924 research outputs found

    Towards reduction of type II theories on SU(3) structure manifolds

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    We revisit the reduction of type II supergravity on SU(3) structure manifolds, conjectured to lead to gauged N=2 supergravity in 4 dimensions. The reduction proceeds by expanding the invariant 2- and 3-forms of the SU(3) structure as well as the gauge potentials of the type II theory in the same set of forms, the analogues of harmonic forms in the case of Calabi-Yau reductions. By focussing on the metric sector, we arrive at a list of constraints these expansion forms should satisfy to yield a base point independent reduction. Identifying these constraints is a first step towards a first-principles reduction of type II on SU(3) structure manifolds.Comment: 20 pages; v2: condition (2.13old) on expansion forms weakened, replaced by (2.13new), (2.14new

    Bundles over Nearly-Kahler Homogeneous Spaces in Heterotic String Theory

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    We construct heterotic vacua based on six-dimensional nearly-Kahler homogeneous manifolds and non-trivial vector bundles thereon. Our examples are based on three specific group coset spaces. It is shown how to construct line bundles over these spaces, compute their properties and build up vector bundles consistent with supersymmetry and anomaly cancelation. It turns out that the most interesting coset is SU(3)/U(1)2SU(3)/U(1)^2. This space supports a large number of vector bundles which lead to consistent heterotic vacua, some of them with three chiral families.Comment: 32 pages, reference adde

    Surface Operator, Bubbling Calabi-Yau and AGT Relation

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    Surface operators in N=2 four-dimensional gauge theories are interesting half-BPS objects. These operators inherit the connection of gauge theory with the Liouville conformal field theory, which was discovered by Alday, Gaiotto and Tachikawa. Moreover it has been proposed that toric branes in the A-model topological strings lead to surface operators via the geometric engineering. We analyze the surface operators by making good use of topological string theory. Starting from this point of view, we propose that the wave-function behavior of the topological open string amplitudes geometrically engineers the surface operator partition functions and the Gaiotto curves of corresponding gauge theories. We then study a peculiar feature that the surface operator corresponds to the insertion of the degenerate fields in the conformal field theory side. We show that this aspect can be realized as the geometric transition in topological string theory, and the insertion of a surface operator leads to the bubbling of the toric Calabi-Yau geometry.Comment: 36 pages, 14 figures. v2: minor changes and typos correcte

    Open string wavefunctions in flux compactifications

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    We consider compactifications of type I supergravity on manifolds with SU(3) structure, in the presence of RR fluxes and magnetized D9-branes, and analyze the generalized Dirac and Laplace-Beltrami operators associated to the D9-brane worldvolume fields. These compactifications are T-dual to standard type IIB toroidal orientifolds with NSNS and RR 3-form fluxes and D3/D7 branes. By using techniques of representation theory and harmonic analysis, the spectrum of open string wavefunctions can be computed for Lie groups and their quotients, as we illustrate with explicit twisted tori examples. We find a correspondence between irreducible unitary representations of the Kaloper-Myers algebra and families of Kaluza-Klein excitations. We perform the computation of 2- and 3-point couplings for matter fields in the above flux compactifications, and compare our results with those of 4d effective supergravity.Comment: 89 pages, 4 figures. v3: more typos corrected, version published in JHE

    Effective actions and N=1 vacuum conditions from SU(3) x SU(3) compactifications

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    We consider compactifications of type II string theory on general SU(3) x SU(3) structure backgrounds allowing for a very large set of fluxes, possibly nongeometric ones. We study the effective 4d low energy theory which is a gauged N=2 supergravity, and discuss how its data are obtained from the formalism of the generalized geometry on T+T*. In particular we relate Hitchin's special Kaehler metrics on the spaces of even and odd pure spinors to the metric on the supergravity moduli space of internal metric and B-field fluctuations. We derive the N=1 vacuum conditions from this N=2 effective action, as well as from its N=1 truncation. We prove a direct correspondence between these conditions and an integrated version of the pure spinor equations characterizing the N=1 backgrounds at the ten dimensional level.Comment: 54 pages. v2, v3: minor change

    A matrix model for the topological string II: The spectral curve and mirror geometry

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    In a previous paper, we presented a matrix model reproducing the topological string partition function on an arbitrary given toric Calabi-Yau manifold. Here, we study the spectral curve of our matrix model and thus derive, upon imposing certain minimality assumptions on the spectral curve, the large volume limit of the BKMP "remodeling the B-model" conjecture, the claim that Gromov-Witten invariants of any toric Calabi-Yau 3-fold coincide with the spectral invariants of its mirror curve.Comment: 1+37 page

    No-scale supersymmetry breaking vacua and soft terms with torsion

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    We analyze the conditions to have no-scale supersymmetry breaking solutions of type IIA and IIB supergravity compactified on manifolds of SU(3)-structure. The supersymmetry is spontaneously broken by the intrinsic torsion of the internal space. For type IIB orientifolds with O9 and O5-planes the mass of the gravitino is governed by the torsion class W_1, and the breaking is mediated through F-terms associated to descendants of the original N=2 hypermultiplets. For type IIA orientifolds with O6-planes we find two families of solutions, depending on whether the breaking is mediated exclusively by hypermultiplets or by a mixture of hypermultiplets and vector multiplets, the latter case corresponding to a class of Scherk-Schwarz compactifications not dual to any geometric IIB setup. We compute the geometrically induced mu-terms for D5, D6 and D9-branes on twisted tori, and discuss the patterns of soft-terms which arise for pure moduli mediation in each type of breaking. As for D3 and D7-branes in presence of 3-form fluxes, the effective scalar potential turns out to possess interesting phenomenological properties.Comment: 44 pages; several minor corrections and added reference

    Towards Minkowski Vacua in Type II String Compactifications

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    We study the vacuum structure of compactifications of type II string theories on orientifolds with SU(3)xSU(3) structure. We argue that generalised geometry enables us to treat these non-geometric compactifications using a supergravity analysis in a way very similar to geometric compactifications. We find supersymmetric Minkowski vacua with all the moduli stabilised at weak string coupling and all the tadpole conditions satisfied. Generically the value of the moduli fields in the vacuum is parametrically controlled and can be taken to arbitrarily large values.Comment: 33 pages; v2 minor corrections, references added, version to appear in JHE

    Some No-go Theorems for String Duals of Non-relativistic Lifshitz-like Theories

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    We study possibilities of string theory embeddings of the gravity duals for non-relativistic Lifshitz-like theories with anisotropic scale invariance. We search classical solutions in type IIA and eleven-dimensional supergravities which are expected to be dual to (2+1)-dimensional Lifshitz-like theories. Under reasonable ansaetze, we prove that such gravity duals in the supergravities are not possible. We also discuss a possible physical reason behind this.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, flux conditions clarified (v2), brief summary of results added (v3