116 research outputs found

    In-Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Endophytic Fungi from Peganum harmala (Laghouat, Algeria)

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    Medicinal plants are an inexhaustible source of molecules. They are colonized by mycoendophytes, fungi living in their tissues without apparent symptoms. These fungi can provide secondary metabolites with biological activities. It is with this in mind that we are interested in a spontaneous plant from the dayas region (Laghouat, Algeria): Peganum harmala or Harmel, a toxic medicinal plant belonging to the family Zygophyllaceae. Our study consists in highlighting the antibacterial activity of four kinds of mycoendophytes: Cladosporium, Alternaria, Aspergillus and Penicillium isolated from the leaves of this plant. The antibacterial activity is evaluated by the technique of the double disk diffusion on agar with respect to some Gram-positive bacterial strains. We have adopted two protocols for this purpose. For the first, the mycelia of all the mushrooms are deposited in the same petri dish. For the second, a single disc of the mycelium of a single species is deposited per box. The results obtained show a difference in the sensitivity of the bacterial strains to the bioactive substances of the mycoendophytes studied. The Alternaria genus showed the most significant activity. ANOVA performed between the mean diameters of the mycoendophyte inhibition zones and the antibiotic test disc: Chloramphenicol showed a highly significant difference between these two measurements. The Newman-Keuls test revealed a difference in the susceptibility of bacterial strains to the secondary metabolites of fungus mycoendophytes of Peganum harmala according to the two protocols used. The antibacterial effect is related to interactions between endophytic fungi and their host plant

    Capital social et enjeux de pouvoir: une perspective socio-politique de l’appropriation d’une technologie de réseaux sociaux au sein d’une collectivité territoriale

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    Parmi les outils 2.0 émergents les technologies dites de réseaux sociaux (Social Network Systems- SNS) sont considérées comme des supports permettant le développement d’un capital social facilitant la collaboration et l’innovation dans les organisations. Dans un environnement économique et managérial global où le capital social est de plus en plus considéré comme un prérequis à l’action collective en organisation, l’introduction de cestechnologies de réseaux sociaux peut être également une opportunité pour les acteurs del’organisation de redistribuer le pouvoir et l’influence entre eux. L’objectif de ce travail est de comprendre comment les enjeux de pouvoir liés au développement du capital social impactent l’appropriation d’une technologie SNS. A travers une Recherche Action menée ausein d’une Mairie et en s’appuyant sur la théorie de la pratique de Bourdieu et la théorie de l’acteur stratégique de Crozier et Friedberg, nous identifions que l’appropriation de latechnologie de réseaux sociaux est principalement une appropriation socio-politique endeux phases : une phase d’appropriation de la nouvelle dimension donnée au capital social et une phase d’appropriation de la technologie pour servir les intérêts des acteursconcernant le développement du capital social. Ce travail met également en lumière le rôleque peuvent jouer les systèmes d’information et notamment les outils de réseaux sociauxdans le maintien et le développement des positions sociales des acteurs au sein de l’organisatio

    Sustainable Management of Household Garbage- Status of Citizens behavior and participation A Case Study of Khenifra region – Morocco

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    Like the other Moroccan territories, Khenifra region faces many problems in household waste management, due to produced waste quantities, the insufficient infrastructure and the low level of environmental education. Khenifra region contain a diversified and fragile natural environment. In this work, we used the social approach that aims to diagnose the current state of waste management in the study area and in order to propose appropriate solutions for a successful management, as results, the existence of several deficiencies and constraints in the daily operations of collection and landfilling. Surveys and field visits have been carried out showed that the human and material resources used in the west management operation are not sufficient and not respect the environmental conditions. Facing these constraints require, an effective strategy for management of household waste in this territory has been developed to ensure a better collect and treatment. Thus, our proposed strategy cannot succeed without population involved, it requires collaboration between municipalities, delegated companies and citizens as well

    Comment on The Cu–Pb–Zn-bearing veins of the Bou Skour deposits (Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco): structural control and tectonic evolution by Aabi A., et al.

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    This note is a comment to the article « The Cu–Pb–Zn-bearing veins of the Bou Skour deposit (Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco): structural control and tectonic evolution » by Aabi et al., published online on May 04, 2021, in Comptes Rendus Geoscience in Volume 353, 2021, pages 81–99 (https://doi.org/10.5802/crgeos.54). The authors’ response to this comment has also been published in Comptes Rendus Géoscience in Volume 354, 2022, pages 125–130 (https://doi.org/10.5802/crgeos.117)

    Performances Assessment of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Boujaâd City, Khouribga Province, Morocco

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    The wastewater purification is a complicated and costlier operation if it not well chosen. Contrariwise, it could be simple and cheaper if the treatment system respect the environmental conditions and under international standards. To purify its wastewater, Boujaâd City chose to use the natural lagooning system. To verify the ability of this system, our study focuses on assessing the performances of this system to purify Boujaad city wastewater. For this reason, this study is based on the physicochemical monitoring of raw and purified water, both spatially and temporally, to detect and determine the percentage of pollution abatement in this wastewater treatment plant. According to the results, the quality of wastewater treatment plant rejection is conforming to the national and international standards. Here, the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and suspended solids (SS) parameters reached 69%, 66%, and 86% respectively. The results obtained show that the purification operation in Boujaad wastewater treatment plant was adequate

    American College of Clinical Pharmacy White Paper: Cultural Competency in Health Care and Its Implications for Pharmacy Part 3A: Emphasis on Pharmacy Education, Curriculums, and Future Directions

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    Culture influences patients\u27 beliefs and behaviors toward health and illness. As the U.S. population becomes more diverse, a critical need exists for pharmacy education to incorporate patient-centered culturally sensitive health care knowledge and skills into the curriculum. Nursing was the first profession to incorporate this type of learning and training into its curriculums, followed by medicine. Pharmacy has also made great progress to revise curriculums, but inconsistency exists in depth, breadth, and methods across pharmacy colleges. This article addresses important aspects of pharmacy education such as curriculum development, incorporation of educational innovations and techniques into the teaching of patient-centered culturally sensitive health care across the curriculum from didactic to experiential learning, assessment tools, and global education. A preliminary model curriculum with objectives and examples of teaching methods is proposed. Future directions in pharmacy education, teaching and learning scholarship, postgraduate education, licensure, and continuing education are also presented
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