8 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejarah, kondisi dan kelestarian Kubah Datuk Batu Bara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif yang menyajikan data informasi dari beberapa pihak yang terkait dengan penelitian ini yaitu mengenai upaya pelestarian kubah Datuk Batu Bara di desa Kuala Gunung kecamatan Lima Puluh. kabupaten batubara Subyek penelitian ditentukan dengan purposive sampling, berdasarkan kemampuan dan kualitas informasi yang disampaikan informan yaitu: 1 orang juru kunci atau wali kubah Datuk Batu Bara, 1 kepala desa, dan 5 masyarakat, sehingga jumlah subjek yang terlibat adalah 7 informan. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa pedoman wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan: reduksi, penyajian, penarikan, dan verifikasi data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kubah Datuk Batubara yang terletak di Desa Kuala Gunung Kecamatan Limapuluh Kabupaten Batubara merupakan salah satu tempat wisata yang masih diminati oleh masyarakat. berpesta. Pengurus atau juru kunci kubah ini sudah melakukan pembersihan kubah, namun dari beberapa sumber yang didapat, kubah ini hanya dilestarikan oleh peziarah dan kendala dalam melestarikan situs sejarah kubah Datuk Batubara adalah ahli dalam pelestarian seperti kurangnya perhatian pemerintah setempat terhadap bangunan bersejarah in

    Employees' pre-dismissal right to be heard: the Malaysian and the Islamic perspective

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    It seemed to be a settled principle of law that before an employee can be dismissed from his job for misconduct, he must have a notice of the allegation against him and accorded a reasonable opportunity of being heard. However, this principle should be revisited in the light of two conflicting Federal Court’s decisions pertaining to the mandatory issue of this right especially in the private sector employment in Malaysia. The curable principle as enunciated by Dreamland Corporation (M) Sdn. Bhd. v Choong Chin Sooi & Anor [1988] 1 MLJ 111 has watered down the right of the employee to be heard as it was held in that case that the irregularity in holding a domestic enquiry is not fatal to the employer. He may justify the dismissal at the Industrial Court. Despite the existence of this principle, it should be emphasised that the right to a pre-dismissal hearing should be interpreted to be mandatory and not discretionary as there are two statutory provisions and constitutionally recognised rules of natural justice which may support this proposition. The mandatory effect of the domestic enquiry should be consistently upheld. With a view to enhance the employee’s right and to ensure harmonious employer-employee relationship, it would be the purpose of this article to comparatively examine and learn how the same right is treated and regulated under the Islamic principle of justice and its application in two Islamic countries, namely Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Apart from narrowing down the gap in the Islamic knowledge on the administration of justice in dismissal cases, this article may also contribute in idea on how to harmonise the current employment laws and the Sharia

    Flow cytometric analysis of platelets mepacrine-labelled dense granules among individuals with mild bleeding symptoms

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    Introduction: Mild bleeding symptoms are commonly encountered in the general population & amongst individuals with platelet disorders. One of the possible causes is due to reduced number of dense granules synthesis in platelets and defective release of its contents. This study was aimed to evaluate platelets mepacrine-labelled dense granules storage and release using flow cytometry in healthy individuals and those presenting with mild bleeding symptoms. Methods: This study was conducted at the National Blood Centre (NBC) and Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Thirty- four individuals were recruited as controls (n=24) and patients (n=10). ADP-activated platelets and mepacrine-labelled dense granules was detected using flow cytometry. Results were expressed as mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) of mepacrine in resting and activated platelets; representing dense granules storage and release, respectively. Statistical analysis was considered significant if p ≤ 0.05. Results: There was a significant difference of mean MFI between resting (1284.3 ± 91.8) and activated platelets (1233.8 ± 107.8) of overall respondents with mean difference of 50.5 (p<0.01). However, there was no significant difference of mean MFI in resting and activated platelets between controls and patients was observed. Conclusion: Results indicated there is no secretion defects in platelet dense granules among patients in comparison with controls. Flow cytometry provides alternative way of dense granule assessment in patients presented with mild bleeding symptoms

    Platelet aggregation pattern on light transmission aggregometry among Malaysian healthy individuals

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    Introduction: Platelet aggregation test using light transmission aggregometry (LTA) is considered as the gold standard for evaluation of platelet function. Variations of platelet aggregation had been reported in apparently healthy individuals whereby a normal cut–off value established locally is highly recommended. This study aims to determine the platelet aggregation pattern and the preliminary findings on reference values for multiple agonists–induced platelet aggregation among Malaysian healthy individuals in a single centre. Method: A total number of 63 informed consented healthy individuals consisted of Malay, Chinese and Indian were recruited among staff and blood donors at National Blood Centre, Kuala Lumpur. Platelet aggregation was measured using LTA against adenosine diphosphate 10 µM (ADP10), collagen 0.19 mg/mL (COL), ristocetin 1.5 mg/mL (RIS), arachidonic acid 1 mM (AA) and epinephrine 10 µM (EPI). Results were expressed as percent final aggregation (%FA). Reference values were calculated from mean±2SD. Results: Age, gender and ethnic groups had no significant effect on platelet aggregation. A variability of platelet aggregation response to EPI was observed among the healthy individuals. Ten of 33 respondents (30%) had impaired aggregation with <20% FA in response to EPI. The local population showed a slightly higher aggregation pattern in response to COL, RIS, AA and EPI (excluding non-responders) compared to manufacturer’s reference values. Conclusion: This study has provided a glimpse of the aggregation pattern of the local nationality showing considerable differences in the reference values from manufacturer’s; thus highlighting the need of establishing local reference values

    MBE growth of axion insulator candidate EuIn2As2

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    The synthesis of thin films of magnetic topological materials is necessary to achieve novel quantized Hall effects and electrodynamic responses. EuIn2As2 is a recently predicted topological axion insulator that has an antiferromagnetic ground state and an inverted band structure but that has only been synthesized and studied as a single crystal. We report on the synthesis of c-axis oriented EuIn2As2 films by molecular beam epitaxy on sapphire substrates. By careful tuning of the substrate temperature during growth, we stabilize the Zintl phase of EuIn2As2 expected to be topologically non-trivial. The magnetic properties of these films reproduce those seen in single crystals but their resistivity is enhanced when grown at lower temperatures. We additionally find that the magnetoresistance of EuIn2As2 is negative even up to fields as high as 31T but while it is highly anisotropic at low fields, it becomes nearly isotropic at high magnetic fields above 5T. Overall, the transport characteristics of EuIn2As2 appear similar to those of chalcogenide topological insulators, motivating the development of devices to gate tune the Fermi energy to reveal topological features in quantum transport

    Employees' pre-dismissal right to be heard: The Malaysian and the Islamic perspective

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    It seemed to be a settled principle of law that before an employee can be dismissed from his job for misconduct, he must have a notice of the allegation against him and accorded a reasonable opportunity of being heard. However, this principle should be revisited in the light of two conflicting Federal Court's decisions pertaining to the mandatory issue of this right especially in the private sector employment in Malaysia. The curable principle as enunciated by Dreamland Corporation (M) Sdn. Bhd. v Choong Chin Sooi & Anor [1988] 1 MLJ 111has watered down the right of the employee to be heard as it was held in that case that the irregularity in holding a domestic enquiry is not fatal to the employer. He may justify the dismissal at the Industrial Court. Despite the existence of this principle, it should be emphasised that the right to a pre-dismissal hearing should be interpreted to be mandatory and not discretionary as there are two statutory provisions and constitutionally recognised rules of natural justice which may support this proposition. The mandatory effect of the domestic enquiry should be consistently upheld. With a view to enhance the employee's right and to ensure harmonious employer-employee relationship, it would be the purpose of this article to comparatively examine and learn how the same right is treated and regulated under the Islamic principle of justice and its application in two Islamic countries, namely Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Apart from narrowing down the gap in the Islamic knowledge on the administration of justice in dismissal cases, this article may also contribute in idea on how to harmonise the current employment laws and the Sharia

    Molecular beam epitaxy growth of axion insulator candidate EuIn2As2

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    The synthesis of thin films of magnetic topological materials is necessary to achieve novel quantized Hall effects and electrodynamic responses. EuIn2As2 is a recently predicted topological axion insulator that has an antiferromagnetic ground state and an inverted band structure, but that has only been synthesized and studied as a single crystal. We report on the synthesis of c-axis oriented EuIn2As2 films on sapphire substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. By carefully tuning the substrate temperature during growth, we stabilize the Zintl phase of EuIn2As2 expected to be topologically non-trivial. The magnetic properties of these films reproduce those seen in single crystals, but their resistivity is enhanced when grown at lower temperatures. We additionally find that the magnetoresistance of EuIn2As2 is negative even up to fields as high as 31T. while it is highly anisotropic at low fields, it becomes nearly isotropic at high magnetic fields above 5T. Overall, the transport characteristics of EuIn2As2 appear similar to those of chalcogenide topological insulators, motivating the development of devices to gate tune the Fermi energy and reveal topological features in quantum transport.</p