14 research outputs found
Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Pedagang Pada Pasar Tradisional Kasih Naikoten 1 Kota Kupang
This study aims to determine the effect of capital and working hours partially and simultaneously of the traders income in traditional market “Kasih Naikoten 1”. This study located in traditional market “Kasih Naikoten 1” with a sample of 50 respondents. Data were collected by observation, interview and documentation. The result shows that capital and working hour have a partially effect. The result of Multiple Regression Test shows that capital and working hour have simultaneously effect to the income.
Influence analysis of capital shopping and local own-source revenue on non-food shopping
Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Capital Expenditure and Local Own-Source Revenue (PAD) on Non-food Expenditure of the population; in North Central Timor Regency.
Research methodology: This research was a quantitative study that used time series data and located in North Central Timor Regency. Descriptive statistic and Multiple linear regressions were used as statistic tools. SPSS Version 23 was used for data analysis.
Results: The results of this study indicate that PAD has a significant effect on non-food shopping of the population in North Central Timor Regency.
Limitations: This study it only generalized the problem that occurred in North Central Timor Regency
Contribution: These findings could be very significant information to North Central Timor Regency.
Keywords: Capital Expenditure, Local Own-Revenue, Non-Food Expenditur
Measurement of Hospital Performance in the Border Region of Timor Leste through Customer Satisfaction Aspects
Kefamenanu Regional General Hospital is the only government hospital in North Central Timor Regency (TTU) as a provider of health services in Kefamenanu City which is a border area. The current presence of the Leona Private Hospital in the district directly forces the Kefamenanu Hospital to improve services so as not to lose credibility in the community. Kefamenanu General Hospital must strive to provide quality health services for the community by formulating a vision, mission, goals, objectives and indicators of success as outlined in a strategic plan. In this article the discussion focuses on aspects of customer satisfaction. The results of the study show that from the perspective of customer satisfaction, it is in the "Satisfied" interval so that the performance of Kefamenanu Hospital can be said to be "Good"
Impelentasi pencatatan laporan keuangan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara
Financial management problems are problems that are often faced by small and medium businesses. Accounting practices are solutions that can be applied to make it easier to apply the accounting records used. This study aims to determine the application of accounting carried out by small and medium enterprises in North Central Timor Regency, which is a leading sector. The analysis technique uses descriptive qualitative analysis, using an interpretive paradigm. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with 28 informants to ensure that the practice of implementing financial records had been presented properly and correctly, and then referred to the theory of accounting systems related to generally accepted financial records. There are two forms of accounting practices in small and medium enterprises, namely, accounting, which is only practiced in memory, and making several accounting records to compile balance sheets and L/R financial statements. The benefits of these two forms of accounting are limited to controlling several business activities. The results of field observations based on interviews show that as many as 85% of SMEs in TTU Regency in the trade and automotive business sectors still do not have the ability to present complete and accurate financial information
Upaya UMKM di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara (TTU) unuk bertahan pada masa pandemic Covid-19
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan UMKM untuk bertahan pada masa pandemic covid-19. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kulitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif.Populasi dalam penelitian ini para pelaku UMKM yang fokusnya pada usaha mikro dengan bidang usaha kuliner dan perdagangan di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan survey serta wawancara kemudian hasil dari pengumpulan data disusun dalam laporan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penurunan omset pemjualan dan pendatan menghrauskan para pelaku UMKM untuk melakukan upaya agar bertahan melalui usaha sampingan yang memberikan peluang untuk mendapatkan pendapatan sampingan diluar usaha tetap yang dijalankan
Penguatan Usaha melalui Pelatihan Pembukuan dan Pemasaran Produk Ikan Asap di Desa Noelbaki Kabupaten Kupang
The topic of community service chosen by the community service team was sourced from initial observations made at the “Supel” Smoked Fish Home Industry (IRT) using local wisdom products from the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province, namely Smoked Fish, so it needs to be preserved. This “Supel” Smoked Fish IRT will survive if it has good management in the form of financial management in accordance with accounting standards. Based on the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) conducted with IRT owners, it was found that the financial management of this IRT was not optimal, because while running the business, the "Supel" Smoked Fish IRT owner had not implemented financial records according to accounting standards, this was due to several obstacles, including: first, the owner's lack of understanding of financial records so that financial records are not carried out periodically. Second, the marketing of "Supel" Smoked Fish IRT has not been maximized using electronic media. The methods of implementing the service include Bookkeeping training and marketing counselling using electronic media. The final result of this service activity is that the owner of the "Supel" Smoked Fish IRT has an understanding of financial records that are in accordance with accounting standards which are then applied through periodic financial records, then product marketing assistance using electronic media in the form of Instagram in marketing "Supel" Smoked Fish products so that sales are achieved. Initially, only around 60% increased to 90%
Analisis Keinginan Membayar Wisatawan Terhadap Objek Wisata Pantai Tanjung Bastian
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berapa besar nilai kesediaan membayar wisatawan terhadap objek wisata Pantai Tanjung Bastian. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 6.093 orang dan sampel penelitian sebanyak 45 orang yang diambil secara pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini secara non-probability sampling dengan teknik accidental sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keinginan membayar wisatawan pada objek wisata pantai Tanjung Bastian sebesar Rp. 338.770.800 selama tahun 2019.  
Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirta Dharma Di Kabupaten Belu
PDAM Tirta Dharma sebagai perusahaan air minum pertama di Kabupaten Belu yang tidak hanya memiliki tujuan berorientasi pada laba saja namun terus berupaya memiliki kinerja yang efektif dan efisien sesuai dengan Kemendagri Nomor 47 tahun 1999 tentang penilaian kinerja dari aspek keuangan, aspek operasional, dan aspek administrasi. Metode analisis SWOT yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sehingga hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kinerja PDAM Tirta Dharma Kabupaten Belu cukup baik dan masih diperlukan implementasi strategi yang ada serta penentuan strategi alternatif yang mampu meningkatkan kinerja.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana perencanaan dan pengadaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan pengendalian aset daerah di Kabupaten Timor Tenga Utara (TTU). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa : pertama, Perencanaan pengadaan aset daerah di kabupaten TTU sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku dan perlu adanya peningkatan dari sisi penetapan standar biaya umum (SBU) dan standar satuan harga (SSH) yang mengalami selisih yang sangat jauh dari kondisi harga pasar. Kedua, Pelaksanaan aset daerah di kabupaten TTU sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku, namun perlu adanya peningkatan dari sisi transparansi dan akuntabilitas baik itu akuntabilitas kejujuran dan akuntabilitas hukum (accountability for probity and legality); b) akuntabilitas proses (process accountability); dan c) akuntabilitas kebijakan (policy accountability). Ketiga, Pengawasan dan pengendalian aset daerah di kabupaten TTU perlu dilakukan pembenahan, yang mana pemerintah daerah harus melibatkan auditor internal seperti Inspektorat Daerah, masyarakat dan DPRD untuk melakukan audit yang bersifat pembinaan
Penguatan Usaha melalui Pelatihan Pembukuan dan Pemasaran Produk Ikan Asap di Desa Noelbaki Kabupaten Kupang
The topic of community service chosen by the community service team was sourced from initial observations made at the “Supel” Smoked Fish Home Industry (IRT) using local wisdom products from the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province, namely Smoked Fish, so it needs to be preserved. This “Supel” Smoked Fish IRT will survive if it has good management in the form of financial management in accordance with accounting standards. Based on the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) conducted with IRT owners, it was found that the financial management of this IRT was not optimal, because while running the business, the "Supel" Smoked Fish IRT owner had not implemented financial records according to accounting standards, this was due to several obstacles, including: first, the owner's lack of understanding of financial records so that financial records are not carried out periodically. Second, the marketing of "Supel" Smoked Fish IRT has not been maximized using electronic media. The methods of implementing the service include Bookkeeping training and marketing counselling using electronic media. The final result of this service activity is that the owner of the "Supel" Smoked Fish IRT has an understanding of financial records that are in accordance with accounting standards which are then applied through periodic financial records, then product marketing assistance using electronic media in the form of Instagram in marketing "Supel" Smoked Fish products so that sales are achieved. Initially, only around 60% increased to 90%