16 research outputs found

    Arteterapia y habilidades de interacción social en niños de 3 años de una institución educativa de Lima, 2022

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    Las habilidades sociales en los niños son comportamientos que ellos van adquirir para relacionarse con los demás, así mismo estás destrezas propician que los niños convivan y se integren dentro de un grupo. Debido a la pandemia del COVID 19 los niños regularmente fueron afectados ya que se encontraban aislados con los niños de su propia edad, siendo la competencia de interacción social la más afectada, por lo cual incita a los profesores a buscar nuevas metodologías que permitan fortalecer el desarrollo de la variable. Frente a esto, la investigación tiene como objetivo general determinar si la arteterapia mejora el desarrollo de habilidades de interacción social en niños de 3 años de un ámbito educativo en Lima, 2022. El estudio fue de enfoque cuantitativo, con un diseño pre experimental. Se trabajó con una muestra de 17 niños de 3 años. Los resultados principales indican que en el pre test se mostró un bajo desarrollo de las habilidades sociales frente al post test. Se concluye que la arteterapia influye significativamente en el desarrollo de habilidades de interacción social en niños de 3 años de la muestra de estudio (p=0.001)

    El impacto de la cultura organizacional sobre la actitud al cambio de los colaboradores en una empresa del sector retail en Perú

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar el impacto de los tipos de cultura organizacional en la actitud al cambio de los colaboradores en una empresa peruana de retail. Para ello, se utilizó en primer lugar como base el modelo de actitud al cambio propuesto por Dunham, Grube, Gardner, Cummings y Pierce (1989). En segundo lugar, para identificar los tipos de cultura organizacional, se aplicó el modelo de Denison (Denison & Neale, 2000), con la finalidad de identificar el impacto de los tipos de cultura organizacional en la actitud al cambio. Sobre la base de estas investigaciones, se diseñó un estudio cuantitativo, explicativo, no experimental y de corte transversal en el que participaron 506 colaboradores de tiendas en Lima Metropolitana y provincias de una empresa de retail. Los resultados encontrados demuestran que el tipo de cultura organizacional involucramiento predice de manera significativa y positiva la actitud al cambio organizacional total. A mayor profundidad, se demostró también que las subdimensiones de cultura empowerment, acuerdo, aprendizaje organizacional, y dirección e intención estratégica impactan en la subdimensión cognitiva de la actitud al cambio, y que la subdimensión de cultura metas y objetivos impacta en la subdimensión afectiva de la actitud al cambio

    Smartphones and Threshold-Based Monitoring Methods Effectively Detect Falls Remotely: A Systematic Review

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    In the US, at least one fall occurs in at least 28.7% of community-dwelling seniors 65 and older each year. Falls had medical costs of USD 51 billion in 2015 and are projected to reach USD 100 billion by 2030. This review aims to discuss the extent of smartphone (SP) usage in fall detection and prevention across a range of care settings. A computerized search was conducted on six electronic databases to investigate the use of remote sensing technology, wireless technology, and other related MeSH terms for detecting and preventing falls. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 44 studies were included. Most of the studies targeted detecting falls, two focused on detecting and preventing falls, and one only looked at preventing falls. Accelerometers were employed in all the experiments for the detection and/or prevention of falls. The most frequent course of action following a fall event was an alarm to the guardian. Numerous studies investigated in this research used accelerometer data analysis, machine learning, and data from previous falls to devise a boundary and increase detection accuracy. SP was found to have potential as a fall detection system but is not widely implemented. Technology-based applications are being developed to protect at-risk individuals from falls, with the objective of providing more effective and efficient interventions than traditional means. Successful healthcare technology implementation requires cooperation between engineers, clinicians, and administrators

    Smartphones and Threshold-Based Monitoring Methods Effectively Detect Falls Remotely: A Systematic Review

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    In the US, at least one fall occurs in at least 28.7% of community-dwelling seniors 65 and older each year. Falls had medical costs of USD 51 billion in 2015 and are projected to reach USD 100 billion by 2030. This review aims to discuss the extent of smartphone (SP) usage in fall detection and prevention across a range of care settings. A computerized search was conducted on six electronic databases to investigate the use of remote sensing technology, wireless technology, and other related MeSH terms for detecting and preventing falls. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 44 studies were included. Most of the studies targeted detecting falls, two focused on detecting and preventing falls, and one only looked at preventing falls. Accelerometers were employed in all the experiments for the detection and/or prevention of falls. The most frequent course of action following a fall event was an alarm to the guardian. Numerous studies investigated in this research used accelerometer data analysis, machine learning, and data from previous falls to devise a boundary and increase detection accuracy. SP was found to have potential as a fall detection system but is not widely implemented. Technology-based applications are being developed to protect at-risk individuals from falls, with the objective of providing more effective and efficient interventions than traditional means. Successful healthcare technology implementation requires cooperation between engineers, clinicians, and administrators

    Acute postoperative and rehabilitation care managed in a virtual hybrid hospital‐at‐home after a total knee arthroplasty: A case report

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    Key Clinical Messages This case report demonstrates a virtual hybrid hospital‐at‐home program can provide inpatient‐level postoperative and rehabilitative care after total knee arthroplasty to a medically complex patient in the comfort of their own home. Abstract Advanced Care at Home combines virtual providers with in‐home care delivery. We report a case of virtual postoperative and rehabilitative care in a medically complex patient who underwent a total knee arthroplasty. This new model of care delivery allows effective patient‐provider communication and meets patient needs in the postoperative period

    Perceived Age in Patients Exposed to Distinct UV Indexes: A Systematic Review

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    Photodamage is caused by chronic sun exposure and ultraviolet radiation and presents as wrinkles, sagging, and pigmented spots. An increase in the ultraviolet index can increase a person's perceived age by worsening skin photodamage. However, since the ultraviolet index varies considerably between geographical regions, perceived age might vary substantially among them. This review aims to describe the differences in chronological and perceived age in regions of the world with different ultraviolet indexes. A literature search of three databases was conducted for studies analyzing perceived age and its relationship to sun exposure. Ultraviolet indexes from the included studies were retrieved from the National Weather Service and the Tropospheric Emission Monitoring Internet Service. Out of 104 studies, seven fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Overall, 3,352 patients were evaluated for perceived age. All studies found that patients with the highest daily sun exposures had the highest perceived ages for their chronological age (p < 0.05). People with high sun exposure behaviors living in regions with high ultraviolet indexes will look significantly older than same-aged peers living in lower ultraviolet index regions

    Artificial Intelligence Models in Health Information Exchange: A Systematic Review of Clinical Implications

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    Electronic health record (EHR) systems collate patient data, and the integration and standardization of documents through Health Information Exchange (HIE) play a pivotal role in refining patient management. Although the clinical implications of AI in EHR systems have been extensively analyzed, its application in HIE as a crucial source of patient data is less explored. Addressing this gap, our systematic review delves into utilizing AI models in HIE, gauging their predictive prowess and potential limitations. Employing databases such as Scopus, CINAHL, Google Scholar, PubMed/Medline, and Web of Science and adhering to the PRISMA guidelines, we unearthed 1021 publications. Of these, 11 were shortlisted for the final analysis. A noticeable preference for machine learning models in prognosticating clinical results, notably in oncology and cardiac failures, was evident. The metrics displayed AUC values ranging between 61% and 99.91%. Sensitivity metrics spanned from 12% to 96.50%, specificity from 76.30% to 98.80%, positive predictive values varied from 83.70% to 94.10%, and negative predictive values between 94.10% and 99.10%. Despite variations in specific metrics, AI models drawing on HIE data unfailingly showcased commendable predictive proficiency in clinical verdicts, emphasizing the transformative potential of melding AI with HIE. However, variations in sensitivity highlight underlying challenges. As healthcare’s path becomes more enmeshed with AI, a well-rounded, enlightened approach is pivotal to guarantee the delivery of trustworthy and effective AI-augmented healthcare solutions

    Impact of an Acquisition Advanced Practice Provider on Home Hospital Patient Volumes and Length of Stay

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    In July 2020, Mayo Clinic introduced a hospital-at-home program, known as Advanced Care at Home (ACH) as an alternate option for clinically stable medical patients requiring hospital-level care. This retrospective cohort study evaluates the impact of the addition of a dedicated ACH patient acquisition Advanced Practice Provider (APP) on average length of stay (ALOS) and the number of patients admitted into the program between in Florida and Wisconsin between 6 July 2020 and 31 January 2022. Patient volumes and ALOS of 755 patients were analyzed between the two sites both before and after a dedicated acquisition APP was added to the Florida site on 1 June 2021. The addition of a dedicated acquisition APP did not affect the length of time a patient was in the emergency department or hospital ward prior to ACH transition (2.91 days [Florida] vs. 2.59 days [Wisconsin], p = 0.22), the transition time between initiation of the ACH consult to patient transfer home (0.85 days [Florida] vs. 1.16 days [Wisconsin], p = 0.28), or the total ALOS (6.63 days [Florida] vs. 6.34 days [Wisconsin], p = 0.47). The average number of patients acquired monthly was significantly increased in Florida (38.3 patients per month) compared with Wisconsin (21.6 patients per month) (p &lt; 0.01). The addition of a dedicated patient acquisition APP resulted in significantly higher patient volumes but did not affect transition time or ALOS. Other hospital-at-home programs may consider the addition of an acquisition APP to maximize patient volumes