295 research outputs found

    Pose sentences : a new representation for understanding human actions

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2008.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2008.Includes bibliographical references leaves 55-58.In this thesis we address the problem of human action recognition from video sequences. Our main contribution to the literature is the compact use of poses while representing videos and most importantly considering actions as pose-sentences and exploit string matching approaches for classification. We focus on single actions, where the actor performs one simple action through the video sequence. We represent actions as documents consisting of words, where a word refers to a pose in a frame. We think pose information is a powerful source for describing actions. In search of a robust pose descriptor, we make use of four well-known techniques to extract pose information, Histogram of Oriented Gradients, k-Adjacent Segments, Shape Context and Optical Flow Histograms. To represent actions, first we generate a codebook which will act as a dictionary for our action dataset. Action sequences are then represented using a sequence of pose-words, as posesentences. The similarity between two actions are obtained using string matching techniques. We also apply a bag-of-poses approach for comparison purposes and show the superiority of pose-sentences. We test the efficiency of our method with two widely used benchmark datasets, Weizmann and KTH. We show that pose is indeed very descriptive while representing actions, and without having to examine complex dynamic characteristics of actions, one can apply simple techniques with equally successful results.Hatun, KardelenM.S

    Aspect-Oriented Language Mechanisms for Component Binding

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    Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) are programming languages customized for a problem/solution domain, which allow development of software modules in high-level specifications. Code generation is a common practice for making DSL programs executable: A DSL specification is transformed to a functionally equivalent GPL (general-purpose programing language) representation. Integrating the module generated from a DSL specification to a base system poses a challenge, especially in a case where the DSL and the base system are developed independently. In this paper we describe the problem of integrating domain-specific modules to a system non-intrusively and promote loose coupling between these to allow software evolution. We present our on-going work on aspect-oriented language mechanisms for defining object selectors and object adapters as a solution to this problem

    Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında kuduzla mücadele (1923-1938)

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    x, 141 sayfa29 cm. 1 CDÖZETOsmanlı Devleti’nden Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kuruluşuna kadar pek çok salgın ve bulaşıcı hastalık toplum sağlığını etkilemekteydi. Bunlar Verem, Sıtma, Trahom, Frengi ve Kuduz hastalığı şeklinde sıralanmaktadır. Her ne kadar salgın hastalıklar toplumun nüfusunu etkilese de kuduz gibi bulaşıcı hastalıklarda toplum sağlığını etkileyebilmekteydi. Kuduz, Osmanlı Devleti’nin sorunları arasında yer almış ve hastalığın önlenmesi adına uğraştığı konu haline gelmiştir. Osmanlı Devleti’nin uyguladığı çeşitli politikalar, hastalığın toplumdaki etkisini azaltsa da, tamamen ortadan kaldırmamıştır. Louis Pasteur’un kuduz aşısını keşfetmesiyle beraber, bu hastalıkla mücadele yöntemi daha etkili bir hale gelmiştir. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurulduğu ilk yıllarda da kuduz hastalığı, toplum nüfusunun demografik yapısını etkilemekteydi. Sıhhi ve Muaveneti İçtimaiye Vekâletinin kurulmasının ardından sağlık bakanlarının uğraştıkları salgın ve bulaşıcı hastalıkların başında kuduz hastalığı da yer almaktaydı. Toplum sağlığını korumak adına uyguladıkları politikalar, bu konu etrafında şekillenmekteydi.ABSTRACTFrom the Ottoman Empire to the establishment of Turkish Rebuplic, many epidemics and infectious diseases affected public health. These can be listed as Tuberculosis, Malaria, Trachoma, Syphilis and Rabies. Although epidemic disease affected the population of society, infectious disease such as rabies still affected the public health in general. Rabies was one of the issues during the Ottoman Empire and became the problem that to deal with for the prevention of the disease. Even though the various policies implemented by the Ottoman Empire help to reduce the impact of the disease on society, they did not eliminate it. After the discoveriy of rabies vaccine by Louis Pasteur, this method of fighting became more effective. In the first years of the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, rabies was affecting the demographic structure of the population in significant ways. After the establishment of the Ministry of Sanitary and Auxiliary, health ministers of the time started to work on the rabies problem which was one of the epidemics and contagious, disease that the health ministers dealth with. The policies that health ministers implemented to protect public health shape around this issue

    Nocturnal pain in adhesive capsulitis and subacromial ımpingement syndrome

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    Background: Subacromial impingement syndrome (SIS) and adhesive capsulitis (AC) are the most common causes of shoulder pain. It is known that patients with both disorders have impaired sleep quality and increased levels of anxiety and depression. This study aimed to compare the sleep, disability, and affective states of patients with untreated AC and SIS. Method: Patients with shoulder pain for more than three months and diagnoses of AC and SIS were included in the study. Pain was assessed by visual analog scale (VAS), disability by shoulder pain and disability index (SPADI), sleep quality by Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI), and anxiety and depression by hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS). Results: The study included 65 patients (n=24 AC, n=41 SIS. Sleep was affected in both of the groups. The patients with AC had worse scores than patients with SIS including SPADI pain, SPADI-total, sleep latency, sleep duration, sleep disturbance, using sleep mediation (p<0.05).  Sleep problems were correlated to anxiety and depression. Conclusions: Despite the patients with SIS had higher SPADI-pain levels, the patients with AC had higher scores of SPADI-disabilities. Both of the groups had nocturnal pain and sleep problems but patients with AC had higher amount of sleep problems and depression mood compared to patients with SIS

    Güney Afrika’da Yaratıcı Endüstrilerin Kalkınmaya Katkıları ve Yeniden Ürettikleri Eşitsizlikler

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    Güney Afrika ekonomisinde politika düzenlemeleriyle birlikte önemli bir yer edinmiş yaratıcı endüstriler meselesi, araştırma raporlarında ve makalelerde çoğunlukla olumlu çıktıları üzerinden ele alınmaktadır. Ancak birtakım araştırma verileri,  Güney Afrika’nın kendine has tarihsel ve toplumsal süreçlerinin yarattığı eşitsizliklerin, yaratıcı sektörler içinde yeniden üretildiğini göstermektedir. Bu verilere referansla bu çalışma kapsamında, literatürde uzun süredir tartışılan yaratıcı endüstriler konusu Güney Afrika bağlamında irdelenmiş, yaratıcı endüstrilerin ekonomiye katkısı, kentsel gelişime etkileri ve kendi içinde barındırdığı eşitsizlikler tarihsel ve sosyolojik bir bağlama oturtulmaya çalışılmıştır. Bunun sonucunda yaratıcı endüstrilerde ortaya çıkan eşitsizliklerin, Güney Afrika’da üstesinden gelinmeye çalışılan kurumsallaşmış eşitsizlik örüntülerinin devamı niteliğinde oldukları ortaya konulmuştur.</div

    The Contribution of Creative Industries to Development and the Inequalities They Reproduced in South Africa

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    Güney Afrika ekonomisinde politika düzenlemeleriyle birlikte önemli bir yer edinmiş yaratıcı endüstriler meselesi, araştırma raporlarında ve makalelerde çoğunlukla olumlu çıktıları üzerinden ele alınmaktadır. Ancak birtakım araştırma verileri,  Güney Afrika’nın kendine has tarihsel ve toplumsal süreçlerinin yarattığı eşitsizliklerin, yaratıcı sektörler içinde yeniden üretildiğini göstermektedir. Bu verilere referansla bu çalışma kapsamında, literatürde uzun süredir tartışılan yaratıcı endüstriler konusu Güney Afrika bağlamında irdelenmiş, yaratıcı endüstrilerin ekonomiye katkısı, kentsel gelişime etkileri ve kendi içinde barındırdığı eşitsizlikler tarihsel ve sosyolojik bir bağlama oturtulmaya çalışılmıştır. Bunun sonucunda yaratıcı endüstrilerde ortaya çıkan eşitsizliklerin, Güney Afrika’da üstesinden gelinmeye çalışılan kurumsallaşmış eşitsizlik örüntülerinin devamı niteliğinde oldukları ortaya konulmuştur.The topic of creative industries, which attained an important place in South African economy with policy regulations, is discussed  generally with positive outputs in research reports and articles. However, some research data indicate that the inequalities caused by South African unique historical and social process are reproduced in creative industries. With reference to these, this study examines the topic, which has been discussed for a long time in the literature, in the context of South Africa, and tries to place creative industries’ contribution to the economy, affects on urban development and inequalities they contain within themselves in a historical and sociological context

    Use of Arthrobotrys spp. in biocontrol of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita

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    Plant parasitic nematodes are well-known and devastating pathogens of many agricultural crops around the world. Among the plant phytoparasitic, root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are the economically important limiting factors in agricultural productivity and the quality of crops. One of the most destructive species of root-knot nematodes is Meloidogyne incognita among the most important plant pests which cause severe problems in economically important crops such as vegetables, fruits, and ornamental plants. Root-knot nematodes can be managed by resistant cultivars, crop rotation, cultural practices, chemical nematicides and biocontrol agents. However, the use of nematicides can cause significant problems, including environmental pollution and long-term residue issues. Therefore, biological control with fungus is agriculturally useful an exciting and rapidly developing research area and especially there is growing attention to the exploitation of fungi for the control of nematodes. Nematophagous fungi are an important group of soil microorganisms that can suppress the populations of plant parasitic nematodes. These fungi can be divided into four main categories: endoparasitic fungi, nematode-trapping fungi, fungi that parasitic egg and female, and toxin-producing fungi. Among the nematophagous fungi, nematode-trapping fungi which are natural enemies of nematodes are the most studied. The nematode-trapping fungi develop hyphal structures. Arthrobotrys spp. are a well-known nematode-trapping fungus with biocontrol potential against root-knot nematodes, including M. incognita. The objective of this paper is to summarize the data on the potential for use of Arthrobotrys spp. in biocontrol of the root-knot nematode M. incognita. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1001564

    Preventing microbial infections with natural phenolic compounds

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    The struggle between humans and pathogens has taken and is continuing to take countless lives every year. As the misusage of conventional antibiotics increases, the complexity associated with the resistance mechanisms of pathogens has been evolving into gradually more clever mechanisms, diminishing the effectiveness of antibiotics. Hence, there is a growing interest in discovering novel and reliable therapeutics able to struggle with the infection, circumvent the resistance and defend the natural microbiome. In this regard, nature-derived phenolic compounds are gaining considerable attention due to their potential safety and therapeutic effect. Phenolic compounds comprise numerous and widely distributed groups with different biological activities attributed mainly to their structure. Investigations have revealed that phenolic compounds from natural sources exhibit potent antimicrobial activity against various clinically relevant pathogens associated with microbial infection and sensitize multi-drug resistance strains to bactericidal or bacteriostatic antibiotics. This review outlines the current knowledge about the antimicrobial activity of phenolic compounds from various natural sources, with a particular focus on the structure-activity relationship and mechanisms of actions of each class of natural phenolic compounds, including simple phenols, phenolic acids, coumarin, flavonoids, tannins, stilbenes, lignans, quinones, and curcuminoids.The authors acknowledge the financial support by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the doctoral grant and junior research contract with the reference number PD/BD/150521/2019 (K.E.) and CEECIND/01026/2018 (J.M.S.), respectively

    Bolton yöntemi ile Braun yönteminin karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi

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    ÖZET AMAÇ: Diş boyut uyumsuzluğunun hesaplanmasında kullanılan Bolton yöntemi ile Braun yönteminin karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesidir. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Çalışma, Gazi Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ortodonti Ana Bilim Dalı kliniğine ortodontik tedavi için başvurmuş hastaların alçı modellerinden oluşmaktadır. Birinci grup (G1), ideal bitim kriterlerine ve Angle Sınıf I molar kapanışına sahip 61 adet modelden oluşmaktayken; ikinci grup (G2), farklı maloklüzyonlara sahip 61 modelden oluşmaktadır. G2; Angle Sınıf I, II ve III olmak üzere alt gruplar halinde değerlendirilmiştir. Bolton ve Braun analizi, iki gruptaki tüm modeller üzerinde uygulanmıştır. Ölçümler, aynı araştırmacı tarafından dijital kumpas kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Verilerin normal dağılım göstermemesi sebebiyle Kruskal-Wallis H testi ve Mann-Whitney U testi kullanılmıştır. Ölçüm hatasına Dahlberg yöntemi ile bakılmıştır. P&lt;0.05 değeri anlamlı olarak kabul edilmiştir. BULGULAR: Her iki grup için de Bolton ve Braun yöntemleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olduğu bulunmuştur (p&lt;0.05). Her iki grupta da Bolton değerleri, Braun değerlerine göre anlamlı derecede büyük bulunmuştur (p&lt;0.05). G2’de her iki yöntem kullanılarak yapılan ölçümlerde Angle Sınıf I, II ve III için ölçülen diş boyut uyumsuzluğu miktarları arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur (p&lt;0.05). Diş boyut uyumsuzluğu miktarı en fazla Angle Sınıf III maloklüzyon grubunda, en az Angle Sınıf I maloklüzyon grubunda bulunmuştur (p&lt;0.05). SONUÇ: Her iki grupta da Bolton değerleri, Braun değerlerinden büyük bulunmuştur. G2’deki alt gruplar arasında; iki yöntem için de diş boyut uyumsuzluğu miktarı en fazla Angle Sınıf III, en az Angle Sınıf I maloklüzyon grubunda bulunmuştur

    Common Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Polymorphisms (A1298C & C677T) in Ectopic Trophoblasts and Methotrexate Treatment Failure in Tubal Pregnancies

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    Objectives: The success rate of methotrexate (MTX) therapy varies among tubal ectopic pregnancies. Commonmethylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) polymorphisms (C677T&amp;A1298C) have been suggested to alter MTX effect. This study aimed to assess and compare MTX treatment failure rates with respect to MTHFR polymorphisms in trophoblasts of ectopic tubal pregnancies.Material and methods: A retrospective chart review of tubal ectopic pregnancies was conducted and 34 eligible cases were found. Paraffinized blocks of ectopic trophoblastic tissues were retrieved from the archives of pathology department.Common MTHFR polymorphisms were studied on microdissected trophoblastic tissues. Sixteen cases with history of failed MTX therapy (study group) and 18 control cases were compared for their pertinent clinical characteristics and common MTHFR polymorphisms (C677T&amp;A1298) data.Results: In the study group, there were 8 (50%) C677T single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and 9 (56.7%) A1298C SNP. Polymorphism rates were not found to be different between two groups for neither polymorphism (p &gt; 0.05 for both). Number of compound heterozygotes was 3 (18.7%) in study group and 5 (27.7%) in controls (p = 0.693). In addition, MTHFR polymorphism presence seemed to have no effect on interval serum β-hCG concentration change in MTX-fail group (p=0.693).Conclusions: Our data implied that common MTHFR polymorphisms of ectopic trophoblastic tissue are not associated with MTX failure in patients with tubal pregnancies. Additionally, serum β-hCG concentration changes caused by MTX treatment and studied MTHFR polymorphisms are likely independent