9 research outputs found

    Patient Survey of current water Intake practices in autosomal dominant Polycystic kidney disease: the SIPs survey

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    Background: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) affects 12.5 million worldwide. Vasopressin drives cysts growth and in animal models can be suppressed through high water intake. A randomized controlled trial of ‘high’ versus ‘standard’ water intake in ADPKD is essential to determine if this intervention is beneficial. We conducted an ADPKD patient survey to gain an understanding of current fluid intake practices and the design challenges of a randomized water intake trial. Methods: In collaboration with the PKD Charity, we developed and distributed an online survey to ADPKD patients over age 16 years and not on renal replacement therapy. Results: Of the 2377 invited, 89 ADPKD patients completed the Survey of current water Intake practices in autosomal dominant Polycystic kidney disease (SIPs) online questionnaire. Most were female (65, 73%) and white (84, 94%), with a median age group of 45–49 years. The risk of contamination between treatment arms was highlighted by the survey as the majority (70, 79%) routinely discussed ADPKD management with family despite only 17% sharing the same household. More participants reported drinking beyond thirst (65, 73%) than those actually indicating a daily fluid intake of >2 L (54, 61%). This discrepancy emphasizes inaccuracies of fluid intake estimates and the requirement for objective methods of measuring water intake. Overall, only 51% believed high water intake was beneficial, while 91% were willing to participate in research evaluating this. Conclusion: ADPKD poses unique design challenges to a randomized water intake trial. However, the trial is likely to be supported by the ADPKD community and could impact significantly on PKD management and associated healthcare costs.We thank the PKD Charity for their help with the survey. R.E.-D. is supported by the PKD Charity and the Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust. T.F.H. and F.E.K.F. are supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and the Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. This work was also supported by the British Renal Society and the British Kidney Patient Association

    Somatic mutations of GNA11 and GNAQ in CTNNB1-mutant aldosterone-producing adenomas presenting in puberty, pregnancy or menopause.

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    Most aldosterone-producing adenomas (APAs) have gain-of-function somatic mutations of ion channels or transporters. However, their frequency in aldosterone-producing cell clusters of normal adrenal gland suggests a requirement for codriver mutations in APAs. Here we identified gain-of-function mutations in both CTNNB1 and GNA11 by whole-exome sequencing of 3/41 APAs. Further sequencing of known CTNNB1-mutant APAs led to a total of 16 of 27 (59%) with a somatic p.Gln209His, p.Gln209Pro or p.Gln209Leu mutation of GNA11 or GNAQ. Solitary GNA11 mutations were found in hyperplastic zona glomerulosa adjacent to double-mutant APAs. Nine of ten patients in our UK/Irish cohort presented in puberty, pregnancy or menopause. Among multiple transcripts upregulated more than tenfold in double-mutant APAs was LHCGR, the receptor for luteinizing or pregnancy hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin). Transfections of adrenocortical cells demonstrated additive effects of GNA11 and CTNNB1 mutations on aldosterone secretion and expression of genes upregulated in double-mutant APAs. In adrenal cortex, GNA11/Q mutations appear clinically silent without a codriver mutation of CTNNB1

    Impedance-based sensor for potassium ions

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    A conductometric sensor for potassium ions in solution is presented. Interdigitated, planar gold electrodes were coated with a potassium-selective polymer membrane composed of a poly(vinyl chloride) matrix with about 65 wt% of plasticiser and 2–5 wt% of a potassium-selective ionophore. The impedance of the membrane was measured, using the electrodes as a transducer, and related to the concentration of potassium in a sample solution in contact with the membrane. Sensitivity was optimised by varying the sensor components, and selectivity for potassium over sodium was also shown. The resulting devices are compact, miniature, robust sensors which, by means of impedance measurements, eliminate the need for a reference electrode. The sensor was tested for potassium concentration changes of 2 mM across the clinically relevant range of 2.7–18.7 mM