324 research outputs found

    A novel chromosome segregation mechanism during female meiosis.

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    In a wide range of eukaryotes, chromosome segregation occurs through anaphase A, in which chromosomes move toward stationary spindle poles, anaphase B, in which chromosomes move at the same velocity as outwardly moving spindle poles, or both. In contrast, Caenorhabditis elegans female meiotic spindles initially shorten in the pole-to-pole axis such that spindle poles contact the outer kinetochore before the start of anaphase chromosome separation. Once the spindle pole-to-kinetochore contact has been made, the homologues of a 4-μm-long bivalent begin to separate. The spindle shortens an additional 0.5 μm until the chromosomes are embedded in the spindle poles. Chromosomes then separate at the same velocity as the spindle poles in an anaphase B-like movement. We conclude that the majority of meiotic chromosome movement is caused by shortening of the spindle to bring poles in contact with the chromosomes, followed by separation of chromosome-bound poles by outward sliding

    Katanin controls mitotic and meiotic spindle length

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    Accurate control of spindle length is a conserved feature of eukaryotic cell division. Lengthening of mitotic spindles contributes to chromosome segregation and cytokinesis during mitosis in animals and fungi. In contrast, spindle shortening may contribute to conservation of egg cytoplasm during female meiosis. Katanin is a microtubule-severing enzyme that is concentrated at mitotic and meiotic spindle poles in animals. We show that inhibition of katanin slows the rate of spindle shortening in nocodazole-treated mammalian fibroblasts and in untreated Caenorhabditis elegans meiotic embryos. Wild-type C. elegans meiotic spindle shortening proceeds through an early katanin-independent phase marked by increasing microtubule density and a second, katanin-dependent phase that occurs after microtubule density stops increasing. In addition, double-mutant analysis indicated that γ-tubulin–dependent nucleation and microtubule severing may provide redundant mechanisms for increasing microtubule number during the early stages of meiotic spindle assembly

    Variable rupture mode of the subduction zone along the Ecuador-Colombia coast

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    Three large earthquakes occurred within the rupture zone of the 1906 Colombia-Ecuador earthquake (M_W = 8.8): in 1942 (M_S = 7.9); 1958 (MS = 7.8); and 1979 (M_S = 7.7). We compared the size and mechanism of these earthquakes by using long-period surface waves, tsunami data, and macroseismic data. The 1979 event is a thrust event with a seismic moment of 2.9 × 10^(28) dyne-cm, and represents subduction of the Nazca plate beneath South America. The rupture length and direction are 230 km and N40°E, respectively. Examination of old seismograms indicates that the 1906 event is also a thrust event which ruptured in the northeast direction. The seismic moment estimated from the tsunami data and the size of the rupture zone is 2 × 10^(29) dyne-cm. The 1942 and 1958 events are much smaller (about 1/5 to 1/10 of the 1979 event in the seismic moment) than the 1979 event. We conclude that the sum of the seismic moments of the 1942, 1958, and 1979 events is only Formula of that of the 1906 event despite the fact that the sequence of the 1942, 1958, and 1979 events ruptured approximately the same segment as the 1906 event. This difference could be explained by an asperity model in which the fault zone is held by a discrete distribution of asperities with weak zones in between. The weak zone normally behaves aseismically, but slips abruptly only when it is driven by failure of the asperities. A small earthquake represents failure of one asperity, and the rupture zone is pinned at both ends by adjacent asperities so that the effective width and the amount of slip are relatively small. A great earthquake represents failure of more than one asperity, and consequently involves much larger width and slip

    Velocity contrast across the San Andreas fault in central California: Small-scale variations from P-wave nodal plane distortion

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    Systematic variations in P-wave radiation patterns, evident in a data set of 400 central California earthquakes, have been analyzed for variations in velocity contrast across the San Andreas fault zone. Vertical strike-slip faulting characterizes the region, with radiation patterns well constrained by the dense local seismographic station network. A discontinuity in crustal velocity occurs across the San Andreas fault. The distribution of systematically inconsistent first motions indicates that first arrivals observed along the fault plane within the northeastern block have followed refracted paths through the higher velocity crustal rocks to the southwest, retaining P-wave polarities characteristic of the quadrant of origin, and thus appearing reversed. A simple geometrical interpretation, with P waves refracted at the fault plane near the focus, yields the velocity contrast across the fault zone; the distribution of hypocenters allows its mapping in time and space. The velocity contrast so determined ranges up to 15 per cent, for a depth range of 1 to 10 km. The observed pattern of contrast values is coherent, with the greatest contrast related apparently in space, and possibly in time, to the larger earthquakes occurring on the fault. We suggest the phenomenon reflects changes in stress state at the fault and, by virtue of its ease of measurement, offers a new and valuable technique in earthquake studies

    "Play real pretty for the people": Louis Armstrong, Sammy Davis Jr. and racial politics in Hollywood's post-war jazz musicals

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    This chapter explores post-war jazz films and the ways in which they attempt to resolve a clash between the generic representation of entertainment as an emblem of democracy and the promotion of jazz artistry performed by African-Americans in a segregated United States

    An inhomogeneous fault model for gaps, asperities, barriers, and seismicity migration

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    We develop a model for a fault in which various areas of the fault plane have different stress-slip constitutive laws. The model is conceptually simple, involving nonlinear algebraic equations which can easily be solved by a graphical method of successive iterations. Application is made to the problem of explaining seismicity patterns associated with great earthquakes. The model quantitatively explains phenomena associated with seismic gaps, asperities, and barriers

    Dynactin-dependent cortical dynein and spherical spindle shape correlate temporally with meiotic spindle rotation in Caenorhabditis elegans.

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    Oocyte meiotic spindles orient with one pole juxtaposed to the cortex to facilitate extrusion of chromosomes into polar bodies. In Caenorhabditis elegans, these acentriolar spindles initially orient parallel to the cortex and then rotate to the perpendicular orientation. To understand the mechanism of spindle rotation, we characterized events that correlated temporally with rotation, including shortening of the spindle in the pole-to pole axis, which resulted in a nearly spherical spindle at rotation. By analyzing large spindles of polyploid C. elegans and a related nematode species, we found that spindle rotation initiated at a defined spherical shape rather than at a defined spindle length. In addition, dynein accumulated on the cortex just before rotation, and microtubules grew from the spindle with plus ends outward during rotation. Dynactin depletion prevented accumulation of dynein on the cortex and prevented spindle rotation independently of effects on spindle shape. These results support a cortical pulling model in which spindle shape might facilitate rotation because a sphere can rotate without deforming the adjacent elastic cytoplasm. We also present evidence that activation of spindle rotation is promoted by dephosphorylation of the basic domain of p150 dynactin

    Seismicity near Palmdale, California, and its relation to strain changes

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    We evaluate the relationships between the spatio-temporal patterns and faulting mechanisms of small earthquakes and the recent temporal changes in horizontal strain observed along the ‘big bend’ portion of the San Andreas fault near Palmdale, California. Microearthquake activity along the entire big bend of the San Andreas fault increased in November 1976 concurrent with the initiation of an earthquake swarm at Juniper Hills. This activity then decreased abruptly to the northwest and southeast of Juniper Hills during the beginning of 1979. This drop in seismic activity occurred around the time that crustal dilatation was observed on the U. S. Geological Survey Palmdale trilateration network. Focal mechanisms from the study region are predominantly thrust. There are two time periods when the mechanisms are closer to strike slip than to thrust. The first period (December 1976 to February 1977) corresponds to the beginning of the Juniper Hills swarm. The second period (November 1978 to April 1979) approximately coincides with a change in trend of the strain data from uniaxial N-S compression to dilatation

    Kinesin-1 Prevents Capture of the Oocyte Meiotic Spindle by the Sperm Aster

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    SummaryCentrioles are lost during oogenesis and inherited from the sperm at fertilization. In the zygote, the centrioles recruit pericentriolar proteins from the egg to form a mature centrosome that nucleates a sperm aster. The sperm aster then captures the female pronucleus to join the maternal and paternal genomes. Because fertilization occurs before completion of female meiosis, some mechanism must prevent capture of the meiotic spindle by the sperm aster. Here we show that in wild-type Caenorhabditis elegans zygotes, maternal pericentriolar proteins are not recruited to the sperm centrioles until after completion of meiosis. Depletion of kinesin-1 heavy chain or its binding partner resulted in premature centrosome maturation during meiosis and growth of a sperm aster that could capture the oocyte meiotic spindle. Kinesin prevents recruitment of pericentriolar proteins by coating the sperm DNA and centrioles and thus prevents triploidy by a nonmotor mechanism