591 research outputs found

    Depositional model for cold-climate tundra rivers

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    A Translation Study: Idioms, Metaphors, Humor, and Expressions from Dutch to English

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    In this literary research essay, I have translated a Dutch short story into English. I translated the text in two different ways, a literal/direct translation, and a revised and research-based translation. This text includes Dutch idioms, metaphors, humor, and expressions. The translation of these directly have no significant meaning in English, which is why a translation of these should be done carefully. This research paper examines the best ways and difficulties of translating a source language, its cultural-bound references and values, into a target language

    Mathematical Modelling of Deforestation Due to Population Density and Industrialization

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    The focus of the study in this paper is to model deforestation due to population density and industrialization. To begin with, it is formulated into a mathematical modelling which is a system of non-linear differential equations. Then, analyze the stability of the system based on the Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria. Furthermore, a numerical simulation is performed to determine the shift of a system. The results of the analysis to shown that there are seven non-negative equilibrium points, which in general consist equilibrium point of disturbance-free and equilibrium points of disturbances. Equilibrium point TE7(x, y, z) analyzed to shown asymptotically stable conditions based on the Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria. The numerical simulation results show that if the stability conditions of a system have been met, the system movement always occurs around the equilibrium point


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    Tulisan ini membahas tentang mendapatkan invers moore-penrose dari suatu matriks menggunakan metode dekomposisi nilai singular dan mendapatkan invers moore-penrose dari suatu matriks menggunakan metode dekomposisi singular dengan program Matlab. Penyelesaian invers Moore-Penrose dengan menggunakan metode Dekomposisi NilaiSingula

    Interindividual Variability in the Cytochrome P450 3A4 Drug Metabolizing Enzyme: Effect of the CYP3A4*1G Genetic Variant

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    Researchers and clinicians are interested in how a patient’s individual genetic makeup could predict the appropriate medication and dose for that patient. One way to predict drug response, or efficacy, is by looking at enzymes within the liver that metabolize drugs. Many of these enzymes belong to a class called the Cytochrome P450s (CYPs). Specifically, two closely related enzymes, CYP3A4 and CYP3A5, are involved in metabolizing 50% of drugs currently on the market (eg: statins, antiepileptics, anticancer agents, and antidepressants). There can be differences in the genetic code of these enzymes that can causes changes in drug metabolism. We completed a study with participants from the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT), located on the Flathead Reservation in northwest Montana. Select CYP enzymes were genotyped, including CYP3A4 and CYP3A5. Most SNPs identified in the CSKT participants were found at frequencies similar to those reported in European-descended populations. Interestingly, one specific SNP, called CYP3A4*1G, was discovered at a high allele frequency. The physiological significance of this SNP is unclear as there are limited and confounding data, however, most of the data published to date suggest that the SNP causes decreased metabolism of drugs. Clinically, this could result in a need for a decreased dose of medication. In addition, this CYP3A4 SNP was observed to be often inherited with another SNP in the related CYP3A5 gene, called CYP3A5*3, which encodes a nonfunctional enzyme. These SNPs found in the CSKT are of particular interest, because inheriting these two SNPs together could cause drastic changes in drug metabolism since the two enzymes metabolize many of the same drugs

    Analisis Kepositifan, Terbatas dan Stabil Global Model Matematika

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    Interaksi mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi merupakan suatu dinamika kehidupan sosial dalam suatu selang waktu tertentu. Interaksi antar mahasiswa tersebut bisa berdampak positif maupun negatif. Salah satu contoh dampak positif  adalah mahasiswa yang memiliki prestasi standar ketika berinteraksi dengan mahasiswa memiliki prestasi bagus maka ia mengalami kenaikan IPK yang signifikan. Fenome dari interaksi antar mahasiswa telah berhasil dikonstruksi suatu model matematika dalam tulisan ini. Selanjutnya, model matematika tersebut telah dibuktikan secara analisis tentang kepositifan, terbatas dan stabil global.&nbsp

    A complete Late Weichselian and Holocene record of aeolian coversands, drift sands and soils forced by climate change and human impact, Ossendrecht, The Netherlands

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    A stacked aeolian sequence with intercalated soils is presented from the southern Netherlands, which fully covers the Late Weichselian and Holocene periods. An integrated sedimentological (sedimentary structures, grain size), palynological (pollen) and dating approach (radiocarbon, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)) was applied to unravel climatic and human forcing factors. The dating results of soils and sediments are compatible, and no large hiatuses between the radiocarbon-dated top of the soils and OSL-dated overlying sands were observed. It is argued that the peaty top of wet-type podzols can be used for reliable radiocarbon dating. This study reveals more phases than previously known of landscape stability (Usselo Soil and two podzol soils) and instability (Younger Coversand I and II, two drift-sand units) that are related to Late Weichselian climate change and Holocene human occupation. Regional aeolian deposition in source-bordering (river) dunes (Younger Coversand II) took place in the second part of the Younger Dryas, after 12.3 ka cal. BP, implying a delayed response to Younger Dryas cooling, vegetation cover decline and river pattern change of the Scheldt. The onset of podzolisation and development of ericaceous vegetation occurred prior to the introduction of Neolithic farming, which is earlier than previously assumed. Early podzolisation was followed by a short phase of local drift-sand deposition, at c.5500 cal. BP, that possibly relates to agriculture. Strong human impact on the landscape by deforestation and agriculture resulted in a second phase of widespread drift-sand deposition covering the younger podzol soil after AD 1000
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