46 research outputs found

    Immunohistochemical staining of Langerhans cells in HPV-positive and HPV-negative cases of oral squamous cells carcinoma

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    The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) has been strongly implicated in development of some cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). However, the immunological system somehow reacts against the presence of this virus. Among the cells involved in such mechanism of defense Langerhans cells (LC) stand out, which are responsible for processing and presenting antigens. OBJECTIVES: The purposes of this study were to investigate the presence of HPV DNA and to evaluate the immunohistochemical reactivity for Langerhans cells between HPV-positive and HPV-negative OSCC. Twenty-seven cases of OSSC were evaluated. MATERIAL AND METHODS: DNA was extracted from paraffin-embedded tissue samples and amplified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for the detection of HPV DNA. Viral typing was performed by dot blot hybridization. Immunohistochemistry was performed by the Streptavidin-biotin technique. RESULTS: From the 27 cases, 9 (33.3%) were HPV-positive and 18 (66.0%) HPV-negative. HPV 18 was the most prevalent viral type (100% cases) and infection with HPV-16 (co-infection) was detected in only 1 case. In the OSCC specimens examined, immunoreactivity to S-100 antibody was detected in all cases, with a mean number of 49.48±30.89 Langerhans cells positive for immunostaining. The mean number of immunostained Langerhans cells was smaller in the HPV-positive cases (38 cells/case) than in the HPV-negative cases (42.5 cells/case), but this difference was not significant (p=0.38). CONCLUSIONS: The low frequency of detection of HPV DNA in OSCC indicates a possible participation of the virus in the development and progression of only a subgroup of these tumors. There was no association between the immunohistochemical labeling for Langerhans cells (S-100+) and HPV infection of in OSSC. These findings suggest that the presence of HPV in such OSCC cases could not alter the immunological system, particularly the Langerhans cells

    Unusual coexistence of oral lymphoepithelial cyst and benign migratory glossitis

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    Immunohistochemical expression of E-cadherin and beta-catenin in ameloblastomas and tooth germs

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim was to analyze the expression of E-cadherin and beta-catenin in ameloblastomas and tooth germs to determine their roles in cell differentiation processes and invasiveness compared with odontogenesis. STUDY DESIGN: Twenty-one ameloblastoma cases (16 solid and 5 unicystic tumors) and 5 tooth germs were submitted to the immunohistochemical detection of E-cadherin and beta-catenin. Immunoreactivity was evaluated using descriptive and semiquantitative analysis, investigating the location and intensity of staining. The Fisher exact test was performed, and P values of <.05 were considered to indicate statistical significance. RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference in the expression of E-cadherin and beta-catenin between solid and unicystic ameloblastomas (P = .59; P = .63; respectively). The same was found when comparing solid and unicystic ameloblastomas with the tooth germs for both E-cadherin (P = .53; P = .44; respectively) and beta-catenin (P = .12; P = .16; respectively). Nuclear staining of beta-catenin was observed in only 4 cases (3 solid and 1 unicystic tumor). CONCLUSION: The results showed no differences in the expression of E-cadherin or beta-catenin between tooth germs and solid and unicystic ameloblastomas. The expression of these molecules seems mainly to be related to the process of cell differentiation

    Human Papilomavirus and oral cancer: a review of actual concepts

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    Diversos fatores etiológicos estão envolvidos na etiologia do carcinoma epidermóide oral, e dentre estes, o Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) tem sido extensivamente estudado nos últimos anos. O HPV é um vírus de DNA, epiteliotrópico, cujas propriedades oncogênicas estão relacionadas a interferências nos mecanismos que controlam a proliferação celular normal. Esses mecanismos são alterados principalmente pelas proteínas E6 e E7, que interferem nas funções normais das proteínas p53 e pRb, respectivamente. Os estudos envolvendo o HPV na carcinogênese oral são controversos. Assim, a associação entre esse vírus e o câncer oral ainda não está bem definida. O objetivo desse trabalho foi realizar uma revisão literária dos aspectos atuais relacionados ao HPV no câncer oral

    Ocorrência rara de rânula em paciente gestante: relato de caso / Rare occurrence of ranula in pregnant patient: case report

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    Rânulas são alterações na mucosa oral caracterizadas pelo extravasamento e subsequente acúmulo de muco no interior dos tecidos. A apresentação mais comum é uma massa cística no assoalho da boca, determinando uma mucocele em assoalho bucal. A ocorrência de rânula em pacientes gestantes é incomum. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso clínico de rânula em paciente gestante, bem como revisar suas características e discutir as possíveis modalidades de tratamento. É relatado um caso de rânula em paciente do gênero feminino, com 23 anos de idade, na 24ª semana de gestação, que foi tratada por meio de uma técnica modificada de marsupialização. Após um ano de acompanhamento, a paciente encontra-se sem sinais de recorrência. A marsupialização modificada mostrou-se eficaz e com baixos índices de recorrência

    Preemptive analgesia-related gene and protein expression in third molar surgeries under non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug protocols : A PROSPERO-registered systematic review of clinical studies

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    This study aimed to review translational studies focusing on third molar removal surgeries through a systematic analytical approach. A PROSPERO-registered systematic review (CRD42017060455) was conducted following the PRISMA statement to summarize current knowledge on gene expression in third molar surgeries. A search was performed in PubMed?s Medline and Scopus databases, without date or language restrictions, using the logical expression {[(Third molar) OR (preemptive) OR (cyclooxygenase inhibitors) OR (acute inflammation) AND (gene expression)]}. All studies included in the analysis evaluated gene expression in a third molar extraction model, using the preemptive analgesia methodology in seven investigations. The sample analyzed was obtained from gingival tissue biopsy (n=4), blood (n=1), transudate (n=1) and gingival tissue biopsy/transudate (n=1). There were differences with respect to evaluated genes, drug protocol, sample studied, and method for evaluating gene expression. Third molar surgeries were found to be associated with different COX-related gene expression patterns. Although inflammatory events following the surgical procedure are associated with COX isoforms, data from preemptive analgesia studies are scarce, especially from studies correlating gene expression and clinical parameters. In the future, from a clinical perspective, identifying the molecular targets of a drug based on individual gene expression may be helpful to delineate specific third molar, surgery-related, preemptive analgesia protocols

    Epidermoid Cyst Arising in the Buccal Mucosa: Case Report and Literature Review

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    Epidermoidne ciste benigne su supkutane lezije vrlo česte u dnu usne šupljine, a rijetke na bukalnoj mukozi. Do danas je objavljeno pet članaka o samo šest slučajeva epidermoidnih cista na tom mjestu. Svrha ovoga članka je opisati klinička, histopatološka i imunohistokemijska obilježja epidermoidne ciste na bukalnoj sluznici. Prema našim spoznajama, ovo je prvi slučaj oralne epidermoidne ciste koja izaziva upalnu reakciju gigantocelularnog tipa prema epitelnom keratinu. Iako se uobičajeni dijagnostički postupak u slučaju epidermoidne ciste temelji na histopatološkom nalazu, u ovom prikazu nalaze se nove informacije o imunohistokemijskim uzorcima u ovakvim lezijama.Epidermoid cysts are benign subcutaneous lesions, and the large majority of these cysts affect the floor of the mouth; however, the buccal mucosa is not a usual site of occurrence. To date, only 5 articles have been published with 6 cases of epidermoid cysts arising in the buccal mucosa. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical features of a case of epidermoid cyst located in the buccal mucosa. To our knowledge, this is the first report of an oral epidermoid cyst describing an intense foreign body gigantocellular inflammatory reaction against epithelial keratin component. Although the usual diagnosis for epidermoid cysts is based on histopathological findings, this case report addresses novel information regarding to the immunohistochemical pattern that may be found in these lesions

    Calcifying odontogenic cyst associated with complex odontoma treated with a conservative approach: a case report / Cisto odontogênico calcificante associado a odontoma complexo tratado com abordagem conservadora: relato de caso

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    Calcifying odontogenic cysts (COCs) are uncommon benign lesions arising from the odontogenic epithelium which are currently considered cysts. Histopathologically, it presents as an epithelial lining with ameloblastic characteristics, in addition to ghost cells with tendency to undergo calcifications. The objective of this study was to describe a case of a calcifying odontogenic cyst associated with odontoma, which was treated with a conservative two-step approach. A 29-year-old female presented with increased volume on the right side of the face with a lesion detected at the bottom of the buccal groove, extending from tooth 53 to 16. Radiographically, a wide, unilocular lesion was observed, involving tooth 13 that was impacted. Histopathological examination was consistent with COC associated with complex odontoma. No recurrence was seen at 6-month follow-up. The case addresses the importance of anatomopathological diagnosis of the lesion, since characterization of the cyst is fundamental to treatmen

    RT-qPCR study of COX-1 and -2 genes in oral surgical model comparing single-dose preemptive ibuprofen and etoricoxib : a randomized clinical trialy

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    Background: This study aimed to evaluate the gene expression of cyclooxygenases (COXs) in an oral model of preemptive analgesia. Material and Methods: Gingival tissue was collected during extraction of lower third molars from a randomized, triple-blind, split-mouth and placebo-controlled study. The eligible patients were randomly sorted to receive a single dose either of ibuprofen 400mg, or etoricoxib 120 mg or a placebo, one hour prior to surgery. The temporal course of RNAm was evaluated for COX-1 and -2 by means of a quantitative polymerase chain reaction in real time (RT-qPCR) at time zero and 30 minutes after the surgical procedure began, and it was correlated with clinical parameters (pain and maximum mouth opening). Results: There was a significant increase in COX-1 expression between T0 and T30 in ibuprofen (p=0.004) and eto-ricoxib (p=0.010) groups. As regards COX-2, there were increases from T0 to T30 in all groups (placebo, p=0.012; ibuprofen, p<0.001; etoricoxib, p<0.001). All groups showed a significant decrease in COX-2:COX-1 ratio from T0 to T30 (placebo, p=0.013; ibuprofen, p<0.001; etoricoxib, p=0.047). Experimental groups showed a significant correlation between COX-1 and COX-2 levels and clinical pain parameters. Conclusions: The present preemptive analgesia study concludes that COX-2 RNAm induction was directly linked to third molar-related tissue inflammation and that the relation between COX-1 and COX-2 levels were inversely proportional to the preemptively administered nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs COX-2 selectivity