9 research outputs found

    Infrared Reflection Spectra of (FeIn2S4)x∙(In2S3)1–x Solid Solutions

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    IR reflectance spectroscopy at 50–450 cm–1 was used to study homogeneous monocrystals of (FeIn2S3)x∙(In2S3)1–x grown by the method of direction melt crystallization (vertical Bridgman method). The frequencies of the transverse (ωTO) and longitudinal optical phonons (ωLO) as well as their damping coefficients were determined. Concentration dependence curves were constructed for these parameters and their behavior was established

    Infrared reflection spectra of MnxFe1–xIn2S4 solid solutions

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    Large-block crystals of FeIn2S4 and MnIn2S4 ternary compounds and MnxFe1–xIn2S4 solid solutions are grown by irectional crystallization (horizontal Bridgman method). The structures of the obtained crystals are determined by x-ray diffraction analysis. Both the starting compounds and the solid solutions based on them are shown to crystallize in the cubic spinel structure. IR reflection spectra in the range 50–500 cm–1 of crystals of FeIn2S4 and MnIn2S4 ternary compounds and FexMn1–xIn2S4 solid solutions are studied. The frequencies of transverse (ωTO) and longitudinal (ωLO) optical phonons are determined. The concentration dependences of these parameters are plotted. The nature of their behavior is established

    Peculiar Porous Aluminum Oxide Films Produced via Electrochemical Anodizing in Malonic Acid Solution with Arsenazo-I Additive

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    The influence of arsenazo-I additive on electrochemical anodizing of pure aluminum foil in malonic acid was studied. Aluminum dissolution increased with increasing arsenazo-I concentration. The addition of arsenazo-I also led to an increase in the volume expansion factor up to 2.3 due to the incorporation of organic compounds and an increased number of hydroxyl groups in the porous aluminum oxide film. At a current density of 15 mA·cm−2 and an arsenazo-I concentration 3.5 g· L−1, the carbon content in the anodic alumina of 49 at. % was achieved. An increase in the current density and concentration of arsenazo-I caused the formation of an arsenic-containing compound with the formula Na1,5Al2(OH)4,5(AsO4)3·7H2O in the porous aluminum oxide film phase. These film modifications cause a higher number of defects and, thus, increase the ionic conductivity, leading to a reduced electric field in galvanostatic anodizing tests. A self-adjusting growth mechanism, which leads to a higher degree of self-ordering in the arsenazo-free electrolyte, is not operative under the same conditions when arsenazo-I is added. Instead, a dielectric breakdown mechanism was observed, which caused the disordered porous aluminum oxide film structure


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    ZnO thin films of zinc oxide doped with 10 % ITO (indium tin oxide) on anodic aluminum oxide substrates are formed in vacuum during high-frequency repetitively pulsed laser deposition. The morphology of films on porous and non-porous surfaces of substrates was studied by atomic force microscopy. The optical properties of the films in the visible, near, and middle IR regions of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, the Raman spectra, and also the features of the photoluminescence characteristics have been experimentally investigated. Zinc oxide films can be used in optoelectronic transducers, as luminescent material, in the form of transparent electrodes, sensitive layers of gas and biological sensors, catalysts, X-ray and gamma-radiation detectors.Тонкие пленки оксида цинка ZnO, легированные 10 % ITO (оксидом индия-олова), на подложках из анодного оксида алюминия сформированы в вакууме при высокочастотном импульснопериодическом лазерном осаждении. Методом атомно-силовой микроскопии изучены морфологии пленок на пористой и беспористой поверхностях подложек. Экспериментально исследованы оптические свойства пленок в видимой, ближней и средней инфракрасных областях спектра электромагнитного излучения, спектры комбинационного рассеяния, а также особенности фотолюминесцентных характеристик. Пленки оксида цинка могут быть использованы в оптоэлектронных преобразователях как люминесцентный материал, в виде прозрачных электродов, чувствительных слоев газовых и биологических сенсоров, катализаторов, детекторов рентгеновского и гамма-излучений

    Products detection at ethanol conversion in atmospheric pressure glow discharge

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    The work was supported by BRFFR-SFFRU (grant T11K-034)

    Products detection at ethanol conversion in atmospheric pressure glow discharge

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    The work was supported by BRFFR-SFFRU (grant T11K-034)

    Optical properties of thin films ZNO+10 % ITO on the substrate of anodic aluminum oxide

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    ZnO thin films of zinc oxide doped with 10 % ITO (indium tin oxide) on anodic aluminum oxide substrates are formed in vacuum during high-frequency repetitively pulsed laser deposition. The morphology of films on porous and non-porous surfaces of substrates was studied by atomic force microscopy. The optical properties of the films in the visible, near, and middle IR regions of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, the Raman spectra, and also the features of the photoluminescence characteristics have been experimentally investigated. Zinc oxide films can be used in optoelectronic transducers, as luminescent material, in the form of transparent electrodes, sensitive layers of gas and biological sensors, catalysts, X-ray and gamma-radiation detectors

    Optical properties of thin films ZNO+10 % ITO on the substrate of anodic aluminum oxide

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    Тонкие пленки оксида цинка ZnO, легированные 10 % ITO (оксидом индия-олова), на подложках из анодного оксида алюминия сформированы в вакууме при высокочастотном импульсно- периодическом лазерном осаждении. Методом атомно-силовой микроскопии изучены морфологии пленок на пористой и беспористой поверхностях подложек. Экспериментально исследованы оптические свойства пленок в видимой, ближней и средней инфракрасных областях спектра электромагнитного излучения, спектры комбинационного рассеяния, а также особенности фотолюминесцентных характеристик. Пленки оксида цинка могут быть использованы в оптоэлектронных преобразователях как люминесцентный материал, в виде прозрачных электродов, чувствительных слоев газовых и биологических сенсоров, катализаторов, детекторов рентгеновского и гамма-излучений. ZnO thin films of zinc oxide doped with 10 % ITO (indium tin oxide) on anodic aluminum oxide substrates are formed in vacuum during high-frequency repetitively pulsed laser deposition. The morphology of films on porous and non-porous surfaces of substrates was studied by atomic force microscopy. The optical properties of the films in the visible, near, and middle IR regions of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, the Raman spectra, and also the features of the photoluminescence characteristics have been experimentally investigated. Zinc oxide films can be used in optoelectronic transducers, as luminescent material, in the form of transparent electrodes, sensitive layers of gas and biological sensors, catalysts, X-ray and gamma-radiation detectors