28 research outputs found

    International Year of Planet Earth 9. Geology in the Urban Environment in Canada

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    Over 80% of Canadians are urban dwellers, and geology plays a major role in their living environment. Aggregates, water supply, waste disposal, and building problems associated with compressible or sensitive sediments, swelling clays, and dense tills, are major urban geological concerns. A variety of geological hazards impact our cities, including earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic eruptions, landslides, flooding and, along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, sea level rise. New urban challenges arise from declining reserves of fossil fuels and global climate change, both of which require a rapid transition to alternative energy sources (wind, solar, geothermal) and rebuilt infrastructure. Canada will increasingly face urban issues that require enhanced public education and the services of geologists. SOMMAIRE Plus de 80 % des Canadiens sont citadins, et la géologie joue un rôle majeur dans leur milieu de vie. Qu’il s’agisse d’agrégats, d'approvisionnement en eau, de l'élimination des déchets, et de problèmes de construction liés aux sédiments compressibles ou sensibles, d’argiles gonflantes, et de tills denses, voilà autant de préoccupations géologiques majeures concernant les agglomérations urbaines. Une variété de risques géologiques ont des répercussions sur nos villes, dont les tremblements de terre, tsunamis, éruptions volcaniques, glissements de terrain, inondations et, l’élévation du niveau de la mer le long des côtes du Pacifique et de l'Atlantique. Des défis récents se posent pour les agglomérations urbaines dû au déclin des réserves de combustibles fossiles et au changement climatique mondial, chacun imposant une transition rapide vers des sources d'énergie alternatives (éoliennes, solaire, géothermique) et une reconfiguration des infrastructures. De plus en plus le Canada est confronté à des problèmes urbains qui appellent une amélioration des connaissances de la population et un recours accru aux services des géologues

    Polymorphisms in the gene encoding bovine interleukin-10 receptor alpha are associated with Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis infection status

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Johne's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) of ruminants caused by <it>Mycobacterium avium </it>ssp. <it>paratuberculosis </it>(MAP). Since this pathogen has been implicated in the pathogenesis of human IBDs, the goal of this study was to assess whether single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) in several well-known candidate genes for human IBD are associated with susceptibility to MAP infection in dairy cattle.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The bovine candidate genes, <it>interleukin-10 (IL10), IL10 receptor alpha/beta (IL10RA/B), transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFB1)</it>, <it>TGFB receptor class I/II (TGFBR1/2)</it>, and <it>natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 (SLC11A1) </it>were sequenced for SNP discovery using pooled DNA samples, and the identified SNPs were genotyped in a case-control association study comprised of 242 MAP negative and 204 MAP positive Holstein dairy cattle. Logistic regression was used to determine the association of SNPs and reconstructed haplotypes with MAP infection status.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 13 SNPs were identified. Four SNPs in <it>IL10RA </it>(984G > A, 1098C > T, 1269T > C, and 1302A > G) were tightly linked, and showed a strong additive and dominance relationship with MAP infection status. Haplotypes AGC and AAT, containing the SNPs <it>IL10RA </it>633C > A, 984G > A and 1185C > T, were associated with an elevated and reduced likelihood of positive diagnosis by serum ELISA, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>SNPs in <it>IL10RA </it>are associated with MAP infection status in dairy cattle. The functional significance of these SNPs warrants further investigation.</p

    Mesenteric lymph node transcriptome profiles in BALB/c mice sensitized to three common food allergens

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Food allergy is a serious health concern among infants and young children. Although immunological mechanism of food allergy is well documented, the molecular mechanism(s) involved in food allergen sensitization have not been well characterized. Therefore, the present study analyzed the mesenteric lymph node (MLN) transcriptome profiles of BALB/c mice in response to three common food allergens.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Microarray analysis identified a total of 1361, 533 and 488 differentially expressed genes in response to β-lactoglobulin (BLG) from cow's milk, ovalbumin (OVA) from hen's egg white and peanut agglutinin (PNA) sensitizations, respectively (p < 0.05). A total of 150 genes were commonly expressed in all antigen sensitized groups. The expression of seven representative genes from microarray experiment was validated by real-time RT-PCR. All allergens induced significant ear swelling and serum IgG1 concentrations, whereas IgE concentrations were increased in BLG- and PNA-treated mice (p < 0.05). Treatment with OVA and PNA significantly induced plasma histamine concentrations (p < 0.05). The PCA demonstrated the presence of allergen-specific IgE in the serum of previously sensitized and challenged mice.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Immunological profiles indicate that the allergen dosages used are sufficient to sensitize the BALB/c mice and to conduct transcriptome profiling. Microarray studies identified several differentially expressed genes in the sensitization phase of the food allergy. These findings will help to better understand the underlying molecular mechanism(s) of food allergen sensitizations and may be useful in identifying the potential biomarkers of food allergy.</p

    Fishmeal supplementation during ovine pregnancy and lactation protects against maternal stress-induced programming of the offspring immune system

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    BACKGROUND: Prenatally stressed offspring exhibit increased susceptibility to inflammatory disorders due to in utero programming. Research into the effects of n-3 PUFAs shows promising results for the treatment and prevention of these disorders. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether maternal fishmeal supplementation during pregnancy and lactation protects against programming of the offspring’s immune response following simulated maternal infection. METHODS: In order to accomplish this, 53 ewes were fed a diet supplemented with fishmeal (FM; rich in n-3 PUFA) or soybean meal (SM; rich in n-6 PUFAs) from day 100 of gestation (gd 100) through lactation. On gd135, half the ewes from each dietary group were challenged with either 1.2 μg/kg Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) endotoxin to simulate a bacterial infection, or saline as the control. At 4.5 months of age the offspring’s dermal immune response was assessed by cutaneous hypersensitivity testing with ovalbumin (OVA) and candida albicans (CAA) 21 days after sensitization. Skinfold measurements were taken and serum blood samples were also collected to assess the primary and secondary antibody immune response. RESULTS: Offspring born to SM + LPS mothers had a significantly greater change in skinfold thickness in response to both antigens as well as a greater secondary antibody response to OVA compared to all treatments. CONCLUSIONS: Supplementation during pregnancy with FM appears to protect against adverse fetal programming that may occur during maternal infection and this may reduce the risk of atopic disease later in life

    Geology in the Urban Environment

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    Wisconsinan Inter-Lobal Stratigraphy in Three Quarries Near Woodstock, Ontario

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    The Huron-Erie interlobate zone passes near Woodstock, Ontario. Three large limestone quarries (Zorra, Beachville West, Beachville East) provide exposures up to 30 m high of the drift stratigraphy. Grain size, matrix carbonate, color, structure, fabric, lithology, and sequence, along with continuous tracing of contacts and facies changes, allowed recognition of ten tills and related water-laid sediments correlated with the known stratigraphy in surrounding areas.Four major glacial events are recognized, three of Late Wisconsinan age. Three tongues of red, Erie lobe Canning Till (unknown age) are over-lain by a Nissouri Stadial (22-17 ka) Catfish Creek Drift complex (two till tongues, regional southwest ice flow). Similar, apparently correlative, glacial and non-glacial sediment sequences within Catfish Creek Drift at Zorra and Beachville West (Centreville Member) suggest a northwest-southeast-trending ice margin. Overlying this are Erie Interstadial (16 ka) glaciolacustrine sediments (Rayside beds), Port Bruce Stadial (15-14 ka) Erie lobe Port Stanley Till, glaciolacustrine Zorra beds, and final Port Bruce Stadial Huron lobe Tavistock Till (three tongues), and deglacial out-wash (Dunn's Corner gravels). Repeated glaciolacustrine sedimentation between tills may relate to glacioisostatically reduced gradients and nearby ice lobe margins. There is little evidence of Catfish Creek interlobate conditions and only independent lobal glacial advances later.La zone interlobaire des lacs Huron et Érié peut être étudiée dans la région de Woodstock. Trois grandes carrières de calcaire (Zorra, Beachville West et Beachville East) offrent des coupes jusqu'à 30 m de haut dans du matériel détritique. La granulométrie, la teneur en carbonate, la couleur, la structure, la fabrique, la lithologie et la séquence, ainsi que le tracé continu des contacts et des changements de faciès, ont permis de reconnaître dix tills et les sédiments lacustres reliés en corrélation avec la stratigraphie déjà connue dans les régions avoisinantes. On a identifié quatre principaux événements glaciaires, dont trois du Wisconsinien supérieur. Trois langues de Till de Canning rouge (âge inconnu) du lobe du lac Érié sont recouvertes par le Drift de Catfish Creek (deux langues de till d'écoulement sud-ouest) du Stade de Nissouri (22 à 17 ka). Des séquences de sédiments glaciaires et non glaciaires similaires et apparamment corrélatives à l'intérieur du complexe de Catfish Creek (membre de Centreville), à Zorra et Beachville West, laissent supposer l'existence d'une marge glaciaire de direction nord-ouest vers le sud-est. Recouvrant ces séquences, on trouve les sédiments glaciolacustres (couches de Rayside) de l'Interstade d'Érié (16 ka), le Till de Port Stanley du Stade de Port Bruce (15-14 ka) du lobe du lac Érié, les couches glaciolacustres de Zorra, le Till de Tavistock du Stade final de Port Bruce du lobe du lac Huron (trois langues) et enfin un épandage de retrait glaciaire (graviers de Dunn's Corner). La sédimentation glaciolacustre répétée entre les dépôts pourrait être associée à la diminution glacioisostatique des gradients et aux marges glaciaires avoisinantes. L'existence de conditions interlobaires au Catfish Creek est peu probable ; il y a plutôt eu des récurrences locales de type lobaire par la suite.Drei große Kalkstein-Steinbrüche (Zorra, Beachville West, Beachville East) liefern Aufschlüsse bis zu 30 m Höhe von der glazialen Schotter-Stratigraphie. Korngröße, Matrix-Karbonat, Farbe, Struktur, Textur, Lithologie und Stadium zusammen mit der kontinuierli- chen Aufzeichung der Kontakte und Fazies-Änderungen ließen 10 Tills und damit zusammenhängende Seen-Sedimente erkennen, die mit der bekannten Stratigraphie der angrenzenden Gebiete korrelieren. Man erkennt vier glaziale Hauptereignisse, drei davon aus der Zeit des Spät-Wisconsin.Drei Zungen roten Canning-Tills (Alter unbekannt) von der Lobe des Erie-Sees sind von dem Cat- fish Creek-Drift (zwei Till-Zungen, regionaler Eisfluss nach Südwest) aus dem Nissouri-Stadium (22-17 ka) überlagert. Ähnliche, offenbar entsprechende glaziale und nichtglaziale Sediment-Stadien innerhalb des Catfish Creek-Drifts bei Zorra und Beachville West (Glied von Centreville) lassen auf einen von Nordwesten nach Südosten gerichteten Eissaum schließen. Über diesem befinden sich glaziallimnische Sedimente (Schichten von Rayside) aus dem Erie-Interstadial (16 ka), Port Stanley-Till der Erie-Lobe aus dem Port Bruce-Stadial (15-14 ka), glaziallimnische Schichten von Zorra, Till von Tavistock des Endstadials von Port Bruce der Lobe des Huron-Sees (drei Zungen) und schließlich Anschwemmung von glazialem Rückzug (Kiesel von Dunn's Corner). Wiederholte glaziallimnische Sedimentierung zwischen den Tills könnte mit der Abnahme der glazioisostatischen Gefälle und den nahe gelegenen Säu- men der Eislobe zusammenhängen. Es gibt wenig Beweise für die Existenz von Catfish Creek-Interloben-Bedingungen. Es gab eher später unabhängige glaziale Rückvorstöße des Loben-Typs