12 research outputs found

    Summary of lake data for each samples lakes (-: data not known).

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    <p>Summary of lake data for each samples lakes (-: data not known).</p

    Principal component analysis (PCA) of the genetic distances of the sampled locations.

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    <p>The axes 1 and 2 explained 53% of the variance in distribution of the lake populations (1: Mjöträsket; 2: Sidensjön; 3: Ekholmssjön; 4: Lillsjön; 5: Stråken; 6a: Helgasjön Stat. 1; 6b: Helgasjön Stat. 2; 7: Liasjön; 8: Lundebyvatn; 9: Gjølsjøen; 10: Isesjøen; 11: Kylänalanen).</p

    Map representing the sampled lakes.

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    <p>Map representing the sampled lakes.</p

    Summary of the results from the STRUCTURE analysis.

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    <p>The analysis was performed using the admixture model allowing for correlated frequencies: Graph of LnP(K) (black dots) and ΔK (bars) for the different K population assumptions (A). Bar plots representing the population assignment of the individuals for the assumption of K = 2 (B), K = 3 (C).</p

    Genetic differentiation expressed as pair-wised F<sub>ST</sub> (below the diagonal; ** denotes p<0.01, *** denotes p<0.001), and Jost's D (above the diagonal; with confidence intervals between brackets) between sampling locations.

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    <p>Genetic differentiation expressed as pair-wised F<sub>ST</sub> (below the diagonal; ** denotes p<0.01, *** denotes p<0.001), and Jost's D (above the diagonal; with confidence intervals between brackets) between sampling locations.</p

    Geographic distances in km between sampling locations.

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    <p>Geographic distances in km between sampling locations.</p

    Number of strains genotyped, survival rate, Nei's gene diversity within locations and percentage of polymorphic loci for each location.

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    <p>Number of strains genotyped, survival rate, Nei's gene diversity within locations and percentage of polymorphic loci for each location.</p


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    Documentation to S_hangoei_AFLP_scores This text file contains the scored AFLP data for Fst calculations and Structure runs. A total of 379 loci are included, 106 strains from four different populations. The first row (except column 1 and 2) contain the names of the loci (Loc_01 to Loc_379). The first column (as of row 2) contains the strain designation consisting of 4 letter and 2-3 numbers. SH represents species designation, i.e. Scrippsiella aft. hangoei (Dinophyceae), the next two letters indicate the lake from which the strain originates (AB=Abraxas, HI = Highway, MC = McNeil, VE = Vereteno; all lakes located in the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica), the last 2-3 digits represent the strain number. The third column (as of row 2) indicates lake population from which the strain originates. ABRA = Lake Abraxas, HIGH = Highway Lake, MCNEIL = McNeil Lake, VERE = Lake Vereteno. All subsequent columns give scores for presence of AFLP peaks. 1 = presence, 2 = absence of peak. There are no missing data

    ITS r RNA Sequence alignment for Polarella glacialis

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    Sequence alignment of nine Polarella glacialis strains from the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica; the Antarctic Sea; and the Arctic Sea, based on the ITS region (Logares et al. 2009). All sequences deposited in Genbank (see table 1


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    AFLP scored data (0,1) from 409 AFLP loci (5 combined primer pairs). Loci listed in row 1. Strain names listed in column 1