458 research outputs found

    Educated elites in pre-socialist Hungary - 1867-1948: issues, approaches, sources and some preliminary results of an overall survey

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    'The main target of this paper is to report on the process of the formation of educated elites in Hungary since the end of feudalism and the birth of the nation state following the 1848 Revolution and the 1867 Compromise with Austria. The paper describes our long term study of elites during the political, administrative, economic and cultural modernization of Hungarian society within its historically given territories (outside Croatia). The survey is broken down into three long periods and structural parts: (1867-1918): liberal nation-building in the historic kingdom comprising the whole Carpathian Basin (multi-ethnic Magyar Empire) (survey of both the graduates of higher (post-secondary) education and of 'reputational elites' independently from their educational credentials).- (1919-1948) authoritarian anti-Liberal regime (involvement in World War 2 and the Nazi adventure followed by Liberation via the Red Army) ( survey of both graduates and 'reputational elites').- Communism and post-Communism (Stalinist and post-Stalinist Communist regime after 1956, post-Communism since 1989) ( survey of members of 'reputational elites' only).' (author's abstract)

    French ethnology and the Durkheimian breakthrough

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    The Academic Profile of Doctoral School Staffs in Hungarian Universities in the Social Sciences and Humanities. A Comparative Study of Disciplines with Special Reference to Educational Science (2000-2010)

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    The paper is grounded in the quantified exploitation of a large scale (N= cc. 14000) prosopographical data bank of practitioners of the social sciences and humanities (SSH) in Hungary defined by their institutional position in a public research agency, a university, a college of higher educational or as author of books and studies in specialized SSH journals listed in an overall bibliography of SSH publications (1960-2010) by the staff of the Budapest Municipal Library. The focus is not on the whole available prosopographical data bank, but only on staff members of doctoral schools attached to universities in the early 21st century (cc. 2000-2010). Various ‘positional’ properties of the teaching personnel of doctoral schools are systematically compared hereby following their discipline, gender, academic qualification, scholarly productivity as well as a combination of major collective markers (like age, residence, size of publications, notably publications in foreign languages). For reasons of economy of space and since there is practically no significant publications available on the problem area in English or other international languages, the study includes only summary bibliographical references.Keywords: social sciences, gender inequalities, academic hierarchy, intellectual productivity, Hungarian doctoral schools.El perfil del cuerpo académico de las escuelas doctorales en las universidades húngaras en ciencias sociales y humanidades. Un análisis comparado de disciplinas con especial referencia a la ciencia educativa (2000-2010) Resumen: El artículo se basa en una exploración cuantitativa de un banco prosopográfico de datos de gran escala (N = cc. 14.000) sobre profesionales de ciencias sociales y humanidades en Hungría. Se definen como tal por su puesto profesional en una agencia pública de investigación, una universidad, un colegio de educación superior, o como autores de libros y artículos en revistas especializadas en ciencias sociales y humanidades que figuran en una bibliografía de publicaciones (1960-2010) elaborada por el personal de la Biblioteca municipal de Budapest. El énfasis no está puesto en todo el banco prosopográfico de datos sino únicamente en el cuerpo académico de las escuelas doctorales vinculadas a las universidades a principios del siglo XXI (cc. 2000-2010). Se procede a una comparación sistemática de varias propiedades relacionadas con la posición  del cuerpo académico perteneciente a  las escuelas doctorales en función de su disciplina,  género, nivel de preparación académica,  productividad académica, además de una  combinación de grandes marcadores colectivos  (como la edad, la residencia, el tamaño  de las publicaciones, en especial las publicaciones  en idiomas extranjeros). Por motivos  de espacio y dado que prácticamente no hay  publicaciones relevantes disponibles sobre el  tema en inglés u otros idiomas internacionales,  el artículo solo incluye referencias bibliográficas  sumarias.Palabras clave: ciencias sociales, desigualdades  de género, jerarquía académica,  productividad intelectual, escuelas doctorales 

    Design of a fast computer-based partial discharge diagnostic system

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    Partial discharges cause progressive deterioration of insulating materials working in high voltage conditions and may lead ultimately to insulator failure. Experimental findings indicate that deterioration increases with the number of discharges and is consequently proportional to the magnitude and frequency of the applied voltage. In order to obtain a better understanding of the mechanisms of deterioration produced by partial discharges, instrumentation capable of individual pulse resolution is required. A new computer-based partial discharge detection system was designed and constructed to conduct long duration tests on sample capacitors. This system is capable of recording large number of pulses without dead time and producing valuable information related to amplitude, polarity, and charge content of the discharges. The operation of the system is automatic and no human supervision is required during the testing stage. Ceramic capacitors were tested at high voltage in long duration tests. The obtained results indicated that the charge content of partial discharges shift towards high levels of charge as the level of deterioration in the capacitor increases

    Retelling Genesis: the children of Eve and the origin of inequality

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    Advanced high frequency partial discharge measuring system

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    This report explains the Advanced Partial Discharge Measuring System in ASU's High Voltage Laboratory and presents some of the results obtained using the setup. While in operation an insulation is subjected to wide ranging temperature and voltage stresses. Hence, it is necessary to study the effect of temperature on the behavior of partial discharges in an insulation. The setup described in this report can be used to test samples at temperatures ranging from -50 C to 200 C. The aim of conducting the tests described herein is to be able to predict the behavior of an insulation under different operating conditions in addition to being able to predict the possibility of failure

    Social speech and speech of the imagination : female identity and ambivalence in Bambara-Malinke oral literature

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    In the wake of the feminism debate, socio-ethnological studies on the place of women and femininity in occidental civilizations have been multiplying. So have they as well for "archaic" or "traditional" civilizations, which share among other common features the domination of men over women by means of patriarchal, patrilineal, and virilocal family organization. It is not surprising, then, to find that this fate of being dominated appears in the ideological discourses produced by these societies, particularly in the collective representations that are objectivized in religious texts, folklore, and oral literature. In this essay, I propose to examine two female figures in some relevant texts from Bambara-Malinke (West Africa) oral literature. Despite the many resemblances, I do not mean to assert that the social functions attributed therein to women are characteristic in the same terms of other patriarchal societies of Black Africa.//: Translated by Lee Haring. Issue title; "African Oral Traditions.

    Design and modelling techniques of permanent magnet fault current limiter

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    The design approach of the permanent magnet fault current limiter (PMFCL) was investigated. The result of recent published model was assessed using 3D FEM solvers and the discrepancy in the results was evaluated. A new design method for the PMFCL based on the inductance-current profile is presented. The new design method is more accurate than the classical analytical design methods in determining operating current range at steady state and fault conditions. The transient 3D FEM solver was used to model the dynamic response of a PMFCL design and the results have been compared with an air-cored faultcurrent limiter of similar specifications