84 research outputs found

    Therapeutic properties of multi-cannabinoid treatment strategies for Alzheimer’s disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a debilitating neurodegenerative disease characterized by declining cognition and behavioral impairment, and hallmarked by extracellular amyloid-β plaques, intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFT), oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and neurodegeneration. There is currently no cure for AD and approved treatments do not halt or slow disease progression, highlighting the need for novel therapeutic strategies. Importantly, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is affected in AD. Phytocannabinoids, including cannabidiol (CBD) and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), interact with the ECS, have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuroprotective properties, can ameliorate amyloid-β and NFT-related pathologies, and promote neurogenesis. Thus, in recent years, purified CBD and THC have been evaluated for their therapeutic potential. CBD reversed and prevented the development of cognitive deficits in AD rodent models, and low-dose THC improved cognition in aging mice. Importantly, CBD, THC, and other phytochemicals present in Cannabis sativa interact with each other in a synergistic fashion (the “entourage effect”) and have greater therapeutic potential when administered together, rather than individually. Thus, treatment of AD using a multi-cannabinoid strategy (such as whole plant cannabis extracts or particular CBD:THC combinations) may be more efficacious compared to cannabinoid isolate treatment strategies. Here, we review the current evidence for the validity of using multi-cannabinoid formulations for AD therapy. We discuss that such treatment strategies appear valid for AD therapy but further investigations, particularly clinical studies, are required to determine optimal dose and ratio of cannabinoids for superior effectiveness and limiting potential side effects. Furthermore, it is pertinent that future in vivo and clinical investigations consider sex effects

    Effect of long-term cannabidiol on learning and anxiety in a female Alzheimer’s disease mouse model

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    Cannabidiol is a promising potential therapeutic for neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Our laboratory has shown that oral CBD treatment prevents cognitive impairment in a male genetic mouse model of AD, the amyloid precursor protein 1 x presenilin 1 hemizygous (APPxPS1) mouse. However, as sex differences are evident in clinical populations and in AD mouse models, we tested the preventive potential of CBD therapy in female APPxPS1 mice. In this study, 2.5-month-old female wildtype-like (WT) and APPxPS1 mice were fed 20 mg/kg CBD or a vehicle via gel pellets daily for 8 months and tested at 10.5 months in behavioural paradigms relevant to cognition (fear conditioning, FC; cheeseboard, CB; and novel object recognition test, NORT) and anxiety-like behaviours (elevated plus maze, EPM). In the CB, CBD reduced latencies to find a food reward in APPxPS1 mice, compared to vehicle-treated APPxPS1 controls, and this treatment effect was not evident in WT mice. In addition, CBD also increased speed early in the acquisition of the CB task in APPxPS1 mice. In the EPM, CBD increased locomotion in APPxPS1 mice but not in WT mice, with no effects of CBD on anxiety-like behaviour. CBD had limited effects on the expression of fear memory. These results indicate preventive CBD treatment can have a moderate spatial learning-enhancing effect in a female amyloid-β-based AD mouse model. This suggests CBD may have some preventive therapeutic potential in female familial AD patients

    Medium-dose chronic cannabidiol treatment reverses object recognition memory deficits of APPSwe/PS1ΔE9 transgenic female mice

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease that causes behavioral and cognitive impairments. The phytocannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuroprotective properties, and in vitro and limited in vivo evidence suggests that CBD possesses therapeutic-like properties for the treatment of AD. Cannabinoids are known to have dose-dependent effects and the therapeutic potential of medium-dose CBD for AD transgenic mice has not been assessed in great detail yet. 12-month-old control and APPSwe/ PS1ΔE9 (APPxPS1) transgenic female mice were treated daily via intraperitoneal injection with 5 mg/kg bodyweight CBD (or vehicle) commencing three weeks prior to the assessment of behavioral domains including anxiety, exploration, locomotion, motor functions, cognition, and sensorimotor gating. APPxPS1 mice exhibited a hyperlocomotive and anxiogenic-like phenotype and had wild type-like motor and spatial learning abilities, although AD transgenic mice took generally longer to complete the cheeseboard training (due to a lower locomotion speed). Furthermore spatial learning and reversal learning was delayed by one day in APPxPS1 mice compared to control mice. All mice displayed intact spatial memory and retrieval memory, but APPxPS1 mice showed reduced levels of perseverance in the cheeseboard probe trial. Importantly, vehicle-treated APPxPS1 mice were characterized by object recognition deficits and delayed spatial learning, which were reversed by CBD treatment. Finally, impairments in sensorimotor gating of APPxPS1 mice were not affected by CBD. In conclusion, medium-dose CBD appears to have therapeutic value for the treatment of particular behavioral impairments present in AD patients. Future research should consider the molecular mechanisms behind CBD’s beneficial properties for AD transgenic mice

    Novel molecular changes induced by Nrg1 hypomorphism and Nrg1-cannabinoid interaction in adolescence : a hippocampal proteomic study in mice

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    Neuregulin 1 (NRG1) is linked to an increased risk of developing schizophrenia and cannabis dependence. Mice that are hypomorphic for Nrg1 (Nrg1 HET mice) display schizophrenia relevant behavioural phenotypes and aberrant expression of serotonin and glutamate receptors. Nrg1 HET mice also display idiosyncratic responses to the main psychoactive constituent of cannabis, Δ9 -tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). To gain traction on the molecular pathways disrupted by Nrg1 hypomorphism and Nrg1-cannabinoid interactions we conducted a proteomic study. Adolescent wildtype (WT) and Nrg1 HET mice were exposed to repeated injections of vehicle or THC and their hippocampi were submitted to 2D gel proteomics. Comparison of WT and Nrg1 HET mice identified proteins linked to molecular changes in schizophrenia that have not been previously associated with Nrg1. These proteins are involved in vesicular release of neurotransmitters such as SNARE proteins; enzymes impacting serotonergic neurotransmission, and; proteins affecting growth factor expression. Nrg1 HET mice treated with THC expressed a distinct protein expression signature compared to WT mice. Replicating prior findings, THC caused proteomic changes in WT mice suggestive of greater oxidative stress and neurodegeneration. We have previously observed that THC selectively increased hippocampal NMDA receptor binding of adolescent Nrg1 HET mice. Here we observed outcomes consistent with heightened NMDA-mediated glutamatergic neurotransmission. This included differential expression of proteins involved in NMDA receptor trafficking to the synaptic membrane; lipid raft stabilization of synaptic NMDA receptors; and homeostatic responses to dampen excitotoxicity. These findings uncover for the first time novel proteins altered in response to Nrg1 hypomorphism and Nrg1-cannabinoid interactions that improves our molecular understanding of Nrg1 signaling and Nrg1-mediated genetic vulnerability to the neurobehavioural effects of cannabinoids

    Voluntary exercise modulates pathways associated with amelioration of retinal degenerative diseases

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    Background: Exercise has been shown to promote a healthier and longer life and linked to a reduced risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases including retinal degenerations. However, the molecular pathways underpinning exercise-induced cellular protection are not well understood. In this work we aim to profile the molecular changes underlying exercise-induced retinal protection and investigate how exercise-induced inflammatory pathway modulation may slow the progression of retinal degenerations. Methods: Female C57Bl/6J mice at 6 weeks old were given free access to open voluntary running wheels for a period of 28 days and then subjected to 5 days of photo-oxidative damage (PD)-induced retinal degeneration. Following, retinal function (electroretinography; ERG), morphology (optical coherence tomography; OCT) and measures of cell death (TUNEL) and inflammation (IBA1) were analysed and compared to sedentary controls. To decipher global gene expression changes as a result of voluntary exercise, RNA sequencing and pathway and modular gene co-expression analyses were performed on retinal lysates of exercised and sedentary mice that were subjected to PD, as well as healthy dim-reared controls. Results: Following 5 days of PD, exercised mice had significantly preserved retinal function, integrity and reduced levels of retinal cell death and inflammation, compared to sedentary controls. In response to voluntary exercise, inflammatory and extracellular matrix integrity pathways were significantly modulated, with the gene expression profile of exercised mice more closely trending towards that of a healthy dim-reared retina. Conclusion: We suggest that voluntary exercise may mediate retinal protection by influencing key pathways involved in regulating retinal health and shifting the transcriptomic profile to a healthy phenotype

    Spatial memory and microglia activation in a mouse model of chronic neuroinflammation and the anti-inflammatory effects of apigenin

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    Chronic neuroinflammation characterized by microglia reactivity is one of the main underlying processes in the initiation and progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. This project characterized spatial memory during healthy aging and prolonged neuroinflammation in the chronic neuroinflammatory model, glial fibrillary acidic protein-interleukin 6 (GFAP-IL6). We investigated whether chronic treatment with the natural flavonoid, apigenin, could reduce microglia activation in the hippocampus and improve spatial memory. GFAP-IL6 transgenic and wild-type-like mice were fed with apigenin-enriched or control chow from 4 months of age and tested for spatial memory function at 6 and 22 months using the Barnes maze. Brain tissue was collected at 22 months to assess microgliosis and morphology using immunohistochemistry, stereology, and 3D single cell reconstruction. GFAP-IL6 mice showed age-dependent loss of spatial memory recall compared with wild-type-like mice. Chronic apigenin treatment decreased the number of Iba-1+ microglia in the hippocampus of GFAP-IL6 mice and changed microglial morphology. Apigenin did not reverse spatial memory recall impairment in GFAP-IL6 mice at 22 months of age. GFAP-IL6 mice may represent a suitable model for age-related neurodegenerative disease. Chronic apigenin supplementation significantly reduced microglia activation, but this did not correspond with spatial memory improvement in the Barnes Maze

    Cross-linking cellular prion protein induces neuronal type 2-like hypersensitivity

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    Background: Previous reports identified proteins associated with ‘apoptosis’ following cross-linking PrPC with motif-specific anti-PrP antibodies in vivo and in vitro. The molecular mechanisms underlying this IgG-mediated neurotoxicity and the role of the activated proteins in the apoptotic pathways leading to neuronal death has not been properly defined. Previous reports implicated a number of proteins, including apolipoprotein E, cytoplasmic phospholipase A2, prostaglandin and calpain with antiPrP antibody-mediated ‘apoptosis’, however, these proteins are also known to play an important role in allergy. In this study, we investigated whether cross-linking PrPC with anti-PrP antibodies stimulates a neuronal allergenic response. Methods: Initially, we predicted the allergenicity of the epitope sequences associated with ‘neurotoxic’ anti-PrP antibodies using allergenicity prediction servers. We then investigated whether anti-PrP antibody treatment of mouse primary neurons (MPN), neuroblastoma cells (N2a) and microglia (N11) cell lines lead to a neuronal allergenic response. Results: In-Silico studies showed that both tail- and globular-epitopes were allergenic. Specifically, binding regions that contain epitopes for previously reported ‘neurotoxic’ antibodies such as ICSM18 (146-159), ICSM35 (91-110), POM 1 (138-147) and POM 3 (95-100) lead to activation of allergenic related proteins. Following direct application of antiPrPC antibodies on N2a cells, we identified 4 neuronal allergenic-related proteins when compared with untreated cells. Furthermore, we identified 8 neuronal allergenic-related proteins following treatment of N11 cells with anti-PrPC antibodies prior to co-culture with N2a cells when compared with untreated cells. Antibody treatment of MPN or MPN co-cultured with antibody-treated N11 led to identifying 10 and 7 allergenic-related proteins when compared with untreated cells. However, comparison with 3F4 antibody treatment revealed 5 and 4 allergenic-related proteins respectively. Of importance, we showed that the allergenic effects triggered by the anti-PrP antibodies were more potent when antibody-treated microglia were co-cultured with the neuroblastoma cell line. Finally, co-culture of N2a or MPN with N11-treated with anti-PrP antibodies resulted in significant accumulation of NO and IL6 but not TNF-a in the cell culture media supernatant. Conclusions: This study showed for the first time that anti-PrP antibody binding to PrPC triggers a neuronal hypersensitivity response and highlights the important role of microglia in triggering an IgG-mediated neuronal hypersensitivity response. Moreover, this study provides an important impetus for including allergenic assessment of therapeutic antibodies for neurodegenerative disorders to derive safe and targeted biotherapeutics

    Neuregulin 1 : a prime candidate for research into gene-environment interactions in schizophrenia? : insights from genetic rodent models

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    Schizophrenia is a multi-factorial disease characterized by a high heritability and environmental risk factors. In recent years, an increasing number of researchers worldwide have started investigating the "two-hit hypothesis" of schizophrenia predicting that genetic and environmental risk factors (GxE) interactively cause the development of the disorder. This work is starting to produce valuable new animal models and reveal novel insights into the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. This mini review will focus on recent advancements in the field made by challenging mutant and transgenic rodent models for the schizophrenia candidate gene neuregulin 1 (NRG1) with particular environmental factors. It will outline results obtained from mouse and rat models for various Nrg1 isoforms/isoform types (e.g., transmembrane domain Nrg1, Type II Nrg1), which have been exposed to different forms of stress (acute versus chronic, restraint versus social) and housing conditions (standard laboratory versus minimally enriched housing). These studies suggest Nrg1 as a prime candidate for GxE interactions in schizophrenia rodent models and that the use of rodent models will enable a better understanding of GxE interactions and the underlying mechanisms

    Behavioral profiling of NPY in aggression and neuropsychiatric diseases

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    The abundantly expressed neuropeptide Y (NPY) has potent effects on feeding, body weight, and blood pressure, and exhibits important functions in various behavioral domains such as motor activity and anxiety. The potent neurotransmitter exerts its biological effects through at least five G-protein coupled receptors termed Y1, Y2, Y4, Y5, and y6. The behavioral profile of NPY function has been extensively studied using traditional pharmacological and classic genetic animal models. Based on these studies, variations in the profile of NPY and its receptors have been found. To limit the variability and inconsistencies in the behavioral profile of NPY and to clarify its effects on certain domains in further detail, it is important to design a rational standardized strategy for behavioral testing, using a complement of different well-established and reproducible tests. This strategy can minimize the risk that false positive or false negative results lead to a contradictory and inconsistent behavioral characterization of NPY function. Ideally, such screening should be composed of an initial monitoring of general health, sensory functions, and motor abilities, before specific behavioral domains such as anxiety or aggression are investigated using a multi-tiered phenotyping approach. In this review, we will focus on a brief description of the latest insights into the behavioral profile of NPY in the selective lesser investigated domains such as aggression and depression–schizophrenia-related behaviors. We will combine this information with possible strategies to evaluate the different specific phenotypes in more detail

    What does a mouse tell us about neuregulin 1-cannabis interactions?

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    The link between cannabis and psychosis has been debated although there is substantial epidemiological evidence showing that cannabis increases the risk of psychosis. It has been hypothesized that schizophrenia patients carrying particular risk genes might be more sensitive to the psychosis-inducing effects of cannabis than other patients and healthy test subjects. Here we review the effects of cannabinoids on a mutant mouse model for the schizophrenia candidate gene neuregulin 1 (Nrg1). The studies suggest a complex interaction between cannabis and Nrg1: the neuro-behavioural effects of cannabinoids were different in Nrg1 mutant and control mice and depended on exposure time, sex and age of test animals. This research provides the first evidence of complex cannabis-Nrg1 interactions suggesting Nrg1 as a prime target for future clinical investigations. Furthermore, it highlights that animal model research can broaden our understanding of the complex multi-factorial aetiology of schizophrenia. Finally, the findings are important to preventive psychiatry: if the genes that confer genetic vulnerability to cannabis-induced psychosis were identified patients at-high risk could be forewarned of the potential dangers of cannabis abuse
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