56 research outputs found

    Phenotypic correlates of the lianescent growth form: a review

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    Background As proposed by Darwin, climbers have been assumed to allocate a smaller fraction of biomass to support organs in comparison with self-supporting plants. They have also been hypothesized to possess a set of traits associated with fast growth, resource uptake and high productivity. Scope In this review, these hypotheses are evaluated by assembling and synthesizing published and unpublished data sets from across the globe concerning resource allocation, growth rates and traits of leaves, stems and roots of climbers and self-supporting species. Conclusions The majority of studies offer little support for the smaller allocation of biomass to stems or greater relative growth rates in climbers; however, these results are based on small sized (\u3c1 kg) plants. Simulations based on allometric biomass equations demonstrate, however, that larger lianas allocate a greater fraction of above-ground biomass to leaves (and therefore less biomass to stems) compared with similar sized trees. A survey of leaf traits of lianas revealed their lower average leaf mass per area (LMA), higher N and P concentration and a slightly higher mass-based photosynthetic rate, as well as a lower concentration of phenolic-based compounds than in woody self-supporting species, consistent with the specialization of lianas towards the fast metabolism/rapid turnover end of the global trait spectra. Liana stems have an efficient hydraulic design and unique mechanical features, while roots appear to penetrate deeper soil levels than in trees and are often able to generate hydraulic pressure. Much remains to be learned, however, about these and other functional specializations of their axial organs and the associated trade-offs. Developmental switches between self-supporting, searcher and climbing shoots within the same individual are a promising field of comparative studies on trait association in lianas. Finally, some of the vast trait variability within lianas may be reduced when species with different climbing mechanisms are considered separately, and when phylogenetic conservatism is accounted for

    Czynniki prognostyczne u chorych na pierwotnego inwazyjnego raka pochwy

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    Aim of the study: Aim of the study was the assessment of prognostic factors in the group of primary invasive vaginal carcinoma (PIVC) patients subjected to radical radiation therapy. Material and methods: The analysis was performed for the group of 152 PIVC patients treated with intracavitary brachytherapy alone (16.5%), the combination of brachytherapy and external radiotherapy (78.9%), or external radiotherapy alone (4.6%). The relationship was investigated between treatment outcome and the following demographic, clinical and histopathological features: age, duration of pathological symptoms, number of births given, prior hysterectomy, haemoglobin level, Karnofsky performance status score, primary tumour location in vagina, length of vagina involved, FIGO stage, gross appearance, histological type, and tumour grade. Results: Five-year disease-free survival was observed in 46.1% of the patients (70/152). Patients below 60 years of age, with Karnofsky score of 80-90, diagnosed with PIVC in stage I0 or II0, and with tumour of grade G1 or G2 had significantly higher 5-year disease-free survival. Multifactoral analysis showed that age below 60 and FIGO stage I0 and II0 are independent favourable prognostic factors. Conclusions: The independent prognostic factors in PIVC patients treated with radical radiotherapy are patient age and FIGO stage.Cel pracy: Celem pracy była ocena czynników prognostycznych w grupie chorych na pierwotnego inwazyjnego raka pochwy (PIVC) poddanych radykalnej radioterapii. Materiał i metody: Przedmiotem analizy była grupa 152 chorych na PIVC poddanych: samodzielnej brachyterapii dojamowej (16,5%), brachyterapii dojamowej skojarzonej z teleradioterapią (78,9%) lub samodzielnej teleradioterapii (4,6%). Przeprowadzono analizę zależności pomiędzy wynikami leczenia, a następującymi cechami populacyjnymi, klinicznymi i mikroskopowymi: wiek, czas trwania objawów chorobowych, liczba porodów, uprzednio wykonana histerektomia, poziom hemoglobiny, stopień sprawności wg skali Karnofskiego, punkt wyjścia raka w obrębie pochwy, długość pochwy zajętej przez raka, zaawansowanie raka wg FIGO, postać makroskopowa guza, postać mikroskopowa i zróżnicowanie raka. Wyniki: 5 lat bez objawów nowotworu przeżyło 46,1% chorych (70/152). Statystycznie znamiennie wyższe bezobjawowe przeżycie 5-letnie uzyskano u chorych poniżej 60 roku życia, w stopniu sprawności Karnofskiego 80-90, chorych na PIVC w I0 i II0 zaawansowania oraz chorych na PIVC G1 i G2. W analizie wielocechowej niezależnymi, korzystnymi czynnikami prognostycznymi były: wiek poniżej 60 lat oraz I0 i II0 zaawansowania raka wg FIGO. Wnioski: Niezależnymi czynnikami prognostycznymi u chorych na PIVC poddanych radykalnej radioterapii są wiek i stopień zaawansowania raka wg FIGO

    Needle nutrients in geographically diverse Pinus sylvestris L. populations

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    Journal URL: http://www.afs-journal.org/Nutrient availability differs across climatic gradients, yet the role of genetic variation in potentially adaptive traits related to nutrient acquisition remains poorly understood. We examined needles of diverse Scots pine provenances grown under common-garden conditions throughout their entire life span. Based on similarities in nutrient concentration patterns, two groups of populations were identified. One comprised northern populations from 60° to 56° N, and another included populations from locations between 56° and 49° N. Northern populations sustained significantly higher concentrations of N, P, Ca, Mg, Na, Zn, Cu and Pb. Only K concentration was persistently lower in northern plants. We conclude that intraspecific genetic differences exist in foliage nutrient concentration among diverse populations. Since in northern conditions nutrient availability is often limited as a result of interactions between temperature, litter quality and its mineralization, a tendency toward higher foliage concentrations of macronutrients can be an adaptive feature enhancing plants metabolic activity in their native habitats

    Management of extremity soft tissue sarcomas

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    Postępowaniem z wyboru u chorych na mięsaki tkanek miękkich kończyn w stopniach zaawansowania I-III jest oszczędzający narząd zabieg chirurgiczny (LSS) skojarzony z pooperacyjnym napromienianiem, najczęściej teleradioterapią. Wyniki uzyskane tą metodą leczenia są porównywalne z wynikami radioterapii przed- lub śródoperacyjnej. Dotychczas jednoznacznie nie ustalono roli leczenia systemowego w tej grupie chorych. Przegląd piśmiennictwa wskazuje, że chemioterapia u części leczonych wydłuża czas do wystąpienia wznowy miejscowej, ale nie ma znamiennego wpływu na czas przeżycia całkowitego. U chorych z nowotworem w IV stopniu zaawansowania chemioterapia jest wyłącznie postępowaniem paliatywnym.Limb sparing surgery and adjuvant radiation therapy is the treatment of choice in patients with soft tissue sarcomas of extremities, stages I-III. The results obtained by preoperative or intraoperative irradiation are judged to be similar, as compared to postoperative radiotherapy. The role of chemotherapy in this group of patients remains controversial, analysis in the literature demonstrates that its use as an adjunct to local therapies may prolong a time to relapse but does not give a benefit in overall survival. In stage IV patients, chemotherapy plays a palliative role only

    The analysis of the prognostic value of the neutrophil/ lymphocyte ratio and the platelet/lymphocyte ratio among advanced endometrial cancer patients

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    Objectives: About 20% of endometrial cancer (EC) patients have advanced disease (FIGO III & IV) at the moment of diagnosis.An attempt to evaluate the prognostic value of biochemical markers of inflammation and classic endometrial cancerprognostic factors in the group of advanced EC (aEC) patients has been made in this study.Material and methods: Records of 266 patients treated in the Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Centre and Instituteof Oncology, Cracow Branch between the year 2006 and 2018 were included in the study. Follow-up ranged from 1 to138 months. Progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) have been set as endpoints. Tests such as: chi-squared,Fisher, log-rank, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Cox proportional hazard ratio were used in the statistical analyses.Results: In the analysed group high total platelet count (PLT) before operative treatment and high levels of white blood cells(WBC), PLT, neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet/lymphocyte ratio (PLR) before adjuvant therapy (AT) have beensignificantly associated with shorter PFS and OS. After setting the cut-off values of NLR and PLR a statistically significantcorrelation between those parameters and PFS as well as OS has been shown. Multivariate analysis has indicated that NLRis an independent prognostic factor of the course of aEC.Conclusions: NLR and PLR correlate significantly with OS and PFS in aEC. NLR is an independent prognostic factor in thisgroup. It is possible to distinguish 3 risk groups, among aEC patients, based on NRL and PLR

    Free Radicals, Salicylic Acid and Mycotoxins in Asparagus After Inoculation with Fusarium proliferatum and F. oxysporum

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance was used to monitor free radicals and paramagnetic species like Fe, Mn, Cu generation, stability and status in Asparagus officinalis infected by common pathogens Fusarium proliferatum and F. oxysporum. Occurrence of F. proliferatum and F. oxysporum, level of free radicals and other paramagnetic species, as well as salicylic acid and mycotoxins content in roots and stems of seedlings were estimated on the second and fourth week after inoculation. In the first term free and total salicylic acid contents were related to free radicals level in stem (P = 0.010 and P = 0.033, respectively). Concentration of Fe3+ ions in porphyrin complexes (g = 2.3, g = 2.9) was related to the species of pathogen. There was no significant difference between Mn2+ concentrations in stem samples; however, the level of free radicals in samples inoculated with F. proliferatum was significantly higher when compared to F. oxysporum

    Influence of toxic metal ions phenols in needles and roots, and on root respiration of Scots pine seedlings

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    Nitrates of aluminum, cadmium, manganese and lead cause changes in the content of phenolic compounds (o-dPh and TPh) in needles and roots, and in the rate of dark respiration (DR) of roots of one-year-old seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). The changes depend on the cation, the salt concentration used, and the analyzed plant part. The observed changes in the levels of phenolic compounds in needles and roots, and the rate of respiration in roots, indicate the following rank in toxicity of the studied metal cations: Mn < Al < Pb < Cd

    Aluminium effects on pyridine nucleotide redox state in roots of Scots pine

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    After prolonged (3-9 weeks) hydroponic treatment of Scots pine seedlings with different concentrations (0.5-4.0 mM) of Al (AI(N03)3), the levels of pyridine nucleotides were determined in root homogenates. After 3 weeks of Al stress, a significant decrease of the anabolic reduction charge (ARC: NADPH/(NADP+ + NADPH)) and an increase of the redox status (NAD(P)H/NAD(P)+), catabolic reduction charge (CRC: NADH/(NAD+ + NADH)) and phosphorylation capacity expressed as NADP+/NAD+ ratio was found in the 4.0 mM Al treatment. After 6 weeks, Al at concentrations of 0.5 and 1.0 mM induced an enhancement of the NADH level and a reduction of NADPH level, but the redox ratios were not changed significantly. After 9 weeks treatment with Al concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 4.0 mM, decreases of the relative level of NADP+, NADPH and NADH and increases of NAD+ were found. Consequently, the CRC, NAD(P)H/NAD(P)+ and NADP+/NAD+ ratios reached a minimum and ARC a maximum as compared to previous measurements

    Phenolic compounds distribution along the lenght of Scots pine needles in a polluted and control environment and its connection with necroses formation

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    Phenolic compounds distribution was studied along the length of Scots pine needles from trees in a polluted and a control site. There is no significant difference in the content of total phenols between the studied sites. There are significant differences in distribution of phenolics along the length of needles. The highest content is in the tip part of the needle and the lowest at the base. This kind of distribution suggests a role of these compounds in the processes of necroses formation. The content of phenolic compounds is positively correlated with the toxic elements - fluorine and aluminium and negatively with the macroelements - phosphorus, potassium and magnesium