134 research outputs found


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    Detrital provenance analysis is an important tool in our understanding paleo-fluvial drainages, erosion of landscapes, paleogeographic reconstructions, and regional geologic and tectonic histories. Here, we examine the utility of multiple provenance analysis techniques through their application to paleo, modern, and synthetic detrital datasets. Zircon is a common accessory mineral found in most detrital sediments, primarily due to its refractory nature. During formation, zircon preferentially incorporates the element U and Th into its crystal lattice while excluding Pb, making it ideal for radiometric dating. Inexpensive and time-efficient U/Pb age acquisition techniques make zircon the mineral of choice for a majority of provenance studies. The sedimentary basins between the Yangtze River and Red River have long been used to argue for a Mississippi River-scale paleo-drainage. We examine the U/Pb zircon ages of Cenozoic deposits ranging from Eocene to Pliocene age from basins surrounding the first bend of the Yangtze River and upper reaches of the Red River. We combine this data with a comprehensive suite of zircon grain-ages from contemporaneous deposits, modern fluvial sediments, and bedrock source units from previously published literature. Using the new technique developed here, of combining age spectra deconvolution and age component interpolation maps, it becomes clear that Cenozoic deposits of the Southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau do not share provenance with offshore sediments associated with the Paleo Red River in the Yinggehai Song-Hong Basin. This, coupled with detailed stratigraphic measurements and interpretations, as well as paleoflow measurements strongly suggests that at least since the Eocene, there was no connectivity between the Yangtze and Red Rivers. In a modern setting, examination of provenance of fluvial sediments collected throughout a known catchment can provide insight into regional erosional patterns. The modern Yangtze River, the largest river in Eurasia, provides a perfect setting to apply detrital zircon provenance analysis. We use a previously published zircon U/Pb age distribution dataset of fifteen trunk stream samples and ten samples of the largest tributaries feeding the Yangtze. We apply a series of age-distribution analysis techniques to examine both downstream changes in provenance of trunk stream samples as well as identify the key bedrock and tributary sources of sediment to the trunk stream samples throughout the Yangtze\u27s reach. The original work using this dataset argued that increasing anthropogenic influences, primarily agricultural, lead to a greater than expected influence of the Han, Yuan, and Xiang Rivers, whose confluence with the Yangtze occur in the middle-to lower reaches. The quantitative analysis developed here, however, shows a consistent distribution of U/Pb ages for Yangtze River trunk stream sediments is established in the upper reaches of the Yangtze after the first bend and is maintained some 3000km downstream. The signal is most likely derived from the erosion of the geologic terranes of the Songpan Ganze Terrane and the Longmenshan range, which are sourced primarily by the Yalong, Min, and Dadu rivers. These sources of sediment are consistent with known areas of greater stream power due to higher slopes, exhumation rates, and tectonic activity. One technique that has recently been applied to detrital zircon datasets is multidimensional scaling, or MDS. MDS transforms pairwise dissimilarity measurements of sample U/Pb age distributions into Euclidian distances and then some optimal configuration, where greater distances between sample points represents greater dissimilarity between their respective age distributions. While MDS is not new, its application to detrital zircon datasets has never been rigorously tested. We examine several important issues in the application of MDS to detrital zircon research, including how intra-sample variation is represented as well as how dissimilarities are calculated; how random sampling associated with dating a limited number of zircon grain ages can and does affect the resulting MDS configuration; and how MDS differentiation is affected by samples containing either varying degrees of overlapping, shared, or unique age components. In application of MDS to both synthetic and real-world datasets, we illustrate the usefulness of the approach in the interpretation of detrital zircon age data; which suggests that thoughtful application of MDS mapping to detrital zircon data can afford significant advantages in the geologic interpretation of zircon grain ages

    Remote detection of hyperpolarized 129 Xe resonances via multiple distant dipolar field interactions with 1 H

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    A remote detection scheme utilizing the distant dipolar field interaction between two different spin species was proposed by Granwehr et al. [J. Magn. Reson. 176(2), 125 (2005)]. In that sequence 1H spins were detected indirectly via their dipolar field interaction with 129Xe spins, which served as the sensing spins. Here we propose a modification of the proposed detection scheme that takes advantage of the longer T1 relaxation time of xenon to create a long lasting dipolar field with which the fast relaxing 1H spins are allowed to interact many times during a single acquisition. This new acquisition scheme improves detection sensitivity, but it also presents some challenges

    Comparison of Goethe's "Götz von Berlichingen" with Kleist's "Michael Kohlhaas."

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Hydrodynamics and beyond in the strongly coupled N=4 plasma

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    We continue our investigations on the relation between hydrodynamic and higher quasinormal modes in the AdS black hole background started in arXiv:0710.4458 [hep-th]. As is well known, the quasinormal modes can be interpreted as the poles of the retarded Green functions of the dual N=4 gauge theory at finite temperature. The response to a generic perturbation is determined by the residues of the poles. We compute these residues numerically for energy-momentum and R-charge correlators. We find that the diffusion modes behave in a similar way: at small wavelengths the residues go over into a form of a damped oscillation and therefore these modes decouple at short distances. The sound mode behaves differently: its residue does not decay and at short wavelengths this mode behaves as the higher quasinormal modes. Applications of our findings include the definition of hydrodynamic length and time scales. We also show that the quasinormal modes, including the hydrodynamic diffusion modes, obey causality.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figure

    Annual report of the officers of the town of Bartlett for the fiscal year ending February 15, 1913.

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    This is an annual report containing vital statistics for a town/city in the state of New Hampshire

    Nikolaus Trübner (1849 - 1910): Ein badischer Hofgoldschmied

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    Nikolaus Trübners Werk ist äußerst vielfältig. Nur die Fertigung von Kirchensilber überließ er anderen Goldschmieden. Er schuf Goldschmiedearbeiten nach eigenen Entwürfen oder nach Fremdentwürfen. Wo besondere Werkzeuge oder ein äußerst aufwendiges Herstellungsverfahren vonnöten waren, gab Trübner Arbeiten außer Haus, oder bezog gleich die fertige Silberware von angesehenen Silberwarenmanufakturen, z.B. Tafelsilber. Er bot es unter Beibehaltung der Firmenmarke zusammen mit seiner Marke in seinem Ladengeschäft zum Verkauf an. ?Trübner-Silber? war einst sehr begehrt, wurde auf Ausstellungen oft prämiiert und fand stets eine große Käuferschaft. Seine Kunden waren z.B. der Großherzoglich badische Hof, die Stadt Heidelberg, offizielle Würdenträger und Privatpersonen, die dem gebildeten Großbürgertum entstammten. Zumeist hatten diese einen konservativen Geschmack, was sich natürlich stilbestimmend auf Trübners Arbeiten auswirken mußte. Lange noch, als der Historismus nicht mehr der tonangebende Stil war, schuf Trübner Werke in den Neostilen des Historismus, wie sie vielerorts und vor allem in Heidelberg beliebt gewesen waren. Für den Kunden der modernen Geschmacksrichtung hielt er jedoch eine Auswahl an Jugendstilarbeiten bereit. Ganz besonders stark beeinflußte die Neorenaissance bzw. der Neomanierismus Nikolaus Trübners Werk und natürlich auch der süddeutsch-badische Regionalstil, der seine Direktiven und Impulse hauptsächlich von der Kunstgewerbeschule in Karlsruhe erhielt. Einer ihrer bedeutendsten Schüler war Nikolaus Trübner, einer ihrer wichtigsten Lehrer Hermann Götz. Viele der Arbeiten Trübners bezogen sich inhaltlich und stilistisch auf Götzsche Entwürfe. Trübners Größe lag daher nicht in stilbildenden, innovativen Werken, sondern im Detail und in der meisterhaften Ausführung seiner Arbeiten. Er beherrschte die Technik der illusionistischen Reliefkunst aufs höchste und überzeugte in der Virtuosität und Sensibilität seiner Ziselierarbeiten

    Law and Development

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    This is a draft of a book to accompany a course on the sociology of law and law and development at Boston University