36 research outputs found

    Massage-induced morphological changes of dense connective tissue in rat’s tendon

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    The aim of the experiment was to determine if possible changes in connective tissue induced by massage could have a positive effect justifing the use of massage in all post-traumatic connective tissue conditions, e.g. tendon injuries. The investigations were performed in a group of 18 Buffalo rats. The rats were divided into two groups (experimental and control). To standardize the massage procedure, it was performed with an algometer probe of 0.5 cm2 with constant pressure force of 1 kG (9,81 N). To analyse the number and diameter of collagen fibrils, two electron micrographs were performed for each rat of the collected segments of tendons of rat tail lateral extensor muscle. After image digitalization and calibration, the measurements were carried out using iTEM 5.0 software. The number of fibrils, their diameter and area were measured in a cross-sectional area. An increase of the number of collagen fibrils was observed in the tendons of massaged animals compared to the control group. Our study demonstrated that massage may cause a beneficial effect on metabolic activity of tendon’s fibroblasts and, in consequence, may be applied for more effective use of massage for the prevention of tendon injury as well as after the injury has occurred. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1, 103–106

    Increased skeletal muscle expression of VEGF induced by massage and exercise

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    Introduction. Numerous investigations have been carried out to describe the role of massage in preparing for and restoring efficiency after physical exercise. Furthermore, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) enhances blood vessel growth, and in effect contributes to the regeneration of tissues. Since its expression in active skeletal muscles has not been yet determined, the aim of this study was to investigate whether muscle massage performed before and during running exercise affects the expression of VEGF-A in muscles. Material and methods. The study was carried out on 75 adult Buffalo rats subjected to running exercise training for 10 weeks. Rats were massaged prior (group PM) or during exercise (group M) or were not massaged (group C). The massage consisted of spiral movements along the plantar surface of flexor digitorum brevis muscle. After 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 week of training, five rats from every group were anesthetized and immunohistochemistry, Western blot, and PCR analyses were performed on obtained muscle tissue to determine VEGF-A expression. Results. After the first week of training, a significant increase of VEGF-A gene expression analyzed by qPCR in muscle tissue was observed in the PM group, whereas in the third week, the predominant growth of studied marker was seen in the M group. Increased VEGF-A expression on the protein level was observed in both massaged groups following the first week. A moderate positive correlation was found between the expression of the VEGF-A gene and protein in all experimental groups (r = 0.389). Conclusion. Short-term repeated massage may contribute to processes of creation of new and development of already existing vascular networks in the skeletal muscle tissue during increased exercise

    Effects of massage on the expression of proangiogenic markers in rat skin

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      Introduction. Massage is a physiotherapeutic treatment, commonly used in both therapy and restoration of normal body functions. The aim of this work was to determine the effects of skin massage on stimulating the expression of angiogenesis-initiating factors, i.e. VEGF-A, FGF-2 (bFGF) and CD34 and on skin regeneration processes. Material and methods. The study was conducted on 48 Buffalo strain rats, randomly divided into two groups. In the first group (M, the massaged group), massage was applied five times a week for 7 weeks. In the second study group (C, the control group), the massage was omitted. Massage consisted of spiral movements at the plantar surface of skin for 5 min on each rear extremity. The gene expression of proangiogenic factors, including VEGF-A, FGF-2, CD34 at the mRNA level was determined using real-time PCR. Immunohistochemistry was performed on paraffin sections of rat skin to determine VEGF-A, FGF-2 CD34 and Ki-67expression. Results. An increase in mRNA expression in the skin of the rat’s rear extremity for VEGF-A and FGF-2 in the first week of the experiment was shown in the M group compared with the control rats. The upregulation of CD34 mRNA expression was also observed in the M group. We observed positive correlations between VEGF-A mRNA expression and the expression of mRNA for FGF-2 and CD34, as well as correlation between the expression of mRNA for FGF-2 and CD34. The immunohistochemical expression of VEGF-A, FGF-2 and CD34 was at a much lower level in the skin of control rats relative to the skin of massaged animals. Moreover, significantly higher immunoreactivity was shown for nuclear protein Ki-67 in epidermal cells in the M group compared with the C group. Conclusions. Rat skin massage increased the expression of the main angiogenesis-stimulating factors and the proliferative activity of epidermal cells, which can stimulate skin regeneration and tissue repairing processes

    Recommendations of the Polish Society of Physiotherapy, the Polish Society of Family Medicine, the College of Family Physicians in Poland and the European Rural and Isolated Practitioners Association regarding the use of simple forms of physiotherapy, including massage and self-massage in primary care, endorsed by the Polish Society of Physiotherapy Specialists

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    Background In general practice, dysfunctions within the locomotor system are a recurring health issue. Most frequently, diagnoses and treatments relate to pain syndromes of the backbone, the shoulder girdle or the pelvic girdle. The authors believe that physiotherapy, along with other clinical disciplines, should be regarded as an important factor which influences the effectiveness of the therapeutic process in this area. In primary care, treatment of musculoskeletal disorders – especially at the stage of early clinical symptoms – should incorporate basic physiotherapy methods, e.g., massage, physical procedures, kinesiotherapy and the underrated education of the patient. Restoring appropriate spatial arrangement of tissues provides the right conditions for the regeneration and repair of muscles, ligaments and tendons, although it is a process that requires a long time. Therefore, it can be very important to introduce self-therapy in the form of systematically repeated, easy-to-replicate procedures in the scope of self-massage and self-kinesiotherapy. Objectives This paper presents the impact of physiotherapy in treating selected disorders and pain syndromes of the locomotor system with particular attention to the role of massage. Emphasis is placed on the meaning of self-massage in the process of restoring structural balance of tissues. The model of active inclusion of the patient in the treatment process as preparation for self-therapy is presented. This paper aims to justify the need to reorganize health services provided through general practicioners within the National Health Fund network by incorporating physiotherapy in primary care.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of Fast City Train (SKM) and it's influence on forming Tricity Agglomeration

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    Praca miała na celu określenie w jakim stopniu Szybka Kolej Miejska kształtowała układ przestrzenny Trójmiasta oraz czy i w jaki sposób wpłynęła na procesy spajania tkanki miejskiej. Od początku funkcjonowania linia łączyła nadmorskie miejscowości, tworząc oś nowego zespołu miejskiego, jakim stało się Trójmiasto. Powstające osiedla w dużym stopniu bazowały na istniejącym transporcie, zatem linia SKM przebiegająca od Gdańska na północny-zachód w stronę Sopotu, a później Gdyni pełniła funkcję łączącą kolejne dzielnice oraz stymulowała dalszy ich rozwój. Oprócz określenia roli kolei miejskiej w rozwoju przestrzennym aglomeracji do czasów dzisiejszych autorka podjęła też próbę wskazania roli, jaką linia będzie odgrywać w przyszłości. Przeprowadzono analizę zmian przestrzennych, gospodarczych, demograficznych, jakie zachodziły na obszarze Trójmiasta na przestrzeni lat, od czasów powstania ośrodków miejskich do dziś. Opisane zostało również obecne znaczenie tego środka transportu dla aglomeracji. Posłużyła temu analiza przestrzeni miejskiej pod kątem funkcjonalnym, jak również pod kątem preferencji lokalizacji usług w odniesieniu do szlaku komunikacyjnego. W tym celu również wykonano badanie ankietowe, które pozwoliło określić jaka grupa osób korzysta z SKM oraz ująć jej zachowania transportowe. Celem pobocznym było przyjrzenie się planowanej obecnie trasie Pomorskiej Kolei Metropolitalnej, która ma połączyć Wrzeszcz z lotniskami: w Rębiechowie oraz w Babich Dołach, jak również stać się linią łączącą centrum aglomeracji z jej zapleczem.Study was to determine to what extent Fast City Train had the influence on shaping Tricity space arrangement, and whether and how they influenced the urban tissue bonding processes. Since the beginning of the line connecting coastal villages it was forming the axis of a new urban complex, which has become Tricity aglomeration. The exsisting settlements were based mostly on existing transport, so the SKM line that runs from Gdansk to the north-west in the direction of Sopot, Gdynia served as a connection between arising districts and stimulated their development.The study contains an analysis of changes in spatial, economic, demographic, taking place at the Tri-City area over the years, since the creation of urban centers till today. It describes also present the importance of this kind of transport for the agglomeration. This analysis served to describe urban space in terms of functionality, as well as preferences of location of services in the transport route. For this purpose a survey was performed which allowed to determine what group of people are using SKM and recognize its transport behavior. The author has also attempted to identify the role that the line will play in the future. The aim was also to describe currently planned route Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway, which will connect Wrzeszcz district and the airports: in Rębiechowo and Babie Doly, as well as become a line joining the center of the agglomeration with its facilities