2 research outputs found

    Cultural and Historical Correlations of Ideal Education and Human Paradigm

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    The article describes main educational paradigms developed in different historical periods: antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and the Modern Age. It is shown that anthropocentrism is in the forefront of all philosophical works. In the present article we review different points of view on the ideal men described by famous philosophers, since the final objective of education is getting an ideal man, make him better. It is proved that intellectual experience of the past is quite useful nowadays for settling issues of modern education, since it allows for deeper understanding of the essence of what is happening now and what has happened in the field of education throughout history. It was concluded that the present model of education includes all educational practices that once existed in history. It is found that at present one of the reasons of systemic crisis in education is confrontation and competition of different educational models. Thus, it is necessary to determine a harmonic combination and interaction of different educational paradigms

    Educational Activity of National Research Universities as a Basis for Integration of Science, Education and Industry in Regional Research and Educational Complexes

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    The present article addresses the issue of integration of higher professional education establishments, science and industry in Russia. The basis for collaboration of these institutions is national research universities with academic research establishments and different operational sites for the purposes of implementation of overall reform of education system in the Russian Federation. The strategic framework for integration of science, education and industry in modern society and main reasons and targets for improvement of their collaboration on the basis of new development paradigms of modern democratic society have been described. It is found that integration of science, education and industry based on higher education establishments is a multi-level process, which includes the development of international cooperation of global information medium, uniform educational space and use of different innovative techniques and methods of teaching. The article is based on the study of educational activity of two national research universities - Tomsk State University and Tomsk Polytechnic University, which serve as central integration platforms for Tomsk research and educational complex. Main directions of their work for improvement of educational activity aimed at intensifying the efforts of science, education and industry to increase the competitiveness of Russian innovation technologies have been explored in the present article. As the article highlights, Tomsk model of integration of education, science and industry at the present stage of its development shows real benefits for the economic development of Tomsk region