223 research outputs found

    Fluorolytische Sol-Gel-Synthese von Magnesiumfluorid

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    ï»żDie vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit mechanistischen Untersuchungen der fluorolytischen Sol-Gel-Synthese von nano-Magnesiumfluorid, sowie verschiedenen Abwandlungen der bekannten Synthese zur gezielten VerĂ€nderung der Eigenschaften der erhaltenen Materialien. Es werden die drei im folgenden beschriebenen Themenbereiche behandelt: Der Verlauf der Fluorolyse von Magnesiummethoxid mit methanolischer HFLösung wird mit der 19F-NMR-Spektroskopie ĂŒber sechs Monate untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass MgF2-Nanopartikel, Agglomerate von gestörten MgF2-Partikeln und nicht umgesetzte, adsorbierte HF-Spezies in den Solen nachweisbar sind. Erstmalig werden MAS-NMR-Experimente an Solen beschrieben. ZusĂ€tzlich wird die schrittweise Fluorolyse von MgCl2 mittels NMR-Spektroskopie und XRD untersucht. Es werden drei verschiedene Synthesewege vorgestellt, mit denen eine VerĂ€nderung von Partikel- oder KristallitgrĂ¶ĂŸen erreicht wird. Eine sequentielle Synthese ermöglicht die VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung der Agglomerate im Sol. Das Erhitzen eines Sols zum Sieden unter RĂŒckflusskĂŒhlung fĂŒhrt zu einem geringfĂŒgigen Anwachsen der KristallitgrĂ¶ĂŸe. Durch Solvothermal-Synthesen wird eine signifikante VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung der Kristallite erzielt. Der Einfluss verschiedener Reaktionsparameter wird untersucht. Der Einfluss von MgF2 auf die Kristallisation von amorphem TiO2 wird untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Sol-Gel-Synthese von TiO2 in Gegenwart eines MgF2-Sols (min. 5 mol%) zur Kristallisation von Rutil-TiO2 bei vergleichsweise niedrigen Temperaturen fĂŒhrt. Verschiedene alternative Synthesen werden vorgestellt, durch die bei vergleichbaren Bedingungen nur Anatas-TiO2 erhalten werden kann. Ein möglicher Mechanismus der Strukturinduktion wird vorgeschlagen.The present Ph.D. thesis deals with mechanistic investigations of the fluorolytic sol-gel synthesis of nano magnesium fluoride. Furthermore, variations of the well known synthesis are introduced. The aim of these variations is to tailor the properties of the synthesized materials. The thesis covers three main chapters briefly introduced below: The course of the fluorolysis of magnesium methoxide with methanolic HF-solution will be monitored for six months using 19F NMR spectroscopy. The existence of MgF2 nanoparticles and agglomerates of disturbed MgF2 particles will be proven. It is demonstrated that hydrogen fluoride does not react immediately after the addition of HF-solution. For the first time MAS-NMR experiments of sols will be conducted. Furthermore, stepwise fluorolysis of magnesium chloride will be followed by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. In this case no intermediates will be detected. Three different synthetic approaches capable of tailoring the crystallite and particle sizes will be presented. Using a sequential synthesis leads to increased size of the agglomerates in the sols. It will be demonstrated that heating and refluxing of a sol increases the crystallite size slightly. Solvothermal synthesis will be the last method leading to significant increase in crystallite sizes. Several synthetic parameters will be varied to identify their influence on the received crystallites. The influence of nano MgF2 on the crystallisation of amorphous TiO2 is investigated. It will be shown, that the sol-gel synthesis of TiO2 in the presence of a MgF2 sol leads to the crystallisation of the rutile polymorph of TiO2. The temperature treatment for that is comparatively low and just 5 mol% MgF2 are necessary. Furthermore, a different alternative synthesis will be introduced, that gives the anatase polymorph at the same conditions. Eventually a possible mechanism for the structural induction is proposed

    Plasmonic nanomeshes: Their ambivalent role as transparent electrodes in organic solar cells

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    In this contribution, the optical losses and gains attributed to periodic nanohole array electrodes in polymer solar cells are systematically studied. For this, thin gold nanomeshes with hexagonally ordered holes and periodicities (P) ranging from 202 nm to 2560 nm are prepared by colloidal lithography. In combination with two different active layer materials (P3HT:PC 61 BM and PTB7:PC 71 BM), the optical properties are correlated with the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of the solar cells. A cavity mode is identified at the absorption edge of the active layer material. The resonance wavelength of this cavity mode is hardly defined by the nanomesh periodicity but rather by the absorption of the photoactive layer. This constitutes a fundamental dilemma when using nanomeshes as ITO replacement. The highest plasmonic enhancement requires small periodicities. This is accompanied by an overall low transmittance and high parasitic absorption losses. Consequently, larger periodicities with a less efficient cavity mode, yet lower absorptive losses were found to yield the highest PCE. Nevertheless, ITO-free solar cells reaching ∌77% PCE compared to ITO reference devices are fabricated. Concomitantly, the benefits and drawbacks of this transparent nanomesh electrode are identified, which is of high relevance for future ITO replacement strategies

    Plasmonic Library Based on Substrate-Supported Gradiential Plasmonic Arrays

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    We present a versatile approach to produce macroscopic, substrate-supported arrays of plasmonic nanoparticles with well-defined interparticle spacing and a continuous particle size gradient. The arrays thus present a “plasmonic library” of locally noncoupling plasmonic particles of different sizes, which can serve as a platform for future combinatorial screening of size effects. The structures were prepared by substrate assembly of gold-core/poly(<i>N</i>-isopropylacrylamide)-shell particles and subsequent post-modification. Coupling of the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) could be avoided since the polymer shell separates the encapsulated gold cores. To produce a particle array with a broad range of well-defined but laterally distinguishable particle sizes, the substrate was dip-coated in a growth solution, which resulted in an overgrowth of the gold cores controlled by the local exposure time. The kinetics was quantitatively analyzed and found to be diffusion rate controlled, allowing for precise tuning of particle size by adjusting the withdrawal speed. We determined the kinetics of the overgrowth process, investigated the LSPRs along the gradient by UV–vis extinction spectroscopy, and compared the spectroscopic results to the predictions from Mie theory, indicating the absence of local interparticle coupling. We finally discuss potential applications of these substrate-supported plasmonic particle libraries and perspectives toward extending the concept from size to composition variation and screening of plasmonic coupling effects

    Surface Aggregate Structure of Nonionic Surfactants on Silica Nanoparticles

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    The self-assembly of two nonionic surfactants, pentaethylene glycol monododecyl ether (C12E5) and n-dodecyl-{\ss}-maltoside ({\ss}-C12G2), in the presence of a purpose-synthesized silica sol of uniform particle size (diameter 16 nm) has been studied by adsorption measurements, dynamic light scattering and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) using a H2O/D2O mixture matching the silica, in order to highlight the structure of the surfactant aggregates. For C12E5 strong aggregative adsorption onto the silica beads, with a high plateau value of the adsorption isotherm above the CMC was found. SANS measurements were made at a series of loadings, from zero surfactant up to maximum surface coverage. It is found that the spherical core-shell model nicely reproduces the SANS data up to and including the local maximum at q = 0.42 nm-1 but not in the Porod region of high q, indicating that the surface area of the adsorbed surfactant is underestimated by the model of a uniform adsorbed layer. A satisfactory representation of the entire scattering profiles is obtained with the model of micelle-decorated silica beads, indicating that C12E5 is adsorbed as spherical micellar aggregates. This behaviour is attributed to the high surface curvature of the silica which prevents an effective packing of the hydrophobic chains of the amphiphile in a bilayer configuration. For the maltoside surfactant {\ss}-C12G2 very weak adsorption on the silica beads was found. The SANS profile indicates that this surfactant forms oblate ellipsoidal micelles in the silica dispersion, as in the absence of the silica beads

    Helden in der Schule. Akten der Tagung Kloster Banz 2014

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    Ausgehend von der Feststellung, dass die Integration mittelalterlicher Texte im Deutschunterricht in der Schulpraxis weitgehend ein Desiderat darstellt, prĂ€sentierten Beitragende aus Schule und Wissenschaft bei der Tagung „Helden in der Schule“ im Oktober 2014 ihre Projekte und Ideen zu und Erfahrungen mit der Implementation germanistisch-mediĂ€vistischer Inhalte im Deutschunterricht. Dabei reichen die BeitrĂ€ge von allgemeinen Überlegungen zum Nutzen mittelalterlicher Literatur in der Schule ĂŒber konkrete UnterrichtsentwĂŒrfe bis hin zur Umsetzung in der Waldorfschule und der Integration schulbezogener Lehrveranstaltungen in der UniversitĂ€t. Bei aller Verschiedenheit in den Herangehensweisen wird in allen BeitrĂ€gen eindrucksvoll deutlich gemacht, dass mittelalterliche Literatur auch im 21. Jahrhundert ĂŒberaus lohnend in die Unterrichtspraxis einbezogen werden kann.Since medieval texts are not treated enough in school, lecturers working in school and university presented their projects, ideas and experiences concerning the implementation of German-mediavistic contents in German school lessons during the conference “Heroes in School” in October 2014. The topics concern general reflection about the profitability of medieval literature in school, concrete lesson plans, the implementation in Rudolf Steiner schools, the integration of seminars in university that deal with the work in school etc. All articles demonstrate that the integration of medieval literature in school worth the effort – also in the 21st century
