L.-né, 2010). A magyar természettudományos oktatástól nem idegen a felfedeztető tanítás, a tanulókísérleti órák régebben is lehetővé tették, hogy a diákok önállóan ismerjenek meg összefüggéseket, törvényszerűségeket. Amikor egy-egy kivételes alkalommal sikerül egy „normál” tantervű osztályban tanulói mérési gyakorlatot végezni, megtapasztalható, mennyire megváltozik a diákok viszonya a tantárgyhoz, és joggal teszik fel a kérdést: „Miért nem lehet minden órát így megtartani?” A válasz sajnos nagyon lehangoló: már korábban, a kevésbé feszített tanterv, kisebb osztálylétszámok és a kísérletes tárgyakat tanító tanárok órakedvezménye mellett is nagyon nehezen volt megoldható, hogy lehessen ilyen órákat tartani, ma pedig szinte lehetetlen. Kivételt képeznek a speciális tantervű csoportok és az éppen aktuális projektekben részt vevő csoportok. Hogy mit tehetünk mégis? Tanulmányunkban az e térén végzett tevékenységeink tapasztalatait gyűjtöttük össze

    Efficient Sound Card Based Experimention At Different Levels Of Natural Science Education

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    Sound cards, which count as standard equipment in today's computers, can be turned into measurement tools, making experimentation very efficient and cheap. The chief difficulties to overcome are the lack of proper hardware interfacing and processing software. Sound-card experimentation becomes really viable only if we demonstrate how to connect different sensors to the sound card and provide suitable open-source software to support the experiments. In our talk, we shall present a few applications of sound cards in measurements: photogates, stopwatches and an example of temperature measurement and registration. We also provide the software for these applications.Comment: MPTL-HSCI 2011 Joint conference, 15-17 September 2011, Ljubljana, Sloveni

    Real-time analysis of mechanical and electrical resonances with open-source sound card software

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    We present an easily reproducible, open-source, sound card based experimental set- up to support transfer function measurement. Our system is able to visualize signals of mechanical and electrical resonances and their spectra in real time. We give a brief description of the system, and show some examples of electrical and mechanical resonance experiments that are supported by the system. The theoretical background, experimental set-up, component selection and digital signal processing are all discussed, and more detailed information (building instructions, software download) is provided on a dedicated web page (http://www.noise.inf.u-szeged.hu/edudev/RealTimeAnalysisOfResonances/) The experimental set-up can support undergraduate and graduate education of students of physics, physics education and engineering by means of experimental demonstrations and laboratory exercises. The very low cost, high efficiency and transparent system provides a scalable experimental environment that can be easily built in several instances

    Real-time analysis of mechanical and electrical resonances with open source sound card software

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    We present an easily reproducible, open-source, sound card based experimental set-up to support transfer function measurement. Our system is able to visualize signals of mechanical and electrical resonances and their spectra in real time. We give a brief description of the system, and show some examples of electrical and mechanical resonance experiments that are supported by the system. The theoretical background, experimental set-up, component selection and digital signal processing are all discussed, and more detailed information (building instructions, software download) is provided on a dedicated web page (http://www.noise.inf.u-szeged.hu/edudev/RealTimeAnalysisOfResonances/) The experimental set-up can support undergraduate and graduate education of students of physics, physics education and engineering by means of experimental demonstrations and laboratory exercises. The very low cost, high efficiency and transparent system provides a scalable experimental environment that can be easily built in several instances

    Universal Arduino-based experimenting system to support teaching of natural sciences

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    The rapid evolution of intelligent electronic devices makes information technology, computer science and electronics strongly related to the teaching of natural sciences. Today almost everybody has a smart phone that can convert light, temperature, movement, sound to numbers, therefore all these can be processed, analysed, displayed, stored, shared by software applications. The fundamental question is how education can follow this knowledge and how can education take its advantages. Components and methods of modern technology are available for education also, teachers and students can play with parts and tools which were previously used only by engineers. A good example is the very popular Arduino board which is practically an industrial microcontroller whose pins are wired to easy-to-use connectors on a printed circuit board. In this paper we show a universal system which we have developed for the Arduino platform to support experimenting and understanding of the most fundamental principles of the operation of modern devices. We show our related educational concept and discuss the most important features of the system. Open source hardware and software are available and we provide a number of video tutorials as well

    Edaq530: a transparent, open-end and open-source measurement solution in natural science education

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    We present Edaq530, a low-cost, compact and easy-to-use digital measurement solution consisting of a thumb-sized USB-to-sensor interface and a measurement software. The solution is fully open-source, our aim being to provide a viable alternative to professional solutions. Our main focus in designing Edaq530 has been versatility and transparency. In this paper, we shall introduce the capabilities of Edaq530, complement it by showing a few sample experiments, and discuss the feedback we have received in the course of a teacher training workshop in which the participants received personal copies of Edaq530 and later made reports on how they could utilise Edaq530 in their teaching