468 research outputs found
Purity-bounded uncertainty relations in multidimensional space -- generalized purity
Uncertainty relations for mixed quantum states (precisely, purity-bounded
position-momentum relations, developed by Bastiaans and then by Man'ko and
Dodonov) are studied in general multi-dimensional case. An expression for
family of mixed states at the lower bound of uncertainty relation is obtained.
It is shown, that in case of entropy-bounded uncertainty relations, lower-bound
state is thermal, and a transition from one-dimensional problem to
multi-dimensional one is trivial. Results of numerical calculation of the
relation lower bound for different types of generalized purity are presented.
Analytical expressions for general purity-bounded relations for highly mixed
states are obtained.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. draft version, to appear in J. Phys. A Partially
based on a poster "Multidimensional uncertainty relations for states with
given generalized purity" presented on X Intl. Conf. on Quantum Optics'2004
(Minsk, Belarus, May 30 -- June 3, 2004) More actual report is to be
presented on ICSSUR-2005, Besan\c{c}on, France and on EQEC'05, Munich. V. 5:
amended article after referees' remark
Operator pencils of the second order and linear fractional relations
The notions of a pencil of the second order and a linear fractional relation (LFR) are defined in spaces of linear bounded operators acting between Banach spaces. It is shown that these notions are closely connected with various theoretical and applied problems and have diverse applications. A number of the open problems, both for pencils and LFR, are posed in this paper. Some of the above problems are solved and applied to the study of dichotomic behavior of dynamical systems
New uncertainty relations for tomographic entropy: Application to squeezed states and solitons
Using the tomographic probability distribution (symplectic tomogram)
describing the quantum state (instead of the wave function or density matrix)
and properties of recently introduced tomographic entropy associated with the
probability distribution, the new uncertainty relation for the tomographic
entropy is obtained. Examples of the entropic uncertainty relation for squeezed
states and solitons of the Bose--Einstein condensate are considered.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, to be published in European Physical Journal
Objective: to assess a role of immunomonitoring in patients with disseminated renal-cell carcinoma. Subjects and methods. One hundred and seventy-five patients treated in 1998 to 2008 were followed up. The patients received various immunochemotherapy regimens including interleukin-2 (IL-2), interferon-α (IFN-α), Xeloda, cyclophosphamide. The immune status, including lymphocytes and their subpopulations, cytokine components (IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12; IFN-α, IFN-γ; tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)), immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM), complement components (C1q, C3, C3a, C4, C5a), was evaluated before treatment and at therapy-free intervals. Results. The time course of changes in cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, IL-10; TNF-α and IFN-γ) and some lymphocyte subpopulations (CD4+CD8+, CD3-CD16+CD56+, CD3+CD16+CD56+, CD4+CD25+Foxp3) greatly differs in patients who belong to different prognostic groups according to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) inclusion criteria. Multivariate analysis has shown that the levels of IL-6 (spontaneous and induced production), IL-8 (spontaneous and induced production), TNF-α (spontaneous production), IFN-γ (induced production), NK T cells (CD3+CD16+CD56+), regulatory T cells (CD4+CD25+Foxp3) affect survival. Integration of the above indices into the MSKCC scale revealed that the groups were prognostically heterogeneous. The median survival in patients with good prognosis was 36.2 months (50.3, 38.3, and 24.5 months in those with 0—1, 2—3, and more than 3 immunological factors, respectively) and in those with relatively good and poor prognosis it was 15.3 (29.1, 15.3, and 18.1 months) and 8.5 (12.1, 9.3, and 6.3 months) months, respectively.Conclusion. The cytokine status reflects the aggressiveness of a tumor process. The cytokine level changes may be used to predict the out- come of the disease. Цель исследования — оценка роли иммуномониторинга у больных диссеминированным почечно-клеточным раком. Материалы и методы. Под наблюдением находились 175 пациентов, получавших лечение в период с 1998 по 2008 г. Больные получали различные вари- анты иммунохимиотерапии, включавшие интерлейкин-2 (ИЛ-2), интерферон-α (ИФН-α), Кселоду, циклофосфамид. До начала лечения и в перерывах между курсами у пациентов оценивался иммунный статус, включавший лимфоциты и их субпопуляции, компоненты цитокиновой сети (ИЛ-1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12; ИФН-α, γ; фактор некроза опухоли-α — ФНО-α); иммуноглобулины (IgA, IgG, IgM); компоненты комплемента (C1q, C3, C3a, C4, C5a).Результаты. У больных, относящихся к разным прогностическим группам, по шкале MSKCC существенно различается динамика цитокинов (ИЛ-6, 8, 10; ФНО-α и ИФН-γ) и некоторых субпопуляций лимфоцитов (CD4+CD8+, CD3-CD16+CD56+, CD3+CD16+CD56+, CD4+CD25+Foxp3). Многофакторный анализ позволил установить, что на выживаемость оказывают влияние уровни ИЛ-6 (спонтанная и индуцированная продукция), ИЛ-8 (спонтанная и индуцированная продукция), ФНО-α (спонтанная продукция), ИФН-γ (индуцированная продукция), TNK-клетки (CD3+CD16+CD56+), T-регуляторные клетки (CD4+CD25+Foxp3). Интегрирование указанных показателей в шкалу MSKCC выявило прогностическую неоднородность групп. У больных с благоприятным прогнозом медиана выживаемости составила 36,2 мес (0—1 иммунологический фак- тор — 50,3 мес, 2—3 иммунологических фактора — 38,3 мес, > 3 иммунологических факторов — 24,5 мес), у пациентов с относительно благо- приятным прогнозом — 15,3 мес (29,1, 15,3 и 18,1 мес), у больных с неблагоприятным прогнозом — 8,5 мес (12,1, 9,3 и 6,3 мес соответственно).Заключение. Цитокиновый статус отражает агрессивность опухолевого процесса. Динамика уровня цитокинов может использоваться для прогнозирования исходов заболевания.
Excitation of durable VHF oscillations in ferrite-filled coaxial lines
Effective methods are suggested for exciting gigahertz-range oscillations in coaxial lines that contain ferrite rings and isotropic material. Within the gyrotropic section, the primary pulsed waveform gets transformed from the TEM into a TM mode. Its further development is analyzed, following the results of real-life and numerical experiments. Special attention is paid to amplitude variations of the ТМ mode, owing to the nonlinear response of the ferrite.Пропонуються ефективні методи збудження осциляцій гігагерцевого діапазону в коаксіальних лініях, що містять уставки з феритових кілець та ізотропного матеріалу. У гіротропній частині лінії первинна імпульсна хвильова форма трансформується з моди ТЕМ у моду ТМ. Проаналізовано їх подальший розвиток за результатами відповідних натурних і числових експериментів. Особливої уваги приділено варіаціям амплітуди ТМ-моди, що пов’язані з нелінійністю електромагнітного відгуку фериту
Dysarthria as a Cause of Hypotonic Dysphonia in Adolescents
В статье рассматривается патология голосового аппарата и причины развития гипотонусной дисфонии у подростков.The main tool of a person in society is a voice that makes communicative activity and social interaction possible. Dysphonia is a disorder of voice production, which impairs the quality of voice. Therefore, the responsibility for the formation of the voice function in adolescents with speech pathology falls on logopedists as specialists in the field of speech and voice production, and the prevention and treatment of voice disorders is carried out by a doctor-otorhinolaryngologist and/or phoniatrist
Комплексное лечение больных с локализованными и местнораспространенными формами почечно-клеточного рака с применением предоперационной эмболизации
Background: Treatment of localized and locally advanced renal cancer is still of current importance. Subjects and methods: 100 cases of pT2, pT3a renal cell carcinoma were compared in 2 groups according to the treatment strategy: 1) patients who had received complex treatment (renal artery embolization and surgical treatment) (a study group) and 2) those who had been surgically treated (a control group). The criterion for efficiency was the median duration of relapse- free survival. Results: the median duration of relapse-free survival was 37 months in study group patients with pT2 disease and 39.5 months in the control group. The relapse-free survival varies greatly: 30.5 months in patients with pT3a in the study group and 16.5 months in the control group. Conclusion: The findings have led to the conclusion that it is necessary to make preoperative renal artery embolization in the complex treatment of patients with pT3a renal cell carcinoma.
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