620 research outputs found

    Implementasi Kemampuan Membaca Intensif dengan Menggunakan Strategi Dr-ta

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    Abstrac: Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: Bagaimanakah peningkatan kemampuan membaca intensif dengan menggunakan Strategi DR-TA ( Directed Reading-Thinking aktivirty) Murid kelas III SDN 15 Bekuan kabupaten kapuas Hulu?.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan DR-TA dengan rancangan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang dilakukan di SDN 15 Bekuan kabupaten kapuas Hulu.Teknik dan alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu teknik observasi dan teknik tes.Metode dan bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif.Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi. Berdasarkan data dan hasil observasi peserta didik yang diperoleh melalui penelitian saat sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan tindakan hingga pada tindakan akhir (siklusII) menunjukan bahwa: Pada siklus 1 masing masing siswa memperoleh nilai rata rata 49,6, sedangkan pada siklus 2 rata rata memperoleh 77,5. Ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemampuan membaca pada siklus 2 sebesar 27,9. Dari hasil observasi tentang kemampuan membaca intensif siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar maka siswa dikatakan mengalami peningkatan di siklus 2, hal ini terlihat dari rata-rata penilaian kemampuan membaca siswa yang meningkat 22,5 dari siklus 1. Dalam pelaksanaan proses belajar mengajar guru sudah sangat optimal dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran. Dari kegiatan pendahuluan sampai kegiatan penutup telah dilaksanakan guru dengan baik, terbukti dari rata-rata siklus 1 (73,7) dan meningkat disiklus 2 (81,6). Dengan menggunakan strategi DR-TA pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di kelas 3 SDN 15 Bekuan,kab.kapuas hulu, dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca intensif. Kata Kunci: strategy directed reading thinking activity, pemahaman membaca, kualitatif. Abstrac: The problem in this study is: "How improved reading skills by using a strategy of intensive DR-TA (Directed Reading-Thinking aktivirty) third grade students of SDN 15 Kapuas Hulu district clot?". Study using DR-TA approach with the design of action research classes are conducted in SDN 15 clot Kapuas district Hulu.Teknik and data collection tools used were observation techniques and tes.Metode techniques and forms of research used is descriptive method with the approach used is kualitatif.Instrumen observation sheet. Based on the data and observations obtained through the students before and after the study be taken up at the end of the action (siklusII) showed that: In cycle 1 each - each students gain value - average 49.6, while the average cycle 2 - average obtain 77.5. This suggests that there is an increase in the ability to read in cycle 2 was 27.9. From the observation of intensive reading ability of students in the learning process the student is said to have increased in cycle 2, it is seen from the average reading ability of students whose assessment increased 22.5 of cycle 1. In the implementation of the teaching and learning process teachers are highly optimized in implementing the learning. Of preliminary activities to cover activities have been carried out with good teachers, evident from the average cycle 1 (73.7) and increased disiklus 2 (81.6). By using DR-TA strategy in Indonesian subjects in Grade 3 SDN 15 Clot, kab.kapuas upstream, can improve the ability of intensive reading

    Body Design Of Tendon-Driven Jumping Robot Using Single Actuator And Wire Set

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    Although a mechanism in which a single actuator and a wire passing through pulleys drive the joints is a strong candidate for realizing the dynamic behavior because of its appropriate weight and simple mechanism, the problem arises that the position of the pulley influences the dynamic behavior. This paper is focused on vertical jumping. In our research, we searched an appropriate set of positions of a pulley considering the practical development of the robot and derived the relationship between the position of the pulley and the force on the tips of the robot’s foot for jumping. Simulation results suggest the possibility that some sets of positions allow an error in the attachment of the pulley, and the derived relationship indicates that the ratio of the pulling force of wire and vertical force on the ground strongly constrain the position of the pulley

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions In English Language Teaching: Teachers-Students Perceptions And Experiences

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    This literature research article explores the perceptions and experiences of teachers and students regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions in English language teaching. With the rapid advancements in AI technologies, there is a growing interest in leveraging these tools to enhance language learning experiences. Understanding the perspectives of teachers and students is crucial for successful implementation and to harness the potential benefits of AI in the field of English language education. The study adopts a mixed-methods research approach, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative methods. A survey was conducted to gather quantitative data on participants' attitudes, beliefs, and experiences related to AI integration. Additionally, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions were conducted to obtain qualitative insights and delve into participants' perceptions and challenges. The findings of the study reveal positive attitudes towards AI solutions in English language teaching, with participants highlighting the effectiveness of AI technologies in improving language skills and providing personalized instruction. The adaptive nature of AI tools was valued for its ability to cater to individual needs and offer immediate feedback. However, concerns were raised regarding technological readiness and the need for training and support in effectively utilizing AI solutions. These findings have implications for educators, policymakers, and curriculum developers, highlighting the need for technological readiness, teacher training, and support in implementing AI solutions effectively. By embracing the potential of AI while preserving the human element, English language teaching can benefit from personalized and adaptive learning experiences

    Perturbation theory of the space-time non-commutative real scalar field theories

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    The perturbative framework of the space-time non-commutative real scalar field theory is formulated, based on the unitary S-matrix. Unitarity of the S-matrix is explicitly checked order by order using the Heisenberg picture of Lagrangian formalism of the second quantized operators, with the emphasis of the so-called minimal realization of the time-ordering step function and of the importance of the \star-time ordering. The Feynman rule is established and is presented using ϕ4\phi^4 scalar field theory. It is shown that the divergence structure of space-time non-commutative theory is the same as the one of space-space non-commutative theory, while there is no UV-IR mixing problem in this space-time non-commutative theory.Comment: Latex 26 pages, notations modified, add reference

    Nodeless superconductivity in Lu5-xRh6Sn18+x with broken time reversal symmetry

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    Evidence for broken time reversal symmetry (TRS) has been found in the superconducting states of the R 5 Rh 6 Sn 18 ( R = Sc , Y, Lu) compounds with a centrosymmetric caged crystal structure, but the origin of this phenomenon is unresolved. Here, we report neutron diffraction measurements of single crystals with R = Lu , as well as measurements of the temperature dependence of the magnetic penetration depth using a self-induced tunnel-diode-oscillator (TDO)-based technique, together with band structure calculations using density functional theory. Neutron diffraction measurements reveal that the system crystallizes in a tetragonal caged structure, and that one of the nominal Lu sites in the Lu 5 Rh 6 Sn 18 structure is occupied by Sn, yielding a composition Lu 5 − x Rh 6 Sn 18 + x ( x = 1 ). The low temperature penetration depth shift Δ λ ( T ) exhibits an exponential temperature dependence below around 0.3 T c , giving clear evidence for fully gapped superconductivity. The derived superfluid density is reasonably well accounted for by a single-gap s -wave model, whereas agreement cannot be found for models of TRS breaking states with two-component order parameters. Moreover, band structure calculations reveal multiple bands crossing the Fermi level, and indicate that the aforementioned TRS breaking states would be expected to have nodes on the Fermi surface, in contrast to the observations

    Verifying a Computational Method for Predicting Extreme Ground Motion

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    Large earthquakes strike infrequently and close-in recordings are uncommon. This situation makes it difficult to predict the ground motion very close to earthquake-generating faults, if the prediction is to be based on readily available observations. A solution might be to cover the Earth with seismic instruments so that one could rely on the data from previous events to predict future shaking. However, even in the case of complete seismic data coverage for hundreds of years, there would still be one type of earthquake that would be difficult to predict: those very rare earthquakes that produce very large ground motion