1,212 research outputs found


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    Social facts cannot be observed directly as in the case of the facts of natural sciences. At this point, art enables understanding and interpretation of human relations through cinema, theater and literature. On the other hand, the creators of works of art reflect social relations through their own perspectives and, in this respect, subjectivity is in question; however this is acceptable to a certain extent as, after all, they are part of social facts as a member of the society and, at least, they have the potential of reflecting social facts. From this point of view, in this study, the political behaviors and political games in organizations, as stated by Mintzberg (1985), will be described by exemplifying, through analysis of a film


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    Social facts cannot be observed directly as in the case of the facts of natural sciences. At this point, art enables understanding and interpretation of human relations through cinema, theater and literature. On the other hand, the creators of works of art reflect social relations through their own perspectives and, in this respect, subjectivity is in question; however this is acceptable to a certain extent as, after all, they are part of social facts as a member of the society and, at least, they have the potential of reflecting social facts. From this point of view, in this study, the political behaviors and political games in organizations, as stated by Mintzberg (1985), will be described by exemplifying, through analysis of a film

    Proposing a model for disability classification

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    Özürlülük tarih boyunca bütün toplumlarda büyük bir sorun olarak varlığını sürdürmüştür. Türkiye’de özürlü sayısı ve türü ile özürlülüğe neden faktörler hakkında yeterince bilimsel veri mevcut değildir. Özürlülüğün önlenmesi, özürlülere yardım için alınacak önlemler ve uygulanacak tedavilerde öncelikle üzerinde durulacak olan konuları saptamak için bu tür bilgilere gereksinim vardır. Bu konularda bilimsel net veriler bütün ülkeyi kapsayan geniş çaplı epidemiyolojik çalışmalar ile sağlanabilir. Bu çalışma Aydın il merkezinde özürlülük sıklığını belirlemeyi, özürlülük türlerini ve nedenlerini ortaya koymayı, tespit edilen özürlülerin DSÖ’nün 2001 yılında uygulamaya koyduğu “İşlevsellik, Yetiyitimi ve Sağlığın Uluslararası Sınıflandırılması (ICF)”nı kullanarak yeniden sınıflamayı ve bu sınıflamanın Türkiye’de kullanılmaya başlanması ile neler kazandıracağını bir model üzerinde tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma sırasında elde edilen veriler Türkiye’nin özürlülük profiline istatistiksel veri olarak katkıda bulunacaktır. Model oluşturma sırasında elde edilen deneyimler karar vericilere özürlülere yönelik planlamalarında yol gösterecektir. Araştırma Ekim 2006-Mayıs 2007 tarihleri arasında Aydın İli Belediye sınırları içinde 22 mahallede yapılmıştır. Kesitsel, tanımlayıcı bir araştırma olup, örnek büyüklüğü 1200 hane, 4462 kişi olarak belirlenmiştir. Haneler mahallelere göre tabakalı ve sistematik örnekleme yöntemi ile saptanmıştır. Tespit edilen örneklem büyüklüğü baz alındığında % 98.1 oranında haneye ve % 82.6 oranında ise kişiye ulaşılmıştır. Özürlülük prevalansını hesaplamak amacıyla T.C. Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Başkanlığı ve Özürlüler İdaresi Başkanlığı’nın 2002 yılında yapmış oldukları “Türkiye Özürlüler Araştırması” nda kullanılan iki soru kağıdı ve DSÖ tarafından oluşturulan WHO DAS-II ölçeği uygulanmıştır. İlk soru kağıdı tüm hanelere, ikinci soru kağıdı ilk anketin sonunda özürlü olduğu saptanan kişilere, WHO DAS-II ölçeği ise 18 yaş ve üstündeki özürlü bireylere uygulanmıştır. Araştırma verileri bilgisayar ortamında ve SPSS 11.5 programı kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Özürlülük prevalansı % 15.7 olarak saptanmıştır. 45-64 yaş grubunda, ilkokul ve daha düşük eğitim düzeyinde, evli olan bireylerde ve çalışmayanlarda özürlülük anlamlı şekilde yüksek bulunmuştur. Özür grupları içerisinde en sık görülen özür türleri sırasıyla, süreğen hastalıklar (% 63.7), ortopedik bozukluklar (% 11.5), ruhsal bozukluklar (% 8.5), görme ile ilgili bozukluklar (%6.3), işitme ile ilgili bozukluklar (%5.0), dil ve konuşma ile ilgili bozukluklar (% 3.8) ve zihinsel bozukluklar (% 1.2) olarak tespit edilmiştir. Cinsiyete göre özür türlerinin dağılımında süreğen hastalıklar ile ruhsal ve işitme ile ilgili bozuklar dışında erkeklerde özürlülük kadınlara göre anlamlı şekilde fazla olduğu görülmüştür (p< 0.001). Özür türlerine göre WHO DAS-II düzey ortalamaları değerlendirildiğinde, en yüksek skor ortalaması zihinsel bozukluklara; ikinci sırada ise dil ve konuşma ile ilgili bozukluklara sahip olanlarda bulunmuştur. Özellikle zihinsel bozuklukları olanların temel günlük yaşam aktivitelerini başka birisinin yardımı ile veya hiç yapamadıkları tespit edilmiştir. WHODAS II ölçeği ile elde edilen veriler değerlendirildiğinde gerek alanların ve gerekse de total değerlerin sonuçları normal dağılıma uygunluk göstermediği için alanlardan tespit edilen sonuç değerleri 25, 50 ve 75 yüzdelik dilimlere göre sınıflandırılmış; % 25’lik dilime girenler “iyi”, % 50’lik dilime girenler “orta” ve % 75’lik dilime giren özürlüler ise “kötü” olarak yorumlanmıştır. Alan 1 (Anlama ve iletişim kurma) ve Alan 5 (İşle yada okulla ilgili etkinlik) bölümlerinde iyi ve kötü olmak üzere iki grubun olduğu, Alan 2 (Hareket etme), 5 (Ev ile ilgili etkinlikler), 6 (Toplumsal yaşama katılım) ve bunların genel toplamlarında iyi, orta ve kötü olmak üzere üç grubun bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Alan 3 (Kendine bakım) ve Alan 4 (İnsan ilişkileri)’de ise 446 kişi sıfır puan (iyi), 36 kişi 10 ve üzeri puan almıştır. WHO DAS-II sonuçlarına göre özürlü bireylerin en fazla güçlük çektiği alanlar, süreğen hastalıklarda Alan 5, ruhsal ve işitme bozuklarında Alan 1, ortopedik bozukluklarda Alan 2, görme bozukluklarında Alan 1 ve 2, konuşma bozukluklarında Alan 1 ve 5, zihinsel bozukluklarda ise Alan 4 ve 5 olarak tespit edilmiştir.SUMMARY PROPOSING A MODEL FOR DISABILITY CLASSIFICATION Disability has been an important problem among populations throughout history. In Turkey, data about quantity of disabled people, kinds of disability and underlying factors is inadequate. This kind of information is necessary for determining key points for prevention, treatment and precautions to help the disabled. Scientific and accurate data can be obtained through comprehensive epidemiological researches held country wide. The aim of this study is to determine prevalence, kinds and epidemiological characteristics of disability in Aydin city center; applying International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) developed by WHO; help promotion of health of disabled people by generating statistical data. The research was made between October 2006-May 2007 within municipality boundaries of Aydin province. This is a cross-sectional study. Sample size was determined as 1200 houses and 4462 people. Accessibility was 98.1% for houses and 82.6% for people. In order to determine prevalence of disability, two questionnaires used in the ‘Turkey Disability Study’ which was held in 2002 by Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Turkish Statistical Institute and Prime Ministry Administration for Disabled People as well as WHO DAS-II scale developed by WHO were applied. The first questionnaire was filled in for all houses; the second one was filled in for the people who were found to be disabled after the first questionnaire. WHO DAS-II was filled in for the disabled people 18 years and older. Data were analyzed using SPSS 11.5. Prevalence of disability was found 15.7%. It was significantly higher in people older than 65 years; whose education level is elementary or less and whose wife/husband was dead or divorced. Among the disability groups, the disability kinds detected most often were; chronic diseases (63.7%), orthopedic disorders (11.5%), psychological disorders (8.5%), disorders about seeing (6.3%) and hearing (5.0%) respectively. Kinds of disability were significantly higher in men than in women except for chronic diseases and psychological disorders (p< 0.001). When WHO DAS-II average scores were assessed according to kinds of disability, highest scores were found in people with psychological disorders; followed by people with disorders about language and talking. Especially people with psychological disorders were found to be performing their basic daily living activities either with someone else’s help or not performing them at all

    Visual Messages of Conflict Reporting on Twitter: Visual Frames and Ethical Standards

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    This comparative study employs the theoretical frameworks of framing and hierarchy of influences model to analyze the ethical forces affecting journalists on Twitter and simultaneously their visual frames constructed in their images on Twitter. It investigates the portrayal of the Yemen conflict in the personal Twitter accounts of Yemeni journalists who were affiliated with the United States (US) and Qatari news organizations. Several studies have pointed out the graphic war coverage of Arab news organizations whereas scholars argue that US news organizations provide sanitized coverage on war zones (Johnson & Fahmy, 2007; Silcock, Schwalbe, & Keith, 2008; Karniel, Lavie-Dinur, & Azran, 2014). This study makes an important contribution to the literature of conflict reporting by adopting a comparative perspective to analyze the Yemeni war-related images of journalists affiliated with different news organizations on social media. Employing a content analysis over a time frame between 2014 and 2019, a total of 1272 Yemen-related tweet images were examined. Results showed differences in the graphic nature and visual narratives of the coverage on Twitter. The findings showed that Yemeni journalists affiliated with US news agencies visually portrayed the Yemen conflict by placing a large focus on the humanitarian consequences of the war. On the other hand, the Yemeni journalists affiliated with Qatari news agencies framed the Yemen conflict from diverse perspectives, including demonstrations and official meetings. Further, results indicated that journalists, who were affiliated with US news agencies, were more likely to share a graphic visual on Twitter than journalists affiliated with Qatari news agencies. Overall, the current study reveals that individual-level influences might be more powerful than organizational-level influences with regard to journalists’ ethics-related decisions of showing graphic visuals on social media platforms

    Sports in Gaining Life Skills: A Study on 10-14 Years Old Students

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    The study aims to investigate how the participation of secondary school students in sportive activities affects their life skills. For this purpose, the study included 708 voluntary students, 396 males, and 312 females, in the 2019-2020 education period. In the study, the Life Skills Scale for Sport (LSSS) was used as the data collection tool to evaluate the levels of life skills. To analyze the data collected in the study, SPSS 21 statistics package software was used. The data were analyzed for normality. As a result of the tests, because it was observed that the data did not have normality distribution, non-parametric tests were utilized. For two-sample comparisons, the Mann Whitney U test was used while the Kruskal Wallis H test was utilized for multiple-sample comparisons. In the study, the level of significance was regarded as p&lt;0.05. The findings of the study indicated that there were significant differences in the life skill levels of the sample group according to the variables of age, gender, grade, the status of exercising and playing in school teams. In conclusion, it was concluded that the life skill levels of 14-year-old students (communication, time management, leadership, teamwork, emotional skills, and social skills) were high while sportive activities were more effective on female students at this age interval compared to male students. It was also observed that participating in school teams enabled positive gains on life skills

    Combining Ability Estimates and Heterosis for Yield and Fiber Quality of Cotton in Line x Tester Design

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    The objective of this study was to facilitate the selection in cotton breeding program and estimate the general combining ability (GCA) of the parents and specific combining ability (SCA) of hybrids considered for the development of high yielding and better fiber quality in early generations. The study was carried out at the Southeastern Anatolia Agricultural Research Institute during 2006 and 2007 cotton growing season. Seven cotton lines (which are known as high quality) and three testers (which are known as well adapted and high yielding) were crossed in a line x tester mating design in 2006. Ten genotypes and 21 F1 hybrids were planted in the randomized complete block design with three replications at the same experimental area in 2007. The variance due to GCA and SCA were highly significant for all the traits studied. This indicated that both additive and non-additive gene effects were responsible for the investigated characters. From the trial it was found that in the population, fiber length, fiber fineness and fiber elongation were influenced by additive gene effects while seed cotton yield, fiber yield, ginning percentage, fiber strength and fiber uniformity were influenced by non-additive gene effects. Among the parents FiberMax 832, Teks, Stoneville 453 and MaraÅŸ 92 for seed cotton yield and fiber yield; AÅŸkabat 71 and Giza 45 for fiber length and fiber strength; AÅŸkabat 71 for fiber fineness and fiber uniformity were detected with higher general combining ability. Most of the parents except AÅŸkabat 71, Giza 45 and MaraÅŸ 92 exhibited GCA for ginning percentage. SCA was significant for FiberMax 832 x Stoneville 453, Tam 94 L 25 x MaraÅŸ 92 and Teks x Stoneville 453 hybrid combinations for yield with acceptable fiber quality

    Procjena učinkovitosti turske industrije namještaja primjenom analize omeđivanja podataka o broju nezgoda na radu i profesionalnih bolesti

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    In this study, the provinces in which enterprises operate heavily in the Turkish furniture industrywere subjected to an efficiency assessment using the data envelopment analysis (DEA) method based on work accidentsand occupational diseases. The data related to the furniture industry was obtained from the Social Security Institution (SSI) and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MoLSS). The number of operating businesses and the number of employees insured in each province were evaluated as inputs for the analysis. The total number of workplace physicians and other health personnel in each province, the number of workplace physician and occupational safety centers and A, B, and C-class occupational health and safety specialists were used as outputs. The number of employees who experienced work accidents and occupational diseases, deaths resulting from work accidents and occupational diseases, total temporary disability periods, the number of beneficiaries, and the number of those receiving permanent disability income in each province were evaluated as undesirable outputs. The data was analyzed using the DEA method by modeling the undesired outputs in 6 different ways, and the efficiency of each province was determined. It was seen that Model 6 gave the most ideal results in DEA efficiency assessments. Aydın, &Ccedil;anakkale, Diyarbakır, Eskişehir, Malatya, Muğla, Trabzon and Zonguldak were determined as the most effective provinces in terms of occupational health and safety. The results were evaluated along with the literature, and recommendations were presented.U ovom je istraživanju primjenom metode analize omeđivanja podataka (DEA) na temelju broja nezgoda na radu i profesionalnih bolesti napravljena procjena uspješnosti pokrajina u kojima intenzivno posluju poduzeća turske industrije namještaja. Podatci vezani za industriju namještaja dobiveni su od Zavoda za socijalnu skrb i Ministarstva rada i socijalne skrbi Turske. Ulazni podatci za analizu bili su procijenjeni broj operativnih poduzeća i broj zaposlenika u svakoj pokrajini, a izlazni podatci sadržavali su ukupan broj liječnika medicine rada i drugoga medicinskog osoblja u svakoj pokrajini, broj centara za zaštitu na radu te broj stručnjaka zaštite na radu A, B i C klase. Kao nepoželjni izlazni podatci za analizu u svakoj su pokrajini uzeti u obzir broj zaposlenika koji su doživjeli nezgodu na radu i/ili oboljeli od profesionalne bolesti; broj smrti uzrokovanih nezgodama na radu i/ili profesionalnom bolešću; ukupno trajanje privremene nesposobnosti za rad, kao i broj korisnika te onih koji primaju trajnu invalidninu. Podatci su analizirani uz pomoć DEA metode (analize omeđivanja podataka) modeliranjem neželjenih izlaza na šest različitih načina te je određena učinkovitost svake provincije. Pokazalo se da je model 6. dao optimalne rezultate u procjeni učinkovitosti DEA metodom. Utvrđeno je da su Aydın, Çanakkale, Diyarbakır, Eskişehir, Malatya, Muğla, Trabzon i Zonguldaku najuspješnije pokrajine u smislu zdravlja i sigurnosti na radu. Rezultati su analizirani usporedno s literaturom te su dane preporuke za moguća poboljšanja

    Yield and fiber quality properties of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under water stress and non-stress conditions

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    The primary objective of this study was to determine the effect of water stress and non-stress conditions on cotton yield and fiber quality properties. A two-year field study was carried out at the Southeastern Anatolia Agricultural Research Institute (SAARI), in 2009 and 2010, with the aim of evaluating 12 cotton genotypes for yield and fiber quality properties under irrigated and water stress conditions. The experiment was laid out as a randomized split block design (RSBD) with four replications. Significant differences were observed among genotypes and water treatments for seed cotton yield, fiber yield, ginning percentage and all fiber quality properties except fiber uniformity. Yield differences among genotypes under water stress and non-stress conditions were higher during the first season. In both years, SER-18 and Stoneville 468 cotton genotypes produced higher yield under water stress conditions, while Stoneville 468 produced higher yield under well-irrigated conditions. The results during the two years indicated that seed cotton yield decreased (48.04%) and fiber yield decreased (49.41%), due to water stress. Ginning percentage and fiber quality properties were also negatively affected by water stress treatment. Fiber length, fiber strength, fiber fineness and fiber elongation were decreased, while fiber uniformity was not affected by water stress treatment.Key words: Cotton, yield, fiber quality properties, water stress, non-stress

    Comparative plasma dispositions of Tepoxalin, Meloxicam and Carprofen following oral administration in dogs

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    Bu çalışmada tepoksalin, meloksikam ve karprofenin köpeklere ağız yolu ile sırasıyla 10 mg/kg, 0.2 mg/kg ve 2 mg/kg dozda uygulanmasını takiben farmakokinetik profillerini belirleyerek karşılaştırmak amaçlandı Araştırmada deneme hayvan materyali olarak canlı ağırlıkları 15-20 kg arasında değişen, 2-5 yaşlı, karışık ırk toplam 18 sağlıklı köpek kullanıldı. Köpekler ortalama canlı ağırlıkları dengeli olacak şekilde, herbiri 6 hayvan (4 erkek, 2 dişi) içeren tepoksalin (Grup I), meloksikam (Grup II) ve karprofen (Grup III) olmak üzere üç gruba ayrılarak ayrı bölmelere konuldu. Gruplara ayrılan hayvanlardan grup I'dekilere 10 mg/kg dozda tepoksalin (TPX), grup II'dekilere 0.2 mg/kg dozda meloksikam (MLX), grup III'deki hayvanlara ise 2 mg/kg dozda karprofen (CRP) ağız yolu ile uygulandı. İlaç uygulamadan bir gün önce ve ilaç uygulamasını takiben 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 72 ve 96. saatlerde vena cephalica antebrachii (sephalik ven)'den kan örnekleri (5ml) heparinli tüplere alındı Çalışma süresince ilaç uygulanan hayvanlarda herhangi bir yan etki gözlenmedi. Tepoksalin, meloksikam ve karprofenin ağız yolu uygulanmasını takiben ilaçlar plazmada 1. saat ile 96. saat arasında, tepoksalinin asit metaboliti ise 1. saat ile 16. saat arasında tespit edilebildi Sonuç olarak, tepoksalin, meloksikam ve karprofenin ağız yolu ile uygulanmasını takiben karprofenin absorbsiyonunun daha hızlı (tepoksalin için tdoruk: 4.00±2.97 saat, meloksikam için tdoruk: 5.00±1.41 saat, karprofen için tdoruk: 2.20±0.45 saat), maksimum plazma yoğunluğunun daha yüksek (tepoksalin için Ydoruk: 13.10±3.36 µg/ml, meloksikam için Ydoruk: 0.39±0.13 µg/ml, karprofen için Ydoruk: 13.10±3.36 µg/ml) ve eğri altı alanının (tepoksalin için EAA: 16.98±12.51 µg.s/ml, meloksikam için EAA: 17.99±4.97 µg.s/ml, karprofen için EAA: 337.34±152.59 µg.s/ml) ise daha geniş olduğu saptandı. Ortalama kalış süresi (OKS) (tepoksalin için OKS: 25.64±12.21, meloksikam için OKS: 56.03±13.62, karprofen için OKS: 25.35±10.15) ve yarılanma ömrü (t1/2'z) (tepoksalin için t1/2'z: 19.77±9.9, meloksikam için t1/2'z: 37.91±9.15, karprofen için t1/2'z: 17.02±6.95) ise meloksikamda en uzun olarak belirlenmiştir Bu çalışmada köpeklerde yaygın olarak kullanılan nonsteroidal antiinflamatuar ilaçlardan tepoksalin, meloksikam ve karprofenin tavsiye edilen dozlarda ağız yolu ile uygulanmasını takiben farmakokinetik parametreleri karşılaştırıldı ve karprofenin en kısa sürede plazmada en yüksek yoğunluğa ulaştığı sonucuna varıldı.The aim of this study was to determine and compare the pharmacokinetic profiles of tepoxalin, meloxicam and carprofen after oral administration in dogs at doses of 10 mg/kg, 0.2 mg/kg and 2 mg/kg bodyweight, respectively A total of 18 cross-bred healthy dogs, 2-5 years old and weighing 15'20 kg was used in the study. The animals were allocated into three groups of six such that the mean weight of animals in each group was similar. In Group I tepoxalin (TPX) was given orally at a dose rate of 10mg/kg , in Group II meloxicam (MLX) was given orally at a dose rate of 0.2 mg/kg and in Group III carprofen (CRP) was given orally at a dose rate of 2 mg/kg. Heparinized blood samples (5ml) were collected from vena cephalica antebrachii one day prior to drug administration then at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 72 and 96 hours post-treatment No adverse response was observed for any of the treatments during the study. TPX, MLX and CRP were detected in plasma between 1 h and 96 h, with acid metabolite of tepoxalin was detected 1 h and 16 h after oral administration The results indicated that CRP produced a significantly higher maximum plasma concentration (Cmax:13.10±3.36 µg/ml) with rapidly absorption (tmax: 2.20±0.45 h) and larger area under the concentration vs. time curve (AUC: 337.34±152.59 µg.s/ml) as compared with MLX (Cmax: 0.39±0.13 µg/ml, tmax: 5.00±1.41 h, AUC: 17.99±4.97 µg.s/ml) and TPX (Cmax: 13.10±3.36 µg/ml, tmax: 4.00±2.97 h, AUC: 16.98±12.51 µg.s/ml) following oral administration of each drugs. In the group that meloxicam was given, the mean residence time (MRT) (MRT: 25.64±12.21 h for TPX; MRT: 56.03±13.62 h for MLX; MRT: 25.35±10.15 h for CRP) and the half life (t1/2'z) was significantly longer (t1/2'z:19.77±9.9 h for TPX; t1/2'z: 37.91± 9.15 h for MLX; t1/2'z: 17.02±6.95 h for CRP In this study, regarding tepoxalin, meloxicam and carprofen, three of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory with common usages in dogs at recommended therapeutic doses, with oral administration were compared in pharmacokinetical parameters and as a result, carprofen was found significantly the highest in rate to reach the maximum concentration in plasma

    Essays on Integer Programming in Military and Power Management Applications

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    This dissertation presents three essays on important problems motivated by military and power management applications. The array antenna design problem deals with optimal arrangements of substructures called subarrays. The considered class of the stochastic assignment problem addresses uncertainty of assignment weights over time. The well-studied deterministic counterpart of the problem has many applications including some classes of the weapon-target assignment. The speed scaling problem is of minimizing energy consumption of parallel processors in a data warehouse environment. We study each problem to discover its underlying structure and formulate tailored mathematical models. Exact, approximate, and heuristic solution approaches employing advanced optimization techniques are proposed. They are validated through simulations and their superiority is demonstrated through extensive computational experiments. Novelty of the developed methods and their methodological contribution to the field of Operations Research is discussed through out the dissertation