594 research outputs found
Testing the utility of a data-driven approach for assessing BMI from face images
Several lines of evidence suggest that facial cues of adiposity may be important for human social interaction. However, tests for quantifiable cues of body mass index (BMI) in the face have examined only a small number of facial proportions and these proportions were found to have relatively low predictive power. Here we employed a data-driven approach in which statistical models were built using principal components (PCs) derived from objectively defined shape and color characteristics in face images. The predictive power of these models was then compared with models based on previously studied facial proportions (perimeter-to-area ratio, width-to-height ratio, and cheek-to-jaw width). Models based on 2D shape-only PCs, color-only PCs, and 2D shape and color PCs combined each performed significantly and substantially better than models based on one or more of the previously studied facial proportions. A non-linear PC model considering both 2D shape and color PCs was the best predictor of BMI. These results highlight the utility of a âbottom-upâ, data-driven approach for assessing BMI from face images
20 Jahre FahrbĂŒcherei Bautzen: Ein Modell mit Erfolg
Vor 20 Jahren, am 8. April 1991, startete die FahrbĂŒcherei der Stadtbibliothek Bautzen zu ihrer ersten Tour. Seit dieser Zeit hĂ€lt sie im 14-tĂ€glichen Rhythmus an zehn Haltestellen in der Stadt Bautzen sowie in 15 Orten des Altkreises Bautzen
Respiratory chain complexes in dynamic mitochondria display a patchy distribution in life cells
Background: Mitochondria, the main suppliers of cellular energy, are dynamic organelles that fuse and divide frequently. Constraining these processes impairs mitochondrial is closely linked to certain neurodegenerative diseases. It is proposed that functional mitochondrial dynamics allows the exchange of compounds thereby providing a rescue mechanism. Methodology/Principal Findings: The question discussed in this paper is whether fusion and fission of mitochondria in different cell lines result in re-localization of respiratory chain (RC) complexes and of the ATP synthase. This was addressed by fusing cells containing mitochondria with respiratory complexes labelled with different fluorescent proteins and resolving their time dependent re-localization in living cells. We found a complete reshuffling of RC complexes throughout the entire chondriome in single HeLa cells within 2â3 h by organelle fusion and fission. Polykaryons of fused cells completely re-mixed their RC complexes in 10â24 h in a progressive way. In contrast to the recently described homogeneous mixing of matrix-targeted proteins or outer membrane proteins, the distribution of RC complexes and ATP synthase in fused hybrid mitochondria, however, was not homogeneous but patterned. Thus, complete equilibration of respiratory chain complexes as integral inner mitochondrial membrane complexes is a slow process compared with matrix proteins probably limited by complete fusion. In co-expressing cells, complex II is more homogenously distributed than complex I and V, resp. Indeed, this result argues for higher mobility and less integration in supercomplexes. Conclusion/Significance: Our results clearly demonstrate that mitochondrial fusion and fission dynamics favours the re-mixing of all RC complexes within the chondriome. This permanent mixing avoids a static situation with a fixed composition of RC complexes per mitochondrion
Sperm migration in the genital tractâIn silico experiments identify key factors for reproductive success
Sperm migration in the female genital tract controls sperm selection and, therefore, reproductive success as male gametes are conditioned for fertilization while their number is dramatically reduced. Mechanisms underlying sperm migration are mostly unknown, since in vivo investigations are mostly unfeasible for ethical or practical reasons. By presenting a spatio-temporal model of the mammalian female genital tract combined with agent-based description of sperm motion and interaction as well as parameterizing it with bovine data, we offer an alternative possibility for studying sperm migration in silico. The model incorporates genital tract geometry as well as biophysical principles of sperm motion observed in vitro such as positive rheotaxis and thigmotaxis. This model for sperm migration from vagina to oviducts was successfully tested against in vivo data from literature. We found that physical sperm characteristics such as velocity and directional stability as well as sperm-fluid interactions and wall alignment are critical for success, i.e. sperms reaching the oviducts. Therefore, we propose that these identified sperm parameters should be considered in detail for conditioning sperm in artificial selection procedures since the natural processes are normally bypassed in reproductive in vitro technologies. The tremendous impact of mucus flow to support sperm accumulation in the oviduct highlights the importance of a species-specific optimum time window for artificial insemination regarding ovulation. Predictions from our extendable in silico experimental system will improve assisted reproduction in humans, endangered species, and livestock.Peer Reviewe
Zur Situation kultureller Bildung an Schulen. Ergebnisse einer Schulleitungsbefragung 2011
In den Abstimmungsprozessen ĂŒber die verfĂŒgbaren Daten fĂŒr das Schwerpunktkapitel [âKulturelle/musisch-Ă€sthetische Bildung im Lebenslaufâ im Bildungsbericht âBildung in Deutschlandâ] 2012 entstand die Idee einer bundesweit reprĂ€sentativen Schulleitungsbefragung, um die Situation musisch-Ă€sthetischer Bildung an deutschen Schulen nĂ€her zu erfassen und die Datenbasis fĂŒr den schulischen Teil des Schwerpunktkapitels 2012 zu verbessern. Als Ergebnis der Beratungen fĂŒhrte das Deutsche Institut fĂŒr Internationale PĂ€dagogische Forschung (DIPF) in Abstimmung mit der KMK eine bundesweit reprĂ€sentative Befragung von Schulen durch. ... Das Anliegen dieses Berichts ist es, der Frage nachzugehen, wie sich aus der Sicht von Schulleitungen die Situation der kulturellen Bildung an den Schulen sachlich und personell darstellt und welches Spektrum von Angeboten an den Schulen zu beobachten ist. (DIPF/Orig./av
VerstĂ€ndlichkeitsprĂŒfung und Pretest des STRAINFragebogens zur Erhebung der Arbeitsbelastung bei Gesundheitsfachpersonen in der Schweiz
The workforce shortage in health care is a major challenge worldwide. In Switzerland, this shortage is not only demographically caused but also due to workload. Adequate measures require a good data basis. The aim of this study is to test instrument specially developed for the health professions to measure work-related stress in practice. Cognitive pretesting was used for the evaluation. Overall, 18 semi-structured single-interviews with nurses and nursing assistants were conducted. In two rounds, the question-answer-process was analysed for 11 questions. The STRAIN questionnaire was then pretested by 17 health professionals. In the first round, 42 problems were identified based on the phases of the âCognitive Aspects of Survey Methodologyâ. Of these, 57 % were comprehension problems. This was shown by the polysemantic usage or unknowingness of terms. Further 38 % were problems with the answer categories, such as a missing category or an inappropriate formulation. Further questions were modified through a final pretest. The uniform comprehensibility has been achieved. Due to the questionnaire length, an online tool with a save function should be used. The results of this study are similar to those of comparable studies, which also show the most common problems with understanding. This is due to changes of conceptsâ meanings over time and culture. A cognitive pretest is therefore recommended, especially for a heterogeneous target group such as health professions.Der FachkrĂ€ftemangel im Gesundheitswesen ist eine grosse Herausforderung weltweit. In der Schweiz ist neben den demografisch bedingten Ursachen auch die Arbeitsbelastung ein gewichtiger Grund fĂŒr diesen Mangel. AdĂ€quate Gegenmassnahmen zur gezielten Verbesserung brauchen eine gute Datengrundlage. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, ein fĂŒr die Gesundheitsberufe entwickeltes Messinstrument zur Erfassung arbeitsbedingter Belastung in der Praxis zu testen. Die VerstĂ€ndlichkeit des Fragebogens wurde mittels kognitiven Interviews bei 18 Pflege- und Betreuungspersonen in zwei DurchgĂ€ngen evaluiert und anschliessend mittels Pretest bei 17 Gesundheitsfachpersonen getestet. Im ersten Durchgang wurden 42 Probleme anhand der Phasen der âCognitive Aspects of Survey Methodologyâ identifiziert. 57 % waren VerstĂ€ndnisprobleme, die sich durch Mehrdeutigkeit oder Unbekanntheit einzelner Begriffe zeigten. Weitere 38 % stellten Probleme mit den Antwortkategorien dar, wie das Fehlen einer Kategorie oder einer unpassenden Formulierung. Beim abschliessenden Pretest konnten weitere Fragen modifiziert werden. Insgesamt konnte jedoch nach dem Pretest eine einheitliche VerstĂ€ndlichkeit erreicht werden. Aufgrund der FragebogenlĂ€nge sollte ein Online-Tool mit der Funktion zum Zwischenspeichern verwendet werden. Die Ergebnisse decken sich mit denen vergleichbarer Validierungen, die ebenfalls am hĂ€ufigsten Probleme beim Verstehen aufzeigen. Dies scheint bedingt durch Kultur und Zeit, denn Begriffe können ihre Bedeutung verĂ€ndern
Gestion durable du personnel en période de ressources limitées
The article was published in German and French, the French version was published on pp. 52-57.Es fehlt an Nachwuchs bei den Hebammen. Erfahrene Hebammen gilt es daher nachhaltig im Beruf zu halten. Das Competence Network Health Workforce liefert dazu wichtige Projektergebnisse. Das Beispiel von zwei Studien mit relevanten Resultaten fĂŒr den Hebammenberuf verdeutlicht, dass sich das Personalmanagement in SpitĂ€lern mit einer Vielzahl an Herausforderungen konfrontiert sieht, die es wirkungsvoll anzugehen gilt
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