81 research outputs found

    A profile of 96 cases of penetrating injury of abdomen

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    Background: Trauma is a major health problem. Among various modes of trauma, penetrating trauma necessitates for immediate surgical intervention in most of the cases. Most commonly penetrating injuries in civilian group involves younger healthy population, who most productive and are very much responsible for the progress of the society and the country.Methods: This is a prospective study of 96 cases of penetrating injury to abdomen admitted to Gandhi Hospital, Secunderabad during the period August 2011 to September 2013. All the patients with history of penetrating abdominal trauma requiring admission during the study period are included in this study. All cases were evaluated for abdominal organ injury due to penetrating trauma by clinical and radiological criteria all cases were evaluated for abdominal organ injury due to stab. All the patients with peritoneal, evisceration, signs of peritonitis, shock underwent laparotomy.Results: 81 cases (84.3%) had significant abdominal injury requiring laparotomy. The criteria for laparotomy were evisceration (20.8%), shock (8.3%) and peritonitis (50%). Mere peritoneal penetration (83%) is a poor indicator of emergency laparotomy in stab injury. Erect X-ray abdomen is an unreliable criterion for laparotomy in presence of other signs.Conclusions: Majority of the patients required operative intervention particularly those with hemodynamic instability, generalized peritonitis, evisceration of omentum and bowel, and continuing haemorrhage. Peritoneal penetration as such is a poor indication of significant organ injury; hence it requires direct organ specific evaluation, such as computed tomography or laparoscopy to identify patients who can be safely treated without operations

    AlakouluikÀisten lasten fyysinen aktiivisuus ja ravitsemus

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    RiittÀvÀ liikunta ja terveyttÀ edistÀvÀ ravitsemus ovat keskeisiÀ tekijöitÀ monien sairauksien ehkÀisyssÀ. Siksi myös lapsille on laadittu suositukset fyysisestÀ aktiivisuudesta ja ruuankÀytöstÀ. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ alakouluikÀisten lasten fyysisen aktiivisuuden mÀÀrÀÀ, osatekijöitÀ ja niiden yhteyttÀ toisiinsa sekÀ lapsen ruokatottumuksiin, ravinnonsaantiin ja kehonkoostumukseen. AlakouluikÀisten lasten ravitsemus (AKORA)-tutkimus toteutettiin poikkileikkaustutkimuksena vuosina 2017-2018. Tutkimukseen osallistui 270 6-13-vuotiasta lasta Turun ja Kuopion alueilta. TÀmÀn tutkielman aineisto koostui tutkittavien taustatietokyselyvastauksista, ruokapÀivÀkirjoista ja ruuankÀytön frekvenssikyselyvastauksista. LisÀksi tutkimuskÀynnillÀ mitattiin paino, pituus ja Turussa myös rasvaprosentti. Suurin osa lapsista liikkui runsaasti, sillÀ 7-18-vuotiaiden liikuntasuositukset toteutuivat 71 %:lla. LisÀksi erittÀin korkean ja korkean aktiivisuuden PAI (a leisure time physical activity index)-luokkaan kuului 58 % lapsista. Suositusten mukaisesti liikkuvat lapset liikkuivat useammin urheiluseurassa (p0,05). Suositusten mukaisesti liikkuvilla oli pienempi rasvaprosentti (p0,05). Lapset söivÀt enemmÀn maitotuotteita (p=0,027) ja kasviksia (p=0,026), jos liikuntasuositukset toteutuivat. Maitotuotteiden osalta saatiin vastaava tulos urheiluseurassa useammin liikkuvilla verrattuna vÀhemmÀn urheiluseurassa liikkuviin (p=0,001). Lasten vapaa-ajan liikunnalliset aktiviteetit lisÀÀvÀt lasten fyysisen aktiivisuuden kokonaismÀÀrÀÀ. Korkeammalla liikunnallisella aktiivisuudella on yhteyttÀ rasvaprosenttiin ja terveelliseen ravitsemukseen jo lapsuusiÀssÀ. Lasten fyysistÀ aktiivisuutta tulisi tukea monin keinoin, kuten pihaleikkipaikkojen rakentamisella, sillÀ lapsena opitut tavat liikkumisesta ja syömisestÀ seuraavat usein aikuisikÀÀn

    Onnistuneen brandilaajennuksen pÀÀtekijÀt

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    Siirretty Doriast

    A shadow replaced by realities: the theme of temple in relation to Christology, Pneumatology and Ecclesiology in John's Gospel

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    This dissertation seeks to examine the role of the temple in relation to Christology, Pneumatology, and Ecclesiology in John’s Gospel. The Jerusalem temple, which was believed to be the shadow of the true temple in the heavens, was destroyed in A.D. 70. John, writing his Gospel after its destruction, presented the person of Jesus as the new cultic center of Judaism, in whom the more transcendent reality of the heavenly temple was truly embodied. The eschatological Spirit would animate the new worship inaugurated in the messianic temple, so that the believers could worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The living water of the Spirit was expected to flow from the heavenly temple, which is the glorified Jesus, throughout the earth via the mission of the ecclesial community – a community now constituted as the sacred temple. In this way, the Fourth Gospel presents Israel’s temple and its cult replaced by new realities: the temple of Jesus’ body and the temple of the church. The former is incarnated as the temple, while the latter is transformed into the temple by the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit

    Revista Olowalu: El desarrollo de la identidad a travĂ©s del translingualismo en una revista literaria multilingĂŒe

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    With the current trends in our globalized society, there is a clear increase in multilingualism; however, the understanding of multilingual identity and policy towards education stays relatively the same. Recent investigation in multilingualism in the US has shed light on the positive impacts of alternating policy in language education with regard to a greater understanding of how translanguaging and identity impact the language learner and language learning policies (GarcĂ­a & Wei, 2013). The following article describes the development of an online multilingual literary magazine, Olowalu Review, that aimed to provide English language learners in an English-only language policy with a space to translanguage. Thus, having the opportunity to develop and express their multilingual identities. Goals and the development of the magazine are described in terms relating to current multilingual theory. While the outcomes and findings reveal how Olowalu Review enabled multilinguals to foster and exercise multilingual identities and skills, raise multilingual awareness, and act as an important multilingual artifact through an analysis of written submissions and interviews with authors. Pedagogical implications are discussed to empower language teachers, learners, or artists to develop the same or similar project for their own local, national, or global community.Con las tendencias actuales en nuestra sociedad globalizada, vemos un aumento en el multilinguismo; sin embargo, el entendimiento de la identidad y la polĂ­tica multilingĂŒe hacia la educaciĂłn se mantiene relativamente igual. Investigaciones recientes en multilingĂŒismo en los EE.UU. ha arrojado luz sobre los impactos positivos de la alternancia polĂ­tica en el lenguaje educativo con respecto a un mayor entendimiento en cĂłmo el translanguaging y la identidad impactan al estudiante de idiomas y las politicas de aprendizaje de idiomas (GarcĂ­a y Wei, 2013). El siguiente artĂ­culo describe el desarrollo de una revista literaria multilingĂŒe en lĂ­nea, Olowalu Review, la cual tuvo como objetivo proporcionar a los estudiantes de inglĂ©s en un inglĂ©s Ășnico de polĂ­tica lingĂŒĂ­stica en un espacio para translanguage. De esta manera tener la oportunidad de desarrollar y expresar sus identidades multilingĂŒes. Las metas y el desarrollo de la revista se describieron en tĂ©rminos relativos a la teorĂ­a multilingĂŒe actual. Si bien los resultados y hallazgos revelan cĂłmo Olowalu Review se habilitĂł multilingĂŒe para fomentar y ejercer las identidades y habilidades multilingĂŒes, aumentar el conocimiento multilingĂŒe y actuar como un importante artefacto multilingĂŒe a travĂ©s de un anĂĄlisis de las comunicaciones escritas y entrevistas con los autores. Las implicaciones pedagĂłgicas se discutieron para permitir a los profesores de idiomas, estudiantes o artistas desarrollar el mismo o un proyecto similar para su propia comunidad local, nacional o global


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    Le systĂšme Ă©ducatif congolais a toujours encouragĂ© les jeunes Ă  obtenir des diplĂŽmes de niveau supĂ©rieur. Malheureusement ces derniers se retrouvent en chĂŽmage suite Ă  l’inadĂ©quation qualitative et quantitative entre l’offre du travail et les besoins du marchĂ©. Dans tous les cas, pour l’éducation, le critĂšre de quantitĂ© d’institutions et d’étudiants semble l’avoir emportĂ© sur celui de la qualitĂ© de l’enseignement. Retrouver un jeune diplĂŽmĂ© universitaire en chĂŽmage ne constitue plus une exception mais plutĂŽt la rĂšgle. Quels sont donc les diffĂ©rents facteurs explicatifs du chĂŽmage des jeunes universitaires en milieu de Butembo ? Quels sont les dĂ©terminants d’accĂšs au premier emploi aprĂšs les Ă©tudes ? Cet emploi rĂ©pond-il aux attentes de ces universitaires ? Tout en remettant lĂ©gĂšrement en cause le rĂŽle du diplĂŽme, la prĂ©sente Ă©tude propose quelques pistes pour que les universitĂ©s assurent l’employabilitĂ© de leurs Ă©tudiants. Abstract (English) The Congolese education system has always encouraged young people to obtain higher level diplomas. Unfortunately, the latter find themselves unemployed because of the qualitative and quantitative mismatch between the supply of labor and the needs of the market. In any case, for education, the criterion of the quantity of institutions and students seems to have prevailed over that of the quality of teaching. Finding a young university graduate unemployed is no longer an exception but rather the rule.  So what are the different factors explaining the unemployment of young university students in the middle of Butembo? What are the determinants of access to job after studies? Does this job meet the expectations of these academics? While slightly questioning  the  role of the diploma, this study proposes some ways for universities to ensure the employability of their students. Keywords : Unemployment, Employment, Graduates, UniversityLe systĂšme Ă©ducatif congolais a toujours encouragĂ© les jeunes Ă  obtenir des diplĂŽmes de niveau supĂ©rieur. Malheureusement ces derniers se retrouvent en chĂŽmage suite Ă  l’inadĂ©quation qualitative et quantitative entre l’offre du travail et les besoins du marchĂ©. Dans tous les cas, pour l’éducation, le critĂšre de quantitĂ© d’institutions et d’étudiants semble l’avoir emportĂ© sur celui de la qualitĂ© de l’enseignement. Retrouver un jeune diplĂŽmĂ© universitaire en chĂŽmage ne constitue plus une exception mais plutĂŽt la rĂšgle. Quels sont donc les diffĂ©rents facteurs explicatifs du chĂŽmage des jeunes universitaires en milieu de Butembo ? Quels sont les dĂ©terminants d’accĂšs au premier emploi aprĂšs les Ă©tudes ? Cet emploi rĂ©pond-il aux attentes de ces universitaires ? Tout en remettant lĂ©gĂšrement en cause le rĂŽle du diplĂŽme, la prĂ©sente Ă©tude propose quelques pistes pour que les universitĂ©s assurent l’employabilitĂ© de leurs Ă©tudiants

    Olowalu Review: Developing identity through translanguaging in a multilingual literary magazine

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    With the current trends in our globalized society, there is a clear increase in multilinguals rise; however, the understanding of multilingual identity and policy towards education stays relatively the same. Recent investigation in multilingualism in the US has shed light on the positive impacts of alternating policy in language education with regard to a greater understanding in how translanguaging and identity impact the language learner and language learning policies (Garcia & Wei, 2013). The following article describes the development of an online multilingual literary magazine, Olowalu Review, that aimed to provide English language learners in an English-only language policy a space to translanguage. Thus, having the opportunity to develop and express their multilingual identities. Goals and the development of the magazine are described in terms relating to current multilingual theory. While the outcomes and findings reveal how Olowalu Review enabled multilinguals to foster and exercise multilingual identities and skills, raise multilingual awareness, and act as an important multilingual artifact through an analysis of written submissions and interviews with authors. Pedagogical implications are discussed to empower language teachers, learners, or artists to develop the same or similar project for their own local, national, or global community


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    The main objective of the project is to design &fabrication of a SOLAR BIKE body which includes design of chassis, steering mechanism and the upper body to place the solar panels by using CAD &PRO-E Software’s. We are going to design the whole body, chassis, steering mechanism, braking system, suspension system, charging system by using the above 2 software’s and going to suggest the best suitable one for the manufacturing. Using this methodology, engineers can define the frame of a new car body respecting the company standards. The principal benefit is the reduction of the design development time as the modification process is optimized. There will be a huge reduction in the weight of the body comparing to other which will lead to decrease in production cost as well as increase in its efficiency

    Accessibility of Website for Visually Challenged: Combined Tree Structure and XML Metadata

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    This paper presents two different approaches to provide an efficient multimedia interface for the visually challenged people. The first approach is the tree structured web contents, which integrates many different web pages into a single page. The second approach is the XML metadata for dynamically changing multimedia contents. This paper demonstrates how this combined approach of tree structure and metadata can help visually challenged users accessing multimedia data on the web

    Study of properties of sand asphalt using a torsional rheometer

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    The modeling of Sand Asphalt and experiments to measure their rheological properties are of vital concern to many industrial processes especially highway and roadway pavement construction industry. A variety of hot mix asphalt mixtures are used in highway and runway pavement construction, with each mixture catering to a specific need. These mixtures vary in type and percentage of aggregates and asphalt used and consequently exhibit marked differences in their response. The main thrust of this research is to provide experimental data which would be helpful in determining the efficacy of the constitutive models that have been developed for these hot mix asphalt mixtures. Here we attempt to provide experimental data in the raw form for Sand Asphalt mixtures that would be helpful in the theoretical modeling efforts involving asphalt materials using a continuum point of view. For example the data obtained can be of immense help to evaluate the constitutive model developed by Murali Krishnan and Rajagopal. The Sand Asphalt mixture in their model is modeled as `homogenized' single constituent due to the peculiarity of its makeup. The constitutive model of Murali Krishnan and Rajagopal is based on a thermodynamical framework for materials possessing multiple natural configurations (multiple stress free states) to derive the constitutive equations. Recently an Orthogonal Rheometer was built to characterize the granular solids by Gupta and Rajagopal which was later used by Baek in the torsional mode. In this work we have used the same Torsional Rheometer with some minor modifications in the design to measure some general properties of Sand Asphalt mixtures. Sand Asphalt mixtures, due to their non-linear viscoelastic character, exhibit `normal stress effects' and `stress relaxation'. The Rheometer that we used was able to capture these responses with high precision. We have laid out proper procedures for the further testing of asphalt related mixtures. A typical sand asphalt mixture sample in cylindrical shape was used as the test specimen. From this work some interesting data was obtained. A remarkable observation was that as the shear rate is increased, the normal force and torque generated initially decrease, but beyond a certain shear rate they attain a constant value
