42 research outputs found

    NCX-4040, a nitric oxide-releasing aspirin, sensitizes drug-resistant human ovarian xenograft tumors to cisplatin by depletion of cellular thiols

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    Background: Ovarian carcinoma is the leading cause of mortality among gynecological cancers in the world. The high mortality rate is associated with lack of early diagnosis and development of drug resistance. The antitumor efficacy and mechanism of NCX-4040, a nitric oxide-releasing aspirin derivative, against ovarian cancer is studied. Methods: NCX-4040, alone or in combination with cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum, cDDP), was studied in cisplatin-sensitive (A2780 WT) and cisplatin-resistant (A2780 cDDP) cell lines as well as xenograft tumors grown in nude mice. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was used for measurements of nitric oxide and redox state. Immunoblotting analysis of A2780 cDDP tumor xenografts from mice was used for mechanistic studies. Results: Cells treated with NCX-4040 (25 μM) showed a significant reduction of cell viability (A2780 WT, 34.9 ± 8.7%; A2780 cDDP, 41.7 ± 7.6%; p < 0.05). Further, NCX-4040 significantly enhanced the sensitivity of A2780 cDDP cells (cisplatin alone, 80.6 ± 11.8% versus NCX-4040+cisplatin, 26.4 ± 7.6%; p < 0.01) and xenograft tumors (cisplatin alone, 74.0 ± 4.4% versus NCX-4040+cisplatin, 56.4 ± 7.8%; p < 0.05), to cisplatin treatment. EPR imaging of tissue redox and thiol measurements showed a 5.5-fold reduction (p < 0.01) of glutathione in NCX-4040- treated A2780 cDDP tumors when compared to untreated controls. Immunoblotting analysis of A2780 cDDP tumor xenografts from mice treated with NCX-4040 and cisplatin revealed significant downregulation of pEGFR (Tyr845 and Tyr992) and pSTAT3 (Tyr705 and Ser727) expression. Conclusion: The results suggested that NCX-4040 could resensitize drug-resistant ovarian cancer cells to cisplatin possibly by depletion of cellular thiols. Thus NCX-4040 appears to be a potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of human ovarian carcinoma and cisplatin-resistant malignancies

    HIF-transcribed p53 chaperones HIF-1α

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    Chronic hypoxia is associated with a variety of physiological conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, ischemia/reperfusion injury, stroke, diabetic vasculopathy, epilepsy and cancer. At the molecular level, hypoxia manifests its effects via activation of HIF-dependent transcription. On the other hand, an important transcription factor p53, which controls a myriad of biological functions, is rendered transcriptionally inactive under hypoxic conditions. p53 and HIF-1α are known to share a mysterious relationship and play an ambiguous role in the regulation of hypoxia-induced cellular changes. Here we demonstrate a novel pathway where HIF-1α transcriptionally upregulates both WT and MT p53 by binding to five response elements in p53 promoter. In hypoxic cells, this HIF-1α-induced p53 is transcriptionally inefficient but is abundantly available for protein-protein interactions. Further, both WT and MT p53 proteins bind and chaperone HIF-1α to stabilize its binding at its downstream DNA response elements. This p53-induced chaperoning of HIF-1α increases synthesis of HIF-regulated genes and thus the efficiency of hypoxia-induced molecular changes. This basic biology finding has important implications not only in the design of anti-cancer strategies but also for other physiological conditions where hypoxia results in disease manifestation

    The curcumin analog HO-3867 selectively kills cancer cells by converting mutant p53 protein to transcriptionally active wildtype p53

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    p53 is an important tumor-suppressor protein that is mutated in more than 50% of cancers. Strategies for restoring normal p53 function are complicated by the oncogenic properties of mutant p53 and have not met with clinical success. To counteract mutant p53 activity, a variety of drugs with the potential to reconvert mutant p53 to an active wildtype form have been developed. However, these drugs are associated with various negative effects such as cellular toxicity, nonspecific binding to other proteins, and inability to induce a wildtype p53 response in cancer tissue. Here, we report on the effects of a curcumin analog, HO-3867, on p53 activity in cancer cells from different origins. We found that HO-3867 covalently binds to mutant p53, initiates a wildtype p53-like anticancer genetic response, is exclusively cytotoxic toward cancer cells, and exhibits high anticancer efficacy in tumor models. In conclusion, HO-3867 is a p53 mutant-reactivating drug with high clinical anticancer potential

    Cell cycle regulation by the Wee1 Inhibitor PD0166285, Pyrido [2,3-d] pyimidine, in the B16 mouse melanoma cell line

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    BACKGROUND: Wee1 kinase plays a critical role in maintaining G2 arrest through its inhibitory phosphorylation of cdc2. In previous reports, a pyridopyrimidine molecule PD0166285 was identified to inhibit Wee1 activity at nanomolar concentrations. This G2 checkpoint abrogation by PD0166285 was demonstrated to kill cancer cells, there at a toxic highest dose of 0.5 μM in some cell lines for exposure periods of no longer than 6 hours. The deregulated cell cycle progression may have ultimately damaged the cancer cells. We herein report one of the mechanism by which PD0166285 leads to cell death in the B16 mouse melanoma cell line. METHODS: Tumor cell proliferation was determined by counting cell numbers. Cell cycle distribution was determined by flow cytometry. Morphogenesis analysis such as microtubule stabilization, Wee1 distribution, and cyclin B location were observed by immunofluorescence confocal microscopy. An immunoblot analysis of cdc2-Tyr15, cyclin D, E, p16, 21, 27, and Rb. A real-time PCR of the mRNA of cyclin D were completed. RESULTS: In our experiment, B16 cells also dramatically abrogated the G2 checkpoint and were found to arrest in the early G1 phase by treatment with 0.5 μM for 4 hours observed by flow cytometry. Cyclin D mRNA decreased within 4 hours observed by Real-time PCR. Rb was dephosphrylated for 24 hours. However, B16 cells did not undergo cell death after 0.5 μM treatment for 24 hours. Immnofluoscence microscopy showed that the cells become round and small in the morphogenesis. More interesting phenomena were that microtubule stabilization was blocked, and Wee1 distribution was restricted after treatment for 4 hours. CONCLUSION: We analyzed the effect of Wee1 inhibitor PD0166285 described first by Wang in the G2 transition in the B16 melanoma cell line. The inhibitor PD0166285 abrogated G2/M checkpoint inducing early cell division. Moreover, we found that the treatment of cells with the inhibitor is related to microtubule stabilization and decrease in cyclin D transcription. These effects together suggest that Wee1 inhibitor may thus be a potentially useful anti-cancer therapy

    Microfluidic affinity separation chip for selective capture and release of label-free ovarian cancer exosomes

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    Exosomes are nanoscale vesicles found in many bodily fluids which play a significant role in cell-to-cell signaling and contain biomolecules indicative of their cells of origin. Recently, microfluidic devices have provided the ability to efficiently capture exosomes based on specific membrane biomarkers, but releasing the captured exosomes intact and label-free for downstream characterization and experimentation remains a challenge. We present a herringbone-grooved microfluidic device which is covalently functionalized with antibodies against general and cancer exosome membrane biomarkers (CD9 and EpCAM) to isolate exosomes from small volumes of high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) serum. Following capture, intact exosomes are released label-free using a low pH buffer and immediately neutralized downstream to ensure their stability. Characterization of captured and released exosomes was performed using fluorescence microscopy, nanoparticle tracking analysis, flow-cytometry, and SEM. Our results demonstrate the successful isolation of intact and label-free exosomes, indicate that the amount of both total and EpCAM+ exosomes increases with HGSOC disease progression, and demonstrate the downstream internalization of isolated exosomes by OVCAR8 cells. This device and approach can be utilized for a nearly limitless range of downstream exosome analytical and experimental techniques, both on and off-chip

    Cellular uptake, retention and bioabsorption of HO-3867, a fluorinated curcumin analog with potential antitumor properties

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    Curcumin, a naturally-occurring compound found in the rhizome of Curcuma longa plant, is known for its antitumor activities. However, its clinical efficacy is limited due to poor bioabsorption. A new class of synthetic analogs of curcumin, namely diarylidenylpiperidone (DAP), has been developed with substantially higher anticancer activity than curcumin. However, its cellular uptake and bioabsorption have not been evaluated. In this study we have determined the absorption of a representative DAP compound, HO-3867, using optical and electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometry. The cellular uptake of HO-3867 was measured in a variety of cancer cell lines. HO-3867 was taken in cells within 15 minutes of exposure and its uptake was more than 100-fold higher than curcumin. HO-3867 was also retained in cells in an active form for 72 hours and possibly longer. HO-3867 was substantially cytotoxic to all the cancer cells tested. However, there was no direct correlation between cellular uptake and cytotoxicity suggesting that the cytotoxic mechanisms could be cell-type specific. When administered to rats by intraperitoneal injection, significantly high levels of HO-3867 were found in the liver, kidney, stomach and blood after 3 hours. Also, significant accumulation of HO-3867 was found in murine tumor xenografts with a dose-dependent inhibition of tumor growth. The results suggest that the curcumin analog has substantially higher bioabsorption when compared to curcumin

    Cardioprotection by HO-4038, a novel verapamil derivative, targeted against ischemia and reperfusion-mediated acute myocardial infarction

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    Many cardiac interventional procedures, such as coronary angioplasty, stenting, and thrombolysis, attempt to reintroduce blood flow (reperfusion) to an ischemic region of myocardium. However, the reperfusion is accompanied by a complex cascade of cellular and molecular events resulting in oxidative damage, termed myocardial ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. In this study, we evaluated the ability of HO-4038, an N-hydroxypiperidine derivative of verapamil, on the modulation of myocardial tissue oxygenation (Po2), I/R injury, and key signaling molecules involved in cardioprotection in an in vivo rat model of acute myocardial infarction (MI). MI was created in rats by ligating the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) for 30 min followed by 24 h of reperfusion. Verapamil or HO-4038 was infused through the jugular vein 10 min before the induction of ischemia. Myocardial Po2 and the free-radical scavenging ability of HO-4038 were measured using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. HO-4038 showed a significantly better scavenging ability of reactive oxygen radicals compared with verapamil. The cardiac contractile functions in the I/R hearts were significantly higher recovery in HO-4038 compared with the verapamil group. A significant decrease in the plasma levels of creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase was observed in the HO-4038 group compared with the verapamil or untreated I/R groups. The left ventricular infarct size was significantly less in the HO-4038 (23 ± 2%) compared with the untreated I/R (36 ± 4%) group. HO-4038 significantly attenuated the hyperoxygenation (36 ± 1 mmHg) during reperfusion compared with the untreated I/R group (44 ± 2 mmHg). The HO-4038-treated group also markedly attenuated superoxide production, increased nitric oxide generation, and enhanced Akt and Bcl-2 levels in the reperfused myocardium. Overall, the results demonstrated that HO-4038 significantly protected hearts against I/R-induced cardiac dysfunction and damage through the combined beneficial actions of calcium-channel blocking, antioxidant, and prosurvival signaling activities

    Representative EPR spectra obtained from control (NCX-4040, A2780 cDDP cells) and NCX-4040 treatment groups

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    The cells were incubated with NCX-4040 in the presence of spin trap (MGD)Fe. Also shown is an EPR spectrum of an authentic complex of NO with Fe(MGD)obtained by adding SNAP (an NO donor) to spin trap. () Time-course of nitric oxide release by NCX-4040 in A2780 WT, A2780 cDDP, and A2780 cDDP cells treated with 1 mM buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) for 24 h. () Representative DAF-FM DA fluorescence images of untreated (control) and treated (1, 2 or 4 hours) with NCX-4040 (100 μM). () Quantitative results on the DAF-FM DA fluorescence data. *p < 0.01 Control group.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "NCX-4040, a nitric oxide-releasing aspirin, sensitizes drug-resistant human ovarian xenograft tumors to cisplatin by depletion of cellular thiols"</p><p>http://www.translational-medicine.com/content/6/1/9</p><p>Journal of Translational Medicine 2008;6():9-9.</p><p>Published online 26 Feb 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2267444.</p><p></p