58 research outputs found


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    Mulching which has become more popular lately is an important way of soil protection in the plant production. Mulching massively reduces soil erosion [DÖRING ET AL., 2005], virus vector in seed potatoes [DÖRING ET AL., 2006] and it may also act as a tool for the control of nitrogen losses by immobilization of post-harvest nitrate [DÖRING ET AL., 2005]. Mulch especially reduces water evaporation from soil and helps to maintain stable soil temperature [JI AND UNGER, 2001; KAR AND KUMAR, 2007]. For that reason, the cover of mulch influences soil moisture as well [BRANT ET AL., 2006]. Next, mulching has a positive effect on the weed density, which has been documented by results of some authors [DÖRING ET AL., 2005; JOHNSON ET AL., 2004; SINKEVIČIENE ET AL., 2009]. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effect of different mulch materials (organic and plastic mulch) on yield and on some factors that influence potatoes production in potato growing region of the Czech Republic. The research was mainly focused on the effect of mulching on air temperature, air relative humidity and occurrence of the late blight

    Ecological growing of potatoes with using of grass mulch and black textile mulch

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    The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of different mulch materials on the occurrence of Colorado Potato Beetle, weed biomass and especially on the yield of ware potatoes. The experiment with different types of mulching (grass mulch, black textile mulch, non-mulched control) and 2 varieties (Finka and Katka) was carried out under organic system in 2009. The results showed that the grass mulch was the best mulching material for reaching the highest yield, where an increase of the yield of ware tubers by 6.6 - 7.8 t/ha in comparison with non-mulched control variant was observed. In the experiment the mulching of organic potatoes had a positive effect on a lower activity of an oviposition of Colorado Potato Beetle and a consecutive occurrence larvae by the variant with the grass mulch, a lower weed infestation by the variant with the black mulch textile in comparison with non-mulched control

    Effect of grass mulch application on tubers size and yield of ware potatoes in organic farming

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    The aim of this experiment was to evaluate influence of mulching on the tuber yield and on the number of ware potatoes. In organic farming grass mulch for potatoes was used in 2008. For the experiments different ways of mulching (grass mulch after planting, grass mulch after second hoeing) were used and compared with bare soil (control variant). The results showed that grass mulching had positive effect on the yield of ware potatoes and some of the yield-forming components. The yield of ware potatoes was significantly higher by 9.3 t/ha in comparison with control variant. The highest number of ware potatoes was found out in the variant with grass mulch after planting

    Black polypropylene non-woven textile as mulch in organic farming

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    Black polypropylene textile was used in potatoes by organic agriculture and it had positive effect on soil temperature (in the depth of 100 mmJ. Slightly higher soil temperatures under black polypropylene mulch in the vegetation oeriod after planting had favourable influence on stands emergence. The water potential depth of250 and also ~vater content have been beneficial for black polypropylene mulch. Signihcantly IO'Ner values the water potentials have been found in the period after planting and at the ofvegetation. Black polyprooylene mulch provided favourable temperatures and soil moisture

    Povrchové mulčování brambor v různých půdně-klimatických podmínkách

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    Cílem tohoto pokusu bylo zhodnotit vliv různých mulčovacích materiálů (travního mulče a mulčovací textilie) při pěstování brambor na výnos, počet konzumních hlíz a na velikostní zastoupení hlíz pod trsem v rozdílných půdně-klimatických podmínkách. Výsledky prokázaly pozitivní vliv travního mulče na výnos konzumních hlíz a na některé výnosové prvky porostu brambor, a to na obou stanovištích (řepařské i bramborářské výrobní oblasti)

    Vliv povrchového mulčování na teplotu půdy a výnos konzumních brambor

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    V roce 2009 byly na dvou lokalitách (v Leškovicích a v Praze-Uhříněvsi) založeny pokusy s aplikací dvou rozdílných mulčovacích materiálů (travního mulče a mulčovací textilie). Během vegetace byly v porostu u dvou odrůd brambor sledovány teplota a sací tlaky půdy, teplota a vlhkost vzduchu. Po sklizni byly zjišťovány výnosy hlíz. Výsledky prokázaly, že půdní-mikroklimatické podmínky daných stanovišť byly ovlivněny použitým mulčovacím materiálem, který ve výsledku ovlivnil i konečný výnos konzumních hlíz. Hlavním faktorem, který rozhodoval o vhodnosti použití mulčovacího materiálu na daném stanovišti, bylo zajištění optimální vlhkosti a teploty půdy pro růst bramborových hlíz. Na chladnějším a srážkově bohatším stanovišti v Leškovicích (bramborářská výrobní oblast) poskytovala lepší mikroklimatické podmínky, a tím i vyšší výnos hlíz (34,2 t.ha-1) mulčovací textilie, zatímco na teplejším a srážkově chudším stanovišti v Praze-Uhříněvsi (řepařská výrobní oblast) byly příhodnější podmínky pro růst hlíz (výnos 40,4 t.ha-1) při použití travního mulče


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    Black polyethylene mulch is used for weed control in a range of crops under the organic system. The use of black polypropylene mulch is usually restricted to perennial crops. The trial was conducted at Experimental station of Department of Crop Production of the Czech University of Life Science Prague-Uhříněves in Czech Republic. For the experiments were used black polypropylene woven mulch (comparison wit bare soil), two varieties of early potatoes Finka and Katka. Black polypropylene textile was used in potatoes by organic agriculture and it had positive effect on soil temperature (in the depth of 100 mm). Slightly higher soil temperatures under black polypropylene mulch in the vegetation period after planting had favourable influence on earlier stands emergence. The soil water potential (in the depth of 250 mm) and also the soil water content have been beneficial for black polypropylene mulch. Significantly lower values of the soil water potentials have been found in the period after planting and at the end of vegetation. Black polypropylene mulch provided favourable temperatures and soil moisture. Post harvest analyses were focused on the determination of the yield and quality tubers from each variant

    Influence of grass mulch application on tubers size and yield of ware potatoes

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    The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effect of grass mulch and the term of its application on the yield and quality of potatoes and weed biomass under organic system. The experiment with 2 varieties of early potatoes (Finka and Katka), 2 row spacings (28 000 and 38 000 tubers per hectare) and 2 terms of grass mulch application (after planting and after second hoeing) was carried out in the Czech Republic in 2008. Results showed that the yield was influenced mostly by mulching (55.9 %), then by variety (39.2 %) and by growth structure (4.9 %). The highest yield was reached in the variant with grass mulch applicated after planting. The yield of this variant increased statistically about 9.3 t/ha in comparison with control variant (bare soil). Results of the weed control showed a positive effect of grass mulch on weed biomass, where the lowest weed biomass was found out in variant with grass mulch applicated after planting (weed biomass was lower by 67.6 % in comparison with the control variant - bare soil)

    Rate Assessment of Slope Soil Movement from Tree Trunk Distortion

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    The chapter presents the methods for determining the rate movement of the slope, which is based on an evaluation of a distortion of the tree trunk. The distortion develops during the growth period of the tree, and its conditions are trajectory and speed of material movement, which takes away the root system of a tree. The distortion of the tree trunk explains kinematics of the root system movement. The distortion curve is constructed from the results of measurements carried out on several horizontal levels of the tree trunk. The speed of movement of the slope is calculated from the age of the tree and the length of the path of movement of the tree, which is derived from the distortion curve of the tree trunk. The length of the track of tree movement is drawn from horizontal position of the gravity point of the curve corresponding with the longitudinal axis of the tree trunk. This method is documented in one example. The method is appropriate to quantify the movement of the latent long slope

    Ověřený postup v ochraně půdy a porostů brambor

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    Z pohledu ochrany trochu zapomínáme chránit to nejcennější a to je půda. Ekonomický trend nás často tlačí si plně neuvědomovat souvislosti, které naši předci znali a ctili. Mám na mysli především péči a ochranu půdy jako základního výrobního prostředku (řečeno v ekonomickém slangu). Tento příspěvek se snaží představit další efektivní postupy, které nadnárodní chemické koncerny nenabízí. Pro brambory a další širokořádkové plodiny z pohledu ochrany půdy je jejich pěstování upraveno např. standardem GAEC 2. V návaznosti na to uvádíme možnosti úpravy pěstitelské technologie a to využití hrázkování či mulčování. Právě aplikací vhodných mulčovacích materiálů jsme se zabývali posledních pět let a souhrnné výsledky jsou k dispozici pro vás pěstitele v tomto článku. Závěrem jsou zmíněny i zkušenosti s použitím několika pomocných půdních látek (např. Lignohumátu, PRP-SOL, Vermesfluid) či podpůrných a stimulačních přípravků (PRP-EBV, MicoSin VIN, NeemAzal T/S) založených spíše na přírodní bázi. A proto charakter těchto přípravků umožňuje jejich plné využití i v systému ekologického zemědělství