211 research outputs found

    slipp Ängest - anvÀnd kondom. En fokusgruppstudie om nÄgra gymnasieungdomars attityder kring sexuellt beteende

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    Syftet med vĂ„r undersökning Ă€r att undersöka nĂ„gra gymnasieungdomars kunskap och uppfattningar betrĂ€ffande sexuellt beteende samt hur ungdomarna menar att man omsĂ€tter dessa i praktiken. Vi har anvĂ€nt oss av följande frĂ„gestĂ€llningar för att nĂ€rma oss vĂ„rt syfte: ‱ Vad har ungdomarna för kunskap och instĂ€llning till könssjukdomar, frĂ€mst klamydia? ‱ Vad anser ungdomar om anvĂ€ndandet av preventivmedel i allmĂ€nhet och kondom i synnerhet? ‱ PĂ„ vems ansvar och under vilka omstĂ€ndigheter sker och förhandlas sĂ€krare sex? ‱ Vilken instĂ€llning har ungdomar vad gĂ€ller tillfĂ€lliga sexuella förbindelser och antal partners? ‱ TĂ€nker killar (pojkar) och tjejer (flickor) lika om detta eller finns det könsskillnader i deras uppfattningar och beteende? För att kunna fördjupa vĂ„r studie har vi valt att anvĂ€nda oss av de tvĂ„ datainsamlingsmetoderna fokusgrupper och vinjettmetoden. AnvĂ€ndandet fokusgrupper handlade om att vi ansĂ„g att denna metod skulle hjĂ€lpa oss att fĂ„ en mer övergripande bild av Ă€mnet. Den hjĂ€lper oss att se processer och diskussioner i en grupp, vilket ocksĂ„ var det vi ville koncentrera oss pĂ„. Vinjettmetoden valde vi för att ungdomarna skulle fĂ„ prata om fiktiva personer och hĂ€ndelser i stĂ€llet för att behöva prata om sig sjĂ€lva. Resultatet av vĂ„r undersökning visar att ungdomar oroar sig i högre utstrĂ€ckning för en graviditet Ă€n att fĂ„ klamydia. Klamydia Ă€r sĂ„ pass lĂ€tt att bota att man inte tycker det Ă€r mycket vĂ€rre Ă€n en förkylning. Ungdomarna anser att kondom Ă€r det sĂ€kraste och bĂ€sta preventivmedlet, samtidigt som det ocksĂ„ Ă€r det mest besvĂ€rliga. Det kan vara pinsamt att ta upp att man vill anvĂ€nda kondom, bland annat för att man Ă€r rĂ€dd att förstöra stĂ€mningen. Att ha sex utan att ha ett förhĂ„llande Ă€r nĂ„got som Ă€r ganska vanligt hos ungdomar. Samtidigt som det Ă€r accepterat Ă€r det till viss del tabu och resulterar ibland i ifrĂ„gasĂ€ttande hos omgivningen. Skillnaden mellan att vara KK och tillsammans Ă€r för ungdomarna svĂ„rt att beskriva. I teorin Ă€r det okej att ha haft sex med mĂ„nga, men i praktiken kan det medföra att dessa personer ses som en ”hora” eller en ”player”. Att en tjej har haft sex med mĂ„nga Ă€r mer negativt Ă€n om en kille har det. En bedömning av risk, hur sĂ€kert, eller osĂ€kert, det Ă€r att ha sex med personen i frĂ„ga, görs ofta nĂ€r man trĂ€ffar en ny partner. Har man haft sex med fĂ„ personer, och inom förhĂ„llanden, ses detta som seriöst. Seriösa personer bedöms som sĂ€krare att ha sex med Ă€n oseriösa. Att ha kĂ€nslor för en person pĂ„verkar ocksĂ„ riskbedömningen. Ungdomarna tycker det Ă€r svĂ„rare att tro att en person man kĂ€nner eller Ă€r kĂ€r i har en könssjukdom

    The regional meat producers' way to the market

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    Siljans Chark and Konsum VĂ€rmland cured meats and provisions factory are small-scaled meat producers that market their products with "the regional concept". As the centralization is increasing in the food retail chains, it is becoming more difficult for companies like these to succeed. The two companies in question however, have been successful with the regional meat concept on their individual, regional markets. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the factors that determine whether a company with the regional concept as its marketing strategy will succeed or not. There are several companies using this strategy, but the degree of success has been varying. It is therefore interesting to examine the reasons behind the success of these two companies. By using Supply Chain Management, SCM, and a number of hypotheses consisting of key words that can be perceived as important in a firm's business relations, the report sets out to determine what makes a company succeed or not. Several relationships are examined, primarily those with farmers, retail shops and consumers. Supply Chain Management is a way of thinking – flow thinking. Three large flows go through the production and distribution chain: financial, information and physical flow. The interviews presented in the empirical part are based on the key words and SCM. To get a complete picture of the problem at hand, interviews were made at the two cases study companies, in the shops with shop managers, consumers and distributors. The analysis shows that there are some similarities between the two case companies, even though they have different prerequisites. Siljans Chark is a limited company, were a number of farmers in Dalarna are the major stockholders, while Konsum VĂ€rmland is a consumer co-operative business outside Coop Norden. Flow thinking seems to be something both companies find important. Konsum VĂ€rmland has advantages in being independent with its own distribution central and shops. Siljans Chark relies on its good reputation and the credibility it has developed over the years. An important factor in both cases is the regional patriotism. It is widespread in both VĂ€rmland and Dalarna, and makes the consumers less sensitive to the price of product, when buying a regionally produced product. The consumer feels solidarity and security and the fact that it offers job opportunities appeals to the consumer. It is not likely that the penetration power would be as great in other parts of the country. The added values the regional products possess have to be elucidated and developed constantly. They also have to be communicated to the consumers. The shops need this information too, to maintain their interest in selling the products. The shops have to receive economic advantages when selling these products. That includes not only profitability per produced unit, but also the fact that the products attract a customer stream to the shops. The good image the regional producers have can be transferred onto the shops and they can improve their reputation among the customers.De smĂ„skaliga köttproducenterna Siljans Chark och Konsum VĂ€rmlands charkuterifabrik marknadsför sina produkter med regionala koncept. DĂ„ livsmedelskedjorna centraliseras alltmer, fĂ„r företag med sĂ„dana koncept allt svĂ„rare att lyckas. Emellertid har de bĂ„da nĂ€mnda företagen stor framgĂ„ng med sina regionala köttkoncept, var och en pĂ„ sin regionala marknad. Detta examensarbete söker identifiera de faktorer, som avgör huruvida ett företag som marknadsför sig med ett regionalt koncept, lyckas. MĂ„nga företag tillĂ€mpar en sĂ„dan strategi, men graden av framgĂ„ng varierar kraftigt. Det Ă€r dĂ€rmed intressant att granska vad som kan tĂ€nkas ligga bakom de bĂ„da ovannĂ€mnda företagens marknadsframgĂ„ngar. För att faststĂ€lla orsakerna till framgĂ„ng anvĂ€nds teoriomrĂ„det Supply Chain Management. Ett antal hypoteser utvecklas, bestĂ„ende av nyckelord, som kan förvĂ€ntas vara viktiga för företagens affĂ€rsrelationer. Det Ă€r dĂ€rmed ett flertal relationer, som studeras – primĂ€rt sĂ„dana till de djuruppfödande lantbrukarna, till butikerna och till konsumenterna. Supply Chain Management Ă€r nĂ€rmast ett sĂ€tt att tĂ€nka – ett flödestĂ€nkande. Genom produktions- och distributionskedjan strömmar ett finansiellt flöde, ett informationsflöde och ett fysiskt flöde. Hypoteserna ligger till grund för ett antal intervjuer, som genomförts hos de tvĂ„ fallföretagen men Ă€ven i butiker och bland konsumenter och distributörer. Analysen av empirin visar att de bĂ„da fallföretagen har delvis liknande tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt, trots att de har tĂ€mligen olikartade förutsĂ€ttningar. Siljans Chark Ă€r ett aktiebolag, vara huvudĂ€gare Ă€r ett antal djuruppfödande la ntbrukare i Dalarna, medan Konsum VĂ€rmland Ă€r ett konsumentkooperativt företag, som driver sin verksamhet utanför Coop Norden. FlödestĂ€nkandet genomsyrar bĂ„da företagen. Konsum VĂ€rmland har fördelar av att företaget Ă€r sjĂ€lvstĂ€ndigt och har en egen distributionscentral samt butiker. Siljans Chark förlitar sig pĂ„ sitt goda rykte och den trovĂ€rdighet som man ha byggt upp under mĂ„nga Ă„r. En betydelsefull faktor i bĂ„da fallen Ă€r den regionalpatriotism, som Ă€r djupt rotad i VĂ€rmland och i Dalarna. Denna medför lĂ„g priskĂ€nslighet vid köp av regionalt producerade produkter, att konsumenten kĂ€nner samhörighet och trygghet samt att man vĂ€rnar om regionala arbetsplatser. Det Ă€r tveksamt om regionala koncept skulle ha lika stor genomslagskraft i mĂ„nga andra delar av landet. Det mervĂ€rde, som de regionala produkterna har, mĂ„ste stĂ€ndigt förtydligas och utvecklas, och de mĂ„ste kommuniceras ut klart till konsumenterna. Även butikerna behöver denna information för att de ska ha intresse av att aktivt sĂ€lja produkterna. Butikerna mĂ„ste ha ekonomiska fördelar av att sĂ€lja just dessa produkter. Det gĂ€ller inte bara god lönsamhet per produktenhet utan Ă€ven att produkterna lockar en god kundtillströmning till butikerna. Den goda image, som de regionala produkterna har, kan överföras, sĂ„ att ocksĂ„ butikerna fĂ„r gott anseende hos konsumenterna

    SÄ blev det bara : sex unga kvinnors livsberÀttelser inifrÄn ett sÀrskilt ungdomshem

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    It just turned out this way - the life stories of six young women confined to a secure juvenile correctional facility The purpose of this paper is to identify risk conditions and protective conditions for a group of girls under secure confinement, based on their retrospective testimonies, and also to examine how these conditions manifest themselves in their statements. The empirical basis for this study was obtained through open interviews with six young women, who at the time were all detained at the same secure juvenile correctional facility. The material was then analyzed from the viewpoint of developmental psychopathology, which deals with an individual's development in difficult conditions. The analysis was made using definitions of risk conditions and protective conditions set by developmental psychopathology with regard to six different themes: "the most important event of my life", "family", "school", "social services", "addiction and criminal behaviour" and "socializing, spare time and friends". This kind of attempt to identify such conditions is a complex task, and to identify a specific condition as being either a risk condition or a protective condition is particularly difficult for several reasons. Firstly, the different conditions are closely related and isolating them from each other may lead to erroneous conclusions. Secondly, the empirical material reveals that a condition for a specific individual that in some situations can be defined as a risk condition may in other situations be defined as a protective condition. This study shows that developmental psychopathology can be successfully used as a theoretical basis in social work

    Kvinnors sexuella hÀlsa efter vaginal förlossning: en enkÀtstudie om sexuell hÀlsa 6-24 mÄnader postpartum

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    Bakgrund: Ett vanligt förekommande problem postpartum Àr att kvinnors sexuella hÀlsa försÀmras. Vid eftervÄrdsbesöket hos barnmorskan uppmÀrksammas inte detta tillrÀckligt. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka kvinnors sexuella hÀlsa mÀtt med instrumentet Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), 6-24 mÄnader efter vaginal förlossning samt att undersöka om det finns skillnader med avseende pÄ paritet, samlagssmÀrta innan förlossning, bristning, episiotomi, instrumentell förlossning och amning. Syftet var ocksÄ att undersöka hur stor andel av kvinnorna som blir tillfrÄgade om sexuell hÀlsa vid eftervÄrdsbesöket hos barnmorskan. Metod: En kvantitativ tvÀrsnittsstudie med internetbaserade enkÀter tillÀmpades. Den svenska validerade versionen av Female Sexual Function Index, FSFI, anvÀndes samt tillÀgg av egenformulerade frÄgor. Resultat: Sannolikheten för sexuell dysfunktion ökade efter vaginal förlossning. SamlagssmÀrta innan förlossning, bristning och amning var faktorer som ökade sannolikheten. Endast en fjÀrdedel av kvinnorna hade ett samtal kring sitt sexualliv vid eftervÄrdsbesöket. Slutsats: Det krÀvs mer forskning, utbildning och kunskap kring sexuell hÀlsa postpartum

    Ungdomars attityd till droger - ett sÀtt att göra intryck. En kvalitativ fokusgruppstudie om nÄgra ungdomars attityder till droger i en skÄnsk kommun

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    The main purpose of our study is to examine the attitude towards drugs found amongst a selected group of adolescents. We have utilized qualitative interviews in order to gather empirical material. The material thus acquired was then interpreted by means of symbolic interaction. The study shows that adolescents are generally averse to drugs, and that there is a substantial discrepancy between their views on drugs and their views on alcohol. During the interviews it became apparent that alcohol was found to be acceptable, while the tolerance towards drugs depended on what kind of drug it was. The tolerance towards hash, for example, was higher. Furthermore it emerged that although the general view of drugs was negative, using drugs once in order to ‘try it out’ was considered acceptable behaviour. Our study indicates that an individual often will behave in a manner consistent with the ruling views of his or her closest friends. The adolescents themselves claim that using drugs is something that is done out of pure curiosity. Our study, however, indicates that curiosity does not constitute the deciding factor. Rather, the individual’s attitude towards drugs is largely affected by the individual’s surroundings and the context that he or she finds himself or herself in. Thus, a person’s attitude towards drugs is largely dependent upon the views held by his or her friends and parents

    A Mechanics Based Surface Image Interpretation Method for Multifunctional Nanocomposites

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    Graphene nanosheets and thicker graphite nanoplatelets are being used as reinforcement in polymeric materials to improve the material properties or induce new functional properties. By improving dispersion, de-agglomerating the particles, and ensuring the desired orientation of the nano-structures in the matrix, the microstructure can be tailored to obtain specific material properties. A novel surface image assisted modeling framework is proposed to understand functional properties of the graphene enhanced polymer. The effective thermal and mechanical responses are assessed based on computational homogenization. For the mechanical response, the 2-D nanoplatelets are modeled as internal interfaces that store energy for membrane actions. The effective thermal response is obtained similarly, where 2-D nanoplatelets are represented using regions of high conductivity. Using the homogenization simulation, macroscopic stiffness properties and thermal conductivity properties are modeled and then compared to the experimental data. The proposed surface image assisted modeling yields reasonable effective mechanical and thermal properties, where the Kapitza effect plays an important part in effective thermal properties

    Delegera mera-en studie om befogenheter i serviceorganisationer

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    Circular economy integrated into the business model : a case study of the industrial enterprise Dustcontrol AB

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    VĂ€rlden över rĂ„der en diskussion kring den globala resurshanteringen och dess pĂ„följder, dĂ„ jordens resurser förbrukas allt snabbare. Majoriteten av företagen har idag ett linjĂ€rt synsĂ€tt i sin affĂ€rsmodell, vilket innebĂ€r att de inte tar hĂ€nsyn till vad som hĂ€nder med produkten efter slutkonsumtion. I och med FN:s miljömĂ„l 2030 uppmuntras företagen att anta ett mer cirkulĂ€rt synsĂ€tt i affĂ€rsmodellen. Ett cirkulĂ€rt synsĂ€tt innebĂ€r att företagen ska ha ett vaggan till vaggan-perspektiv och dĂ€rmed ta ansvar för produkten efter slutkonsumtion. Företag behöver tĂ€nka mer cirkulĂ€rt för att en hĂ„llbar framtid ska vara möjlig, dock finner smĂ„- och medelstora företag [SMF] en problematik vad gĂ€ller utveckling av sitt miljöarbete. Företagens miljöarbete ligger idag vid sidan av den dagliga verksamheten och genomsyrar inte verksamheten. Nya affĂ€rsmodeller Ă€r förutsĂ€ttningen för integrering av cirkulĂ€r ekonomi dĂ„ affĂ€rsmodeller Ă€r kĂ€rnan för utvecklingen av cirkulĂ€r ekonomi och dess integrering i samhĂ€llet. Dock finns det fĂ„ studier pĂ„ hur cirkulĂ€r ekonomi kan integreras i befintliga affĂ€rsmodeller. Syftet med studien Ă€r dĂ€rmed att analysera möjligheter och utmaningar för integrering av cirkulĂ€r ekonomi i SMF:s affĂ€rsmodeller i syfte att förbĂ€ttra företagens miljöarbete. Val av teorier har baserats pĂ„ det teoretiska ramverket som bygger pĂ„ marknadsföringsmixen. Marknadsföringsmixen har kompletterats med alternativa teorier kring cirkulĂ€r ekonomi och affĂ€rsmodeller. Teorierna bestĂ„r av Cradle to Cradle, ReSOLVE samt Circular Business Model Canvas [CBMC], dessa anvĂ€nds som utgĂ„ngspunkt för studiens teoretiska ramverk. Vidare har studien en kvalitativ ansats med ett fallstudieformat dĂ€r data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och dĂ€rmed utgjort grunden för empirin. Studien visar pĂ„ att cirkulĂ€r ekonomi integrerad i affĂ€rsmodellen kan förbĂ€ttra SMF:s miljöarbete. De identifierade möjligheterna för förbĂ€ttrat miljöarbete Ă€r att hela företaget skulle genomsyras av miljöarbetet och att leasing, Ă„terupptagning, Ă„tervinning, service och uppgradering samtliga bidrar till ökad resurseffektivisering. Ökad resurseffektivisering innebĂ€r ett minskat ekologiskt fotavtryck och dĂ€rmed en minskad miljöpĂ„verkan. Beroende pĂ„ SMF:s befintliga utformning av affĂ€rsmodellen har företagen olika förutsĂ€ttningar att integrera cirkulĂ€r ekonomi i affĂ€rsmodellen. UtifrĂ„n studiens analys och diskussion har slutsatsen gjorts att SMF finner problematik i att arbeta fullstĂ€ndigt cirkulĂ€rt och dĂ€rmed istĂ€llet bör anvĂ€nda annan strategi. Genom att integrera vissa delar av ett cirkulĂ€rt synsĂ€tt i affĂ€rsmodellen kan SMF istĂ€llet hjĂ€lpa till att bidra till cirkulĂ€r ekonomi. Studiens teoretiska bidrag kategoriseras in i tre komponenter vilka Ă€r: underlĂ€tta för Ă„tervinning, öka produktens livslĂ€ngd samt öka kundincitamentet. Genom en integrering av dessa i SMF:s affĂ€rsmodell kan företagen bidra till ett cirkulĂ€rt synsĂ€tt i syfte att förbĂ€ttra företagens miljöarbete.Our global natural resources are consumed ever faster and the discussion about the global resource management and its sequelae is intense today. Today a majority of the companies have a business model based on a linear approach, which means that they do not take into account what will happen with their product after its final consumption. In line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030, a more circular approach is required in the companies’ business models. A circular approach means that a company shall have a cradle to cradle perspective, and with that take more responsibility for their product after its final consumption. Companies need to think in circular way if a sustainable future shall be possible. Small and medium sized enterprises [SME] find a problematic situation regarding the development of their environmental work. Their environmental work is typically performed in a parallel process and is not integrated in their regular business model. A new business model is the prerequisite for integration of circular economy. Business models are the core in the development of a circular economy and its integration into the society. There is however a lack of studies on how a circular economy can be integrated into existing business models. The purpose of the present study is therefore to analyze possibilities and challenges for integration of circular economy in the business models of small and medium sized enterprises [SME] in order to improve companies environmental work. The choice of theories is based on the theoretical framework, which is based on the marketing mix.The marketing mix is supplemented with alternative theories about circular economy and business models. The theories consists of Cradle to Cradle, the ReSOLVE and Circular Business Model Canvas [CBMC]. These are used as the starting point for the theoretical synthesis of the study. Furthermore, the study has a qualitative approach with a case study format where data is collected through semi-structured interviews as the basis for empirical evidence. The study shows that circular economy integrated in the business model can improve SMEs environmental work. We found that the whole company should be permeated by the environmental work. Also leasing, reup taking, recycling, service and upgrading contributes to increased resource efficiency. Increased resource efficiency means a decreased ecological footprint and thus reduced environmental impact. Depending on the conditions defined by the design of the SMEs business model, the companies have different possibilities to integrate circular economy in their business model. Based on the result of the study the following conclusion is made. SMEs have had particular challenges in accomplishing a complete circular approach, and they are in need for an adapted strategy. By integrating selected parts of a complete circular approach in the business model, an SME can make a very good contribution towards a circular economy. The theoretical contribution is categorized into three components, namely: facilitate recycling, increase products life and increase customer incentives. By integrating these components in its business model an SME can contribute to a circular way of thinking and in that way improve the company’s environmental work

    Induction of angiotensin converting enzyme after miR-143/145 deletion is critical for impaired smooth muscle contractility.

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    MicroRNAs have emerged as regulators of smooth muscle cell phenotype with a role in smooth muscle-related disease. Studies have shown that miR-143 and miR-145 are the most highly expressed microRNAs in smooth muscle cells, controlling differentiation and function. The effect of miR-143/145 knockout has been established in the vasculature but not in smooth muscle from other organs. Using knockout mice we found that maximal contraction induced by either depolarization or phosphatase inhibition was reduced in vascular and airway smooth muscle but maintained in the urinary bladder. Furthermore, a reduction of media thickness and reduced expression of differentiation markers was seen in the aorta but not in the bladder. Supporting the view that phenotype switching depends on a tissue-specific target of miR-143/145, we found induction of angiotensin converting enzyme in the aorta but not in the bladder where angiotensin converting enzyme was expressed at a low level. Chronic treatment with angiotensin type-1 receptor antagonist restored contractility in miR-143/145-deficient aorta while leaving bladder contractility unaffected. This shows that tissue-specific targets are critical for the effects of miR-143/145 on smooth muscle differentiation and that angiotensin converting enzyme is one such target

    Homogenization Method for 2-D Nano-Structure Reinforced Polymer Matrix

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    Graphene flakes are used as additives in polymer matrices to improve the material properties. Critical aspects of obtaining graphene enhanced functional properties in polymer nanocomposites include the composition and morphological optimization. The concentrations of flakes must be optimized to create components’ material properties which achieve the target design and cost. Via processing, the microstructure can be tailored to attain the desired material properties by de-agglomerating the particles, improving dispersion and, ensuring the desired orientation of the nano-structures in the matrix. A predictive model is needed to understand the increased stiffness of the reinforced matrix of these composite materials. Using a 2D image and FE representation of micrographs of polyethylene (PE) embedded with (2-D) graphite nanoplatelets obtained via melt extrusion, the mechanical properties are assessed based on computational homogenization. A representative volume element (RVE) of the nano-structure reinforced polymer matrix is established, where the PE bulk and 2-D flakes are modeled based on their elastic properties. The 2-D flakes are considered as internal interfaces that store energy for membrane actions. From the homogenization analysis, macroscopic stiffness properties are simulated and compared to the experimental of Gaska et al. [1] with respect to increasing volume concentrations, orientation and distribution of the graphene. References: [1] Gaska et al., (2017) Gas Barrier, Thermal, Mechanical and Rheological Properties of Highly Aligned Graphene-LDPE Nanocomposites, Polymers 9, 294
