449 research outputs found


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    Abstrak – Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Airline Quality terhadap Customer Satisfaction pelanggan Batik Air di Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan purposive sampling, dimana sampel berupa responden yang pernah membeli dan menggunakan layanan penerbangan Batik Air sebanyak minimal 2 kali dalam 1 tahun terakhir, melakukan pembelian dan pemesanan sendiri tiket penerbangan Batik Air, mengetahui skema kompensasi Batik Air, mengetahui lokasi kantor Batik Air di Surabaya, berdomisili di Surabaya, serta pendidikan minimal SMA atau sederajat. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kausal. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer yaitu dengan menyebarkan kuesioner. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 380 orang yang terdiri dari 184 konsumen laki-laki dan 196 konsumen perempuan. Dalam penelitian ini data diolah menggunakan model SEM (Strctural Equation Modeling) melalui software AMOS 22 untuk pengujian measurement model dan structural model. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Airline Tangibles, Terminal Tangibles, Personnel Quality, Empathy dan Airline Image berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Customer Satisfaction. Kata kunci: Satisfaction, Service Quality, Airline Industry, Batik Air. Abstract – This study aimed to examine the effect of the Airline Quality Customer Satisfaction Batik Air customers in Surabaya. This study using purposive sampling approach, in which a sample of respondents who have bought and used the services of low Batik Air of at least 2 times in the last 1 year, make a purchase and booking their own airline tickets Batik Air, determine the compensation scheme Batik Air, know the location of the office Batik Air in Surabaya, located in Surabaya, as well as at least high school education or equivalent. This type of research is causal research. The study uses a quantitative approach. Source data used are primary data is by distributing questionnaires. Respondents in this research were 380 people consisting of 184 consumers male and 196 female consumers. In this study, the data was processed using SEM models (Structural Equation Modeling) through AMOS 22 software for testing measurement models and structural models. The results of this study indicate that the Airline Tangibles, Terminal Tangibles, Personnel Quality, Empathy and Airline Image have significant effect on Customer Satisfaction. Keywords: Satisfaction, Service quality, Airline industry, Batik Ai


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    Abstrak – Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Airline Quality terhadap Customer Satisfaction pelanggan Batik Air di Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan purposive sampling, dimana sampel berupa responden yang pernah membeli dan menggunakan layanan penerbangan Batik Air sebanyak minimal 2 kali dalam 1 tahun terakhir, melakukan pembelian dan pemesanan sendiri tiket penerbangan Batik Air, mengetahui skema kompensasi Batik Air, mengetahui lokasi kantor Batik Air di Surabaya, berdomisili di Surabaya, serta pendidikan minimal SMA atau sederajat. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kausal. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer yaitu dengan menyebarkan kuesioner. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 380 orang yang terdiri dari 184 konsumen laki-laki dan 196 konsumen perempuan. Dalam penelitian ini data diolah menggunakan model SEM (Strctural Equation Modeling) melalui software AMOS 22 untuk pengujian measurement model dan structural model. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Airline Tangibles, Terminal Tangibles, Personnel Quality, Empathy dan Airline Image berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Customer Satisfaction. Kata kunci: Satisfaction, Service Quality, Airline Industry, Batik Air. Abstract – This study aimed to examine the effect of the Airline Quality Customer Satisfaction Batik Air customers in Surabaya. This study using purposive sampling approach, in which a sample of respondents who have bought and used the services of low Batik Air of at least 2 times in the last 1 year, make a purchase and booking their own airline tickets Batik Air, determine the compensation scheme Batik Air, know the location of the office Batik Air in Surabaya, located in Surabaya, as well as at least high school education or equivalent. This type of research is causal research. The study uses a quantitative approach. Source data used are primary data is by distributing questionnaires. Respondents in this research were 380 people consisting of 184 consumers male and 196 female consumers. In this study, the data was processed using SEM models (Structural Equation Modeling) through AMOS 22 software for testing measurement models and structural models. The results of this study indicate that the Airline Tangibles, Terminal Tangibles, Personnel Quality, Empathy and Airline Image have significant effect on Customer Satisfaction. Keywords: Satisfaction, Service quality, Airline industry, Batik Ai

    Accessibility to microfinance and its impacts on poverty alleviation in South-West Nigeria

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    Poverty is a world phenomenon. Its consequences are traumatic and dehumanizing. Several measures and strategies have been used to alleviate poverty and enhance economic empowerment. One of the economic measures is the Microfinance programme. In Nigeria, government had made efforts to alleviate poverty by creating economic opportunities in various forms and empowering the poor through education and financial resources. But the efforts proved elusive and poverty still remains pervasive and widespread especially in the rural communities in Nigeria. The objective of this study is to estimate the determinants of the accessibility to microfinance and its impacts on poverty alleviation in Nigeria particularly in the South-West Zone of the country. A total sum of 1,134 microfinance loan beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries were sampled from three out of the six states in the zone. Applied econometric techniques for development economics like logit and ordered logit regression models; with difference-in differences estimation approach were employed to analyse the data; and the Propensity Score Matching estimators were used to evaluate the potential selection bias. The results identified factors like age, business worth, health status and living standard as germane to microfinance accessibility by the rural poor. The impacts of microfinance loan are positive on poverty alleviation and income, but there is need for improvement; while the programme did not have substantial improvement on the living standard, consumption and health status of the poor in the study area. Government is implored to provide enabling environment for the MFIs and monitor the activities of the latter for better service delivery. MFIs are also advised to create more awareness on their operations and make less stringent conditions for the loan accessibility. The study is significant for academic research, policy formulation and economic planning


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    Abstrak – Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Airline Quality terhadap Customer Satisfaction pelanggan Batik Air di Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan purposive sampling, dimana sampel berupa responden yang pernah membeli dan menggunakan layanan penerbangan Batik Air sebanyak minimal 2 kali dalam 1 tahun terakhir, melakukan pembelian dan pemesanan sendiri tiket penerbangan Batik Air, mengetahui skema kompensasi Batik Air, mengetahui lokasi kantor Batik Air di Surabaya, berdomisili di Surabaya, serta pendidikan minimal SMA atau sederajat. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kausal. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer yaitu dengan menyebarkan kuesioner. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 380 orang yang terdiri dari 184 konsumen laki-laki dan 196 konsumen perempuan. Dalam penelitian ini data diolah menggunakan model SEM (Strctural Equation Modeling) melalui software AMOS 22 untuk pengujian measurement model dan structural model. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Airline Tangibles, Terminal Tangibles, Personnel Quality, Empathy dan Airline Image berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Customer Satisfaction. Kata kunci: Satisfaction, Service Quality, Airline Industry, Batik Air. Abstract – This study aimed to examine the effect of the Airline Quality Customer Satisfaction Batik Air customers in Surabaya. This study using purposive sampling approach, in which a sample of respondents who have bought and used the services of low Batik Air of at least 2 times in the last 1 year, make a purchase and booking their own airline tickets Batik Air, determine the compensation scheme Batik Air, know the location of the office Batik Air in Surabaya, located in Surabaya, as well as at least high school education or equivalent. This type of research is causal research. The study uses a quantitative approach. Source data used are primary data is by distributing questionnaires. Respondents in this research were 380 people consisting of 184 consumers male and 196 female consumers. In this study, the data was processed using SEM models (Structural Equation Modeling) through AMOS 22 software for testing measurement models and structural models. The results of this study indicate that the Airline Tangibles, Terminal Tangibles, Personnel Quality, Empathy and Airline Image have significant effect on Customer Satisfaction. Keywords: Satisfaction, Service quality, Airline industry, Batik Ai


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    Abstrak – Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Airline Quality terhadap Customer Satisfaction pelanggan Batik Air di Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan purposive sampling, dimana sampel berupa responden yang pernah membeli dan menggunakan layanan penerbangan Batik Air sebanyak minimal 2 kali dalam 1 tahun terakhir, melakukan pembelian dan pemesanan sendiri tiket penerbangan Batik Air, mengetahui skema kompensasi Batik Air, mengetahui lokasi kantor Batik Air di Surabaya, berdomisili di Surabaya, serta pendidikan minimal SMA atau sederajat. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kausal. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer yaitu dengan menyebarkan kuesioner. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 380 orang yang terdiri dari 184 konsumen laki-laki dan 196 konsumen perempuan. Dalam penelitian ini data diolah menggunakan model SEM (Strctural Equation Modeling) melalui software AMOS 22 untuk pengujian measurement model dan structural model. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Airline Tangibles, Terminal Tangibles, Personnel Quality, Empathy dan Airline Image berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Customer Satisfaction. Kata kunci: Satisfaction, Service Quality, Airline Industry, Batik Air. Abstract – This study aimed to examine the effect of the Airline Quality Customer Satisfaction Batik Air customers in Surabaya. This study using purposive sampling approach, in which a sample of respondents who have bought and used the services of low Batik Air of at least 2 times in the last 1 year, make a purchase and booking their own airline tickets Batik Air, determine the compensation scheme Batik Air, know the location of the office Batik Air in Surabaya, located in Surabaya, as well as at least high school education or equivalent. This type of research is causal research. The study uses a quantitative approach. Source data used are primary data is by distributing questionnaires. Respondents in this research were 380 people consisting of 184 consumers male and 196 female consumers. In this study, the data was processed using SEM models (Structural Equation Modeling) through AMOS 22 software for testing measurement models and structural models. The results of this study indicate that the Airline Tangibles, Terminal Tangibles, Personnel Quality, Empathy and Airline Image have significant effect on Customer Satisfaction. Keywords: Satisfaction, Service quality, Airline industry, Batik Ai

    Analyzing the Evolution of Private Security Guards and their Limitations to Security Management in Nigeria

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    The origin of the proliferation of private security companies (guards) in Nigeria can be traced to the systemic failure and inefficiency that adorn the public security sector, which exhibits blatant inability to meet the security needs of the people resulting from her agelong anti-people posture, inadequate training, official corruption, nepotism among other negativities. Indeed, the complementary roles being played by private security guards in mitigating the security challenges confronting the nation have been seen by many as a welcome development. In spite of the successes recorded, yet there exist some obstacles that undermine private security guards‟ operations in Nigeria. In meeting the objectives of this study, the article conceptualises private security guards within the context of Nigerian experience. It goes further to analyse the historical development of private security guards in Nigeria, their prospects, challenges and ways through which their operations can be improved

    Impact of Microfinance Intervention on Rural Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria: An Application of Difference in Differences Technique

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    In this study, Difference-in-Differences methodology was used to assess the impact of microfinance loan on rural poor in Nigeria. The sample is classified into four groups: the microfinance loan beneficiaries (treatment group) before obtaining the loan and after the programme implementation. Likewise the non-beneficiaries (control group that were also qualified but could not get the loan) were considered before their application for the loan and after the programme was implemented. The result revealed that microfinance loan has favourable contributions to poverty alleviation in the study area. However, there is still need for government aid in order to make the poor people benefit more from the microfinance programme and enhance economic development. Government should support the MFIs with funds that would be disbursed at concessionary interest rates. In addition, provision of more physical, social and economic facilities would encourage the establishment of more MFIs in the rural areas. Keywords: economic development, poverty, microfinance, difference in differences, Nigeria DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-16-06 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Estimation of Item Parameter Indices of NECO Mathematics Multiple Choice Test Items among Nigerian Students

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    The study estimated the difficulty, discrimination, and vulnerability to guessing 2016 National Examination Council (NECO) Mathematics multiple-choice test items. The study employed an ex-post facto design with 276,338 samples. The research instruments used for the study were Optical Marks Record Sheets for the NECO June/July 2016 Mathematics objectives items. The responses of the testees were scored dichotomously. Data collected were calibrated using four parameters logistic model. The results showed that most items in the 2016 NECO Mathematics test were good as their difficulty parameters were within (-2 to 2). For those items, difficulty parameter estimates are considered good. Also, the results indicated that only 21.7% of 2016 NECO Mathematics test items had a very good discriminating power, and the majority of the items had poor discrimination power. The result implies that most of the items were not effective in discriminating between examinees with the required ability and those that lack the required ability. Finally, the result revealed that the 2016 NECO test items were not vulnerable to guessing (i.e., 86.7% of items were good in terms of guessing). The study concluded that the 2016 NECO Mathematics test items were good for difficulty and guessing parameter indices
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