28 research outputs found

    Salmonella ovarian abscess in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus presented as acute abdomen: A case report and review of the literature

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    A Salmonella ovarian abscess is a rare entity, and is similarly uncommon in cases with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. To the best of our knowledge, thirty four cases of Salmonella ovarian abscess have been published in the literature, and only four of them were related to Systemic Lupus Eritematosus. Our aim is to review this clinical entity using information from our own experience as well as that from published cases. © 2020, Yuzuncu Yil Universitesi Tip Fakultesi. All rights reserved

    Clinical importance of serum procalcitonin in ulcerative colitis patients

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    Assessment of adult measles cases followed at a military hospital during a measles epidemic: does forced migration increase infectious diseases such as measles that may affect public health?

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    In this study, our aim was to review the data of adult patients followed due to a measles diagnosis and the reasons for the measles cases, which has shown an increase because of the events of recent forced migration in our country. Adult patients who referred to the outpatient clinic of infectious diseases and clinical microbiology of our hospital between January and April 2013 and who were diagnosed with measles were retrospectively studied. Patients were diagnosed with measles in accordance with the presence of symptoms described by the World Health Organization (WHO) and in combination with the determination of measles IgM positivity by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). 16 patients did not have any information about their measles vaccination background. Only one patient reported that he received a single dose vaccination one year previously. Measles IgM positivity by ELISA was determined for all patients. When laboratory findings were assessed we found that leukopenia and thrombocytopenia developed respectively, in 4 and 4 patients. In addition, hepatitis developed in 4 patients, otitis media in 2 patients, pneumonia in 3 patients and a sinusitis complication in 2 patients. Measles is a very contagious disease with a high contagion rate but can be kept under control by maintaining vaccination rates high in the community. However, we must not forget that vaccinations may only provide 95% protection. Measles may become epidemic when sensitive individuals are present in the community at a certain ratio. Therefore, immunity rates must be accelerated in young adults in the community by vaccination campaigns (catch-up) while existing rates of childhood vaccinations are maintained. Especially when the population shows a tendency to increase, due to reasons such as migration or war, it is essential to comply with the mentioned precautions. [Med-Science 2017; 6(2.000): 260-3

    May Ursodeoxycholic Acid Significantly Improve Liver Function Tests among Patients with Hepatitis C?

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    In their relevant study, the authors demonstrated that ursodeoxycholic acid therapy significantly improvedliver function tests either when given alone or combined with silymarin. But, silymarin itself failed to improve liver function tests. We thank to the authors for their valuable contribution. However, there are some concerns that need to be explained in a detailed manner for a better understanding of the results presented in the manuscript. [Med-Science 2015; 4(4.000): 2986-8

    Recurrence of A Cerebral Hydatid Cyst

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    Our case is an example of primary hydatid cyst disease with a parietal cystic lesion with well-defined borders in the right parietal lobe on MRI. Definitive treatment is complete removal of the cystic lesion by surgery followed up with medical treatment with Albendazole to avoid recurrence. Since our patient refused surgery, she was given 15mg/kg/day Albendazole. As stated above, our patient is still under clinical follow-up for 12 months by Neurology and Infectious Diseases department. In conclusion, hydatid cyst should be included in the differential diagnosis for cranial cystic masses in patients especially from endemic countries. [Med-Science 2015; 4(4.000): 2982-5

    Toxocariasis: a review

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    Human toxocariasis is a parasitic infection caused by the ingestion of larvae of dog nematode Toxocara canis and less frequently of cat nematode T.cati. In this review, current information about human toxocariasis which is a rare but an important problem suspected to cause rheumatologic, dermatologic and respiratory system diseases, is presented. [Med-Science 2016; 5(4.000): 1063-7