4 research outputs found

    The Challenges and Obstacles of Intellectual Capital among Academics in Jordanian Universities

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    The current study aims to understand the academic, economic, and administrative challenges facing academics in Jordanian universities in maximizing intellectual capital. The descriptive-analytical method was applied to a sample of (600) academics during the period from June 2021 to February 2022. The results revealed that administrative challenges ranked first. These challenges included the excessive teaching workload, the negative impact of routine on research activities, the lengthy process of decision-making for research support, the shortage of scientific staff to assist in research, and the complexity of procedures for requesting research support. Economic challenges ranked second, encompassing factors such as the reluctance of the private sector to support research, insufficient funding for attending international conferences, inadequate financial rewards for researchers, universities\u27 inadequate funding for scientific research, and reduced budgets for scientific research provided to researchers. Academic challenges ranked third with a moderate degree of representation, including factors like prolonged evaluation periods, occasional reclassification of scientific journals, lengthy publication timelines, complex publication procedures, and intricate global publication standards. The results also revealed that there were no statistically significant differences at the significance level (α≤0.05) in the scale of scientific research challenges attributed to variables such as gender, specialization, current academic degree, and marital status. Conversely, the results showed statistically significant differences in the scale of obstacles to scientific research attributed to variables such as age, years of experience, and monthly income

    Female Life Expectancy Rates and Factors Affecting them: An Analytical-Quantitative Study

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    The study aimed to detect the expectations of life expectancy of women since birth according to the diversity of the communities and to examine the most important social, cultural, economic, and demographic determinants. These have been identified as: the proportion of annual population increase, rates of infant mortality, the rate of the crude death, the rate of population density per cubic meter, the population of the state, the period during which the population doubles, the total fertility rate, the rate of birth control use, the level of individual income, the proportion of youth in the community (population less than 15 years), and the rate of urbanization. The study relied on the annual global data for 242 countries provided by the United Nations for all countries in the world which is known as the World Population Data Sheet. The study found that females live longer than males, and variables such as infant mortality, the proportion of youth in a community, the rate of crude mortality, total fertility of women and rate, and the relative use of birth control methods in the community, all play an influential role in determining the levels of the woman’s life expectancy

    Cambiamenti della fecondita' retrospettiva in Giordania e variabili applicative (JPFHS 1990)

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    Dottorato di ricerca in demografia. 9 Ciclo. Tutore Paolo De Sandre. Coordinatore Franco BonariniConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Omani Society's Opinion towards Women's Participation in the Labor Market: A Field Study

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    This study aimed to study Omani society's orientation towards women economical contribution in the labor market, the extent to which society believes that women's work is important, who the decision maker is, and what socio-economic reasons lead her to the job market. The study was applied to a sample of 3,200 members of the Omani society who were over the age of 20 years with varying levels of education, places of residence, and monthly income levels.  A questionnaire was used as a data collection tool and data was analyzed quantitatively using a number of statistical methods included in the SPSS program.  Findings showed that the Omani society is divided into three categories: the first disagrees with women working stating socio-cultural reasons, the second approves of women working conditionally, and the last category approval entirely with women working due to their high educational level.