538 research outputs found
Calculating the Value of Nature & The Cost of Hurricane Harvey: Leveraging Eco-Adaptation Valuation in American Policy & Practice
Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is a strategy that “uses biodiversity and ecosystem services…to help people adapt to the adverse effects of climate change” by taking “into account the multiple social, economic and cultural co-benefits for local communities” (SCBD, 2009). EbA valuation is a holistic process that calculates the cost, benefits, and impacts of ecosystem services in adaptation strategies. This research provides methods for valuing ecosystem services and a justification of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) in order to leverage effective resilience planning decisions. The goal of this research is to a) show that proactive, land-based adaptation is more cost-effective than reactive mitigation in resilience projects (i.e. EbA is more beneficial than grey infrastructure) and b) provide guidelines for understanding the EbA valuation process and recommendations for communicating EbA to stakeholders. The costly impacts of Hurricane Harvey on Texas are explored to highlight problems that can be addressed by EbA principles to potentially alleviate flooding from future storm surge. EbA valuation trends in policy, practice, and messaging are assessed to provide communication guidelines as methods for influencing resilience policy. This study culminates in visual aids and recommendations based on specific stakeholder values with the aim of generating EbA buyin from American planners, policymakers, and the public. The goal is to influence decisionmakers into utilizing the example of Texas and this study’s recommendations to potentially leverage EbA policy and mainstream EbA valuation in American resilience practice. The overall objective is to alleviate the increasing cost burden of storm surge impacts
Slow learner students tend to have a difficult grasping power, especially towards reading comprehension so instruments are needed to help them in reading comprehension such as the use of Index Card Match. The Index Card Match learning method is a fun designed learning method that is based on matching cards that are usually used by teachers with notes. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the application of the Index Card Match learning method in improving the reading comprehension skills of slow learner students at SMPN 7 Salatiga. This research uses the Quasi Experiment method with the experimental design used in this research is One Group Pre-test Post-test Design. Validity measurement in pre-test and post-test questions as a benchmark to determine the effect of treatment is done by conducting expert judgment. This research was conducted in 3 stages, namely Pre-research (preparation and pre-test, Treatment (Treatment) and End of research. The results showed a significance value of 0.012 (p0.05) and a t-count of -2.197, in other words the use of Index Card Match had a significant effect on the learning process
Improving Learning Achievement Through a Self-Esteem Perspective: The Secret to Student Success
When children enter the education stage in secondary school, that is when children enter adolescence where they are looking for their identity by trying new things that they have not encountered before. At this stage the school environment will further develop their thinking patterns and further expand the child's social life. Low self-esteem in students results in them not believing that they are able to do what their parents and teachers expect of them. Low self-esteem, showing avoidant behavior. This study aims to explore the relationship between self-esteem and academic achievement among high school students in Muara Teweh. During adolescence, the school environment and self-esteem play crucial roles in shaping students' identities and academic performance. Previous research has highlighted that low self-esteem can hinder optimal academic achievement. Through a survey of 60 high school students, data were collected using questionnaires to measure self-esteem and academic performance. The results indicate a relationship between self-esteem and academic achievement, although the correlation between them tends to be weak. These findings underscore the importance of attention to both variables in the educational context. Schools and educational communities are encouraged to pay attention to the complex dynamics between self-esteem and academic achievement to create a supportive learning environment for students' development. Students are also encouraged to strengthen their self-confidence in understanding subject matter and taking on new challenges. The implication of this research is that it can be a learning medium and consideration in making policies in the field of education. It is necessary to pay attention to the contribution of other variables in supporting and encouraging student academic achievement at school, such as self-efficacy variables and student learning independence.Saat anak memasuki tahap pendidikan di sekolah menengah, saat itulah anak memasuki masa remaja dimana mereka sedang mencari jati dirinya dengan mencoba hal-hal baru yang belum ditemui sebelumnya. Pada tahap ini lingkungan sekolah akan lebih mengembangkan pola pikir mereka dan lebih memperluas kehidupan sosial anak. Rendahnya self esteem pada diri siswa/i mengakibatkan mereka tidak percaya bahwa mereka mampu melakukan apa yang diharapkan orangtua dan guru kepada mereka. Rendahnya self esteem, memperlihatkan perilaku menghindar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi hubungan antara self-esteem dan prestasi belajar siswa SMA di Muara Teweh. Dalam tahap remaja, lingkungan sekolah dan kepuasan harga diri memainkan peran penting dalam pembentukan identitas diri dan prestasi belajar siswa. Penelitian sebelumnya menyoroti bahwa self-esteem yang rendah dapat menjadi hambatan dalam pencapaian prestasi belajar yang optimal. Melalui survei terhadap 60 siswa SMA, data dikumpulkan menggunakan angket untuk mengukur self-esteem dan prestasi belajar. Hasil menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara self-esteem dan prestasi belajar, meskipun korelasi antara keduanya cenderung lemah. Temuan ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya perhatian terhadap kedua variabel ini dalam konteks pendidikan. Sekolah dan komunitas pendidikan diharapkan dapat memperhatikan dinamika kompleks antara self-esteem dan prestasi belajar untuk menciptakan lingkungan pendidikan yang mendukung perkembangan siswa. Siswa juga didorong untuk memperkuat keyakinan diri mereka dalam memahami materi pelajaran dan mengambil tantangan baru. Implikasi dari penerlitian ini yaitu dapat menjadi media pembelajaran dan pertimbangan dalam mengambil kebijakan dalam bidang pendidikan. Perlu diperhatikan kontribusi variabel lainnya dalam mendukung dan mendorong prestasi akademik siswa di sekolah seperti variabel self efficacy dan kemandirian belajar pada siswa
Abstrak: Kota Salatiga mencanangkan diri sebagai Kota Pendidikan Inklusi, namun hingga saat ini masih terdapat berbagai kendala di lapangan. Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan asesmen dan identifikasi Peserta Didik Berkebutuhan Khusus (PDBK) pada Guru Kelas di sekolah inklusi. Kegiatan ini bekerjasama dengan lembaga mitra Yayasan Gadah Ati Salatiga. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan model Workshop. Diawali dengan memahami kembali tentang definisi pendidikan inklusi, dan menganalisa kendala di lapangan. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan strategi untuk identifikasi dan asesmen bagi PDBK, klasifikasi kebutuhan khusus, dan diakhiri dengan sesi tanya jawab dan diskusi. Partisipan dalam kegiatan ini adalah guru kelas di Sekolah Dasar Inklusi yang berjumlah 43 orang. Hasil kegiatan dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya peningkatan sebesar 8,94% nilai rata-rata antara sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan. Saran untuk kegiatan selanjutnya yakni Fakultas Psikologi UKSW dan Pemerintah Kota Salatiga dapat melakukan kerja sama untuk memberikan pelatihan dengan tema serupa dan melibatkan stakeholders lainnya.Abstract: Salatiga has declared itself as a City of Inclusive Education, but until now there are still obstacles in the field. The purpose of this Community Service activity is to improve the ability to assess and identify Students with Special Needs (PDBK) in Class Teachers in inclusive schools. This activity is in collaboration with partner institutions, Gadah Ati Foundation, Salatiga. The Workshop activity begins with a re-understanding of the definition of inclusive education, and analyzing the constraints in the field. Then proceed with strategies for identification and assessment for PDBK, classification of special needs, and ended with a questions and answers session and discussion. The participants in this activity were class teachers at the Inclusive Elementary School, totaling 43 people. The results of the activity can be concluded that there is an increase by 8,94% in the average value between before and after training. A suggestion for the next activity is that Faculty Psychology SWCU and the Government can work together to provide training with a similar theme and involve other stakeholders
Protective Effects of Carvedilol and Vitamin C against Azithromycin-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Rats via Decreasing ROS, IL1- β
The Food and Drug Administration recently warned of the fatal cardiovascular risks of azithromycin in humans. In addition, a recently published study documented azithromycin-induced cardiotoxicity in rats. This study aimed to justify the exact cardiovascular events accompanying azithromycin administration in rats, focusing on electrocardiographic, biochemical, and histopathological changes. In addition, the underlying mechanisms were studied regarding reactive oxygen species production, cytokine release, and apoptotic cell-death. Finally, the supposed protective effects of both carvedilol and vitamin C were assessed. Four groups of rats were used: (1) control, (2) azithromycin, (3) azithromycin + carvedilol, and (4) azithromycin + vitamin C. Azithromycin resulted in marked atrophy of cardiac muscle fibers and electrocardiographic segment alteration. It increased the heart rate, lactate dehydrogenase, creatine phosphokinase, malondialdehyde, nitric oxide, interleukin-1 beta (IL1-β), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), nuclear factor kappa beta (NF-κB), and caspase-3. It decreased reduced glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase. Carvedilol and vitamin C prevented most of the azithromycin-induced electrocardiographic and histopathological changes. Carvedilol and vitamin C decreased lactate dehydrogenase, malondialdehyde, IL1-β, TNF-α, NF-κB, and caspase-3. Both agents increased glutathione peroxidase. This study shows that both carvedilol and vitamin C protect against azithromycin-induced cardiotoxicity through antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and antiapoptotic mechanisms
Quality of life of carpal tunnel syndrome with non operative treatment: cohort study
Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common peripheral neuropathy entrapment and it interferes with the quality of life. Treatment for CTS can be divided into operative and non-operative treatment. Our objective was to compare the quality of life and pain intensity in a patient with CTS after oral treatment and local corticosteroid injection (LCI).Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted in 18-65 years patients with CTS. Primary outcome was to compare the quality of life post oral treatment (NSAIDs, oral steroids, gabapentin) and LCI using the Short Form-36 questionnaire. Secondary output was to compare pain intensity using Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). Mann-Whitney and independent t-test were used to assess the comparison between the treatment.Results: Sixty CTS patients were included in this study, with 32 patients (53.33%) assigned to LCI. After observation one month, statistical analysis showed that LCI improved the quality of life better than oral in physical function and bodily pain components (p = 0.036 and p = 0.047). Injection treatment decreased pain intensity more than oral not statistically significant after 14 days (p=0.087), but was significant after one month (p=0.002).Conclusions: Local corticosteroid injection improved quality of life and decreased pain intensity better than oral treatment after one month
Pappeuden ja pastoraalisen johtamisen merkitys kirkkoherralle : Laadullinen teemahaastattelu kahdeksalle Tampereen hiippakunnan kirkkoherralle
Tutkin tässä tutkimuksessa millaisia merkityksiä kahdeksan Tampereen hiippakunnan kirkkoherraa antaa pappeudelle. Samoin tutkin sitä, millaisia merkityksiä kirkkoherrat antavat työssänsä pastoraaliselle johtamiselle ja miten se heidän mukaansa työssä näkyy. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin teemahaastattelun avulla tammi-helmikuussa 2017 ja tutkimus analysointiin aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin menetelmin.
Tutkimuksen mukaan pappeus merkitsee kirkkoherroille Jumalan antamaa kokonaisvaltaista kutsua. Tätä kutsua kirkkoherrat toteuttivat palvelemalla seurakuntaa. He halusivat pappeina tuoda Jumalan sanaa seurakuntalaisille ajankohtaisesti ja Raamattuun perustaen. Seurakunnan palvelemisessa tärkeänä osana kirkkoherrat kokivat läsnäolon ja seurakuntalaisten kohtaamisen. Kirkkoherrojen mukaan oma hengellisyys on tärkeä osa pappeutta.
Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella pastoraalista johtaminen merkitsee kirkkoherroille seurakunnan kokonaisvaltaista johtamista. Tärkeänä osana tässä on huolehtia seurakunnan hengellisen perustehtävän toteutumisesta. Pastoraalisena johtajana kirkkoherra on seurakunnan hengellinen johtaja ja tähän kuuluu esimerkiksi huolehtia siitä, että seurakunnassa hoidetaan sakramenttien jakaminen oikein. Hallinto on osa pastoraalista johtamista.
Kirkkoherra ei toteuta pastoraalista johtamista yksinään, vaan se tapahtuu yhdessä muiden ihmisten kanssa, sillä tutkimuksen perusteella pastoraalinen johtaminen nousee seurakunnan olemuksesta. Tutkimuksen mukaan pastoraalisessa johtamisessa täytyy käydä dialogia ihmisten kanssa, mutta kantaa myös johtajalle kuuluva vastuu. Pastoraaliseen johtamiseen kuuluu seurakunnan asioiden kokonaisvaltainen pohtiminen ja muutoksien johtaminen, jos seurakunnan toiminta sitä vaatii. Tutkimuksen perusteella voikin todeta, että kirkkoherran täytyy tarkastella yhteiskunnan muuttumista ja johtaa seurakuntaa sekä siinä toimivaa työyhteisöä vastaamaan näihin muutoksiin tarkoituksenmukaisesti
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