40 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Mount Nyiragongo lava lake inferred from thermal imaging and infrasound array

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    Abstract Lava lakes provide a direct observation window into processes which usually remain hidden, such as magma convection and outgassing dynamics. We here report a coupled analysis of thermal infrared footage and infrasound array recordings at Mount Nyiragongo (D. R. Congo), and derive a conceptual model of the lava lake's convective system and outgassing mechanism. We suggest that surface flow results from a horizontal pressure gradient at the surface of the lake, driving the crust from high-pressure regions where hot upwelling magma impinges the surface, to low-pressure regions where cold downwelling magma pulls away from the surface. The ascending current of this convection cell carries gas pockets, which once at the surface, are dragged across the lake into downwelling sinks. Such sinks are characterized by persistent chaotic bubble bursting (spattering), whose intensity and position are tracked from infrasound array analysis. Fluctuations of these are observed, but have not been correlated with oscillations of the lava lake level, nor with the variations of surface velocities, both recorded from infrared footage. We also report the activity of a new eruptive vent, which opened early 2016 near an inner circular fracture of the crater's third terrace. We show that the vent's activity was intermittent, alternating between explosive strombolian activity and effusive activity. The latter produced lava flows which spread on the crater's last terrace before cascading into the active lava lake. Although no significant change in the lake behavior was witnessed while the new eruptive vent was active, increased attention should be addressed as this new activity could reflect over-pressurization of the shallow magmatic system. The variety of phenomena captured by this study complements and expands observations reported at other low-viscosity lava lakes, chiefly Kilauea (Hawai'i) and Erta Ale (Ethiopia). Despite Nyiragongo's more vigorous convective regime (where multiple convective cells can operate simultaneously), we suggest that the mechanisms controlling the surface motion and outgassing are similar at all three systems, pointing to generic processes governing the dynamics of low-viscosity lava lakes

    Le lien entre agriculture et nutrition en HaĂŻti

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    Plus d’un tiers de la population d’Haïti vit encore dans l’insécurité alimentaire, malgré les efforts des bailleurs de fonds internationaux, des ministères concernés et de nombreuses organisations non gouvernementales (ONG). Le pays dispose de suffisamment de denrées alimentaires pour nourrir sa population, mais la moitié des aliments sont importés chaque année. La pauvreté chronique empêche une grande partie de la population du pays de se nourrir correctement. Ce Technical Brief présente des recommandations clés pour lutter contre la malnutrition en Haiti

    The agriculture-nutrition nexus in North and South Kivu, the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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    The provinces of North and South Kivu, in the far east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, are deeply marked by two decades of conflict. Instability and population displacement have resulted in the destruction of the agricultural base, causing food insecurity and severe malnutrition

    Strengthening the Eastern Africa Land Administration Network (SEALAN) project in enhancing inter-university collaboration in land administration Eastern Africa

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    The Eastern Africa Land Administration Network has since 2006 been collaborating in the development of education, short courses for land professionals and research in the eastern Africa region. This study presents the establishment and activities of a project on Strengthening the network and draws on results from the projects’ four work packages: i) the Network and Secretariat; ii) Short courses for land professionals; iii) Education and iv) Research. Processes, achievements, innovations, challenges and opportunities along each work package is reported. This study suggests that inter-university networks can play a major role in collaboratively developing, revising and updating curricula whilst promoting innovations in education, teaching and learning through staff and student exchange, research, and community outreach. Administrators of educational institutions and partners will find this study useful. For example, the network’s success has caught the attention of international partners who are replicating similar networks across the African continent

    The agriculture-nutrition nexus in Haiti

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    More than one-third of Haiti’s population remains food insecure, despite the efforts of international donors, government ministries and numerous non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Enough food is available in the country to feed everyone, but half of it is imported every year. Chronic poverty prevents much of the country’s population from accessing the food they need. This Technical Brief gives key recommendations to improve food and nutrition security in Haiti

    Le lien entre agriculture et nutrition au Nord et au Sud-Kivu en République démocratique du Congo

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    Les provinces du Nord et du Sud-Kivu, dans l’extrémité est de la République démocratique du Congo, sont profondément marquées par deux décennies de conflit. L’instabilité et les déplacements de population ont entraîné la destruction de l’agriculture de base, provoquant une situation d’insécurité alimentaire et de malnutrition aiguë. Ce Technical Brief présente des recommandations clés pour lutter contre la malnutrition au Kivu

    Gully erosion susceptibility mapping using four machine learning methods in Luzinzi watershed, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

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    peer reviewedSoil erosion by gullying causes severe soil degradation, which in turn leads to severe socio-economic and environmental damages in tropical and subtropical regions. To mitigate these negative effects and guarantee sustainable management of natural resources, gullies must be prevented. Gully management strategies start by devising adequate assessment tools and identification of driving factors and control measures. To achieve this, machine learning methods are essential tools to assist in the identification of driving factors to implement site-specific control measures. This study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of four machine learning methods (Random Forest (RF), Maximum of Entropy (MaxEnt), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and Boosted Regression Tree (BRT)) to identify gully's driving factors, and predict gully erosion susceptibility in the Luzinzi watershed, in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

    Neglected and underutilized crop species in Kabare and Walungu territories, Eastern D.R. Congo: Identification, uses and socio-economic importance

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    peer reviewedNeglected and underutilized crop species (NUCS) are valuable sources of food and income for several rural households in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). A thorough understanding of their diversity, uses, socioeconomic roles, and factors for their neglect would be necessary for guiding promotion efforts. This study was conducted in two steps: (1) interviews with rural households involved in NUCS production and trade, and (2) greenhouse characterization of the two most popular NUCS ′ morphotypes, African nightshade and amaranth, from Walungu and Kabare territories, eastern DRC. About 19% of farmers of the entire study area were involved in NUCS production. We identified 22 and 23 NUCS used in Kabare and Walungu territories, respectively. These species belonged to 19 botanical families, among which Solanaceae (~24% in Walungu and ~11 in Kabare) and Fabaceae (8% in Walungu and 11% in Kabare) were the most dominant families. They were of different ranges: grasses and herbs (62%), shrubs (20%), thorns (2%), and trees (16%). These species were used whether for nutritional (60%), medicinal (7%), or both nutritional and medicinal values (33%). NUCS' market value was low, and thus, discouraged further investment in their farming. The seed delivery system was informal, dominated by farmer-saved seed, seed from local markets, and farmer seed exchange. Characterization experiment for the most popular leafy NUCS showed differences among collected morphotypes for most traits, with some local genotypes outperforming exogenous commercial varieties. Supply of quality seed, training of farmers on the most appropriate cropping system, processing technologies, increased consumer awareness, linking research to policy, and increasing market opportunities for smallholder farmers are strategies for promoting wide use of these crops in eastern DRC

    Current Practices and Prospects of Climate-Smart Agriculture in Democratic Republic of Congo: A Review

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    peer reviewedClimate-smart agriculture (CSA) is one of the innovative approaches for sustainably increasing the agricultural productivity, improving livelihoods and incomes of farmers, while at the same time improving resilience and contributing to climate change mitigation. In spite of the fact that there is neither explicit policy nor practices branded as CSA in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), farmers are utilizing an array of farming practices whose attributes meet the CSA criteria. However, the intensity, distribution, efficiency, and dynamics of use as well as the sources of these technologies are not sufficiently documented. Therefore, this review paper provides a comprehensive evidence of CSA-associated farming practices in DRC, public and private efforts to promote CSA practices, and the associated benefits accruing from the practices as deployed by farmers in the DRC. We find evidence of progress among farming communities in the use of practices that can be classified as CSA. Communities using these practices are building on the traditional knowledge systems and adaptation of introduced technologies to suit the local conditions. Reported returns on use of these practices are promising, pointing to their potential continued use into the future. While progressive returns on investment are reported, they are relatively lower than those reported from other areas in sub-Saharan Africa deploying similar approaches. We recommend for strategic support for capacity building at various levels, including public institutions for policy development and guidance, extension and community level to support uptake of technologies and higher education institutions for mainstreaming CSA into curricula and training a generation of CSA sensitive human resources

    Kajian potensi ekstrak bilberi sebagai penunjuk pH untuk memantau kesegaran makanan secara kromametri

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    Penunjuk pH sebagai suatu pendekatan untuk memantau kualiti atau kesegaran makanan semasa telah mendapat perhatian industri pembungkusan makanan. Penggunaan sumber semula jadi pigmen tumbuhan terutamanya daripada buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran menjadi pilihan para pengguna untuk menggantikan pewarna sintetik dalam memastikan keselamatan makanan yang diambil setiap hari. Dalam kajian ini, ekstrak daripada bilberi telah digunakan sebagai pewarna sensitif pH. Perubahan warna sampel dikaji secara terperinci melalui kaedah kromametri dan juga kaedah spektrofotometri ultra-lembayung nampak. Warna merah terang terhasil dalam pH berasid, merah pudar pada neutral dan magenta ke kuning dalam pH beralkali. Keputusan kajian kromametri menunjukkan bahawa ekstrak bilberi berupaya mempamerkan perubahan warna yang jelas terhadap perubahan pH, iaitu terdapat perubahan nilai warna a* yang menyumbang kepada perubahan yang bererti dalam perbezaan warna keseluruhan (ΔE*). Nilai ΔE* juga ditentukan wujud hubungan linear dan kuantitatif terhadap julat pH tertentu. Oleh yang demikian, ekstrak bilberi didapati berpotensi sebagai bahan sensor untuk pH dalam membangunkan satu sensor pH bagi memantau kesegaran makanan terutamanya hasilan laut berbungkus memandangkan tahap kerosakan produk tersebut berkait rapat dengan perubahan pH ke arah alkali